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<br /> r� GOVENANT9 ��9 5� 1n4x;�9 c
<br /> _ t. Pay�n�to Bonow�r aprqs to m�Sce i�piYm9ntn on the aeeurod doht�op duo. UMooe 8orrowe1 ertd Lend�i eflreo otherwiso, nny
<br />- p�yment- s Ler►der rocslvas ham qGrrorMr1p�:fat Boiro�N�r'o bemi1t will[u�ppllerJ fint to any emount�Borrow�s�we�on ths��cusod dsbt
<br />._'� sxclwiw ot inmut ot{xine��l,oqaond to inten� md then to prtaoipal.It paRi�O prep�yment ot ths ueeurod Eebt occuro for�ny n[aon, It wip
<br /> not roduc�or�xcus�anr tah�dulMd p�ytMnt unti t�s�cund de4t t�D�td in tutt.
<br />:`. � 1.Gaim�A�t Thl�.8omowpt wlil pay a11 t xr,e,�ssossm�nU,a�d otMr chwrpa�ttributobl�to th�prop�rty wtnn du��nd wli�dd� t1U� _
<br /> ti� to th�pro�rtyap�inst my obims which wo��mnui tM 11 p qf thL�E��d of tru�t.��nd�t m�y teQuir�eonowa to u�ipn any tiphtr,cla m�ar
<br /> ti� d�t�nus whtch Honowa m�y h�va pain�t P�K •who wppry i�bor a m�t�rl�ts to Improv�or mdMdn tM prop�rty.
<br /> 9.irau��nes'.'�orrowor wff-I }twip tiw►iropsttY UtGUtcd Wtci:t rtaOttT11 a C���tebt� t�o Landet et 8onewe�'e ex�nnse end for I.ender'e bemtM.At! �
<br />•_�7 �naurinci p�oQcy�Any��urinG�proc�1�di mi 6��i�plieo�wkhln L���.dlic�itlonr to��iliMr�t�hitlYit��tbn ar�p�ir ol�efii diim�pid pMropir y _
<br /> r o►to tM tecund d�bt.If Lentl�r nqukwf mortp�p�ntunnc�,eortowu�pnn to mtlntain�uab insur�nc�for a� np n lrndo nqub��.
<br /> r° 4.i�ropKq.8otrow�►wlll k��p tM1 prop�rty In pood Cailditton and mNu�!I npUn�uw�tbty mcesHry. _
<br /> � 6.E�nsn.8orrawa apn�i to p�v aq Unda' e�cp�rtses Inzludinp rsason�ble attorneya'tse�,lf Borrower breaka my covertanta in thii dsed `.
<br /> of vuet or In�ny obtlp�Uon neured by thU de�ot trust.�anow�r will pay thes��MOU�rts to Lender ss provided In Covenent 8 of thb deed of �
<br /> Vust. -
<br /> �: A,pAo�8��y��q Unte�s Borrow�r tir�t obtstnr Lender'syr�ittan eonseM.6arown wAI�ot m�k�or permft any ehenass to any prlor
<br />:.y• s�eurity Int�rsth, 8onowar witt peHasm�U af 8orrower's obifp�Uon� umler any prbr mortpepe, dsed of uutt or other security�greomeM,
<br />-� Indudinp Bonawer'a eovenattts to m�ke p�ymants when due.
<br /> .�� � 7.As�of R�nb rd Paoliq.Borrower astpns tu Lender the nnu�nd p�otita at the property.Unte�s Bortower md Lender hevs apreed
<br />-3� othstw ae In wriNrq, Borrow�r may colleet and raUin ths teM�As lonp as Borrowet is�ot in default. If Battowmr defaufb,Lender,Lender'o
<br /> =° ap�►►t,or�aouR appotm�d nc�hrer m� take postepbn m�d manope ths propaty and wit�ot the retr��u�.A�I rents lender aolteaa shall be
<br />— neP�cesiaryKrstaUd�exp�in�iis�TM remtlnir�p amo nt yof ie�dwIIl t�l►en apPry ta paymena on ths�sec iremd debt�as p�rovtddd�t Covanaitt lany oths�
<br /> 8,ley�hotd�1�� P6�nMC1 UNt W�Moprtw�b.Bonuwer�r eea to comply with ths provfalons ot any teus If this deed of trust b on
<br /> ��qh�Idc�,�,T this d n�°t a�i�gi ta�t,ien,�s ef ths�can�dommil�Nwn ar piu�med unfs dsawl�op�nt��Bonower witl pertam aIi of BoROwer9 duttea -
<br /> ,-�� g,puWodty c}t,«�d�r to P�rtam tor BarowN. It 8ortower tails to�arform emr of Bor�ower's duNes under thf$desd of trust.Lander may
<br /> pertorm the dudes or ewte thern to be p�rfarmsd.l�nder may Npn Hartowe�'s o�m�orpay any amouM if neeest�ry for pe�forroanee. It ony
<br /> -+ consuuatlon an thsproperty Is disco�inued or not o�rrled on in a�e�aonabts manrnr,lender m�y do whthver b r�ecxuxy w proteot 1.endeY�
<br /> ;7 Recurit�r Interan tn the p►operty.Thi�may indude comptettny tho comtruction.
<br /> + L�lers fliture b�pertortn wilt rtot preciude Lender ftom exercisinp any of ks othet rfahri under the Iaw or this deed of ttuat.
<br /> Any�mounts psid by Lender m proteet l.endets seaurriy intereat wiil be searced by this deed of trus�Sueh�mounts wili be due an demand
<br /> and w(It M�r Intsra�t from tM date of the paymeM urttii paid tn tuli at the intarest rate!n eHeat on the seoured Eebt.
<br /> - Y0.GtaiiR and AccdKaBon.if Bon'ower hlu to mak� any payment when du�a bre�ks��ry covemMS under Mia deed of tru�t or enY
<br /> -- obltp�tion searod by thi:deed ef truat or any prtor maty�gs or deed of trust,lerdsr ma��I acaeterets ths m�hsrity ot the sscur�d debt arwl
<br /> -,�. demmd immadiate payment And m�y irnoke tAe power of s�ie and any other resnediea pem�itted by�ppfioakte law.
<br /> 11.R�qwst fa Hotlos of O�twt.it is Aereby requestad thet copiea of the natlees ot def�utt and f�+�e be aern to each penon who i:a psrty
<br /> ,� I�anto.at tha tddesw ot eseh weh pereon a tet iorth heratn.
<br /> 12.Poww of Sw.If the Lend�r imrolca the power ot a1e,the Tru�tee sha�l fira reeord In the oHiee af the roptster ot deeds of�ech eounty
<br /> v�heratn td�e trust propstry or•�ams part a parcet thereof fs ekuated�notice of detault corrtainin�the intarmation �equind by law.The Trwoee
<br /> — shall afso m�A copss ot the eottce of EefsNt to the 8onower.to sach pe►sor�who is e party hereto.�nd to ott�er panons asprescribed by
<br /> applioabk law.Not teso than one month attar the 7ruKee rceqrds the�1 ce of defau1�,or two mo��q(f ths uuat yropertY lo�ot tn�r►y
<br /> � inaapaated dcy or vfUye snd i��nb in t�rmirp operatbn�aartied on by th�auttar,tho Trustes sh�il piv�puWl¢notice of�els to ths pu�ons
<br /> and In!hs ma{u�er preac►ibed bv��ppppaa6te i�w. Truspe,�ut dem�nd on Borrower,anNl�eti ths prop�ty et pu60o iuuatb�to tfM MpMst
<br /> � bidd�r.If tequred by tM Farm Flomeste�d Proteatlon Aa�Yruane shNl oHer the prape�ty intw o ssparats safit ss requlred by�pp�tabts law.
<br /> - LTend�mie�s d:e l�pnss mW purchsaeaU�i�s parop��x�erry espte y by pubite announcemeM at the time and pqea of any proWoutly scl►sduN�d ut�.
<br /> Upon aalpt o�t pa�tmeM of th�prtce b[d,Truato�shall dstivn to the purch�ser Tru�tee's desd convsytrq�proyerty.The rociUalt eo�tatned in
<br /> 7ruKN's aertl shau bs pdm�t�ci�evtdbnce of the mnh oE tho otatemsMe oont�tned thoretn.Truates shaq sppry Me o��ed�of the sNe In ths
<br /> - iitbmtit�imim fei��Ib�w sti�u�ms�eci trb�by U�its�disd oti u�us�and(c1 tl�s Wt�/f eny t�o thi p�cons bpiiiy ir tlWd m sr�c�t��ro i��es and
<br /> = 18.Far�aloeun.At Lender'�option,thb deed of trust msy be foreatosed In the msnner provlde by oppticable taw tor torocbture M martp�qsa
<br /> i on ros1 prop�rty.
<br /> 14.p�r�� Lendar m�y eMe�the propeny to In=peot It if Lend�r ptvas 8orrowar nathx bePoreh�nd.The erotice mwt at�ts tM roasonable
<br /> aaius fa Undir'�inapeetian.
<br /> i
<br /> 16.Cond�tlon.Borru�lver ai�t�s to Lender thepraceeds of any�wud or atatm far dam�psi corobaud wkh e condemnnlon or other uWnp .
<br /> of aq or my pxt of the propaty.Sueh proca�ds will bo�pplled an provided In Covemnt 1.Thio s�rslgnm�M[s wbjeot to th�terrtu of my pdor
<br /> -- uGUrity yrs�mern.
<br /> - 1d.W�iwr.B�r�xerctsinp tmy re�y�witabb to lstider.Lender das oot qhnup�en1I�Iphta tv I�ter uss mY otMr romedy.By not ez�rda(np
<br /> �ny romrdy upon Bortowar'a defeuit,Len�ler does not wt(ve sny right to later contider tfis�vrnt�defau:t it k ruppens ag�in. - •
<br /> � 17.Joic►'t�nd SwKM U� Ca�bpmtss 8uacasat anG Aalpro Bound. AI�duUes under thla deed ot ttust aro Jo1nt ond sevoral.Any
<br /> gorroyw►who �o-sians thi'died of firt but das not catign the und�tvin�debt IratrumeMiq doen eo onty to yraM end carney Mat
<br /> - Borrowwt's irnasst in tM propetty to tM Truat�s under th�tem�of thls deeQ of trutt.In addklon such�Borrowm eproes th�t the lend�r ard
<br /> ��ny ottur 8ortow�r unde►this de�d ot vuat m�y�xtend, modNti o�make any other ehanp�a in t�s brmt of thts deed of trutt or the securrd
<br /> - deDt witMut that Bonower'�eonsent and wiMout roieulnp that eorrowsr hom the tarms o7 thi�daed of trust.
<br /> � Ths dutl���nd bsn�flts ot tAla dsed of trwt slutl Dind end beneflt tha suceesson end�aeipns of Lender end Bortower.
<br />--� 1�.Nod��.Unteu otherwtse roqutnd b�r taw,en tice to Eortower shatt be Qivm by dotiv�Hnp k or by matltnp R by cerNfled meti+�ddrsssed to
<br /> .._:. Boaow�r�t tA� addrsss or anyothx a ss Mat Borrovrer has�n to Lender.Borcower vuUl qiw u►y�(cs to Lende►by oe�tlfied
<br /> = mait to L�nda'� n on pap�1 of tt�i dNd a tru�L ot to m1►other addns�which Lsnder hes desipmtad.Arty otN�r oo8c�to Lender shsU
<br /> = b�ant to l�ndar's adQnss a stated an pape/of thls deed of trust�
<br /> �'--� AnY noUce nliell be deemed to havs beN+Qiwn to Bor�ower or lender when ppren In ths menner atatad above.
<br />��� tY.TarMtM ot 1M�a o MnslkW MKMNt in dw Qarow�.It�tt or any put of ths property o►u►y intere�t In k Is sofd or aansferted
<br /> -- withosuqt l�nda'a prior wri n conter�t,Lepnqdtat m�y d�mmd imm4diate p�yment of the secum�qd dsbt.lendet m�y�ISO demu�d immediate
<br /> den�iand ps tym M in the nbovs sftu�tiom U it it proNb�lted by aderil tew as ot ttro da e of twh�is dee�1 of or�uansfeaed.However. Lander mey not
<br /> �� 1 nd lendor hsa no funher obtl eUon to meke adv�ncea
<br /> - 20.R�conwyM�a�.Whe�tho oblipKton�acureQ Oy thU desd of truit has been pa d a 8
<br /> _ � under the inttrum�nt�a epreament�.�eeurod Oy 1hi�Oeed of trust.the Truetee ehelf. . � upon written reqaest b r�the Lendor,�ecomrey the truat
<br />_,� - -----�-�----••---��� .��....Y..r ...�....,.a..�,.w..,,.�.0.w.
<br /> �0�t1'(y.TTIO L.lI1QR 6IIli1 OOt1YEf ID iil0 OOR���4r iv ourr�wor o�wuc��w ��n.w.vo.r..........�.....•.�»•� ••�••�• ��•�• �'.--..--_. -�
<br /> oDilpaBon so wthttsd.Borrower ahall pey sny reaordetion coste.
<br /> �_� Z�. gue TYustN.lendA�. et Lender's o�tion, ms1I romove Truatee end eppoh►t a succeasor trup4es by fint, malilnp a eopy at the
<br />��. s u b s d n of trustee a�ro quked Oy ap{Vieabb aw,arb then,bV tjtt n p thu subatitution of trustee for roeoro tn ths oHies ut tha roplatar of Qeed�
<br /> of aach courty In whl�A tRe trust pro�rty,or som�p�rt t h e r a o t,ia tl t u e t e d.T h s s u c e e a a a t r u s t e e,w l t h o u t c o n v e y m e s o f t h s p r o p n y,s h a ll
<br /> Tx� sucasd to ail the power,dutles,authodty snd titto ot tl a Tnistee nemed in tAe deed of truat and of eny euccsssor auste�.
<br /> � �
<br /> ..�
<br />_.`�: fp���Y ot 71
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