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<br /> '��a�- .......•......r.n awsrn�� ..n��...}���r�ynnlr•eus nnw t�n c�rcafleg crecicd otit thc property. [111tI UII CASCIYICftIS.dppllflCli111CC'!,fltl(�
<br /> - .�� --� ..-� IUU�tncc� ....�.au��... S„r .. _ �..d fa. tl ' — —_.----- ..
<br /> '=-,���xp,��j� fixtw•cs no+� or hereafler n part af the property. .�II replacements nnc! n�iditions shuii ui,o 1j� co�'c.-r -; ."° �''O7r�ry - --
<br /> ���-� Instriuncnt.All�f'thG fbre�;oing is refcrred to in ttiis 5ccurity Insuvmcnt ns Q�o "Pmperty."
<br /> -�..R���N3,��:;� HORROWP.R COVENANTS tl�at Borrower is IAwfuUy seis�c!of the estate hereby canveyed and has the right ta grant and
<br /> - ._.�
<br /> � -- convcy the Prupej�iy and t7�;it tlte Prop�rty is nnencw�tbered,except for e:uumbrunces of recard. Barra�ver wnrra�xts wnd w
<br /> —_ �—�
<br /> defcnd gencrully thc tetic ta the Proper►y�8ainst all claims und demartds,subject to any encumbrances of record. _
<br /> _-_��� TNIS 3�CUR1'I'Y 1NSTRUMBNT combines uniform covenants for nationnl use and non-uniform covenants with limited
<br /> variations by jurisdiceion to constitute a uniform sc�uaty instn�ment covcring renl propeny.
<br /> -=;����";._; UNIFOItM C�VEHANTS.Hono�ver and L.ender coven;uit und agrce as follows:
<br />-�'+'���f��� 1. Pa ment of N•incipul nnd Interesh, Prepny�nent and I,atc Cbar�s�w. Borrowcr shall promptly pay when due tlic
<br /> :r5=�t��3s�-�rs-�rt y Y P P Y -
<br /> __M;,�►� principal uf:uid itjterest nn thc debt evidenced by the Nate and an rc a ment and late charges due under the otc. c -.___ .__-- _,
<br /> Z,F'�unds for Taxes and Insurnnce. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Horrower s�tc,a�ir P�xes
<br /> � �`"'�� ' Lender on the duy monthly payments are due under thc i�otc,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funed�s'l) Icasehald ayments
<br />:-:'.t'�F��F,��.�• '`
<br />---�-"'-•����,�� �; and assessments which may attain priority over this Secw•ity Instrument as a lien on the Propertyc.�,b)floodynsurance premiums,
<br /> _���;�;::°: .. ,�� ----
<br /> '�i���,:.�_ or ground rents on the Property,if any;(c)ye�lrly hazard or property insurancc prentiums:i )Y ' Y �
<br /> Sums a able b Borrawcr t�L.ender,in accordance with
<br /> -a�=�;�- �' if any;(e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any: and(�any . P Y Y _ _
<br /> --.��rF:,�� the provisions�f paragmph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items are called "Escrow Items." -
<br /> --•'-'k'�'�t'�'� ' Lender may, ut uny time, collect and hold FunJs in an umaunt not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a tcderally ��'
<br />'°'�Y u, .%•._' .,� °�. EL1.'';,��;�r
<br /> �-•�r. • � : related mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Reul Estute Settlement Proceciures Act of 4
<br /> 1974 as ameudeid from timc to time, l2 U.S.C. Scr.tion 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA"), unless•another law that applies to the Funds �Y�..^
<br /> •i>:. -' ����j`.�+ 4 .
<br />-.. .J'.._� ... _1. �..a�-!'u—��r�
<br /> „ . , : � scts a Icsscr ar.eount_ If�o, I.eader may, at any time„ collect ard hold Funds in an umount not to exceed the lesser arnount. ___
<br /> - - - ;- Lcnde�may ���rimate the amount of Funds due on thc bstiis of ci�rrcnt Ju�a and rea.,uuuble �st;mates of ewpendiuires of future � �, _� _ __
<br /> °.,ti;;'��' Escro�v Items or otherwise in accorda�ue with applicable law. �'���__--.-
<br /> ui
<br /> Thc Funds shall be held in an institution wh�sc deposits are insured by a fedcral agency, instrumentality, or entity ��R,;._���r
<br /> � ..,...,! ,
<br /> (including Lender,if Lc�idcr is such an institution)or in uny Fcderal Homc Loan Bank. l.endcr shall apply the Funds to pay t c �,�'_ n�
<br /> "•4 ;�'� Escrow Items. L.ender may not chargc Borrower for holding und applying the Funds,unnually analyzing the escrow account,or ,
<br /> ,�:.
<br /> ` ' ' verifyiug the Escrow Items,untess i.endcr {,ay+Borro:c�:intcre�� un th� Tnnds and applicable law permits Lender co ma!:e:,uch �•. ., �: �:ts,;
<br /> ��� a charge. However, Len�lcr muy rcyuirc Bono�vcr to pay a nne-time churtic for an independent reul estatc tax reponing servic.e �;.LS;�.� ;.::
<br /> .• '.. _ � ' .. .
<br /> ��� ` • used by L.ender in conneccion wi�ii �iu. Iudii. �ar.lcss arFliza.."!� IaW �,rnv�des otherw�se. Unless an ugreement is mad� u�� � .. ��,��
<br /> - •� . applicablc law reyuires interest to bc puid. Lendcr shall not be required to puy Borrower any intr.rest or earnings on the Funds. �r;�s�� '
<br />� � Borrower and Lender muy agtee in writin�,howcver, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall �ive to Borcower, >�„�' ' , .;
<br /> "' wit hout c harge, an a m�u a l a c c o u ntin g of thc Funds, showing credits and dabits to the Funds and thc purpose for which excl� '_•" ,,.:.
<br /> debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledgeci as udditionnl security f�r�Il sums securui by this Security Inst►�ument. :.;,. ,; �,,;':
<br /> ���:t��:.
<br /> ' " If the Funds held by Lender excecd the amounts permit[eci to be held by applirable law,[.ender shall account ta �3orrower . �,. . �
<br /> �� for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of upplicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any ' .',-i'J, ,�'
<br /> , � time is no?�u�nder`the p.unount nece.Wary mo mluke upethe defic c�cy,�Bormwe�r shall make up'the det ci'encyc n`no n oreehan :'�,
<br /> shall pay , � f;,.�
<br /> twe�ve monthly payments,at C.cnder's sole discrctiun. �
<br /> - Upon paymcnt in full of all sums sccurcd by this Sccurity Instrumcnt. Lendcr tihall promptly rcfund to Borrowcr any ',����' '
<br /> .; _ .
<br /> • {. Funds hcld by Lender. lf,undcr par.igraph 21, l.ender�h�ill acquirc or scll thc Property,I..cndcr,prior to the acquisition or salc •
<br /> of the Propeny,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acyuisition or sale as a creJit against the sums recured by "'y:%`,,':�
<br /> ' this Securiry Instrument. -� •� at
<br /> `.:;_, . • 3.Applles�tlon of YaymenGs.Unless app►icable law prcivides otherwi+e,ail paynunts received by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> ', •'' � 1 and 2 shull be applied:first, to any prepayment churges due under the Note: secund, a� amounts puyable under puragraph 2:
<br /> � third,to interest due;fourth,to prinripal duc: and lutit.tu any late char�es due under thc Ni�tc.
<br /> � 4.Char�es; Llens.Bcxrower shall p•ry all taxcs, asscsxments.churges, tincs and impusitions attributable to thc Propcny � ,
<br /> . which may attain priority over tl��ia Sccuriry Instrument, and leaschuld paymentti ur gruund rents, if uny. Borrowcr shall pay
<br /> .. , thcse obligations in the manner providcd in paragraph 2, or if not paid in ihat manncr. Borrowcr tihull pay thcm un tinu directly
<br /> • to thc person o�ved paymcnt. Borrowcr shall promptly furnish to Lendcr all natices of amuuntti to bc puid undcr this paragraph. .
<br />' �, [f Borrower mukes thesc paym��nts dircctly.Borrower shall promptly furnish to C.ender rec:cipts evidenring the payments.
<br /> Borrower�hall pmmptly disrharge any lien which has priurity over th►a Security Intitrumrnt unless E3orrc�wer:(:1)agrees in
<br /> ' • writin�;tc>the payment of the obligation secured Ny the lien in u manner ac�eptsble tc� Lendcr, (b)ronte.ts in good(aith the lien ,
<br /> ' ' by, or Jefends aguinst enfiireement o( the lien in, Iegal proceeJings «•hich in thc L.endcr's opinion uperate tu preveut the
<br /> `� enforcement c�f thc lie�t;ur (c) sccures from thc halder i�f tlic lien:in a�!rccmcnt�ati�factory te� Lendcr �uhordinuting thc licn tei
<br /> this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the ProFxrty i� subject ti� a lien�vhich may atr.iin prioriry uver f
<br /> this Security Instrwnent,Lender may givc Bi�rrower a noticc identifying the licn. Burrc�wer shxll �atisfy thc lien ur tak�unc"� i
<br /> morc of thr,uctions set forth�sbc�vr within 10 duys of thc givin�of notirc.
<br /> Form 3028 9190 I
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