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' ' _ . � . n. . ~�'M'.1��sLS7i1ti.8�.YraY-x.�..o�a° . �v - . _— —. <br /> ��r•' . ...�.:'tJi '^l�if.. . . .�._......����-- .. <br /> -'�. ..�- ..�-r:-'- � <br /> . . .: �r •iram--.�r.-.-ir-_"_T.__--T._..."."'_ <br />--.�.II 1'L`Y4� ' ' ' I�.�a......J.".�"'"'�'"_"!..""'"".... .... _�... ....G.::::._-- _^,�'. <br /> ��`w,.��_ JQHW L 8R8RICHS tt�.� � 1�� Z0001� 06/ZZ/1�95 �. <br /> �'���:��,;r��. 9.Condcmmt�lo�.'Ihe prnaed�of a4y twud ar cid�or�ta�gea�irest ar wnnoctton with any - <br /> � .. - ooudemnadan or wY�er mfdng af the Praperty. or pa�t thereof�ar for conveyAace in lleu af condenwadon. are 6ereby �� <br /> �. �� assl�ned and sball be paid m l.e�der.subjxt to the temiv of eny mottgAge.deed of teust or ather security agc�ement witb a � <br /> _ �, <br /> . ` licn whictt h�.v p�iorlty over this Doed of T�us� � <br />".,,����,,r;:�; 1�. Bonnwer Nat Rdatedi F��'+�nce By Lee�da� Nat a W�iver. Bxtenston of Ute timc far payment or -- <br /> � ' nx�diRcadan of amwrtiratlan of the su�secusrd by tfifa Deed of Tmst grwted by Leader to any succsssor in inurest af ° <br />`'�-"'-"�!�� Botcawer slu�ll not a�perato to� any manner,tda tl�billty of tde atiglml Ban�awer aad Bormwer•s successore la <br /> ,-�,�:� � .: — <br /> .,..: intenest. Lsuder shall not bo required to commence pmcadlogs against c,vch succesror ar r�R�se to e�ctend dme Por paymeat -_ <br /> �:.T:."�:'.�' ar otbenvlse modiPy amortiadon of the sutns sxurcd by thia Dud of Teust by reason af�ny demaad mide by d�c ori�iml `=_ <br />=�',�,� Bnnower�d Bortower's successars ta interest. My forbatr�nx by Lender in eaercising aay�igltt or eemedy henunder. __ <br />_"°��=`�~''�`'�� or Whervvlse affo�dod by appiicable law.ehaA aot bc a w�iver of or precludo tAe eaercEse of any such right ar remcdy. _ <br /> ='"�;� 11.Suooee�o�s�ad Auipr Bo�ndi Joiat and Several Wbllityi Co3ip�c+s. '11�coveuuits�nd agreements hereia = <br /> _ --�-�`"'•` oo�wincd sl�ll bind.and the dght�hcnunder shail taurc w.tke respccdve succtssors and assigas of Lender and Bormwer. �.. <br /> - ::,xw!� � sub,�ct to tke pmvisIIo�af paeagesph 16 hereof. ai�ot�en�u�ana,�men�of����i be 3pt�c�,a�.w�. _ <br /> : � <br /> `-_=j��''.�4 My Hormwrr wfio ec►�slg�thfs DEed of Tn�st.but does uot eaecute the Nate.(a)ia ca-slgning tbis D�ed of Tn�st only to = <br />:,t::or�.`�"F (b) Is aot =. <br />- ..._.:,,� g[utt and oonvey ttnt 8otrower's inurest in the P[operty to Tn�ee umder tUe tern�of this Oad of Trust. <br />--.,-�hE" Person�lly liable oa tbe Note or under tbis Deed of Teust.Aad(c)aScees t}ut Lender and any at6er Bormwcr hereuader =; <br />-:;-��_�'.� an�y ag�os to extead.o�odify.foibear.or a�lce any ather accumnjodado�wltd reg�ud to t4e temis of this Deed af Teust or �,. <br />`�"'_;�+ the Nar.withaat that Bonawrr`a cons�and without r�leistng tint Bomower or modifylag t6is Dced of Tnut as w tlut _ <br /> .,: <br />_o:,�„�.,,�..�;; Bomnwer's intete�t in the Propetty. <br /> _ ___� 1Z. Notlor.B�coept for nny mda requin�d under appUc�ble bw to be glvea in anotder m�nner. (a)anY ooda w _ <br />::'����� Bot[ower prpvidcd for in this Dad of Tn�st stull bo glvea by dellveriqg lt or by nniltag suc�nodce by certiRed mail <br /> add�essed w Bonuwer u the Pmperty Address or u sucb otber�ddnss as Borrnwar may desigoate by aottce w L�ender ax <br />��":'�'`'� pmvidal hsrein.nQS!(b)an�r nadce tn I.eader shaEt he given by cerdRad mail to Ltnder's address stata3 he�etn or m sush <br /> ,.�. other addcess as Lwder nny desigaate by mtioe to Ho�rower as pmvide�herein.A�ny notfice prmr,idod for in t6is Uecd of <br />_��'l� Tn�st shall be daa�al ro Wve ban given to Hor�ower ur Leuder whea glven iu tde naanner deslgn�ted henin. <br /> 13.Co�eadns L�twi Se�eraWltty.The sttu and local laws applIcable to t6is Deed of Tn�st shtU be the avrs of We <br />'� jurtsdtcdon in wbich the Property is la�ud. The foregoin�senteace slyll not limit the applicability of Foder�l!aw to tbis <br /> -_=«::�:�� Ored of Tn�t. In the event that any pmvlslon or clwse of this Deed of Tn�st or the Note confllcts v�th appllpble law. <br />--�--�-��r sueb confttct shatl not affect ot6er pruvlsloa9 of thia Deed of'1'�ust or dte Note which can be giveu effax without tbe <br />_,_���� oonaicdng provist�on.u�d w this end the pmvlsloas of tt�s Dood of'�cust and tl�e Nou sme doclued w be seveia6le. As <br />- V ___-_:�.� u�d hee+ejn. 'casls'.'exP�n�ss'and 'auomeys' foes'inciude�p s�to tttc exteut mt pruhibited by appl�ble law or <br /> . limlted heRin. <br />° :=_:"'.�:� 14. Borro�•a Copy. Banower st�U be fumisLed a conformed eopy of the Note aad of this Deed of Tnut N the <br />`'�'�"y"�� time of esacudon oa after�ecoidadon beieof. <br />---�_=:';, ls. Re�bUitatio� Loan Ap+oanest. �onmwer shaU fulfiit aU of Bomower's obligasions uader �ay home <br /> -Y�;�� rehaMUtadon.lmprorv�menc,�epair or od�er lo�n�grameas wLich Bomuwer encers into wiih I.cnder.Lender.u Lendcr's <br /> --_-_� opdon. any nqulte Boirower to aucuto and deltver w Lender. iu a foim accsptabie to assignmera of s�r <br /> __ �ighta cWms or defen9es which Bonower mny bsire�gatr�st p�rdes who aqrply labor.mueei�is or senrFas in conaecdon <br /> ' wIth impmvemea�s�mde to the Pmpeity. <br /> ._.�.=A li.Tran[a ot tl�Phopat�or r B�neAdal Intae�t W Bo�mwer. If aU or any put of t6e Property or�ny iatenst <br /> -----=�� in it is sold or ua�mcd(or if a beneRcW Intec�est in flonuwcr is sold or uansfereed nad Bonovr�r is u�t s mtou�l <br /> -_ - peeson)without Len�ier's prior�vdtten coasent. Lender its optlon,�uire tmmodiate PaYmeat in fnU of all sums <br /> = s�cvred by this Dxd of 74ust. Howcver.tWa opBon shall eot be exetclsed by Lender if�acenlse is prolilbi�d by federtt <br /> � law as af the due o�diis Dad of Trt�vt. <br /> If�Lender exercises tWs opdon. Lenaer a6W give Boimwer mdoe of acxeleiadon.T�a nottoc shaU ptnvlde a pedud <br /> of nat tess ttwn 30 dsiya from We date dte aodce is deliverod or mattod withia wLich Bo:ruvrrer m�st pay dl suu�socured <br /> try cLis Dood of Tr�.st.9�Borrowu 6dls w pay�these sums prlor to the expuadon of this perIud.Lender may invoke a�► <br /> __ remedies permitta!by d�is Deed of Teust withow fiuther aodx or demmd on Bomawer. <br /> � NON•UMFORM COVENMI7'3. Bonawer and Leader fu�ther covenaut ud ag[ce ts foUows: <br /> _ i7. Aaodeeationi Rem�. Exapt a prmided In pu�ap� 16 lxr�eat. upon Bon+awer'e bre�e6 of any <br /> careo�nt ar q[aameot ot Bonower In tbb Dad at Truet.�Bo�owe�'s failura to pq► b�t6e end of 10 <br /> ---- atwWar d�ya a�x'dre!ar��sums�by�Dad of Tnet,I�mder prbr to aoodaradoa a1u11 tive <br /> � ° natioe to Bo�eoser ar pnvided ia p�ra�rapb 1� bn+eot apcdtyrta=s (!)tde br+asbi(a)tba adton e+a�ui�e�l to cure <br /> -�:_..�,�,� sue6 W+e�e63(3)a d�.not teae tdsn ZO daya tt+am tbe date the notioe b n�ikd tu 8an+owa•b7 whk6 aueb 6oa�ch <br /> muet be anYdi�(4)t6�t fW�re to cure aucb 6e+ach o0 or bdore tbe dwte sped8cd In tbe notta may r+ewk In � <br /> -.--_- ° aaodentioit ot the s�sec�aM by thEs Deed ot Tnnt and aek ot tE�e P�opaty.T!�nofta shdl f1�t(xr iutottn <br /> - -��� Boirnwsr ot tdo r�t to rdmtate aRet aoflda�atiaa aad tbe et�t to brtn�a cotut action to assett tAe no�t�ooe of <br /> ---�� •ddauk or uq at6e�dda�ot BwTaWer to tooda+�tton and e�k.It t6e Mra�cb is not pu+ed on ar betore t6e d�te <br />:_"�'��� spec[tkd In the oatla, Layda•at I�cnda�'a optbn�m�!dedan W of tlk aums sec�ed by thi�Dad of Trust to be = <br /> ��,�_,����` i�tediatdy due and p�q�bie wltho�t Nrtha�demand�nd may tn�ake t6e powar ot sale and any ot6a remc�iea � <br />;;;�;.,�„'�'�� pprmitttd b� appiinbie 4w. Lender aWU be � to aollect dl ydnonable ooets �nd eupa�eea tnaurnd In �_: <br /> � p�dqf�remedls�prodded te tdb pua�rap617.ted�in�,but aot tim[ted to,rc�sonabk atGo�nkys'fae. �. <br /> ' :� � It tbe pov�er ot sale b t�dced.'1'nntee shdl reoord a mtlee ot defautt tn eacb oo�nty in whtd►the Pe+npMy or _ <br /> :� � some paet threo!b{oc�ted�nd shtll msil eopks ot sueh uotlae iu tde maaner prescdbed by appflpble Uw to _ <br /> Bore+nvar.�m the otl�r�rsn�s nresa�ihed bv andlnhle Itw.ARer�Isnse of stx6 time as ma,y Ae rtqWred b9 <br /> ..'. ____:,.,_� appOlatbie lsw,Teustee ahaU�Ire pnWk natice d sele to tbe persom Snd in tbe mannar pr�saribed by appUcabk - <br /> '�' �``- taw.Tn�sto�,witho�t demaad an Bonower.s6tll adl the Piropaty at pnMtc a�t¢n to tde 61�t bidd�x at tbe ttrne - <br /> .>r� , . ,. _. <br /> , � • Y11d pIiCQ A�1lR�thE�lIiR4�M��@ OGNOG Ot 601E ID O[If:0!QIOt!wrtlbS S!M ID BpDII OtYIl1'�9 THljtaQ _ <br /> ''.�'` �.,.`;�' �nyr detamiee.Tevetee msy pastpone sak ot all or anp+paral o!t6e Pfropaty by publle annotmt+anwt�t t6e Nm� _ <br /> . ,�`r''�?� and place ot aqy pre�taay�seheduled sak.tanda�or Laida'a dd�e maS'purc6is�tdr PropMy at an�'�ek. = <br /> �. .` Upon�+eodpt ot psym�at at t6e prtce bEd►Tnateo shsil ddirer to t�purch�sa Tnntee'e dced conveyinf tbe _ <br /> ., . ' Propat�aeld.7'he recitLLt W tlbe Tnatx'e deed shala De peima fide ev[deaoe ot t6e tntb o!tt�e atat�made _ <br /> ._� y ...� lhaetn.Tn�taQ alall epply 4be procad�ot the sale in tbe[oliAw�y orders(a)to W re�onsDk co�ts�und e�cpemes of _ <br /> tbr sde.tndudtns.bnt out itmited to.7'nutee'a fas sc3�aUy incurrsd ot not mon ttwn 3 96 of t4e p�os�eate prta, . <br /> :: ��`�` : . raaonaBk attofneye' iees aad oo�ts of Wle iwtda�oe; tb)to ail s�am 6ecured by tht�Dad o!Tnnti and (c) tAe _ <br />`'::�_: . .}�! ` acas+.dt t6e peieoe or pe�sons Ie�aUy entiUcd tbereto. �.. <br /> ° ' ' " Nc��uto 2ea�a2 sr�s �OriQiaai tAaaord�d) CopytBsaaah) Copy(Cu�tici�r) P.Yo s ors =: <br /> - - -- ---- --------- _._.__...�._.. ---�--<r„-.�- <br />