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<br /><�:�=�`� `�� �J 5—104�.�'a' —.
<br /> :� .. .,.,� COVENAHTB �s�
<br /> J '`�`��- 4. V�d,iu'.:W GssnatrC�r sQreas to m•Ic�cil aYmiint�.on tt� Iitput�A E�bt w�at�Gue. UM08f BOttpWOr and LOttdof apfoe oth8fvfiLe ony t_._K,
<br /> � ^ paymams �nder r�oeivss iram 8orrowu or Plot Bor�awe�'R b�i�T{w1N ce ap0l od first to eny amount� 6m�aw�t owea on tnn et,cueetf�feGl
<br /> "'' "'� • f ` exe tus ive a f I r rt a a�t o rpt I n c i p N,s e c o n d t o n t e ro�t,a h d t M k t n n a S p e l,p p a rt�t{p r o p�yment of the teaurod debt accure tor eny rouon,it wlll �,.
<br />;:%;:,��;,F.f,r.� not r8duce or exCU�s a�i y�cMdatsd payms�unt f i the pcurid�I�qid in tuU. ���--.�
<br /> x^ . �r�:'
<br /> -'�•:�'r;_cu. �.qdr►r Ap�kwt Tid�.8onower wUl Wy�il taxa,nwumtnU,arnl ott�r ahuQS�amibut�ble to theproperty when due and will d�tend title ,
<br />°--�°-��%�' to ths prop�ya��init�nY olifms whtoh wout4 impair th�11�g of this dnd of bu�t.Unda may nquk�Bonuwer to�utpn tny riphU,alums or 5e��``
<br /> =,r``"�'•'��+ detenseo w"Nch eottower msy hsve�painst parttss who tupply labor o�mat�riau to tmptova or m�lotain ths aopsrty. -
<br />_`;.,ca. �
<br />-_=��=",'�� 8.in�ura�. Bor�ow�r wiit keep the property imured undsr tmm�accspu�lt tv lendw at Oorrower'a oxpon,^.o and for LondoYo bonafk. All -
<br /> - iruuranc�poltcl�s�hd includ��st�ndard mortaap�Waute ie1 t�rvor of L�nd�r.1.���r wHl be nam�d as losa p�ya or t�the insursd on any nich -'A
<br /> ^';�;?��?��=� Intur�nce polfay.MY�n�urancs procead�mty 6s��pUed,wttn(n Lender'�diserotlon,to ahhsr ths r�storation or n,p�b of th�d�m�p&d property
<br />,;,L���p� or w the aecured debt.lt Lender roquirot mort9sIIe naurance,Bottower sgess to mcintatn sueh Inauranae for ae lo�es Lender requ �s. �.�:
<br /> =•..�s.
<br /> Y ' �.Propxty.Bortower wift kesa the propertY in pood condition and make all rop�ks reesonabty necenserY. ••�'�ti'�`
<br /> -:,:�_ •
<br /> •-M 8 E:pmsa. 8onowar egreea�o p eti Lender's expenaea ineluding rot�uonnb�e ettorneya'feea,if Bonower breake any covenanta tn thit deed • �.'
<br /> • =• y �ti o�truM os in em►obUgatlon seeured�y this deed of t►ust.�ortower wUt pay these amounta to Lender aa provided in Covenant 8 ot this deed of '-
<br /> F '= tfu8t. •� ,;
<br /> +�N�4� .
<br /> ����� g,Prior S���trttarasti.l►RI88A BQROW6!f1fpt obuins Lender'sw�itte�oonaent.Boao►vor wtll not maka or permft uny changea to any ptbr ��
<br /> tF'�.31 � secu►riy tMaresia BaROVrer w1U:peRoim all af Bonower's obllgotlans under eny prlor mortgage, Eeed of truat or other security epreement, F�
<br /> �n,� 'i�n� , includinp Borcowors tsovenanW t0 mekepaymerMS wfien due. r►41'��:.
<br /> '�`.��Srr�tey1ir+}� -, 7,p��t�y�oi fUint;�nd Pirotit�.�8ottowar aaaigr+s to Lender the rerrts end proffte of the property.Unteae 8ortowu and Lender heve agreed _
<br />�"';��'-'°�{��`1 i111.��l othervrtfe in vrrkinp,Bonower may collaat and rotaln the reMS ae lana at 8orcower lo not in default.It Borrower defaults,Lender, Le�er's e-=-
<br />:;�.:�'���` apeM,or �court appointed roceive►m�y uke poaaesalon and menaye the propArty and co�leat 4he roMs.Any ro�e Lender colteeta sheit be =
<br /> - �A� applted fim m the costa of inenapin9 the properiy, inaludina court cosri and ettornays'teee, comrnisstons to roMSI epe�nte, and nny o.her
<br /> -_...-.,,,��;:� neaeaaery related expensee.The remaininp amouirt of rorne will tAan epptyto p�Yments on the aecured debt as provfded in Covenam 1.
<br /> - .s�r+t�r.-
<br /> ��,;sa_vs-� 8,taaa�hotds1 CafdorNnWrnss Pl�nn�d Unit Dwatoe�rNnt� @anower a0rae�to com Iy wlth the provlNom of any leno it this d�ed of uurt tB on
<br /> s I�nsehold,if thts doad of trua is on n unk In o oondominium or a a�rnod wit S��slopm�nt,Borrow�r wlll peiform �D of Bor►ow��'s duWa
<br /> __��_m under ths covenu►w,bydaw�,ot�epulatbm of tM condominlum or plamrd unit dsvobpm�M. __
<br /> -' `=-==•^''�^� �.A�Nioelly of L�idu to PaAo�st tot bROwK.If BoROw�r f�ib to rlo►m mY ol Barrow��'o u'uitua nndar thb Qe:A o! t��.ci,iett�r eney �_.
<br /> por(om►ZM duW�a aus�tMm to O�p�r(orrrNd.I.�nd4r m�y�qn�w�r'��arth or piy�ny amouM If Ma�aW ta p�rlorm�nw.If a�1►
<br />-.-��`,���:-� iicur�ity lnuriAt�ri��op�irNaThU rti�y Inalud��mptitnp th�conYUUet'o�m�nne,lendir n�y do wh�t�vo(� rnasaMy to prot�ot L�nder i -
<br /> -=- londsr'r t�lun to p�rtorm wltl not pr�ck!d�L�nd�from�x�rcitinp my ot lu otMt tIpAU und�t tM law or tM�d�sd of tru�t.
<br />-� = = An�r amounts paM by I.��top�ott�ot L�nd�r'�acutIty�nUrat wlp bi ucund by thie a��d of trwt.8uo �rnount� wlll b�du�on d«nand
<br /> - �ntl wIM Mk Int�r�n from tM d�t�of tM p�ymtnt untit p�ld in tull�t tA�htu�tt�ati tn�Niat on tM tteur�d�bt.
<br /> �--�^�y 10. �nd Aa Ift�r row�r f�lbtp mm�kqetsny p�ymant n duc or Bnaka�ny eov4��n�nt� wtd�tht�poid of trust a an1t
<br />°--"�-�—�� o�d�m�and��Im�OatmtG�m�yu lrnolu t�hri pow r ot saliind in otM�t ieid il p�rmittid by spP!lo��bte mw ty of m�naund d�bt �nu ,
<br /> 11.Rpw�t ta Notla�of O�fwh.It ts Mr�by nqutsted that coples of Un noda�s of d�f�ult�nd ut�b��sM to uah p�rson who is�parqr
<br /> __!� Mnto,at th��ddr�ts of uch tuoh p�non.as s�t futh Mnfn.
<br /> 1Z,Pm�n►df gat�,I}tM Lendsr irnoku ths pown of uis,ths Tnntee��ali ikat nco►d in the oHlce of th�repbUr ot Ased�ot�:ch wunty
<br /> - -- w Mrein tM trwt propnrtY ar�ome part or parcel thareaf Is sttuotad s notles ot d M auk eontatninp tM informatlon nqutred by I�w.7Pie Trustee
<br /> � �hNl�ba malt copUs of th�notic�04 dstault to th�Borrow�r,w eaeA pasan w h o is�p a r t y n e►s t o,snd to oth�r p enons tspraedb�d by
<br /> __-� applie�bls�aw.Not leu thtn ons mo� after ths Tni�tes reeords thsn�tta of defauft or two moMh�it tM trust prop�rty i s not in .�ny
<br /> (ncor�+orat�d cHy or vtflaps and is umd In tuminp opsretions aM�d on by ua trustor,th�fru�u aM�t pive publto notic�of aM to tM qraont
<br /> -- - and in ths m�nn�r prescribsd bv�appplio�bis law.Trustee,wkhout demend an Borrower,shali�ell the prop�rty at publlo auetion m�hi0�ut
<br /> - biddar.lf requk�d by tAs Farm Homestud Prot�crion Aat,Trustss sfWl off�r th�property M two sepuab�sfea a�reQuk�d by appltcsbi���w.
<br /> Trusta��fuy postpons tate of ail or sny parcd of the propstty by publls enrwwicemei�t at the Ume end pt�os ot any previou�ty seMdutea s�t�.
<br /> --- Lender or tt�d�sl0nee may purchaie tM propeny at any aets.
<br /> Upon�eeeipt ofpsrm ern ot ttn prlce bid,Trustes�hdl de�iver to th�pureA�ssr T�uites's desd eonveylnp tM prop�Ay.Trie rectdat�eonUlned In
<br /> Trustee's Ceed�R�heli be prims faci�evldkncs of the Vuth of the statemenu co�lned thsnin.Trutt�shsll�ppty the proded�of ths aaN Ua tM
<br /> iil�ts�1�fs�e$��I to�al�s�im+i se�d�Dy�s deeo cf�wat,and!o)iMe ba tiuice,it any�to ths penons Iedalw�sd�m�si�ve�h tee� and
<br /> -"'�m 13.�Fonciasun.At Lenders aptton,thb decd of auet mey be toreotoaed in tM manne�provlde by apptloable law tor forectowre ot mortQape�
<br />__.,_.�= on roal propetry. =.
<br /> --- U,�u�{� t.ends�mey onter the aoperty to tnspeat k If Lender pives 8or►ower notics bofarehand.Ths notlae mun etats the rewonabis
<br /> eaus� of r l�ndir'�tnsp�oUon.
<br /> 18.Ca�dNnn�tlan.Bonower iasign�f to Lender ths procee�s of ar►y swerd o►datm for dema e�conneated with a condemnatlon or ottwr tskirp
<br />--- ---- of ell a arryr pnt of ths property.such proceeds wlii tre eppifed ao provided i�Covenant 1.�is essi0nmsnt ts subJnot to Ms termf of arry arlor
<br /> -__ - sacuriry epraemerrt. °
<br /> ��- 18.Wdwr. By e�serclstnp any reme �vaUsbie tn Lender,Londer doe� eat plve up any dphta to teter use env other reme�.By not ex�raUtnp
<br /> any ramedy upon earower'�d�faul4�nder doea not waive any�tpht to Uter consEder the event e defauk M h I�sppens sp�n.
<br /> �""""- - 7. JWnt�nd 8�vmtl�� Co�pt�a: 8ucoason and Aulpm Boutid�All dutitia under thl4 deed oT utt�t are joi�tt artd 6nvctd. Any � -
<br /> �ow��who catl{�ns thls dsad of trust but doe� trot caaipn the undsr � debt inftruma►tI�)dw�so oniy to ynnt aM corn�� th�t
<br /> - -- = Bwrnw�P�t�rest tn ths property w th�Trustes under ths terme of thia d o trun.In sdditton,�uah a eorrower eptee�thet the lend�r md
<br /> - an other 8orrowst unde►tfii�deed of trutt may sxtend,moditti or make any othar clunQSS in the termt ot thla deed of uu�t or ths�ecared
<br /> -�- de�witi�out thet Borrower'�coneer►t end without refeaainp tAat Borrower hom the term�of tlde dead of W�t. e,.,
<br /> — T1N dutte��nd benefits of thl�dsed of trust ehati bind and beneflt tfie a�ccsseon and udgns ot Lendu and 0orrower. "-`
<br /> `�_°"-'� 1!.Noda.Unlsss othuwt��required by Iaw.any aotice to 8onower�hal be pivsn by delivarinp It or by meNinp k by aertitied mali addreued Lo a
<br /> - ---�---- Boaowsr it ths proaertti addrese or any�oth�r addrea Nat 8onawer ha�giwn to Lend�r.Borrower wiU pive�ny notice to Lander by�erCi11�d
<br /> m�il to Lende's addratf cn pspe 1 ot this deed of truet,or to any other�ddre�whloh Lender haa d�tpo�rid,Any other noUCe to Lend�r sheU ��""
<br />-_
<br />