.� "n:P! CIn:�
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<br /> w Tgr r.���n �,�9,5��.�1�1.�u� °`.
<br /> EUaENE W. JEFFRES, Grentar, e single pereon, in aoneider�►— _
<br /> tian o! Fortiy—Eight Thousend Five Hundred end No/100 Doilers
<br /> ($48,500.oo) a�nd other veluable csor�e�ir�er�a�ion, sce�eip� oP wl�ict� ia �
<br /> ha�reby acknorledqed, aonveys to D11N�EL R. BERNTH, a single person,
<br /> 6ran�es, the Poilowing deaoribed real estate (as dePined in H�eb.
<br /> Rev. 8tat. 5ea. 76-�01) in Ha11 County, N�braskas
<br /> �tr�ct oi Ued d�mcib�d�s Wt 1 aaprieiaq a part o!Lot Seven (7), Isl�ud, and a pa�t oi �
<br /> tAe Nest H�l! a!tLe sostGareat 4uartec tW�i �Il. � �9 in seaeion lWeaty aigbt (a3)►
<br /> lo�r�ip!bn(10�1o3ctT►, 1laage Ten(10)idest of tLe 6tD P.N.,E�.0�ouAty, �ebraslta,ettd tore
<br /> patliculaaly descriEed ss tolloYSt
<br /> fitst, 4o asce:t�in tb� point o!Deginning, etat at the snutd�eat wrner oi e�id Wst 8a1f
<br /> aY tLe liorf�rest�SUter (I� 1A��t tha�ca sautLorly,�lcng�0 npon tbe�est liae o!eaid Irit �
<br /> Seve� (7�, e distuice of S�vea Him�r�d loz4q Gae a�d llro lantba (711.Z) l�et to tA�l ��11L
<br /> Point oi De�leeiagr tbeuce defleatinq leit 90�oo• 00' and =uoniag e�aterly, along�nd u� --
<br /> tbe aont6 ri�t oP wy iia of Ynteusfi�fs 80, �dietwoe o�doe hua�ed�izEy (16i►.6) fee4t "
<br /> tha�oe detl�atiag leit 90�oo�00'aad�saiaq mrt�ly atonq add upon e�id riq�t o!wy line,
<br /> a�d:Iso bei�g pu�llel WitD ttr wst llns oi a�id Lot�area (7►, a dfatu�x of SeveA S�m�ed
<br /> io=iy Ou� eyd !W ieAtb (711.2) iettf !� detl�ctilg ric�t 27' 20' Sa' �nd �ain9
<br /> aort�t�turly, aloq�ad upon e�fd ri�tt of wy lf tw,�diatana oi Qr H�ed�inety Sit ud
<br /> Seve�ty ilve Hwdc+edtOs (196.75� f4ett tl�noe �d�floctinq dght 43• 1�' 00' a�d n�inq
<br /> nortDMSteriy, aloag and cq�aaid ri¢�t of wy 1L�e a distaece o!tour fin�d lsirty S�s�
<br /> �ed lYwety Yonr Aa�^�dtA� (437.Z1) feett tl�nce detleatin9 right 109� 90' 20' and rmNiDg
<br /> �r2p► �ual3a2�ft�!�a rs:t 2f�at r.af��t�a t�),aa�fb Qrale�tia�j e� .
<br /> of One lSous�d Sevea Huadred?itt�►iout aAQ xiae te�tLa (1,751.9)i�et tAO a point a tbe mrtD
<br /> bad�Ox tba Platt�Rivlr;ti�enoE defieating ri�1t 53�12•19"�Dd nmaisq boutbN�tecly �lon9 .
<br /> and upon a�id ao=tb fwalc,� diat�nce M lwro mm0r�ed Sev�nty�Iva aal Sevmty taa�edtb
<br /> (715.71)LNtt tb�oe detleatiag ri¢�t 2W {9�.31' aed routbre�t�rly, aloog�ugoo '.
<br /> s�id n�rt6 but, t dlstano�oi io�Hue�c�ed Rifiy and Seve���m�aQtns (4�0.71� f�et to �
<br /> e poiat on tbe wa!13ae oi a�f6 Lot Sev�n (7)ti�aoe nozt�rly, aloag a�d upoa tae wat li�
<br /> oi e�d Lot Seve9(7), a dtstanoe a!lioo I�ced Seventy Seven�ad tie�ty�i�!Yim�:edtl�e .
<br /> t979.9E)teet!o tDe 1Ct01L Poln!oP Degi�itg md contaiaing Z/.21/ acres, �ore ar lett, o!
<br /> �icd o.T18 iccw, �ora or lea, ia pr�eatly aoa�piecl by puDlic mid ti�t oi wy.
<br /> Grantor aovenant with tRe Grantee that Grantor:
<br /> (1� has lnwfully seised of suah raacl estete and t.t�at it ie
<br /> free fro� ericumbranaea aubjeQt to eeaoaents, ' reserva-
<br /> tion�, c�aver►nnt.s and reatrictions qf reaardt �
<br /> (2) hna leq�l po�er end laatul authority to aonvey the se�e;
<br /> (3j warrants and wiii defend the tftie to the reai estate
<br /> aqainst the 1awPu1 claims o! all peraona.
<br /> EXBCUTED: June 2, 1995. �
<br /> �
<br /> ffiiS �. ,' Grar�tor
<br /> STaTE OP NEHR�iSK�i )
<br /> ) se.
<br /> COUNTY OF H1�iLL )
<br /> � . TPie foregoing instrument was aclrnowledge�l before me on thia
<br /> 2nd dax of June, 1995, by �1'Q�iB � 8S� a ingle peraon, -
<br /> ff�r r.�.�r � /� �
<br /> v�wss�vr• / � / / // / _.
<br /> Commissgion seals /�� �
<br /> Not lic '
<br /> ����r -
<br /> �a�
<br /> a�, oe�n.�
<br />