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<br /> 1042�4
<br /> •`�95-� --
<br /> 'PO(iSTHER WITH ali tha improvc.ments now or horeafter crected on th4 property�and ul!easeiasttte,appu=W�ances.and _
<br /> �.xa��n�w�r ho�aaitra a part of the p�ape�ty.AU replaccments und addidons shuU also be covcred by ihis 5acur�ty Insuum�� _
<br /> Ail of tho foragaing i�reft�red W in thi�&ecwlry lnstnunent ae the"Prope�ty.«
<br /> SORROWBR COVHNANTS tP�ut Borrowcr is lawfulty seis�d of tha estaus hereby conveyeA nnd has the rtght w grant ead
<br /> convay tho Proputy w�d thac tho Prapc�ty ls anaecumbcecd,axcepi for encumbrancxs of racord. Bornowe:warra�►ts end w�l
<br /> dotcod gcna�Ity 11l��e titb w the Prop�ty aga�nac ali cldma�d dcmwnds,subject w eny encumbranas of rocord.
<br /> TE�S SECIlRI7Y INS'[RLJIVIDI�'t'aornbines nnifarm covcr�ants fas nadanal uso and non-unlforca wvenanrs wtdb Wnttcd —
<br /> �:_
<br /> vuietinna by Jurhdlctan to cansdww a uaifocm exuriry irtswmenc covalAg ccai prupe»y.
<br /> UNIPORM C'OWBAtANTS.Barowet aad I�etidu covet�aat aud n�aa a1 foUows:
<br /> i.P�yment ot Prtncdpal and Intensti PreWS'ment and Ia►te C6u�es. Borrower shall P'��►P�Y PaY whea dua the _
<br /> princ3p�l of aed intecest oa tl�e debY ovldenad by tha Nota And�ny�yena►c and late chafga dne vnda the Nou. _
<br /> Z.Funde[or Teucs aad Iesaranoe. Subjxt m applkabk law or to a wrlucn waiva by Laider, Hmiower sdall pay W _.
<br /> Laides on the day moathlY PaYme�ts aro due under tha Not0.ua�l the Nota is paid in fu11.a s�ua("F1�nds")for:(�Ye�r1Y�0�9 _
<br /> u�d a��smcnta wbfch may attaln piiorIry over tbis Socurtty Inswment as a lka on the Pa�cperty:(b)Yearly leaselwtd PaYm�s
<br /> at ground rents an�ao Fenpetty.lf�y:(c)Yearly ha�rd or propelq►lnsutance premtumst(t13 Yeatty Mod insoranca ptuNuma.if
<br /> eny;(a)Yea�ly mongago Insurance pnmiums,ff any;nnd(Q pnY sums Fayat►le by Borrowu to Lea�da�!n a000rdanc�wIth the
<br /> provisioas of p�ph B, in Iiw of the paymer►t of maitgage insuian�x pnmiums.'lhesa it�us ara cnll�d"Bsarow Itaps."
<br /> Lenda may.at aay Wn�.aof�ect end hoW Pbnds in an amounc not w e�ccood the maximum amount a k�de�tor a fcdaa�ly re�atad
<br /> nyoctg�go loaa a�ay mqutm far Borcowa's escrow socaunt nader the fedr�al Real Bstata SeWa�ra�t Prooedu�es Act of 1974 av
<br /> 8ri'ieiuled 8�m t1u�to thuo. 12 U.S.C.Secttan Z6Q1 u stq. ("RFSPA"�.unit��enotht�1�w thAt�plks ta t6a Funda sets a le�w _
<br /> amoun�If ao.Let�dct mty.at any ttnae.oollact a:►d ho3d Funds in an amount not W axceod the les�amount Leada may
<br /> �nsta the�rc�unt�f Funds due an tha b:sis of cuireat data and�easonable�of expend[t�u+a of Poaum Fscxow Iteans or
<br /> athavttsa fn:.roont�cc crhh apptfcstr2c 1aci. _
<br /> 'I1io Fluids shW be beld ia an instIt4tdou whosa deposIts ara insivad by a fede�al ogcac7►�i�vmenlatitY.�eaSry(includia8
<br /> Le,ndu,if Laida is such aa 3�esHtutlon)or in any Federal Home Loan BaNc.I�eaWar shall apply We Funds w pay dee Bsrrow
<br /> Itans.T.eaider mty not cbacge Hamwer for hoWing aud applytng the Fwids�annnalty analyziag the escrow aceoont.��a3fyIn8 -
<br /> the B�ccow Iwas.unkss I�pays Bortowa iataest on tha Fun�s end applicabla laa pamits L.eudc w�aaalce sucb a chargc.
<br /> However.LaKl�may cequim BuROwu to pay a ane-dtats�barge for an hidependent reai estate tax reporting se,�vtoo usod by
<br /> I�a�Sex fn oonnxoton wItb this bau.unless appllcubla law prnvides otlKtavLse.Ua1ess en ag�eema�t Is aade or �ppticnbb Iarv
<br /> reqaires inDee�est to bo paid,Leada Shall riot be taquir�d W pay Borrowu eny Ltterest or eamittgs on the�ndx. Bacower and
<br /> i,��s�r s�its�.�vss�!t�4n2�+*_sh?y!!,n�aiA an the Fiu�ds.Iendei sAall gtva to Butmwqr.wlthout cb�tB0.e� .
<br /> aUCmal�ocountiag of tLe�lunds�sl�owiag credtis ond debits oo tbe Funds and the puipox fac�rhich each debit to tQe Fm►dt wa4
<br /> m9de.lh�Funds are pledged as additioaal accurity fa all sums secuced by thia Securlty Ingwmeat
<br /> If the Fanda be{d by Lendu�acoeed tha amonat9 peenitmd to be tkW by epplk�abb law.I,ender st�ll aocount to Bmaso�►er fot
<br /> the axoess fi�nds in a000rdanoe with the requirc,me�its of applk�bla Iaw.If d►e smount of t&a Furula held by L�ea�kr at scrty dmo i�
<br /> tat�t to p�y the 8scmw Itt�cns whea due.Lettder may so notify Boaowa in wridng.and.in such case Bamwer slwl�p`y
<br /> to I�endei the amount neoes,sary to malca up the deficiency. Bwrmwa sdall make up the defida�cy in na mo�e d�twedva .
<br /> �ao�tWY�ayma►ts.etl�etides's sokdis�edon.
<br /> UP�P�Y�t in full of all sutas�ued by this Soc�uiry Instrument,Lender st�all promptly nlLnd W Bo�rowa any Funds
<br /> i�e1Q by L�;ndcr If,�p�nraBeaph 21.Irendes shall acquim or s�ll the Peoperly.Lender.Prlor w the a�cquisidon a sab of tba
<br /> propeity.s6�I1 apply any Funds held by Lasda at the dme of acquisItion ar sala av a crodit egatnst the sums sacured by this
<br /> .�C{lt�t}�jILSUrilOUlt. i 1 t L' 1�
<br /> 3.Applkitbn ol Pa�mauta. Uniess applkable law piovldaa ot!►e�wlse.all�ts raceived by L�ex�dei p�hs
<br />- 1 end 2 sbat!be applied:�'irst.to anY P�Y�►t charr�es due unded iha Nau;sccond.to emoants pgysbb under patagreph 2;
<br /> d�hd.ta intaest dua fonnit,W principal due:and iast,to eny laoe charges due nnder the Not�e.
<br /> 4.Chsrgesi Lk�. B!xrowt�i shNl pay all taxes.essessme�ta,ctiarges. fines and impostdoas atut'butable W ilise Pmpaty
<br /> which may auain pciority aver this Sc�urjry Instnunent,end le�settold pHymeats or�ound zenes.�f any.�armwa shall py tt�e :
<br /> obL'�ions in the manna tuovidcd in paregnaph 2.or if not patd in that manner,Bocrower shall patiy tl�em on time d�xtiy m tbe
<br /> I��i�Y�►� Bo:mwer shalt promptly fnmish to lf.eader all nodaes of amounts w be paid undcr d►is ptragnph.If
<br /> Bors�nwa malc�es d►ese payrt�nta dIrectiy�Battnwer sha11 promptly fumish to I.ender raaipis evIdsacie�tt�e paymenn.
<br /> Bomowet at�a�1�mmptiY disctiar8e eny lien which has�xioiity ovu tttis Soctuity�t un3ess H�rower.(a) egneav in
<br /> wridng W the paymeat of tho abtigatton secured by tho lien in a matmer a�o�sptabk w Leade�:(b)contests iu good k�t the t[r�1
<br /> by, a defends against eafonxment of the IIca in,legal proaedtnga whtch in die Lender's opinion opeiate go pc�vent tbe
<br /> e�t'c�rcaaent of the lien:or(c)secur�es from the dolder of th�t fftn an agreement satisfacWry to Lender subordin�g the liat to ,
<br /> this 5�c�ry InswmenL If Lendea dxtamines thst eny part of the Property is snbject to a.lien which may etmin prloriry over t�is
<br /> - Sxurity Insnvment,I�der muy give Bom�wer a noflce�deatifying dta lien.Barrawer shall sadsfy the lien ar t�1cs ona or mora
<br /> of thA acutons set fo�i�abovo arJthin 10 days of the giving of ao800. • --
<br /> , . Form ao2� �1i0
<br /> �•OR(NE)toata� . ra�•Qme �nna►.:
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