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<br /> '��.V� . . . .
<br /> 11- -,`.� .,. ' .. r ' • . � .
<br /> ,� . • - . .� -' . ,� .� , . . �, :'.�;' -rt'�;
<br /> . , '1tn. . ' 11 . ' • -. . r , , . . •. . , n �, .: iG '.,'i<t.:
<br /> .. . . .j � • � _�.;� Ao.:_..., n.�ri.,....:.._._r.._._�"---�'-....___....�..+.'�1�t�-_:•-..-
<br /> � i.,52.,..�.....�.:-..]�1=�:�._,-. " ' [..irf.^...'
<br />_ J
<br /> . . ' . `�.-.-:
<br /> . '��r":
<br />• S1.
<br /> � �.^� 'r. .
<br /> � q, �Op�up�tba. Ittthe evant the Ikoperty�orv►Y Part thenot,ctull be hken by eminent doautn.the Mort��ee� °
<br /> ,� ttempoxaed to collecl�nd eeeei�+�ll comp�natlon wLtch aasY be P+ia for any PmPe�Y�en or tor dua�es to pi'opertY
<br /> not hkrn�and Mo�tp�ee atu�tl aDply a�ach compensntton,at tts optton�elther to�nduction of the indebtednes�aecueed
<br /> � . , Mr�Dy or t�e�pair sAd�tare tAe Di'ope�43►w du�d• ',
<br /> � g,Q�,�w;;i�G���ca.Mo�a�e m+�Y+but sht�l!uro na obllption�to do u►y aat whlch the Mort�or
<br /> . _� b�opred but faW to do��ad Mortpi{�e maY�1to do�y�tt d�ena decew�Y to P�tect�a��y u f� expenYdeii
<br /> . �p�eK to t�pt�y,upo�demutd,u►Y iutn w��cpmdM by the MotttyM tor Me�boTO pwpo��
<br /> ::;��; by tlte Mortpre���1 n�l p�Wty becwse of�nyt�in� nu3►do ororaft dabx b�ci ta ths Aen heieot.Moit�ee
<br /> �. ...,,�..
<br /> �6at1 not iacut�ny p�w �� _
<br /> ' 8.Dofault:Ntlpt�nt ot R�nt� Ttme u of Qhe ewnae Mreof.and upoa Mortp+�or•o detault fa any ooven�nt
<br /> e
<br /> oart�cementof t6ta Sdort�e.iadudln�co�en�nts t+o pay�hea dne t6e�unu kcu�ed EY!bu Mortpte.theMortWtee eh '
<br /> be entlNea.at ib wle option tnd�f�hont nottoe.to dedass vt ium�secund by this Mortt+�����upon�cA .�
<br /> „ " pqrtbie and msy oommenc�foraclaus�oi Ws Mortp� bY judid�l praaed[nPi�►P� � ;
<br /> d�iwlt tRe llost�ee�os a rcoelrti app�ntsd by a court,m�y af its optton and wiWout iepid to d►e ade4uacf'oi the
<br /> �ncu�ity.enter upwn and tsts potieat�o!fhe Yeopetty�ad colltct tlte nnb�taua and protlt+thersitom�ad ayply them
<br /> ,� ,� tfwt to tAe caat of coilxctton and opatttna ot the peoye�Ry►and tDen upon tho iadebtedaeb eecund bY t6is MortgtQee:
<br /> __ °'-�'� eaid ants,tauea��nd gxotiw�etna asdEaec! eo the�l�rt!��ee a NrtMr�ec�uitY for 1he pab�ment oi We tndebtedness
<br /> � 1� ynuced dertDy. _
<br />—�^'�, ,." � ��1 10.71t�uter ot lmPMi►. It W or any put ol4he PreysriYls wid or�nmsieend wItttout th�6�cepmmedit !y� .�
<br /> � eent of flte ti!o=t�ee�Mortlp�ee n�3►�t tfs aole oplton�deol�te all wms.kcund L3►Wb Mertp�e ----
<br /> ', - .� .= asd ptyable.
<br />"�c 11 � il. Flttrus Adaace4 Upon nqar�t of Moitp=or,Mottp�ee mW m�sddlttonal aad tuWre�adEVancxs� ;,
<br /> � �. M�or.8urh advanoa.w1W tnterest thereon�t1W1 be secund by Wl�s Moet�e xhen evtdenexd EY P iS'
<br /> ' dattaj tdat atd ante�ue aecueed hemby. At no time th�l!the yiindp�l�utount oL!!� indebkdnesa seci�igd by thit ,..�,�
<br /> 1 . . blort�e.nd indttdia�suau ad�anoad W p:okct the�ccurttY of�111ort�qe.ex�xed the o�trttnal Note. , `,�
<br /> �
<br /> � .. . 1�.I�hodtan�ous Prorirtont.
<br /> '. '�. (a) Any forebeuanae in eser�istn�wy d¢�t oT teme�eAill not be a w�iver thenof. ,„�•'';
<br /> f:--"• !stfoi3sd bl'!e�or egutty,
<br /> �u ' ....,,� (b) n�t nmeules p�orfded heteto ate�sancc ana eamul.ti�ve to.ny�tt�er s�s .
<br /> e
<br /> �� a►d may be exercised aoncuu+ently.Independeatly o:aiaesdvety. ��'-
<br /> ' ' � (e) �e oorentnta and �eemet►4e conWned henin �ddl 6Sad.an8 the rf�ta tau:e to.the ceapecttve �`
<br /> - ��i::��::'�;� snooeason md�ssipat of tDe Mo�or�nd the�do:tp�8• Q'--
<br /> c��::�ti:,.�.;,.�• :,� _
<br /> -k••.�+�:�.T:, , • �
<br /> (d) Att coveAants aaA a�ecement�of We MortpYos are jotat and eeve�l.
<br /> -;�.:�nn::.::�..:� - � —
<br /> 'T.—`{^;';:,��"�` (e) �e headin�s of the D�RaPhs of thta l�ortpge u�e for coareNenoe only and sb�U not be used W latet• �
<br /> ��uh.�i.,'�:i{,.�•,:
<br /> --_: •,::� piet or deAae We provi:3ona heraof.
<br /> '':.��`�a���'�'",. 18.�tele�s. Upon payment of�Il snms secund by Wts Mon�o.Mort�ee�dsll diachtli�e thls Mort�s�e and _
<br /> R�:';a-�`-<��.� e1Wl execute and dettver a atistactory eelease Werafor. • .
<br /> :;���s��. . __
<br /> �-.r�"d,._,�,��.,";,�.� IN WITN16&4 WHSREOF,Mottp�or Iw executod tUis Mo on t4�e 1�ShlaY ot-.7'.�e �19.4.�. -
<br /> y a_:
<br /> --r.�:^�Kw-_SL� .. , Frt ..
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<br /> "' r
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