� .
<br /> ° , �- . . . ..._ _
<br /> � .� �G _�1�r1��'11�5C'd��rF_t�k��'3'��P�'�R•��____'........�..., .____—_—
<br /> 9 � � - �i- __-.�i.-�z-74_'°�,r:��
<br /> TRUST DEED 9 5-- ��4���
<br /> ..
<br /> TM18 TRUST DEHD.m�de this�6,._dey ot�]una ,18 ��,by and emong the Truntor, `
<br /> James A Sich III aad Vickie L Sich, huabaad and wife, ___
<br /> th�nin•Borrowea"1,
<br /> who:.mawne.dara.ts��7 A�c3�ona Avenue� Grand islancl, Nebxaeka 68803 _ `
<br /> �nd HnTisr �� v .s t e o ,{�C300� nl�a� Nahrnnl�n .1A�t�ffl"Ttll�tH'1�and tM
<br /> esneflctary.F7nTiu��}�_Nat iq�al Assoc iat ion, Omaha. �whos�malUnp addnas i�
<br /> Nebraska
<br /> Aha Nebrask 68102 th�rNn'L�nd�r"1.
<br /> BORROWER,in conaWtration of tl�ind�btedness hsrein rec�ived and ths trust Mnin on�ted,l/f�y granb,tramf�n,oonv�y��nd�nipns to
<br /> Ttust�s,in TRUST.WITH POWER OF 6ALE,ths foliowtne dsacdbsd propsrty,tooat�d in,,,^ tta CountY.N�breslc�s
<br /> Lat 7, Capital Heighta Seventh Subdivision. Hall County, Nebraske.
<br /> TOaETNER with aN buNding�,flztuns.improverttente etd�pyurteroncn now or h�rpftst moted theroon and aU M�htaof-w�y,w�r►wr►tt,nnb,
<br /> i�w�s,profla.inconw,tenemmt�.horoditamenb.Privllege�,appuK�n�noes.roy�iHn,and minarul.ofl,gn and waur�tphta[herwirto bNonpinp.us�d
<br /> or�njoysd with�aid tand or w►p p�rt tMnof.�I ot whioA.inotud(np replac���nd additlora tMnto shW b�d�w�d to M�nd rnnrn�p�rt of
<br /> tM propNty owa�d by tNi Tru�t�1wdi�nd aN of tM�tb»poinp topnMr wlth aaid propMtp m MrNe�md to n tM•Property' .
<br /> TO SECURE to I.�nd�r ths rp�yrtaet of,ind�Ot�dr»ss evidmoed by Borrowef�Hans EWity Uh�Lo�n Apr�mnt and Nan�Equiq Not�datM
<br /> �r..,.�7� .18 QS •tap�th�t witN�ny and atl r�rwwals,modifloattons.�nd�xt�nio�n tM�af nid�ubsdtutlons or�xoh�npn tMr�for
<br /> 1A�nin tM'NcM"1 in tM mazirt►um prinaipd sum outat�ndUg at any otN tlm�vf 4 �top�ttwr w(th int�rat�t H»r�u
<br /> pmvid�d 1AwMn,with�Nnal m�tuNN.(t not soan�r pdd.o} .Tnna 1/. .� and n s�ottrity for arry tutunr w�anoa tl1�t mM. .
<br /> b�mad�Dy tM L�nd�t to tM Eomow��Bom dm�to Um�and a�s�ou�ity fo►tM peym�M ot any�nd MI otMr ind�bf�dn�a of tM aorrown to tMi_,
<br /> Und�r whtoh m�y aris�.rl of�aid sums twt to axesed in Uis agpr�a aum�qust to thrN tlm�s tM orfpitMl pdnoip�l amouM ot`tAs Not�. For
<br /> puryosa of tM Man�Bquiry Lin�Loan A�sm�nt.p�rapapM 2.3,A,6 and 11 bNow�hMl b�de�m�d c�v�nants nfadnp to tM Prop�rt�r.
<br /> EORROWER ew�esxb tMt tM eorrow�r i�tsw(ully tNied of tM Prop�rty Mnby ootnr�y�d and h�s th�dpfit to pnM and oorevsy tM Prop�tty.th�t
<br /> tM Prop�rty is un�neurnbsrd E�ony mortgp�,teust d��d,Qonu�ot to purohass or ot�wrwfts,�xo�pt tor a�pP�;,pf Trnnt
<br /> lnfavorof
<br /> on whiah th�anpald balanc�on thi�dm don not bx 4 . Kowar aov�narNS to co�npl�with aN t�a t�rtns
<br /> provi�ion�o!any prior n�oKp�y�,trust dwd or contraat to purohu�,upon ths PropMy and to mske all paym�nb thtnon betor�tMy W�om�
<br /> dMinqutnt. It no twrn ot amount is ins�rt�d In Ws p�rsprapA,th�n tM Bottow�r oovenants tAat thsro�ro no prEor Hens or encumbranaa ot�ny kind
<br /> upon tM Prop�rty. TM Borrow�r furtMr oovsn��s to warcmt and dd�nd tlM tlfl�to ths Proputy�pNntt�il eldms and Qan�ndt.
<br /> 1'h�8ortowa�nd tM L�nda turtl�r cov�mnt and�gros s�toftowr. .
<br /> 1. Ths Borrower shaN prompUy par when du�ths pdnaipal end int�rest oe ths indNftedness�vidu►esd by ths Nots.
<br /> 2. At t�m t�n @�ys D�fon thsy b�oome dNinqua�. 6onower sRalt pnr all taxss and spsoir ats�s�urante i�visd or�s�ess�d pdnt tM
<br /> Proputy.or enp part Manol,and alt mxss,lsvfoa snd wstoantonts tevied upon thia Tnrot Deed or the debt whioh it seouroa.
<br /> 3. The Bo►rower ehdl keep tRs Emprovemente and bufldings,!f eny.upon ths ProPerty inaurod,with a oompeny o►eampeNes approved Ey tM
<br /> Lender.tor sn amouM not less tAan the urtpatd balanes on the indebtednesa seourod by thta Truat Doed witl►e etendard moKgage ctavae
<br /> with toss payabts to the l.erda. Ths 8orrower ehdl dNivs►a[d Ootioy or pollatea to tRe lender.
<br /> In the evam o!a�toas,the Borrower ehail give prompt notloe to ths insurence canior and tRs laoder and fets s proof of iosa. N the Borrower is not
<br /> --- -- -- -'- .►�ta�..�...�.�....�t..��.Yn.�r t�.......� --' �w w.�i�nr��eWae�t!r danua�d Praa�M.i!�mneedealIv}rasiAl�.vfd
<br /> • . y w�w���ww��t��w���w������..��.�.��r.�����.�r�_ �..T.�__ -._ __ .�
<br /> tAe secudty ot tNs Ttuet Deed wauld not b�Impairod. If ths Bortawer is in detaWt or at�cie not to repde or�eptace the da�naged Property o.repatr
<br /> or roptae�ret would rrot eeonorr�taaNy fusibte o►Ms seaudty of ttiia Truat Deed wou0d es impatred then Me tnsurance prooe�ds aih�it bs applfsd to _
<br /> Ms tast matutinq parmse�ts du�oo tM Nofs. If th�Insu�ran¢�proeesda�n in sxaes�ot th�totel at�ount due on edd Note,Ms eneess sAall Ee p�id -
<br /> to tM Borrowsr. I�uuranes pma��ds tor npd�ot�eptseotm�+t shaU be plaasd�n aaorow witA th�Lender and diabuesed by ths 4end�r duAnp or upon
<br /> canptetion of auaA ropair o�ropl�aetneM. tt tRs lender acyutna dtls to Ms Prop�rty by euercisin0 ib power of eds,foroctoauro or otherwise,in -
<br /> eatlafaation of Un indaAtarlrna s�eured h�reby,in wAole a fe�pset,the�dl riyht,tld�nod intsns4 ot tRe 8onow�t in a�u!to suoh insuranos potio�r =
<br /> or potittea sAdl paas to tRe lender. `
<br /> 4. 7Rs 8orrower shaii kaep Ms Prop�ny in good rop�fr and eAatl not commit wasts or permft imgdrment or detbrEoraBon ot tAe Property. -
<br />