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<br /> IiY10W ALL ME�t B'SC THESE P�tESENTS, that x, Matilda M. Quaadt,
<br /> re�ai8ing at 1215 N. Pine, C3rand Island, Nebraska, have made,
<br /> constltutod and apguinted Marvin H. Qaandt, now reeiding at Rt. 3,
<br /> Hox 98, c3rand Island, Nebraeka, true and lawful atitorney �or me,
<br /> and in my name and stea$, and on my behaif, subject to the
<br /> pzovis3one of Paragraph N hereaf, to do and execute all os any of -
<br /> the following aate, deed�, and thinqss
<br /> . A. To recrsive debts and paYme�nt�.
<br /> To ask, demand, aue for, recover, aolleat, and reaPi.ve all
<br /> sums of money, debto, du�s, goods, aares, merahandise,
<br /> chatteis, �fFec�a a�d �iings o� wfiatsaea�ar nature nr -
<br /> description whiah now o� hereagter shall be or beaome due,
<br /> oe�.�.nq, Y�aYable. or belonging to me !n �r I�y Atty. �i�X1ta title� ,
<br /> ways or m�arYS howsaeve�, and upnr� reaeipt thereoP, or of any
<br /> part thereof, to make, sign, execute and r�eliver� such
<br /> reaeipts, releases or other d�scbarges �or the same
<br />. reapectively as my said attorney ahall deem advi,�able.
<br /> H. To settle accounts. �
<br /> To settle any account or reckoaing whatisoever wherein T aow
<br /> a� uz aL es�y �irae herea�ta� shall 7� 3.n any Way int�r�st�8 ar �
<br /> cottcerned with any peraon whom�vever, and to pay or reaeive
<br /> the balaace thereof as the aase may r�quire.
<br /> C. To satisf,y securitx iatexests and mortaages.
<br /> To reaeive every sum of money whieh now is or hereafter shall
<br /> be due or bel�nging to me upon the secarf.ty or by vir�ue of
<br /> any seaur3ty £aterest or agreement, oz mortgaqe, and on
<br /> receipt o� the fuli amount secured thereby to exeaute a good
<br /> su£ficient release or other 8ia�csharge of suah secu�ity
<br /> int��est, or mortgage by deed or otherwise.
<br /> D. Ta aom und subrnft tc a bitration or otherwise �ettl� o
<br /> ad ust f erenaes.
<br /> To aompound with or make allowances to any pexson L•or vr in
<br /> respeat �o any debt or demand whatsaever whieh now is or
<br /> shall at anY ��►e here�fter become due attd �ayable to me, or
<br /> by m4, or upon my account, and to take and receive, or to pay
<br /> and @tsaharge tae the case may be), any aomposition or
<br /> diyidend therea� or thereupon, and to give or reaeive �
<br /> releaees or oth�x disaharges for the whole of auch debte or
<br /> demands, or to settle, aompromise, or submit to arbitrat3on
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