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<br />_ _---�:�� � _......
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<br /> --- �-� This AssignmQnt,madn fh/s_ 19eh da of���].P , 19�.�.5by and �
<br /> =
<br /> --_ _ ' La�rY �•• 3mnY�lueki, A Siagle 'eza�r� -_- -----
<br /> ��a+ bBtWeen_ � __ .
<br /> - - ("Aasignoi'l,and NORWEST BANK NEBRA�KA, NATIONAL ASSOCIAT/DN f"Asslgnee`7. _
<br /> :��� �'��� ---
<br /> ����:=��:_ -
<br /> -� W ITNESSETH: °��""- --
<br />'---:p;i+(i�l'r�,;� �.'�i'Yiiteir.:.,u�d�i
<br /> Y
<br />�..�Si�X���:r``� /t is�gr�e�d as folOcv�vs: •,e;��`-_
<br /> --��.;�� �ri�`�Y�ES:,tN¢akc.�'��
<br />-��m;�r�T,.--: 1, L�sfinieio»s. As used in[his Agreemsn[: �"�=,��
<br /> -- ' �.
<br /> s:
<br /> ugssc_�a.:E . �� _- . . `„r
<br /> _�,:�,L�t Q. "blortgage"shall mean that certain Desd oi Tivat in the principal sum ,95 �� -�,�;�.,1�-.,t'.-=--_;�:.
<br /> ��r- vi pf$ GO�Q00 00 dated June 19 , 1� , 3 r ,,.s.c.t>.
<br /> � '�°¢'° executed by, i=._.arrv Gmoi inski _�,as Trusror,to NORWEST BANK ���,,,��,%„ __ �``
<br /> ?�'����" NEQRASKA, NATIOIVAL/�SSOCIATION,os Beneflclary,upon the real esiere and lmprovemenrs s���L, __
<br /> 4�0�,.,;, ., .. "" - --
<br /> �� ���t� describad in Exhlbit A , by t hisre fer�nce incorpora r e d h e r e i n. '�,,�����.-
<br /> � ., �_.
<br /> - - Q. "Nate"shs!!mean t.hsi certaln no.*e sec��red hy rhe.� 4a.000.00 `l+ '�i�,��`�'�`,�;�••�
<br /> -� ��-�� Deed of Trust,execuietl cvn[emporaneously therewifh by—�..�y.�mQ��in8��� � �,_.. f� �t���'�`{.�,
<br /> '' • � ' '°" asmaker,andNORWESTB�lNKNEQRASK�1, •;;�',;� `"�7PZ•'�r,�;�=
<br /> ,'`% AlAT/ONAL ASSOC/AT10N,as payee,snd secured by the Deed of Trusr. ".;��'`�. '���'�=7�"�`�'=�-
<br /> 'r_.,`7r.7,�.. n. -'� —
<br /> " . . .o�•, �r.. �a. e�.
<br /> � � C. "Losn"as hereinafier used,shall mean the loan i»the amount of�40 000 00 _ . ,,,:�
<br />- �- ,. �� ._as evidencod by fi�e rofa or��ss�ursC br t.hc Deed�f .T.�ust,�s:"/81l 8S 3ny n,rhpr . -
<br /> .. . , ,;^;�r:�i,y securing instrumants. �_��: . .��1���i�.;`
<br /> y 1 ,�'.:1 L�j�rN..� '� ,
<br /> f' +`•j �J,�r�' NOEN, THEREFORE,tn�and in consideration of zhe makinyi�iiu iurdi��r�af sai�Loar,,a,�td f�r -
<br /> , .�::'r;'i. ::..•!,�„ 6 ..� V. .,.
<br /> , .,};;,: other gnod and valuable consideration,the receipt whereof is hereby acknawledged,Assignor,for itself,
<br /> ' .'�,�,t Jts successars,peisona/representatives,heirs and assigns,has bargained,sold,iransferred,assigned, "`+ � �
<br /> , conveyed,sei over and delivered,and by ihese presents does hereby bargain,sell,transfer,assign,and �'�
<br /> � � convey as security for the repayment of the above described irtdebtedness and the peymenr and per• �� �}�• � `
<br /> . formance of all oi the ierms and condifions of the Note and Mortgage evidencing the same,and any � �
<br /> ' ` 1 and all arn&ndmenis,extensrons and renewels thereof,all leases now or hereafter executed vffecNng �
<br />. , • � (i .�� `
<br /> ihe Mortgaged Premises,and all rents,issues,profiis and ineome and sums of money which may now � '`�, ,_ �
<br /> . • . �� •v or heieaffer be or become due and owing uitder and by virtue of said leases,it being rhe intenrron . . � ,�
<br /> ' ' hereby to es�*ablish a completo rran�fer and assignmen� of rhe leases hereby assigned aRd all the avarls . •��,��•• _
<br /> •S ihereunder�nfo ihe Assignee,its successors and assrgns,tagether witli ihe rrght,bur wirhout rhv • �, .
<br /> ' „ ' �f obligation,to collect all oi the sa/d rents,issues,profits and income arisrng or accruing,or which may ..:�,��' ,..
<br /> • . become due ateny tin�e during the Iile of ihis Assignmen�. Asslgnor funher agrees,upon demand
<br /> • ����� ihereof, to deliver ro and deposit said lesses with Assignee. � .
<br /> , ., � ;;,� � .
<br /> � Assignor hereby deslgnates,constitutes and appoints Assignee, its successors and assigns,with
<br /> ' ��`. full power of subsiituiron,its irue and lawful attorney with power for it end rn its narne,place and �
<br /> .�� siead,foi in the name of Assignee, to as�l,deinend,co/lect, receive, receipr and give full and com- ��
<br />� "' _ plete acqui[ta�ces for any and alI rents, rssues,profits and income hereby assigned which may become
<br /> �• �.. due and p9yable by lessees or other occupan[s of rhe Morrga8ed Premises;and at its discretion to tile ; •�
<br /> any claim or take any other aciron or proceeding ta make any setdement of any claim,eiiher ip.its �
<br /> own name or in the name of Assrgnor,or o[herwise, which the Assignee,or any successor may de�m �
<br />� � • � desirable in order ro collecrand enforce the paymeni ofan y and a//rents,issues,proflls and rncome � •'
<br /> - � herein assigned. The/essees and occupants of the Mortgaged Premises,or any�aarc hereo f,"are hereby � .
<br />' .;,, expressly authorized and drrected to pay all rents and sums herain assrgned which would be payable
<br /> to Assignor,except for rhis.oissignment,to the Assignee,and[o transmit and doliver such paymeni �
<br /> ,� ' to theAssignee or such nominee as it may designaie in writing, delivered ro and received by such ! .
<br /> '. lessee or occupant,who is expressly relieved of any and all duty,liability or obligaridn to the i
<br /> Assignar in respect of all payments so rnade. �
<br /> . �
<br /> �' � Assignee sha/l be,and hereby is,ves�ed with full power to use all such measures, legal and
<br /> • � �� equit�b/o,as rn its drscre[ion may be deemed necessary or proper�o enforce�his Agreemen[and ;
<br /> .� [o collect the rencs,rSSUQS,profits and income assigned hereunder, inc/uding the righc to enier upon ' •
<br /> !he premises and to take possession thereof,and Assignor hereby g�ants full power and authority •
<br /> � " _.. •i..�.....».� a.,.o:»..�e.,�a.l on�.an��l/ rimac hart�. '
<br /> --- - _ __ . . . . .. .,.....e...
<br /> �•
<br /> — - -•-"- --:-
<br /> --- ---- - [O[I7eASSIgnBe io eRei��roc nir rrynw.M�v.rvycuo....r....�,,. ..,......,y................., ...._ _..
<br /> altQr,withoutnorice to Assignor, wilh full power io useandapply all ol the ren[s,issues,profits and
<br /> ' .. income herein assigned to the paymencs of any indebtedness or liabilify of the Assignor to fhe
<br /> . Assiqnee,rn such o�deras Assignee may defe�mine.
<br /> � ��
<br /> -.>>
<br /> . N�ist�a2A�ro(ioasaazo�
<br /> %L-,1�
<br />_ .,, - . .. -- -- - - - �- ___
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