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. .. . .. yy� K <br /> � , '.^!�'IR . v `�� . . ... . .• � <br /> . . - • ,�y���� y�(�.� / J��y` ,, . u._ - ....,.. <br /> - _ ,,, _�y�y._... w�llSft'.' ���• �IE�f.@���StZ;�3',Y+:'ti��-{i:+F�i4iY..S[!��.n"1e,:_- <br /> • p � • <br /> ,1 <br /> �QUITY LOAN T�UST DEED , .;�5� 1A���� <br /> 'fi{i5 TRtiST 0'cE0 io+�.'�tlda.a$,�_elcY o�.._.�yy��._ _•�fl�,by end b�twssn 1ho Ytu�inr, ` <br /> �A��*ieo D TatbenhQim an �vely�, �, Ta�b�nhaim hLehartd and wifA. ___— <br /> (hereln'8or�owei"1. <br /> wh0�e mdllnp�ddr�p U 1 h07 N_ PArie� rnn�„�igjgaQ,}NS 688A3 I <br /> and FinTi�r ,(hnafn'Trwt��"!,a�d th� <br /> B�n�Hal�ry.HnTi�r ��v oAse�mB Itnp eddnss le <br /> ..__�_ �_�......�.e an�n� thrr�in"I.mder'1. <br /> BORROWEil,in oon�idsration af tM Ind�bt�dmsa h�te:n�ooitad and ths trust henin oreated,irnvoaahi�gant�and aomey�to Trustes,in trust, <br /> WRM TME POWER OF SALE,th�tdiowinp d�sodMd prapttty lowted In th�County of Hall .State of Nebntk�: _ <br /> Lat 136. West Lawn, City of Grand Island, Hail County� Nebraska. <br /> TOtiETHER with�II buAdinpr,flxturea snd improvsm�ot�now oi fiore�ita�eroot�d tAsnon and dl�ighu�of-way, esaem�rrta,reM�,issues,profia, <br /> inaom�.temm�nts,henolit+mn�b.PdvN�gst•�ppuK��encea.royaid�t.�nd mtrarai,oU.pso and vrater righ�t tAaeuMo b�lonptny.und or�►INOY�d <br /> with ufd Iand or any put tMreof,and tM homestead or msrital interosts,ii any,wMoh Interestn ars h�roby reb�nd and waiv�d.and all of whteh, <br /> inoludiny nplao�trants rnd edditlons thsnto stiblf b�de«nrd to be and rem�in a paK of ths prope�ty cov�red by this Tnqi DNd;an4 atl pt�th� <br /> forepdnp topsthsr witA sak proporty an h�rsin tahmd to a�ths•Prop�rty.' � <br /> TO SECURE ta L�nd��tR�npaym�nt ot indsbtednan evldeno�d by Borrowsr'��c�te dat�d Jutte 15 ,19 95 ,toQ�thsr <br /> witM any�d dl nr»w�lr,noSNfl�adons,a�xt�xtrnsions tMr�of and substitutlona or mxohangea.Nerofor,th�rain rofemd to sa "Not�'!in tA� <br /> peinc{p�l sum of 0 5.910.41 ,topsthei wlth inursst st the nte providad thsroin,wttri�Hnal mstt�titN,it <br /> :, <br /> e+oe soon�r patd,of Juiv 3 .18 98 .end as secudty tor�ny future advanoey tAat.may b�mde by Lender to So�rower <br /> from UrtM to tNm and a a�oudty for tM paVment of�n��nd ait oth�t indNtt�dnas of tA�8orrower to tfa L�nttir wMoh may�ds�,rl of said tums <br /> not to�xa��d in th��ypnp�t���wn�quai to throo tlmes the ptJninet prinaipM amourn ot th�a6ove recitM Not�. <br /> BORROWER eov�nr�YS th�t Borcow�rls I�wtuliy seizsd at ths Pmpeny hersby corn�ysd and hes tM dpht to qrant and eonvsy the Prop�ety.that th� <br /> Ptop�tty is uMnaumb�nd Ey any mortyp�,tn+st desd,conuaot to purchns,or ottn�rta,.exwpt Mr� nppd of TeuaC <br /> in f.vor ot 8ome Federal Savingn aud Loan <br /> on whioh ths w+pa{d b�lma�on Ws dat�do��not exessd b . 6ortower aownants to comply with�11 the brms <br /> and provitlom of any pdor morty�,uust dad or aontnot to purohn�,upon t e Propeny�nd to make ail paymeMs tAeroon befon tMy b�ooms <br /> dNinqumt. It+w n�or a�nount is insntod In this p�rapnph,tfion Bortower covsnat►ts that tMt��r��o pMor Itens of any kind upon tAs Properry. <br /> Borrow�r tunher aovenu�ts to werant�nd dsfend ths titie to tfis Propsrty Agdn�t�il cidms and damand�. ' <br /> Bortower and lend�r tuRher oov�mnt�nd apros ae:toitows: <br /> 1. Borrowsr ohalt promptly pay wMn dw the principat and{nterest on Me{ndebtedness evidanoed by th�tYate. <br /> 2. At teoat ten day�E�toro they beeome daUnquet�t.9orrower sA�il psy dl taxns end epeofeii aaaeeamsnta ievied or�sseased�gatrot tM Croperty, <br /> • or any part th�root,and ati taxea,l�vt�s and asanaements Ievied upon tNe Truet Oeed or the debt whioi►it aeeures. <br /> �� 3. 8qrrown sh�ll koep th�Improva�wnU and bulidingv,if any.upon the Property[nsured,wtM a aompany oe campaniea epprovad by the 4ender,for <br /> en asnount not less then tM uryiaid batanes on tM(nd�btadnsss s�aur�d by Ws Tnist Qasd with a stendard mortg�ps ciauae with loas pa�r+�b1e to <br /> che�onder. 8onower�hdi de�iver said pofiay or policiea to ths Londer. <br /> !n the event oi a loas.3ouower nlull pivs prompt notlee to Nts Inaunnes aertter end Me Lender and fiie a proot ot losa.�t the 6artower is rtot ott►ervrise <br /> fn detaui�ths Borrovrett»s�eleet to appl�th�insuwnos prooe�ds to repatr or repl�¢s the damaged PtopeKyr,if economieaUy feasfble,end the seauritr <br /> ot tAia Tntst Oeed wouid�ot bs imp�iroE. (t tfis Bor►ower is in defauit or etente not to repdt or replaae the damr�ped PropeRy or ropair or roglacement <br /> ��...._.�• - ------�-+�.-------._..�,�..�......�.. <br /> wouiu�wi eaonamia�►:::woio d:.;w�iri::.q a:.::::..:e:�.o�:::M.r.nB..q,...a..,........o.......�.....'. '��..... Tr::.�.�...�.�....._._....s <br />•dus on dse Note. It tNs inwtanes proceeds ero In exeese of the totd amount due oe eafd Note,the e�ceesa shdi be paid to tha Bonowe►. <br /> Insuranoe procesde tor rop�ta or npt�cMruM shell bs piso�d fn esorow wlth ths Londer and disbunad by Lender during or upon eomptstlon of�uch <br /> ropatr or ropl�a�nt. If Ms lend�r acquires dtld to ths Pro�teny by ezercifing fts pow�r ot�els,forooiosuro or oMsrwiae,in esdsfiotiaa ot the <br /> indehtednesr aaund hermby.In whots oi tn part,then dl dpht,tltl�end interaet ot Ms Borcow�r in and to euoh leaurance pollay or pdictss shatl pas� <br /> to the Lender. <br /> 4. For Ms purposa of provldinp e fund tor tAs payment o!tauas,�peeid nse�s�nante�nd insutanee premiuma,Borrower aAali deposit vrfM Lol�de►. <br /> on th�datts that p�ymerttf e»dus on ths�mount squd to the taxes,essesaments�nd insurance promiuma next due(sU u estiroated by <br /> ths lender.le»amounn dnady d�potited thsnfor)dividrd by tM numb�r ot pa�rrmate o�ths Nota tAat witl bsoome due prfor to tfis date when sueh <br /> texea,assetsment��rd inwnne�pnMums vrip becom�dus�nd payabt�. 8atd tunds wUl bs hetd b�Me Lendar in e noMnterest beadng eaomw <br /> nccount tor tbs purpoaa s�t forth�6ov�. tf tAs emounte of thess depaait�ars not sutticie�t to pay taxea,essesamente and insuranae premiuma as <br /> �hey beeome due,the Bonowsr�MU upon repueat,pay lender ahe amount�eesseary to make up Ne defteterroy. <br /> 5. UMrtss appltcaEte law provfdas othatwise.rt p��nr►ents teceiv�d by lendsr undet tAs Nots and pangrapha i end 4 Qereof sMii be applied Ay l�nder <br /> first In paymem of emounte pay�blo to lendo�by Bottower undsr pueyreph 4 hersof,then to Intereat payaAls on tAe Note.than to ths prinNpal of <br /> tAo�d then to Interest e�pnnclpd or►eny tuether edvance�or otRe�frrlebtedrtesa seoured heroby. <br />