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<br /> , .f�r {t . 'r:t (f�t,:j.` -r� R�.;.w• "fl� .
<br /> 1 � ,,,� ,I' � '�t{:d,���..� r�}���yb.l:.
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<br /> '1�, � 1
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<br /> ••,;,�;.` ., ....,;- —.
<br /> M . o '•'i4s"��:. �.;; :`.-'
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<br /> • � .:. ' .. • � . -. • � ,� .
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<br /> .. •' " -
<br /> . ' s�. ' - ��r �M<.rn.PX•;+�twti+rN`�`iJ10M1NY /t�Pi/R�M8�4u�i`Mfd�!4i�'� .Y-.:�V":.�st:,f ��'.
<br /> .,
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<br /> �� z ' � .1__=.-'-_- - � y. _. .
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<br /> . .rr.�rr �.,._......_......�.�.'__""�"_'_ "....... .. .. ... _ .:_. _..... -_.�...__ ._ ._.:.. -. .. _ . .. _._ ,.__
<br /> . �,. . . ;a . 9�_ 1tD4�.�� _ . �:�.
<br /> �. . E��_
<br /> � � �8.Borrower'a EIIpM to Retnsbt�. tt e«roww m�s a�a�n oana�ons,aorrowat EhaL hav�th�Apht to have enforcernent Af --
<br /> , thM S�aurR�r InstrunNnt dkoontir+wd at�ny ttn�pbr to th�MrY�► ot fa)8 daya (or wnA oth�p�rtod as�PPNabM I�w rtuy ap�oly tor .
<br /> reMstete�nent)botore s�te o} the Pro�ty pursuent to rny po�w�r af e�b coatahed b thb SeaurN�r Insbummk or(b)antry ot a ju0�nmt
<br /> entoratnp thf� 8eourlty In�Wmenf, Tho� oondkion� sro that Botro�,rar: (�) pays Lender aM sams whbh then would be dus under thb "
<br /> ,---- --- 8�curNf►InstNmint Md tM No2�a�M Ro acc�i�n'ti�n hRtl axureed:(b)curas�nr dihuR of�ny other co�enant or tIIroementei (a)DBY++
<br /> . a1�n�s heurt�d h�ntorain0!hN B�auAq►InstrummL inol�dl'�0�but�ot Iimbd to�nason�bN attom�ya'b�s:and fd)takw wob aotbn .,
<br /> u LendK m�y nuomby nqulr�to atsur�lhat th�Wn o!thk 8�aur�►ln�trummt�landw�Apht�h 9hs Ptop�ryr�nd 8orrowwo obApttbn
<br /> . to pay!1w wna s�au�d br thN Q�aur�r instrum�nt shaM aauNw unoh�rip�d. Upon nhstatanont by 9ortow�r�thM S�aur�y In�4ummt . �
<br /> �• end tlt�obiig�tions wowrd hueby�htM rMnab A�Nr NNotiw as�eo�cdMration had ocourrad. How�usr,thts rlpht to nNstat� thtM nat
<br /> .<-�� oPPb„tt�ow ot�ttan und�panipnpn t7.
<br /> .. �i:
<br /> ���"`_ 1�.Stl!0! NOt�ii ChMd�Ot LOi11 S�fV1�K. TfN No� a a pertW 1n0u�t M tM Nob (topKf�K wkh thN 8�aurNy
<br />. C.�r:l�4r� I�{W�IZ� flity b� totd aw a mor�ttrtNS wRhout P�►not�b�to Barow�r. A saN may nsuR In� ahanp� h th��attiry lknown a th� .,
<br /> '<...:�� •Lotn BMVbM')that ooMrot� rtqnthb P�Y�►b dw undlt tM No��nd thM 800urR�►In�trum�et� Thw»Wo may b� on�a mon oh�np�s
<br /> of tha t.otn S�nlo�►unrokbd to a�M of dN Nob. lf Ihw M a eh�of tM Lwn 8�vio�r.8arowa w�b�pMrn wrlttm notlo�o!th� -
<br /> • �� ah�np�b �000rdrne�wlth p�npnpA t4�boa and�pNOabw yw. 1h� notbs wil �at�th�e�md addnss ot tM e�r Lo�n BMVie�r
<br /> `�• �nd th�addr�s to whbh p�yminri ohould b�tnad�. Th��ollo�wM al�o oonlah�ny oth�►htorrt�tlon ngutld by�pAMo�br rw.
<br /> 30. Hmr�loua Sub�w►c��. eoRaw�r sAat not a�uN a p�nnit th� pns�no�� u�. dispo�4 stana, or nww ot my .
<br /> ri'
<br /> > Hmrdoui 8ubst�nolt al ot b tIM Ptop«ty. 8arow�t thaA rtot do.nor�bw�nyon��to do�anytl�bp dNotlnp th�Proprt�r tAtt b In
<br /> • vbktlon o!�ny f.mAromn�nril taw. TM p�o�dinp Nva wnbnoN sMM iwt appy to th�Pn�nc�,us�. o► uonp�on th�Propwt�►of�maN
<br /> r, x „ qwnEklN of Ftaa�rdan 8ubstlnaM lAtt i»O�M�IIf► naopn�d to 0� �pproprl�Er to nonnt ►aidmti�t usa md to maht�naa of th�
<br /> PtOpMly. -.
<br /> 4�� ... . . ... 9ortow�►sh�N prar�pty �M I.�dK wdl'�n notie�ot�rqr ►TMStlpltion�olth4 d�rt�ttcb tiwsuk or oti�totion bY�1l oo���� ":`
<br />-.„,,
<br /> ,�. . � npuktal►ap�nOY«PrMat��ah►hvoNlq tM P►op�tr�nd�nr llwrdous Substane�at Envlronm�nW Law of whiah Borrow�r ha�otuai
<br /> knov�Udg�. H sorrow�r wm�� a N notlNd b�r �ny po�rtar�nW ar nputatary authorRl►,that any nrtwvu or oth�r reeMdtWon ot mr �;
<br /> °_ Hawdous 5ubstma ttNothp t1N Prop�tA�r k n�aW� Harowlr ahd pompty taiu aN n�a�uary rwrwEW oottont h QaooNu� wRh �,
<br /> •�----° -M1—.
<br />, . Envtonmrnf�l Law. �!�=
<br /> , ; � : �s us�d h thN Pv+�h 2D� 'Naavdous �u�r�o�a' �r�s thoto wWtar� dNhed ao txdo or h�ardous Rubst�nc�s b�r
<br /> � ' ��, Envtorw�xmW I.�w �nd tM kbwhp wbstanea: ptsolr». inrot�, otMr fYim�bN or toxb PMro�+m Droduats.t�b patlaid� �nd �``_
<br />, � h�blatdN. wYtM toN�b� rt�tbri�M oanWnYp asbNios a tarrt�tld�t►ytJ�, and radloaotM rtKhriii�. b us�d h this puaqr�ph 20� ��
<br /> � ° 'EnrYanm�nW law• rnNnt t�d�ral kws �rtd !w� of tA� jurltdlotbn wh�r� th� PtoPM�r i� bott�d tMt reirts to Reulth. etNh► a �.
<br /> '.. �..:
<br /> . �nvYontmnttl prot�atbn. ----
<br /> ° ' '• NON�UNIFGFi1A C04fENAM�. BarowK�t►d I.�tQ�r furtMt ooNntnt and�prM as toMOws: —
<br /> . " ��� 71. alccelentlon; Remedies. Lender �hall qhrs nottae to Borrowar priar �o �caeleation tolb�rl�Q
<br /> • _ ` .=�`��= eonow�r�a breson of any coven�nt or �rreerrant tn t�t�seaurlty insaument(hut not prtor to aaaeier�on --
<br /> , �° under prynph 17 untea appliaabls iner providea otha�wise). Ths notice �II�peotfy: (a) the dthut�
<br /> '..:.:��.. (b) ths actton requked to curo th� detwl� (o) a dab, not ius tlnn 30 d�ys ir�om the d�te tMe no�es !a
<br />:�,��..�_,,,,, ,•; ' qhnn to Borrow�r, by whtch tl� dMauR mwt b� cur�d; and (d� Urt htlure tp cure ths dstwit on or
<br /> ;:;. ,, { betor� the d�te �ptottled In ths noU� m�y rauR In acceterntton of tM �ums aecured by thts 8ecurriy
<br /> N;4:f��.:;:,�,;�� , Instrument�nd ate ot tl�e Pro�t�/. Tht notict Maill further iMbrm Borrower of the rt�ht to retnatate atbr
<br /> �-..�,s:�,:,,;,:,:� . scceter�tlon and the ripht tio brinp • oou�t sotlon �o ae�ert ths nome�d�tenc� of a detault or �ny other
<br /> ;;:�•::llz�..� dsf�nte of 6orrow0r to aacelenUon and at�. It th�d�R i� not wr�d on or b�tor�tht d�t�apaaMed --
<br /> `����-� t» tM �ottae, L�nd�r n its optbn my requ0r� Imm�dlKs paynMnt In tutl ot aU aum� seaured by thb
<br /> ".-",�: . `,'�'''.,� Eecuriiy tnstrum�M withaat iurtl�er demsnd Rnd m�y Involu ths poyrK of aIo �nd my other remedles --
<br /> �'�:,`�°'�".`��',��'� permttted by �pPllabl� taw. Lender �II bs �ntltted to collect all e�enees incurred In puauUp the -
<br /> ��"`r``��=����� remadiea rovfded In thta h�1 inotudin but not Iimited Lo �aaarnbt� �orn�ys'hes�nd co�ts
<br /> ..=�c-,�;�:�c. P p�r+�P . �� �
<br /> � m.,�-T.,
<br /> . _=. .-_���:�. oi tlQe evid�na�. -
<br /> � yJ'_��`'�'=� It th� power of al� t� tmrolc�d. ?�uste� �IMII record a nottc�of d�tault le Mch aouety In which �ny -
<br /> -,:="==��""� p�rt of the Pr�,p�rty Is loeated and �11 mdl aopie�of sue�+ notioe!n th�m�nner pnsoribed bY�pPlit�bte
<br /> "'�"�� taw to Borrow�r and to the other ns
<br /> ^��;�• parao pre�orib�d bY �pPlicabl� taw. A�br tM time nqulnd by
<br /> ,;��.����»,° epPliqbl� I�w. Trutte� �htll qhr� publie notic� of a�l� b tM p�raons and tn ttM m�nnu ptuerlbed by -
<br /> �-''�'"� apPttabl� uw Tru�te�, without �emmd on Barower� �11 pll the Properly tt publio auotion � fhe �
<br /> -ti��.�,��r hlphut bidder at tM tims�nd pt�cs�nd und�r tM t�rm��ui�n�tsd In tM notle�ot Mi�In oe�or ntore -�
<br /> "„'��'"�-° para�ls �nd t� �ny order TrusLN d�mtn�s. TYv�tee cn�y po„pon� Mt� of �II or �n�l pNrcel of !he -
<br /> - �-. �:v ..-
<br /> -_�
<br />