. . I I��..�� ♦.
<br /> . � •
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<br /> , � ,,,,.. . � . . . � ��, , : , „ , . ' r�,;�,�: .:,;:'
<br /> �. " i4ras+:i e=-�_"_._.�. —=_.v.�a�'��-. "�
<br /> .. ' - •Ty:� . . .. - _ .... _ - - - �L�+.A.6r•
<br /> ' �r. . n a. t: . , .. .. �u�
<br /> .. .. • . �-:
<br /> . ��A_
<br /> coveN�wTS ��:�.�j— 104�' -�'
<br /> � � 1.R�yma�tt.Rprro:sror egreua to mnko ai1�eyrnonts on tha cecured debt whtn dl�e.Untes�f3or�owler and Lendet etpreo olhetxda�,sny paymentn
<br /> lendv reaeiv�s trom dorcowor a tor E3orroMrate b«rHfiit wfll bo applknl Fi��t tt,ai�y amounJC t�orrowor awaa on thit uotural dabt nxciu¢fir�o?fnt��asl ot .
<br /> �� princl I,sscond to Interert,end then to drrclpel.II nlAi prejfaymenl aT tho eatur�t dobt ac►�ro for eny�ouson,It wlit nol rE►dtrce or axcuae any �.
<br /> rr
<br /> , ech�i,ied pnymen�untu the e�cured d�bt Pi pab�n n�
<br /> ° n � �,Ctalm�A �t T!!N.Houqwn�iil �II taran,asw�cmmt�.�rtd aMr et�rQ��atl�ibutebb to tho propsAy wP�en due and wlu dAten4 tltte ro the
<br /> Ho Y
<br /> , ' � p���y����i�pi�«��Nn M thls d�Md at hu��.Lw�fer ma�r�quUe Eiorrower to aeapn any rtpht6,clatma or delansei
<br /> I�COr or nuU�iah to knprew a mNn�M the propsAy
<br /> - 3,{r�ufa�.Bur��ar ti�ku.�Gt�ptap^.�y Ir�..�utd und^_r M_rm�r.r_�c�SMh�+t�t ertAer nt Bottaaele expensa and lor L�ndere 6anotl�AII inamence
<br /> � poWr,iN�h�f11ne1u0���tsndatd morlp�e1�uM b t vor al L�cMr.L�r wlll b�nam«!ae toa paye�ot as the ln�ured o�Any euch kisur�nc�
<br /> p�Y•�Y�dursr�v proaNde maY be ePWl�d,wtlMr+ZMdM�dbcrotla��ta eith°r ths r�tor�tbn a ap�U At ths Q�m�ped propwty ar ro tM eecurod
<br /> „ • debt.ll Lendn rqqWrRa morlpaqs lneuranca,8aro�r eprNa to mNntaM woh Inwrance tor ae lonp�a lantlor requtres.
<br /> � ,a�,;�' 4.ptop�ty.�ow�r wiq k�sp ttw prop�rry in�ood caMrilan end molcs all ropal�s raasonably nxeseary.
<br /> '' '°""�""`' a Expm�.Borrower agrees to(�ay a0 6endere expenaea,lnciudsr►B reaisonabte attomeys teea,I!8orrower breaks any eovenanta In this doed ot truat „
<br /> � a M amr obllyntion secur�e�d by tMa desd W tnisL 8ortawer wlll pay these arrwunts M LenQer'as provided in Covonant 9 ot thts deed of tru�.
<br /> � A Prlo�g�surity Int�nata.Uniess Borrower 8rst obwins Ler►ders written oonsent.Borrower w11i not make or permit arry chanpea to any prlor secudty
<br /> , • InteroBte.Borrower wffl peAortn all of Borrowefs abNpatlons urbar eny pdor mortgsge�deed of trust o�other se�wrriy apreement�M�clu�ng Borrowera
<br /> , oovenents to maks paymenu wMn due. �"`
<br /> .. ' � 7.A�tann�nt d AetR��nd Pto1N�.Borrawdra�1�n�to Lender tM�ents endprot►ta of fheprope ny.Unleas Bortowar end t.ender have aytssd ' I=
<br /> . � ofhe�►Yie in writkg,8a�+ower may ooNect arM r�Uln tfis te�ts as Wrg as Bortowsr ia not in detaWt.lf�onower detautb I.nnder.Lende�e saeM.or a "
<br /> . ,, couReppu�tad recelver�nay take posseasiati tnotfianego mo�ropeM end ootledt tRe re�s.��ny rerte 4orrder colt�s shatl boappIied(�ist ta ttw
<br /> :'��s.•�: . ,. ��"��+ ,: costa,ot manaping the Pcopocly in�luding aourt coste and attomeys'feea commissfons to ren'�al agants,and any other raeoassary ae4ltad e�ensea The •.
<br /> remainipg artaunt of rents wNl Ihen appN�PBYm������t as p�°u(ded In Cov�enant 9. �',,`.'.:
<br /> M .. .'.' �.4esehold�sCondomintuna:P{�nrnd Uak O�wlopnente.Borcower agrees M oomD�y wiM the pravlsWn9 at any Ioase tltt�a dead ot tnmt is on a ;: .'
<br /> -- �� . , :, leasehpid.Qf thl deed of Wst is on a uni!in a condominium w a ptamed unit devetopment�Barrower will pertsam ail ot BarawePe dufles under tt�a ;,;,;,,
<br /> _.-°.� � F ' oav�enentfs,by�Iswe,a re�uiattotr�af tha aorWornlnlum or ptanned unit developmeet '!t;.i�:
<br /> _ - �. ,,. •,. 0.Autlqrity af L�xMrto P�ctaRO tnr B�W�nwat.lf Bortw�rer fei!s to perbrtn any of Bnm�weta dutfes under this deed m!1rusL Lender 9naY Pertorm th8 �s,
<br /> . ' .;5�' dutles or cause tham to be pe�tamed.terMer mey sign BoROwers name or pay any art�wnt ff naoussary for Pe�farmanoe.It any ConstrMctlon an:the .
<br /> � . , . . Prope,�ly is dist�nllnued or nut cartled on i�a reasonabie manne►,I.�ender may do whatever fs neoessary to pr�to�l.lo�0e►'s security h�t�ereat.in.th'e '. �
<br /> '.g ProP�Y.Tt�is may irta�uds aocnWetiny the consaucti�m. . �cr L�.
<br /> '•: �, ��; under the taw or thts deaQ oihvsl. . , , �.. '° _
<br /> t ende��fadure tp peAartn wNi not Precl�+de L�ndar Uom exerdsNg any ot(ts athar rights � �kr ,
<br /> � ' r.,�:: .,.
<br /> , r. - Any emax�ls Pa bY terider to pracoat t.enMx's aACUt�1y interest wAi be secured by thts deed of trus�Suc1�amounts wll{be aT�e or�.�demand eM,wftl', �� ' , �j i;.�,:=,
<br /> � •;, , beat klMreet�fia date of ths payment tmdl paid h itlA ai the interest rete kt etfedt or1 th�sscutatl deb�. � �.'. , . .. �.,r � � ' , ��,, :
<br /> . i �r� -
<br /> � t0.11�hWt ard Aco�Mration.it 8omarrer t�ils to make enyrpayment wAen d,e�ar Arenks any oovenar�q unQer thi��deed Ot mot w,an obiigattoq r =
<br /> •"� . s�urod b!t 1h�4�d of wst at etry�pape or deed of tn�Bt,P��'ii����maturiry of�securod d6Ui et�d kndte�d�-� r n r_=
<br /> r -r�f�; rA�-� - ��MM(a��y�����( BftrO�llllf�l8iKb9 � •. .. � � -
<br /> >......••
<br /> .3'�, ; � i.4-. . --
<br /> � r�.#�au.a wr ko�ne.aR atwn.�►�nereny�evuestea a�at coc�es or me na�ces a detaun a►a�a►�be som co eacn pe�sa,wnu�s a�any nerew,e�
<br /> , . ;' u�e adar�ss a ead�.euon oe�son,a,set rortn ne�
<br /> `. . � ?•1�' 12,ppw�r of g�U.if thg t.ender fmoktss the pmNerot sete.the Trustee shali first tec�rd in the oifice ot the r ot deeds of each caur+iy whereln ths
<br /> ',=%�,��.�_r,,;";;�,� ,•." trust prop�Ay or eoms pnR orparost thereot`Is Wtuated a notbe of detauh aontalnfng the infcrmation requfr��w.The Tnutee eBaii atso mafl copies
<br /> .�;,-.r;.f;;,�,. of the noflee of detauit to�e Bortower.to eaahpe raen who is a hereto.eM Io other peisoTMa as pre by applicade Iaw.Not Ieas than orw
<br /> �����,i i",., moMh atter the Trustes reoo��da the notice of detautt.a two m hs the trust atoperly is not in eny inoorporated criy a vtilape�u�A la ueed in tarmkg �
<br /> -,;c`� operatlons cartk�d on bY the trustor.U�e Trusha shatl yNo Pubi mtice at eate to V►epe+rca�s and In tt+a msneer proscdbed by�tM4cabte law.T�uates,
<br /> :,,��,�b--er�;;i"�� �riU�out�lamnd odn 8orrorwr,sAaA setl ths ptopeRY a4 publb auatbn fo tl�e h bldder.If roqufrod bY the Fartn Hansttead prN�ctbn Tr.u,,a,yte,Y��.
<br /> .---�t-.'t^'��.:t�°' l�1M�UKOP C1A !y U1 lW0 MQ�«M S�?!�M f_ aQU{FN��i1Dif 18W.�Rlty�O(1!6350 G}i�Gt�fy�6'YI O��P�'OP���1'�'^' '
<br /> --��� annar�o�rNnt a�rot t�a fime and plera of any prwiouspr sale.Lender or tts d,.^si9nee may purcha:s tlse ProRenfi at en saM.
<br /> " -':=�.�...,
<br /> ;?;; .�.- r� Upan��tp t ofpsyment ot th�Piice pid�Tm�teo shall dethrer to the purehaser Tcustes'e deed canveyirg Me�o�s�ty Ths roeitaN eontaN�d in
<br /> -,;,.,• �.�,+.:r: Tn�tes'd deed shai100 Prkna taeis ev�dent.b ai tAS tnM of the etetemAnta oontah�ed 1hsr8M.Ttuste�shaN eypry� !hs-'roceeds af ths eata In ths
<br /> ���:�,�'_�,� . o�d�r:(W to ali e�Wansa►ot tho sals. but not Iimited to.reasonable Tn�atoe s teee.reata�able a1WrtMYa tMt end�t
<br /> N�!.��Y�.rJ r. t�to a�sums eecured�by this caed of trust�a n d(C t he b a S a n o e,K ein�/.t o M e p e�v�►�l�S N y r e M�tl e d t o r e e a M s M.
<br /> �'�
<br /> , _ .__�-��"'_�'� ��.Fo�.eio.ur..�s ienaere or�,n,isdeedo��n,st may oe rorecio6ea m ms manno��rov+aed�►eaaxc�ae�aw ra to�eao:urea monsa9.s a��eai
<br /> - -�,_- —� prc,p,ey,
<br /> —_"��'� ��M�o�e1i°^.�r may e�er the propeRy to inspect it H i.;��der ylvns 8orrawer noUa9 6efweh�nd.The notk�e muat slate tAo baeaabte eauee for —_
<br /> rs ���
<br /> '*�- ,:'..�> 4B.Con�fuMAlen.Bdrower a�signs m I.ender the P��eeds of�y�av�rerd or ciakn for dnma9ee�ted witli s oordemn�tiotra otl�er Wtktp ot aY
<br /> -:`�a;''`;.- ,,a arry pen w 1�.a�Y•�.Pcor.esds wiU bs appisd as aravk�qa tn carenaM 1.mrs assi�nment is euble�l oo the I�r►ns a any wb+socurirty �
<br /> __ --•��__ �
<br /> .4`
<br /> :..r.:; =.
<br /> -M-�a°,��...:� 10.Waiwr.By eze�i�p any remedf/avafiabie to Lendet.lender doeo not 4Na uiP any d9hb to later u�e any alt�romedy.8y wot exendalnp�►y �-
<br /> �_°.._��::•: ' rertwdy upon 8drtew�fs delaul[.Lender does not wdve any�g1tt td latereonsider the event a detautt if ft hR�+D�g�� ---
<br /> _:��
<br /> y'��� ^ 17.Jokit�nd S�wrM Co-sipna�s:Sucors�as Ind Bound.AU duNes iut�er thts deed ot dust 8re pht and severel.IVry 8ort�rwer _�:—
<br /> �"`;�'�a"��"-� wtw oo�signs thte deedis�t au�ut does nat co-sipn the underMn�lflStNrt1811t(8)d083 60 Ofllyl t0 gt8nt 8flda�wey thataorrare�s Interest In the �;:�
<br /> :'.:i,;�-�-.. p�p�rty to tha Tru�tee under tha tarms ot this deed ot hust In add�►ai.such a 8orcowera�rees that ihe t ender ertd sny oiher Borro�wer under Chi9 =-
<br /> - �'�"u•: � d e e d o t t c u s t m a o A t o n d.m�,ty a make an y other {n ttte tetms ot this deed ot tnuf a the socured debt without that BortcrrePe oonsertt�rrN; ■��--
<br /> :�� , .`,T wiMwut ratoesfng t�tal8or�ower f r o m tAe tertns ot this of tn�st `''�`
<br /> .: p �;.... ; �!Fii_
<br /> '-.. �;�":•,�' TMi dW�s and benefits of thisdeed ot uust shatt�Uid end benent tta suooessors and assigns of lendet end Bortower. F�j.'
<br /> . �� �{�::t�ptiq.Unkso othetwise required by taw.any nd�e to 8onower sAaA be giren by deiivedng it or 4y maliirtg it by ceAified,maN sddressad to }�;:`
<br /> . .t� rowar at the pra�tnAy addteas ar euiy otl�et addr�a that Borrawer t�as ghren to Lender.Bortower will givea�►�ratbe ta Le��det by csrti8ed maN to `•
<br /> .. ., ,�- �nddrsee onGsg�i af tl���d trwt.or to anY other addeess whkfi Lend�r has doatgnatdd.My a1�naticce to Lender st►aN be sent to �.,
<br /> :�,; LerMerE addreas as s ai ti�d on pag91 W Ihis ii8itt dII�ttlit.
<br /> , ��4 Any not[ce shali be deented to t�ave beon glven to Bottower or Lender whttn given In the manner sffited sbove. �
<br /> - • � ip.Tr�ot th�PtapatY or�eer�tfietal Intemst In the Baroa�tt aIi or any paA oi the prope�ty or eny tn;emst In tt is soid or transferred wHhout
<br /> tenders psla wdttert conr,enL Lender moy,demsr�d Imme�late payman4 ot Ne scrrrad debt Lender may atso damand Immadia4e�ayment if the �
<br /> � Borrower ls rtot e nfftural pey e��'g�8n3e��al�i�te���'ge��rroWe�sold or Mansferted.However,Lendar may noi demand paymnnt tn the ebovo
<br /> _-_ --•h-'-�— situations itit is prohibited b ot ,
<br /> 2p.F�v�yano�.When tho obligatton secured Dy tt�is tteed of trust has been pAi�,ond lender has no turther ob4lgatlon tomake advances und¢r L1n
<br /> � tn:uruments or egreemenls se�red by this deed ot trusl,the Tn►stee shatt.upon wrtden roQuest Dy ute Lendor,reaonvey ihn Mtst DropeAY Tt►e Lendtir
<br /> - .. , �hai1 dnfiver to the BoROwer.or to @orrowere successor In Inierest.the trust dead and tNe note a atit+er eridence ot IAS obligatlon so saUstFed.Bortawer
<br /> „ o�.G�u pey anr rer.ordatio�cos�9. • �;�`:"
<br /> , Zt.&KCafor Ttu�tee lende►.at Lendc�fe aption.maY remove'Thrstee and aaqoint a sua;essor hustee bY NrsL�ait3n�na�o�Y ei the cubstlMiqn oS.
<br /> .. • U+�e wpett��o�errotd bY eoD���w.srW men.DY t�ling tt►e suDstitutton et dustee�x recad in tne otfla�oi tne reII�ster ot de�of each aountY$Ie!h�
<br /> • authortt�►arid tittte o U�Tmst�ee n�artKedf� the�d�eod�o!tr�end M en�suo�on���ance W the propertlh shaU suooeed to ail tl�e PoweT.�1A'es.
<br /> .. � ... ,L tn
<br /> ,. •th�
<br /> v (ply�'1d�1
<br /> -i ' �r+.
<br /> :� . �BII[�(EIiSSSYStEtAStniC..6t.tXOUa11l1569011��800397-23tt1FORk1GCP�e�i(iNE 6'tA91
<br /> r..... �.. -.- -.,.- ,....,..._.. ..,` . ....._.._... � .,.-,. �_.._.�.,.. -�.�„� ..�. . . ,. ,,, _. . .._... ,
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