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�Il�''��y'� ��'e'p^,�'sly����4 rAf'fY1N � .�e.y� ,.?i�:�iity�'��.t � �v;�ti� ,. 1i:� f) :"_._ '*c• <br /> __ _ . <br /> "f�MMf�!��M� , <br /> � - �v.�.•..-tr.�o. h <br /> � . , ,. . _._._. �_ <br /> � � �.,,cw.J..... __. ._ . <br /> • J -_ __ -. ��.�..-.�..�._.� � _ __ �-_ -__. _ -_-- -_ __- " _ _._.... <br /> .......�....�I� -Y .mtl1HTYm - __ _ ' -- -. <br /> 1�.. <br /> ---_--_-_- ° _ - - _-_-_- _-_ IY�r�:_ o �����.�..���-- <br /> _--- . •_• — _ -_ ..-.�.,r-n.....,......p..�...�,�— --°r-.. .-�--__'.._^"�"°"_—� °[.^^rr-r':!'Tys�-7GS.:{�If�=;?lT�13�-y4!l'�'�'�•�=�-'�,�._...�. .. - _ " <br /> ��kt..,,�41 - � .�..�..�.�.� .-...w_.._ .. _•-,�FUO_, .� <br /> :� �-��� ���'e� ^ <br /> _- -_ -�� �� �' ��:�.Q��'��:.; �: _.. <br /> Y W '.s7 TOGETE-IL'R WITH nll thc imprnvemcnts now or ncrcatter crsctea on ii�c N�oi.:.:.�, .;:ry;::-»'..:�••`=°..•°.-��„`�'a,"`"` :��ul <br /> �" ''� fixtures now un c�rcaAcr n pnrt af the propc�ty. All rcplaccmcnts and eddidonc, shall alsa bc cnvcrc.d by tbis Sccu�it9 � - <br /> --,��:���i�.-�i'•� y � y �� <br /> — — .� Instrurnent.All of the foregaing is referrccl ta in tiiis Securit Instniment as thc"Pra rt <br /> _� QQRRUWER COi�ENANTS that Borrower is lawfully scisal of tha cstatc hcreby�arvcyccl and has thc right co grant and <br /> =?'�t�'^'r�+�q';� ccutivcy thc Proper.y and thnt thc Pro�crty is unencumbcred, cxccpt for encumbrnnccs of rccord. E3orruH�cr warcants ui�d w!!I — <br /> -- -- ,�: � _-_ <br /> -- defend generally the title to tlie Property Uguinst u!l claims and demand�.subject to imy encumbrances of r�orcl. <br /> _ __— -�� TH1S SECURITY WS:RUMENT combines unifarm covenants for nodonal use and non-uniform covenants with Ilniited <br /> ---_- -- ��,�� variutiuiv;by jurisdictiun to constituta.i uniform security instrament covering rca!property. <br /> -.-,yf��„•�,,:;� � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borra�vcr and Lender cavenant nnd egree as foflows: <br /> _-- '`=''�'''�'�' =����� � 1. PAyment o£Principal and Itrtcresh. Preq�ayment and Lute Charges. F3orrotvcr shall pro�nptly pay when due d�e <br /> .-:.;'��::��5�:t � <br /> - ;��°:;�,:��� ' I principal ot and intcrest on the dcbt evidencecl by the Note n►td any prc�ayment:uid latc chargcs due undcr the I�otc. <br /> '-�„=:e�+r�r_�tc�.� <br /> .._,�.,,;,;��}, • 2. �'unds Por Tnxes nnd Insurance.Subject ta applicubte law or to a written wuiver by Lender,Gorrowcr shall pay to ------- <br /> - ===����'+• �-�• � I Lendcr on the day monthly paymcnts are duc under the Note, until the Niote is paid in fu11,1 sum("Funds")far:(a)yearly taxes <br /> :i'r;y:��;�;�,,' � earl lcuschold s ments <br /> ,_•- ., K;i�; �; , and asscssments�vhich may.�ctain priority over this Security Instrument as a licn on the Prope�ly: (b)y y p Y <br /> "=`��•`'���'� r"'��' � or ground rents an the Nroperty,if any;(c)yearly hazard or propeny insurance prcmiums;(d)ycurly fload insuranee premiums, <br /> -`�r:i�°-•; ,;,,; ,`^' <br /> • � if any; (c)ycarly mortgage insurance preniiums, if any: and (�uny sums payablc by Borrowcr to Lendee, in accorduncc with <br /> '���`"�'�k'^�� � thc pravisions of paragraph R, in lieu of the payment of mortgage imsurance premiums.Thesc items are callcd "Escrow Items.° <br /> -:.:: •��;•:. ., <br /> ., �_•� ��• �� l,ender may, at nny time, collect �nd hold Funds in an amaunt not to exax:d che maximum umount a lender for a f�cternlly <br /> °.�'� ' � relateci mort�uge loan may require for Barrower's escraw account under the federal Real Fstate Settlement Procedures Aet of " <br /> _....,, � .,:, �� : <br /> `�*'' '= 1974 as:�mcnded from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Se;ction 2601 et seg. ("RESPA"),unless another lAw U�at applies to the Ft�nds <br /> --- -�__"` '`'-""� set,a iesser unwum. IC w, Leiidei ii��y. at anp tir:c, collect and h�ld Fundc in nn nmount not to sxceed the lesser amo��nt. - _- <br /> —_ ..,:_.. � - <br /> • ' :� .� � L.c;nJrr ni.,y r.,timatc thc;unount of Funds dt!e on tte basis of c»Prent datn and ren�sanable es[imates of expenditur�s of fWture _ <br /> • • Escr�w Itcros or othcrwisc in acco:dnrtce with applicablc la�v. �- <br /> ' ° ^�°;}� The Funds shxll be held in an institution whose deposits sre insured by a federal agency, instrumentality. or entity <br /> �; (including Lendc:, if l.ender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home l.oan Bank. Lcnder shall apply the Funds to pay the -• <br />-._._ - - - L'scro;�l.c�s. Lcndc::::s� ^�>t rh'�rg��p,•n•nwer for holdine and apply�ng thc Fundc, annually analyzing thc escmw accaunt,or �� <br /> ' ��.. � vcrifying the Escrow Items, unless Lendcr puys Borrowcr intcrest on thc Funds and applicable law permits Lsnder to makc such !__ <br /> '�� a charge. Howevrr. Lender�nay require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an indepe�iJ�nt re�ul estatc:taa reporting sen�ice <br /> � .,._ _ ' � ����i n� I r��rirr in connec:tion with this loan, unless applicable luw provides otherwise. Unless an sgre�ment is made or � <br /> '�,`�'`r`� • � applicable law requires interest tu bc paid,Lender shall not be rcquired to pay Borrower any interest or earnin�,s on tne Nunds. _ <br />� Horcowcr and Lendcr may agrce in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on thc Funds. L,endcr shall givc to Borrower, __ <br /> , without charge, an annual accounting af the Funds. showing credits und debits to thc Funds t�nd th:purpose for which each ..__ <br /> ' debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged us additional security for all tiums secured by this Security Instn!ment. :-__. <br /> ,,. <br /> ^ If the Funds held by I.ender excecd the amounts permitted ro bc held by applirable law. L.ender shall account to Borrower ��_, <br /> '`' for the excess Funds in accord.mce with the mquircments of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds hcld by Lcnder ut any t�- <br /> ° timc is nut sufficient to pay thc Escrow Itcros whcn duc, Lcndcr muy.o notify Bnrrowcr in wricing,and, in such casc Borrowcr .:u: <br /> • �� shall pay �n Lender the amounc nece�szry to makc up the deficiency. Borro�ver shall make up the deficiency in nu murc than 'f� <br /> twclvc monthly paymcnts,a[ LcnJcr'a solc discrctiun. <br /> , ' Upon payment in full uf all sums serured by this Se�:urity lnstrument. Lender shall prompdy refund to Burrower any <br /> „ � � , Funds hclJ by Lcnder. If', undcr paragraph 21, Lc:ndcr shall ucyuire or scll lhe Pn�p�rty. L.cndcr, prior to the acyuisition or sale <br /> ' �� of the Property. shall apply any Funds hcld by Lendcr at the timc of acqui+ition or salc:a.,a cr�dit against thc sums secu!ed by <br /> this Securiry Instrumcnt. <br /> . � 3. Application of Puyments.Unless appliruhlc law providcs othcnvi,a all payments reccived by Lendcr undcr paragraphs <br /> i and 2 shall bc applicd: first,tu any prcpayment churges due unc�cr the Notc: �crond, to amounts pay;�ble uuJcr paragraph 2; <br /> . '` third,to interest due:ti�urth, to principal Jue: and last,to any late chargeti Juc under the Note. f{� <br /> • 4. Charg�; I.icns. Borrowcr shall psy all taxcs, asscssm�nts, chargc�. tines and impositio»+cUtributablc to the Property Y <br /> which mxy attain priority uver thi� Security lnstrununt, and Ieasehi�ld payments or ground rents, it'any. Bittro���er shall pay <br /> ' thcsc abligationx in the:manncr provided in paragrupl�2.ur if not paiJ in that manncr. Barcuwcr shall pay them on time directly <br /> � . to thc person o�ved payrocnt. f3orrowcr:�h,iU prompdy furnish tu L�:ndcr ull n��tices uf amountti to bc paid undcr this paragraph. <br /> If Borruwcr makes thesr paynunt5 Jircctly. Burrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender nrciptti eviJen�ing the payments. „ <br /> Borrnwer shuil promptly dischurgc any lien which has priority over this Security Instrumcnt unlcss Borrower: (a) agrees in <br />° writinE to thc paymcnt of thc ohligation�rrureJ by thc licn in a manner acceptablc ta Lrnder: (b)cuntests in goiid faith the lien <br /> • by. or defends aguinst cnti�reemcnt i�f' thc licn in. Icgal prorecdings ��•hich in thc Lcndcr'� ��piniou ��prratc tu prevent the <br />-' enti�nemcnt uf thc licn:ur(c)��rurc.fri�m the huldcr af thc licn an agrccment ti.iti,fartory u� Lcndcr.ub��rdinating thc lien to <br />= ' ,� this Serurity Instrument. If L�:nde:deterniinrti that any part uf the Pruperty is:uhjcct tu a licn «•hirh may attain pricirity over <br /> � , this Scrurit3� In�trumcnt. Lcndcr may givc 13urrowcr:i nuti�c identifying thc licn. Borro�vcr tih:�ll �ati,fy thc licn c�r iakc unc��r <br /> '� murc uf thc urtion�ut ti�rth alxive within 10 days uf thr giving of notirc. I <br /> .�e,'tr�,, Form 3028 �J/90 I <br /> Pago 1 of G <br />_ ' i <br />_ .�. <br />� __..--: -_.':_::_.._�_ -:.- <br /> ' � . . . - '.... , .. . ... ... <br /> , . . . . __ .. . . .,.... __._... __.. -" '--- ---'—.-." '" , <br />_ . _._^.._ .. . . . . u_ . �, .. _ <br />�i� ., •� - � . � . ,. <br /> - ' t , <br /> ` <br /> i , <br />..� - . - - - � _.._ <br /> � � <br />