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<br /> � ...�,u,v §„4 L. r �' ,',t� .�il���f r yr',. '' - ��k�lttY�`�".;�� �'��+l�Bt.lixu.,,,,::_ ._�v+t�K�;n.h;v..._x'-ym'�-�r � - --- �.
<br /> .ii" .,. 7 il-t�� it�3la )'/'/;�ts.tl r. +.j f -ly�Y.s.._,.rriaiwrr�rar.r�.r=�....s..,...��,..�....._ . ��:.''���,�=_ _ _ __._. _.
<br /> /t e f � �lr� 1 '�Si �tt/h P,f/� x '*��i�� _.
<br /> - � �(b � F �f � � �1 �..aL., r 9r"R71�l7[[�f'�'11!Sli7LS�!70P�Jlp�?A'%J�j"'�f°�i���°�i.�.
<br /> TS., � r t t���,'�"�,�,.�Y �.fj� 311��4�.¢��f��� e�t"'7"S'.a �v�T� - . . -rn�c r^�,T--s�r, s�-----�� - .
<br /> „ _
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<br /> • .! � y h�p:. 1 _ "9iu'S��k�TiGk;...e..... �•� �i,c � ,.a:�
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<br /> .n,i_ � '1 � � � _._.^� }T _.'
<br /> - 7 '
<br /> _ �.,*,'�, ��' .:�,. DEED OF TRUST p+W�s �',,,�_.=,�+�q.,r--
<br /> �1� �.��� 7���va�'r'4,r �'
<br /> ,r.�n ��; ; � ,�' �� (ConUnued) �.� ��."._, -
<br /> ...tl, _ ;x�rdc
<br /> . ..,.,...,i.-�;t. ''F
<br /> .' ... wfih F�dutin Indabfedn�as. Qu:i ttie pc�rlod(n wh�Ch eny Fxlstl In4WMdn�doscdbLd Doior►b In�fhct.canp1sn0e veMh fh� I��`"`�` '�'`
<br /> � 9 rod � � .. , W.•:._. : •� •
<br /> � ;'.'s;,,,.• •. , ,.,_
<br /> 111�IItt��NOYfS10tiS OOnt01(�d ifl 1118 I�51lUrtflf116VICni�Clflp SUCh Fadilitlg 1(IdiC�Idf116i Si1W CM1lHiUM COh1�WM�U 1Mi�i iia{iw1"sii�yi�ir�:.i � .'y�,.'Tts�*ar�.� �=-
<br /> ---ar ry�� .`�.��' uMa thb DNd of Trust,to Ihc+extent compNance wlth tNe IKrtn of thls OMd d Trusl would cor►sM1uM�dupYalllOn of M�aeOS nquwrr�M. 11
<br /> "� ,-`"•�Y ..� . Rny proceW�Mom the insurance become payabk an tos�,Uhe proNSinn�In thls DMd of Truft(a divisbn ol prOM�clI�hM�PP�Y�Y b thP1 ""�'�`_��i?�•����`�`"
<br /> , . � i porYOn of tM proceods nat payable to trye hdder o}thi ExlsHnfl Indlebtadness. � ; ��.,��, ..
<br /> ;:;��{��• oce � �_.;,,.,,� ;
<br /> �,; ...••-�`�r,:+� tt. OfPENDITIIRES BY k.EliOE}i. If Orantor falls to compiy with�ny pravlsfon of this O�sd ol Trusl, IntluQ.'np tny obMptllon l0 mNnWn ExwNn� �'. ��;.° .�. n,.
<br /> �� � Ind�btsdness In pood stanalnp as required below,or ft any�cuu�i N Eri�,ZwC�try��ca:�aarscad thal rlatib m�lsril!�e!t!c!!!n!�!M Mlr�sta In thA ..- --- ..__,.:.-.,... . '-:
<br /> . :: Fkaparry,Lender on Orentov's bohaN mey,upon noNce lo(3ra�ntor.but shat!rs�b�nquk�d to,take�ny�ction fhal L�nd�r dMm1�prqMi�W. My ,�j ' .
<br /> . amounf lha!Lend�axpends In ao ddnp wlll bear Interesi et the rate chsrQed under Ihe CrWlt Agasrt»nl hom II�Ott�InCUrt1d a�Id Gy bender fo , .
<br /> '" ` tM daM of np�ym�nt by Onnta. All such expeases,al Lender's on Gon,wiN (�)bs{uyrbls on d�rrNnd.a (0)b��OdW to tlb Glnnos al lh�ardii . .
<br /> �, , �'•� Nrw, ThN Dial d Trust aiso w111 secure paymsnt of these ama��ts;. ;a�rphts provid�d fa In fhl�pupr�ph MIN b1 in�ddtMOn to�ny ott�r�fphb or � a;.•., .
<br /> � sny�n�lo wMCh Lander muy be entitted an account ot tM ds(e::t^ Any such actlon by L.�ndee ohall not b1 conttruld a�turlip th�d11ttM1 to as • •
<br /> to bu�LM�der hom�rry romedy th4t U otherwise would have haC• •. �.
<br /> " 12.WMRANTY�OEFEN$E OF tiT1.E.The following provlston9 rd�Ctna to OwMrsh!p Of Ihe Prope�fy�r��pit101 INi(Hid d T�ull. "� �
<br /> . , i
<br /> -"�;- � g TItl1. Cinntor wuranb thel (a)GraMOr holds pood and men:aca�fo tiris of recad to tM Prop�rty Andudirp i NaaMold IM�nsf.M��Yb kp md .�,�..��...-.T.
<br /> - K•. clw d dl Ihns and snaumbrances oxcepl those of reeord,e[r:a f.tr)Grtntor Ms tM fuM rfpM,pqwn, and�uC►o+try to�x�cul�tnd dNfva►ttM� . �- �
<br /> -�' . � _ L�-d C�Tru:t to Lancl�r. "��,�
<br /> _R
<br /> +w . .. � o »,�., ..�.
<br /> ,,.,. D�hns�of Titk. SubJect to thn exception In Ihe paragraph ebove,Qranta wirranb�nd wHl tonvw d�hnd tlb tltlY to It�Rop�ly 1p�Ins1 tho . � •.
<br /> . �` IawM cWms ot aii persons. In the avent nny acBon a proceeqinp ts commenc�d that qtNSlbra(iraNa's htl�a tt�InMr�t d Tru11w a L�ndM . .
<br />- ----_..---- ------ c.�-�t,�r tt,�Gw7�81 Trttst,Grayta sh8tl d,ifand�hr�actlan at G�nntar's cx,-r^�ra. 4rctnta rtt:y ta ttr�rsor:;s;,t F�,rtY tn aua�prCC:r'!rr,;,Cttt Ler.C_r I ..._._..._...._. _ _._ ,
<br /> ___ _ __�_� stul bo endtls�!to part.�pate in Ihe procendinp and lo be represented In tts proceetilnp by iounsN d Ib owa�chola,and GrAntu wkl deliWr,tx _:____�`____.__
<br /> '� ec��io be ce�+ivered,to l.ender sucn matruments as Lentler rnav.reQUest hom tlme to tlme to permit suct�p�rtidpatlon. i" .
<br /> . : y..
<br /> ,, .. �• CanKrlfonC� Wfth 6Rw�. Grantor wanenb Ihat the Properry sn0 Orentors use ol the Pro�rty camplies with�N �xNStinp appik,�ebf� kws, � y'�.;
<br /> vtdlnaoas,�nd rpufatlorts of povernment&I fluthoritle5. � iQ�
<br /> :'�'4 13. E�t1541NG IIiDEBTEANES9. The Idiowlnp provislons concernin�extstlnp(ndubtodness(tM'Existirp I ncWbtadn�ss�an�(�VC ol tN�DNd Of . �
<br /> . . Tru�:. _ _— `,
<br /> ... ; ., . .— r�.a•
<br /> ' E�dNin�Llon. The INn o}thls Deed o1 Trust secudnq the Intlebtednass rtuy be secondary and Interlor to tn�zLStlnp INn,if Non K tucA�t�n. � ..•
<br /> " Qnntw�xprwsly covenants and agrees to pdy, or see to Ihe peyment ot,the Ex�sflnp Indebtednsss nnd to pm�nl a� dHaM on wCA ' ~
<br /> • ,. Indlbfedn�f, any Mlauit und9r tne Instrumenb eWd9ncing such indebtridr�ess, a Any dsftuit unde► �ny becudry ExumM'�b fut euCh � F
<br /> • .
<br /> ...
<br /> .n4.�,t±nn.�..
<br /> __.�
<br /> No ModtMCa1{on. Onnta s►wll nol enter Into any agreement with the hadc+►ot any moApeps,d�ed of Vust,a oth�r e�cudry apr�nt wMCA ` '
<br /> i
<br /> 1w pMalry owr thb W�d of Tr��st by which Ihat agrc�ement�S modifieO,emonded,extenWd,a nn�vwd w�lhout tM p�ia w�ilMn cons�nl Gt I ' �
<br /> LM�OM. Or�ntOr 8hali nglther requast npr accepi eny future ndvBnC@S un0er eny suCh 58CUrliy aynement wilhoN Ihs prtOr wrNNn CortS�nt of � �
<br /> LNldoe. ° �
<br /> �
<br /> 14.COMDEMNATIOM. Yhp Ipllowinp proWSions relatlnp to prOC60dings�n condemnallon are e part ot thf3 OOid of TNSt. ; ' ' , r
<br /> �ppliC�tbn of ti�t ProCMds. If cll or any part of the Property Is condemned.Lender msy at fts elect�on requlre fhnt eN a any porNOn of ttw nN �� �
<br /> tr�h�li�n wAlch has p ority,over this Dood o1 Tnul�The ne�P�s oP t e e YQO hall muan tM wudtaAK p�YmiM d a�ll uaso�xbl�' i � ••j���+"^�
<br /> cab,�xpsnsa,antl�Ilorneys'Mes necessarlly ppld or fncurrsd by 6ranla,Tr�slee a Lender In connectlon w�n tM corM�mrrrion. �I � •��
<br /> , ProChdlnp�. II any procoadinp In condemnatton Is filod,Qrantor shall promptly notlry Lender In writlnp,end Gnntarr ehaN promptry t�k�euch } ' � '�
<br /> � aMpf u rr►�y�rnasury to defend lhe acUOn and obtaln tl�e awerd. Grento�me�y be ttw nomintl puty In suCh proC��dinp,bu1 Und1r shtN Ds ! " ,
<br /> " .. � �ntlll�d to partkipats In tM proceedinp nnd to be represeNed in the proceedvq Dy caunsel of Ib own chdcs.tnd(innta wi O�Iivr►a c�us�to � ., � -
<br /> , b1 deliwnd to L�nd�r�uch Inshument8 as may be requesled by it hom fime tq 6me to permit nuch p�AfClpttlon. „
<br /> r" 16. IMPO$ITION OF TAXES.FEES AND CHAR(iE5 BY QOVERNMtNTAL IUITaI�?RITIES. The followinq prodslons telatinp to pcwrnmMtal ttxa, '
<br /> ' feee�nd Charpn�re�part ot thls peed o1 Trust: '
<br /> . � '., i
<br /> , Curt�r11 Tax�s,F�e�M1d Chatpee. Upon request by Lender,Q�rantor sheli er,eCUte SuCh doCUmenb in edditlon l0 thb DMd o(Trust end 4ks , �
<br /> ' whdsvM OthM�CtlOn h r�qu63ted by Lentler to pe�teCt�nd COnHnue Lender'6 ilen on the Real Pro{»rty. Grtntor lhaN reimburs�L�nWr la�II � •
<br /> � , tsaN,p tNsCtlb�d bMow,lop�IhYr wlih nll expenses InCUrred in recordmp,perfOCi�rp a continairp tNS CNd d Trust,Indudiip wlihoul IIm11�ho� , - ��
<br /> � � al Qx�,lo�s,tlocurtNntary stamps,nnd other charges fa recatllnp or rep�stenng thls Deetl ot Trust. i
<br /> . ' Tlxts. TM fOHOwInQ Shtll�anstltute taxss ta wh�h thks saction appUes: (a)u spaclfic tax upon this rypa of DeeQ of Trust os upon aN a sny part �:
<br /> - d th�IndWbdn�ss e�pured by thb Deed of Trust; (b)a spsCiAC tex on Grtnta whlch GraMOr Is authorixed a requked to Wduet Bom paymmb .
<br /> on th�Ind�blWnesa s�ourW by thls type of Doed of Tru�C (c)a tex on th�s type of Deed ot Trust cher�xble�patmlltM LsndK a tM h�16x at "
<br /> - tM CndH AprMm�nt;�nd (d)a t;peCiflC tnx on all or any portlon ot Ihe IndObtgdnoss or on p9ymenta of prinCipll and Int�tfst maW by QranlOr. '
<br /> 1!.F•I�tTHER ASEURAIiCE3.Tne f�llOwlny provl�lons relatinp to further assur4n�ere a peA of thi5 068d ot Trusl. �
<br /> i
<br /> � Furlh�r M�urrfa�. Upon roqwst o}Lender,Grmta wN mak0,exeaute ene2 Cellver,cr wfll cause to be made,exoeutM w tlMiwr�d,to L�nd�r ,
<br /> �x lo L�nd�f d�IpnN,�nd whsn rsquestetl Dy LenOSer,etuse to bB 61eO,recorded,refited,a rerecordeO,ts tne c�:e mty W,at euCA tlmes�nd
<br />- !n tuch aMCe�end pl�ch ta L�nd�r m�Y Wsm tpp�opritte.tny end 411 such mortgages,deeds o1 trusl,s�CUriy de�Qs. e�curfty�ments. ,
<br /> • . flnlnClrq 6t�NrtNnts„COnflnuatlOn btatemenb,Instruments oi lur4her assurtnee,certific.etes,and other elaCUminb a mty, in IA�eoM opirnon o}
<br />- � LNWM,b�rnostsary a dlskebte In ordar to ettectuato,Complete,p�xfeat,confinue,or preserw (a)1M obtiplttons of Oranta unWr tlw CiodH •
<br /> AprN►mMl,lhl�D�sd M Trust,and IM Relatsd OaCUmenh,and (p)�hn Ibns end,ecurity Interesb creeted by thls De�d W 7nttt on tM Propuly.
<br />° ' Uda.s pn�hlblNd Dy Irw a�grMO to 1M contraryr by Lender In writinp,(irantor shell relmbur5e Lencfer lor 1� costs and expsr�ae Incumtl fn
<br />°° COnnt�IlOh wlth ihs mlttNS r!tlrted to In Ihls par�pr8ph.
<br /> 17. FU.L PEFiFO{iMANCE. If Ortnta paya aN the tndobteCnc►ss when due, terminfltes tne cretlit Ilne axoUnl, and olMrwlse plrtam5 tp tM
<br /> � oblpalOns ImpOlW upon(irsntOt un0�r Ihh DNd W Trust,Lentler sAatl sxeCUte anq Oellver to Trustee a reqt�+»t tCr htM reCOnveyanC�.
<br /> U, OlxAI�S. Faoh of t1a falowin8,�1 tt»optlon of lender,s!ul!aor�ritute an evsnt of defauft('£vent o1 D�hutt")under thla Dp0 d Tnnt: (a) '
<br /> ' Cirtrrta CommHS Mud o►milksl�metMt�l misrepresr+t[tlo�lt t�y Hrw In conneeUOn wllh ti»cred4 linl aocount. 1'Ab can tndud�,fair IxampN,• �
<br /> lal1� �ylem�nt ab0U1 pnntOr'� InCartN, aosals,Ilnhlllli� or�nY otAN aspeCls of GrantoPe IlrwnGal Contlition. (b)GnMOr db!!rtol rf1�1 iM
<br /> nO�Ym�M Mrms o1 th�crWlO Nr��ocaunt. (o)Gkanta'c�ctian or In�ction Rdvwr,ety ath�cb ths cdlatenl ta the credl Nn�aecount a LenWre riyhri En
<br />= tM co�l�ral. Thh can Indud�,Icr�xampN,hliure to muntafn rBquired Insurance,waste or dastructfve use ot Iha dw�l'arq, fauure to pty 4xes,death
<br />-_ of QN persOn9 hebte on the�CCOUnt,trensfor of titlo or sIIl9 of Ihe dweilirtg,croehon of p Bon on Ih@ dwelling wil�oul 0ur pgrmf55�0�,}o�eclpsure by Iho
<br />� . � . �' �
<br />_ . , .
<br />- , ' � .
<br /> F.' .. � . - .�.1- � - ,
<br /> � .. .. � . . . . l�
<br /> .. � � .
<br /> �
<br />—. ' �� . � - � � r
<br />