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<br /> . � � NEBRABSADEED O�TRUBT ';:,�"-'����!�+.;'�'t�'
<br /> � (With Po�ver oi 9ale) � '� .�:���:
<br /> . � .. ,'��o,��`,_.--
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<br /> TfiL9 DEED aF TRUST.mnde t4�fe 13 day of June ,�g��,,,,,.r-
<br /> . �,�y�p 5teven C. Kirkpatrick nnd Dayn�._M�Kirkputri_ck. husband and wife as ioint ten�nCA� �::;..�R.�.:-,s_
<br /> ' whoeemailingaddreasie 944 S Oak Grand Island NF. 68801 , �G " """` ' r
<br /> .y.....+ ..{�.-.
<br /> SCewart T:.tle GuaranCv Comz�anv ` �' -
<br /> � aa 7lvstare. � �i?��','-.��
<br /> �
<br /> whneev�ailingn�rldrcssis_P.O. Box 7.{129 Hnu4ton. T�72�2 � . .�df�
<br /> .. .. ,.... _ � � -
<br /> .. � ax�kuetee.and Nanveet FSinnnc[al ATebraeka.Inc.,whoae muiling�ddreee ie 2"�19 N. Wehb Rd. -- . •- -�'`�°��'.�-
<br /> .. �� .+�-•—__' -
<br /> . � P.O. Bo:; 1373 Grand I�lsr.d. NE 6A80 —,ae�eno4'cciar�, ' �;��-
<br /> �: ��;,..,_,a�,::
<br /> WITNF.89EZ'H,'i�uatore hereby irnavocuh�;Yrant bargaia,eell,aad oonvay ta`EYuatee in trvet,with power of enle.the folloxin�deecribed r�.�_
<br /> . P�pa�y,� Eiali �ouaty,Nebneku: , :
<br /> , � �n..-, � �. , , /�o. , �� ., � '��--_...
<br /> - �' L/1C JU(jLLi LC1. L'CCL �1� � Ci� u�t. :Lir.ety-l�ro �JL.� �n� ull v� u.".� a\�ileb}-Q�iw ���� ,� - '
<br /> ,_..._�, or .
<br /> .., '___
<br /> of Hawthorne Place, being a Subdivision of part of the Northwest Qu�rtPr (NW�) � �� �
<br /> of Section Twenty-Two (2Z) in Too�ship F.Zeven (11) �Tortli, Range Nir.e (9) West f ���� � �
<br /> ' � -- ., , �: ���_
<br /> ` �s�. t oi ttte bttt Y.M., H�li Cou�ty, ,lebraskz. ,
<br /> � r,l_�;� ,. `�:
<br /> ., �� i�
<br /> �'!��.�� _ �
<br /> 1b�ether with teaemaa4a,hereditnme.ats,and appurtannr�e thcreunto belanging cr ia a�oywisa eppertaining nad t�o rents,in�uee end ��'•� �i
<br /> proSta thereof. y4r _ .
<br /> ,-,. . Thie conveyance is intended for Lhe purposa otsecuriag the payment to Baneficiary of'ltustore'promiasory note oF9veu daW iit!he a�ouat
<br /> of i 6120.0 0 (��1 of Payments).3tud 7btal of Paymeate is repayable aaording to the tsrme of uuid note. Payment may be uoede tn �•�"
<br /> advauce in aqy amount at aay time. Defantt in maldng Bay paymeaL ehall,at the Beaefida�e option end without nottro or dam�ad,ronder " •
<br /> tha entim unpeid balance of eatd loan at once due end peyable,leee any rcqutred re6ate of chaigea. �
<br /> 1b pmtect the eecurlty of thie Deed of'Itiust,lYveWr oovonenta sad agrees: ' ;��
<br /> 1, 'Ib keep the proporty in good rnadition and repair,to permit no weate thereof;W completv aqy bullding,structure or improvemeat heiug , � .
<br /> buUt os about to be buUt thereoa;ta rnatore pmmptly nny bullding, ettucturo or improvomont thoreon which may be damnged or doetroyed;
<br /> , and to comp(y with all lawro,ordiaaacea,regulatione.covenenta,wndidons ead restrlcttons affect{ng the pmperty. � "�;
<br /> , 2. �b pay before deliuqueat all lnwful tus�s and aeacsamoate upon the pmparty;to kcep tho prnptrrty froe ttnd cleac of uU other chargea, I `
<br /> � liene or oncumbrancea impairing the security of thia Deed of'I�wk ;
<br /> , 8. 1b keep all buildtnge now or hereafter erected on the pmperty deacribed herein coaLinuously inuumd ngoiaet losa by firo or othor hnaards I
<br /> �� in an amount aot less than the totnl debt securod by tGie Deed of'hiast.All policies ehall he held by the Beneficiary,and 6e in such wmpanies , , �
<br /> ' :,' . ee the Benafipary mey nppmve and have loas payable fu�ete-tlze Ben cj�l�g��' i5 reet mqy nppenr and then W the Tivawr. Tho aarount �
<br /> ��, 1 colleatM ant7nr any iaeurance pollcy mny bo applied u}i���i�kk�i� ia such ordor ns the Hoaefidnry ahall detormino. w,.
<br /> k
<br /> . �,:�'�. �• � Such npplfcation 6y the Beaefidary shnll not cnuse dfaco �D�" ' t��orecloao thia Deed of 21vst or cure or waive az�y
<br /> � � default or nodce of defnult or invelldate aqy act done purA�l�LRdl�n�Tee.y 1n t e evcn2�f fomcloaure,all rights of the'lYunWr in insurauco '
<br /> I poHciea then in farce ekall pase to tho p+uctiaser at the foreclosure sale.
<br /> 4. Zb obtaia t6e written consont of Beneficinry bofore seUing,ronveyinrj or otl�erwise trnnefercing the pmporty or any part thereof nnd nqy
<br /> +%• su�h ealo,convoyance or tranefer withont thQ Be�eficiwy�e writien coasent ehall coustituto a dofault under the terme hernof.
<br /> 1 6. 1b defend aqy nctiou or proceeding pn.�-yorting to aflect tho aecurity liereof or tho righw or powere of Beneficinry or 7lruetee.
<br /> � 8. Should'lkwtor fail to pay when daa any tnzee,asaeasmente, inaurance premtume,liene,eacumbraacese or othor chargea egainsc the
<br /> . • � property hereinubovo described,H�neHcinry mny pay We enmo,md tho nmount eo pmd,with inwreot nt tlse mW sot forth in tho aote securod
<br /> � hereby,ehull be added t<,and bewme n part of the debc secused iu thie Deed of'&ust un permittcd by law.
<br /> . � 1. In the er•nt nny Qortion of the property ia uilcNn or dumnged in nn ominent damnin proceeding,the enttm umount of the nward or euch
<br /> I portfon thoreof as mqy be necassary to fuqy entiofj�tho obBgntion secwed hereby,shall be paid W Beaefiriary to be applied to eaid obUgatlon.
<br /> 2. By axepti�ng�aynnent of uny aum securrd hereby ntter its due date,BeneBcinry doza not waive ite rlght ta require prompt pnymnnt when
<br /> = du¢of nll other sums so securad or ta declnro default for failure to eo pay. .
<br /> 3. 'I'he'hvsLEa ehnll rewavey all or any part of tho property covered by thia Deed of'hvat to tho person entitled thoroto,on writtan request
<br /> . of tLe ltuator nnd tha Beneficiory,or npon sntiefaction of tho obligatian aecurod aad written requeet for rnconvoyunca mude by tho Benafidary
<br /> ' or tho pereon oatitled thorok�.
<br /> �
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