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<br /> 9. M�urdout M�t�eI�M.Trustor�hall keeA th�Properly In compllanae�rith aii appliaabte lawe,ordlnanaea artd reputa4lons
<br /> retttlnp to IndusMat hyplene or cnvironrnsnul proteotion(cotteativety rMerred to heretn as"Environmental Law�'7.Trua4or�hall
<br /> kasa ths Property tree irom afl subrtsnc�s deemed to be heiardous or toxia under eny Hnvironmentet Lew�(coite�U��ly retar�ed to
<br /> h�raln at"Mwudouf M�tsdats'�.Trufta�h�nby wananb a�d repr�sents to Lender that thare are no Huaraoue Matsrlat�on or
<br /> urtde►the P►opert�r.Truetor hereby aprees to Indemnity snd hold harmtess Lender,its dlreatoro,otflcero,employees and a�ents,and
<br /> any suacestors to lendee'e Intersat ftam cnd a�cit�at any ansf a!I claimc,demage�losat�a and Ilnbllltlea artaing in eonneadon with ,
<br /> the pro:e�ce,u�,dlsposal o►transport of any Hu.�nious Mated�is on,under,trom or about the PropeAy.THE FOREDOINO
<br /> 10.RsNpnmN►t N Fl�nb.Truator hereby aantQna to Lsnder the rente,isauea and protite ot ths Properiy;provided thet Tru�tor
<br /> sNati,until the oaouirence of an Event ot Detoult hareunder,have the►Ight to colleat artd retaln auah rente,tasues end proflts as they
<br /> become due artd payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event o}Oetault,�.ender may.eittter in peroon or by a�ent,widf or wt4hout
<br /> b�inpinp any acNon or prooeedin�,or by a rnaelver appointsd by a oourt an�wlthout re�ard to the adequaay of tts seaurit�.enter
<br /> upon and take poaaeastan ottho Propeny.or any partthereoi.in its own nama or in the name of the 7�ustee,and do any acte whtoh it
<br /> t�►cere e he income thereirom or proteat the e1eauriry hereof and,rwith oir�wtho t tahlRg poaaese►on of�t Pf roperty.�iue foreo�
<br /> otherwi�e cotleat the renW,fasuea and proflts thereot,inciudinp those paat due and unpald,and app�y the same,teas cone and
<br /> expenaes of ope►a�on artd colleoUon inaludinp attomaya'feea upon eny Indebtedne►as seaured hereby,a�l In euch oMer as Lender
<br /> mey determine.The entering upo�l and tekfng poasessfon ot tha Property.the colleotion ot sunh rents,issuea and p►oflta a�d the
<br /> eppltoatlan thereot as aforesafd,ahal�not aur9 or waive any detautt ar notice ot det�utt hereunder or invalidate any aot done in
<br /> rs�ortao to auoh defewltor purouant to sueh notiae of default and,notwithatandinq the contlnuence in posseaalon ot the Proporty or
<br /> the cotioctlon.recelpt aad eppllaatlon of rente,lasues or proflt»,and Truetee and Lender aha�l be enUUed to exerolse every dpM
<br /> providedtorin anyoftheloan Oocumentsorby idwupanaccur►a�oeof any Eventof Oefault,inotuding wlthoutlimltation therlpMto
<br /> exeraiss tL�o pawar ot 3cfc.Fc�rthor.e.ender'e*F9hce and remedies uncler thia paragreph shall t�e cunutativo wlth,and In rto rray a _
<br /> ifmitsUon on,Lenders n9htsand remedie9underanyassignnsent of leaseuand renta recorded againsZthe Property.lender.Trustee
<br /> and the rec:etver ehali be liable to account only those renta aatual�y recetved.
<br /> 11.Ewrda of OMaut3-The toliowing shall consUtute an Event of Oetault under thia Deed of Truat
<br /> (a)Fai�ure to pay any instatiment of pdnaipai or Inierest of any otlter sum seaured hereby when due:
<br /> (b)Abreachofordeisultunderanyprovlsfonccntainedinthallota,thiaDeedofTruat,anyoftheLoanf)oauments,oreny
<br /> other Iten or ancumbrance upon the PropeRY:
<br /> (c)A w�it of exoauUon ar attaahment or eny eimilar proceas shall be entered against Trustor whiah shail become a Ilen on
<br /> the Property or any pordon thareof or tnterest therein;
<br /> (d)There sheit bo filed by or against Snrstor or Borrower an aaUon under any present or tuWre tederat,atate or other
<br /> smtute.Iaw or reg�elutlon�eladng to bankruptay,Insolvenay or other relfet tor debtore;or thare aha�l be appototed any truate4,
<br /> �eceivar or IlquidaMr oiTruator or Qorrower o�of att or any pan of the Froperiy.or thd rento,ii�,ues ar�r�iia ttssrsot.ar Tsts�
<br /> or Borrower ehail make any general asatgnment for the beneflt of crediWre;
<br /> (e)The,sale.tranefer,lease,assignmenL aonveyance or lurther enaumbrence of ait or any part of or any intereat in the
<br /> Propeiiy�either voluntarily or Involuntarily,wlthout tho express w�itten cohsent of Lender,provided that Tiustor shali be
<br /> pennftted to execute a tease of the Properiy that does not contal�an opUon to purahase and the term of which doee notexcead
<br /> one year.
<br /> (q Abandonment ut the Properry:or
<br /> (p)it TrusWr ianofan individual,the iss�ance,sate.transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance ot more than atofal
<br /> p��_porcent M(it a corporadon)ita�ssued and outsffinding stoak or(if a partnerahtp)a totat of pe►cent ot
<br /> parb�erahtp intereata dJring thn perlod thia Qeed at Trust remains a Ilen on the Property.
<br /> 12, p�m�di�AceN�ation Upon Dd�uit.ln the event of any Event of Defauit�ertder may,without noUce except as requi�ed by
<br /> law,cf�alare all ind�ibiedness secured hereby to be due and pay�ble and the same shail thereupon become due and payable
<br /> without any preaeMment damand,proteat or�oUce of any klnd.Thereaker Lender may:
<br /> (e)�Demand that Truatee exercise the POWER OF 8ALH grented hereln,and Truatee shail thereafter cause Truators
<br />- tnterest t�the PropeRy to b9 sold and the proaeeda to be diatrfbuted,afi in the manner provided fn the Nebreaka Trust Oeeds
<br /> Aa�
<br /> (b� Exerciaeanyendali►IghtBprovidedforinanyoftheLoanDocumentsorbytawuponoccurrenceofnnyEventofdeteui�
<br /> �(o)Commence an actlon to forealoae thla Deed of TNSt ea a mortgage,appotnt a receiver,or apeoifica�ty entorce�m►of the
<br /> aovenants hereof.
<br /> No remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Trustse o�Lender is intended to be exciusive ot any othor remedy hereln.ln the
<br /> Loan Oocuments or by!aw provided or pennitted,but each sheil be cumutative,ahcll be in additlon to every other temedy given
<br /> hereunder,tn ttfe Loan Oocume�ta or now or hereatter existing at taw or in equlty or by s+.ah�te,end may be exeraised concunenUy.
<br /> Independentiy or successively.
<br /> 13. TYwtN.The Trustee may resign et any tlme without cause,and Lender may at any Nme and without osuae appoint a
<br /> succeasoror aubaNtuteTrustee.Truatee shall oat bellabieto any party,inatuding w(thout Ilmitedon Lender:Borrower.Trustor or any
<br /> purchaser of tHa Property,for any loas or damage uniess dueto reckless or wilitut mleconduat,and shelt rtot be required to take any
<br /> eatton in aonneaUon with the enforcement ot this Deed ot Trust unlesa IndemniNed, In wrlNng,tar ati costa,compensa�on or
<br /> expensea whfoh may be aseoolated therewfth.�n addition,TNetee may become a purahaser at any sale ot the P�operty Uudlcial or
<br /> - under the power ot eale qranted hereln);poatpone the sale of ell or any portlon oi Me Properly,as provided by taw;or sel�!he
<br /> Property a8 a whote,or in eeparete parcele or tots et 7rustea'e dlacreUon. �
<br /> tq, FMS�nd Exp��qM.ln the event Truaten sella the PropeAy by exercise of power of sa�e,7rustee ahall be endtlod to eppiy
<br /> eny aele pmceeda Nrot to payment oi all costs and expenses of exerciaing power ot eale,including ati 7ruatee's teea,and Lendets
<br /> - and Truatee's ettomey's teos,aotualiy fncurred to extent permltted by epplicable Iaw.In Me event 8orrower or Truator exerclsea any
<br /> right provided by law to aure an Event of Oefauit,Lender ahati be entltied to recover from Trustor al�aosta and expenses aotuelly
<br /> - inourred es a result of TNetor's det�ult,Including without IlmiUaUon ail Trustee's and attomey's fees,to the exteM permitted by
<br />'� ePPliccible law.
<br /> 16. Futun Advana�.Upon request of Borrower,LenCer may,at Its optlan.make additlonal and fuwre advana�s end re-
<br /> � advances to Borrower.8uch advanoes and readvancea,wfth Interest thereon,ahatl be seoured by this Deed of Tsust.At t�o dme ehell
<br /> � usa nr�nduat emount ot the Indebtedneas secured by thla Deed otTrust,not inaiuding sums advanced to proteat the eecurity o!thla
<br />_-� Oeed of Trust exceed the oriptnat p�lncipat amount steted herefn,or� ,wnicnever is gre8ier.
<br />_� 18. MNaNiainovs ProrUbn�.
<br /> (a) Borrow�r Not R�Nas�d.Fxtenafon of the Ume for payment or modMicatlon ot amorHsstlon of the suma secured by thls
<br /> ; Deed of Truet gr�nted by Lender to any eucceasor in interest of Bonower ehat�not operate to reiease,in any manner,the Ilabtilty
<br /> a otthe origina�Borrower and Borrower's suacesaora In interest Lender shali not be required to commence proceedings egainat
<br /> = such suaceaeor or retuae to extend dme for payment or othen+ise modity amorttaaUon of th�sums eeaurod by this Oooa of Truat
<br /> � by reason of any demands made by the original Borrower and 8orrowePe succeasors In interest
<br />-i (b) L�nd�r's Pow�n.Without aHeating the pabllity ot sny other person I�abie br the paym�nt of any obllgaUoe hereln
<br />�-� menUoned,end wlthout etfeodng the Ilen or cherge of thls Oeed ot Truat upon any porUon of the PropeAy not then or Meretotore
<br />,.� releaeed ae aeaurity for the tuil amount of all unpatd obligedons,Lender may,from tlme to Ume and without noUce(i)release any
<br /> person so Itabte.(II)extend the maturlty or aiter any of theterms ot any such obliga8ona,plq grnnt other Indutgences,(iv)release
<br /> or�econvey,or aause to be released or recvnveyed et any time at Lender's opbon any parcel,portion or alt o}the P�operty.
<br />-- (�teke or releaso any other or addldonat aeourity tor any obtlgeUon herein menUoned,or(vf)make compoaltiona or other
<br />--- arranpemente with debtoro in roiatlon thereto.
<br /> , t. .v E
<br />