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<br /> . 1, p�yrn��ir. Bo��aw�r c�rcca to cneko �sl nnymente on the so urad dobt whnn duo. Untoae Elorrowor und Londet sQroo otharwise, eny
<br /> ' ' ' p�ymmU�.ender receive�hom Oorrqwcs ar iar Bonawa's bsnef�t wlil be�ppilod fl►st to eny�mour�ta 9orrower owu an tM+se:urod d�Dt y
<br /> " �� '' � noi�ieduce oiixeute a�y ecMduUd pa�yrttii�'it u�li ths oicu�red�ebt it pild in tu�tl��prepayment of the securad debt occun tor sny�e��on,It wlll
<br /> -~�~� ��5�'p � 4.qKms Aprnct Yia'�.Botrower Wrlil p�y'ai){ax��,at�oaomenu,and othe�eherpe�rtulbutabt�to ths ropsrty wAsn d�te and wlit d�tend tbtte "�•`
<br />`��=;„ �. to ttw propqty• �h►at any aNlms wAtah would'tmpatr th�Itm of this d�ed of uuat.Lender mey nqube�orrowu to�uian any dpht�,at�im�or
<br /> R_r��,�. d�tens�s which�r►owo m�y tN�w apNt►rt'ardn who iuPPql I�bot aa m�terltb to Improw or mainUin ths ptop�rty. ����
<br /> °°-" 3.[n:urertao.Bottov,ror wltl keep tNe propeny ins��red under term�eccept�bts to L�nd�r at BoROw�r's�xpsns�and tor Lend�r'� benelM. �0 Y
<br />''.�r.,r r��' in:uranae pottcios shatl in�tudt�stmd�rd martgap�el+usa in favar ot L�nd�r.L�rWa wW C���rtnd a lon paya�or a�th�fnsured on�Mr suoh
<br /> "�'�c���•.,� tn�unneo poltay.ltoy i�surence p�ocndt m�Y 6s tppllid,withtn I.�nd�t's dita�tbn,to�Bhet n�toratton ar ppair of ttw d�m�4�d proP�rte ':;��
<br /> ��� r' w to ths e�cured d�bt.If Lander nquira murtpap�inswancs,Borrown�prns to mdnt�in suc�nturanes tor s�tonp�i i.�nder nqutros. �°.
<br /> „`�1 i;
<br /> :_.i��;� 4.Propsrty.Bonower wiil keep the propeity in Qood oonditlon and m�k�UI��patrs n�sonabiy necrosury.
<br />�':�� 6.EapMw.8orrower a�ree�to pay atl Le�der•s sxpenaas inetudinp reatot�eblo attorneye'feea,if Bonower bre�ks any aovenant�fn thh deed „
<br /> of trust or In eny o6tip�UOn secured by thl�deed of trust.�orrower will pay thes�amounta to Lender e�p�ovtded in Covener►t 8 of thie deed of
<br />_ . -y� fil8t. ..
<br />._.-�;.:;.:��r;•�. . �':;. ,�
<br />�-''T`;::� ,,.�� 8.P�tor S�t�r�sq.Unleas 8orrower ilr�t obtains LendeYe written contant,Borrower wiit not m�ke ot permit any chanpss to aml priot .;�_
<br /> -�-;��w'�;• „ sacurky IMero Borrower will pertorm aQ of Brnowsr's obQgattons under erty prlor mortpepa, deed ot trust or other�eouthy a0reemen6 ��_
<br /> ;�_�i,:r:j�•�r• j� tnctudinp Barrower's eovansnu to maka psymeMS when due. ���"`
<br /> -,_��?�-',�� , �
<br /> •���,�" ;, 7.Aaia�K of R�nb Mtd Ptoftb.HoROwer a�iQna to Lender the tents and proHU of the property.Unlsao Bonowst and Lendsr h�ve�paW �'-"
<br />-_:=��:«;�-:,� otherwi"ss in wtitiop, Bonower m�y eolleot and rotaU the reMs as lonp sa Bortowe► ta not In detault.It Bonower deteutta,Lender,l,.andeP� ��r'
<br /> ags�t,ot s eou �ppotrited roceive m�1r teke posassafon end msnage the property and eallaat ths roMs.AnY roM�I.ende►eottaats�h�ti ba �::k�1
<br /> applfed iirnt w�s oosts of msrnp�rw ths proparty,Inciudtng court costs end attamay�'fees, com[ntulona to reMal a QenU, and any other ��:'
<br /> =!'�'-"-^_m01_Q� neces�ary roiated expenus.The remaininp amount of reMS wll!than apply to paymente on the eecurod debt aa provtded in�ovenaM 1. �_
<br /> r �-'���-� 8.L���N�otds�sConOomidunai Ptann�d Untt D�vdopn�nt�.Bonower eg�oes to compIy with the provisiona of any Isese H this daed of truat b an -
<br /> -x�=�{���•� e Ieece}�o�d.le thia deod of uuat lo an a unk in a aandominium or a planned untt devebpmont,BoRavvor wlll psrform etl ot 8ottowsr's duties —
<br /> .-._°.�:�;� under thO covon�rts.by�iawo,or ropulitfom ot the condomfnium or planned unk devetapme�.
<br /> � � 9.Authmitt/a!t+�ndu m Pafarm tar Bo�ra�ror.If dortower fails io�+urtortn any of Bomswar's duttca urtdor tMa dsad ot truet, lander mey �'
<br /> ` ��`; ;} � peAorm the dutiae or aaute them to Oe pe�armsd•Lender msy elpn Bortouve�'a nama or pay arry smoum if necassery tor performonad.if any �"_•
<br /> _ :;,-: ����; , aonsuuaUo»on theptopony it dh�.nhwed or aot aarded on in�reasonabTe manner, Lender m�y do whutevar Is neoes�ary to proteot Lender'� - _
<br /> - r �, secur�ty tnte�est�n the properry.Thh maY innlude compteting ths construation.
<br />.:..3=� �r.�i .
<br /> ' :W�.�t.-=
<br /> y�.,;j�- Lender's Milure to pe r form w i l l�ot praa l u dA i.en der t r o m exer c i s i n p a n y o f i t s o t h er r i gMa u�der the law or this deed of u�+at.
<br />-��`�'.� An1I amounts pstd by Lender tp prot�a Lemier'e aacurity hnenst witt be eecured b�tAfs dead of uust.Such amounte wlli be due on demand �-_°
<br /> -;_,p.,, -- an0 wiU bear IMe�eat hom tl►t date ot tRe payment untit patd in fuil et tfie iMeroat rate tn otteot on tho secured debt.
<br /> -_�;;:�;� � 10.D�iwAt�nd A � H 8ortower felb to make sm► payment when due os broake any eoveneMs under thk dead of m�st 4r an1t -
<br /> obiiqation sewred by�Mb daed ot trust or any prtor mortgape or deed of aust,Lender mo�yacceiarate the matudty of the seeured deLt�n�1
<br />`�:�'+`•`�� dem�nd ImmedlAte psymem and may invoke the power of seie end any other remediea pe�miKad by epplianble lew. ----_
<br />="s�,�':
<br /> ___-��y��,� 01.Rpu�it tar Nodw at IDdw�lt.tt is hsreDy roql�esteo that coptea ot tne notices of defauh and seie be sent to aaah person who ia i�ii�jr _
<br />___-_:;.��",�- hereto,st the addross of esch such petson,a�set torth ht�raln.
<br /> "'s�-+�'�'-,i 1�,powK ot S�M,if ths Lender Invokes ths powsr ot seta,ths Truste�ah�ll flr�t recotd in th�oHtes of d�s ropistar of deedt of otrfi eouMyr
<br /> ------ wherotn the uust proparty or some Put or pucsl th�roof is�iwatad e nottcs ot deUult eonUln ths informadon rnquked by Nw.TM Trwte�
<br />