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<br />__----- -- 17. TransCcr of the Prop�rty or u Deneilctal Interest in INorrow�r.If all or nny part of dic f�ope�ty or any Inxcrest in it
<br /> _ _ R_� is SalJ or tmnsierrcd(ur if u bcncficinl intcrest in Borrotiucr is sold or�ransfcrrcd nnd[iorrawcr is not.►na4ue�d persan)wethout
<br /> -- — 1.e��dcr's prinr written cimser�t, L.endcr may, at its option, rcqu�n; imntcdit+tr paymcnt in fuU oE iill sums sccurcd by this
<br /> Securiry [nstrument. Ha�wevcr, this optiun shull nat tse excrcised by I.endcr it exercise!s prohibitat by fcder�l luw ns�f the dats
<br /> "-�-�°-"`— of this Secudty Instnmicut.
<br /> ---- =---a.-,
<br /> - ---- -- �
<br /> Ii Lcnder exercises this uptlon, l..ender shali give Burruwe�nutica o� ...cclet;ztian. The notice shall providc r+peri u not
<br /> �.� Icss than 30 days f'rom the date the noticc is delivercd or mnilecl with!n �+hieh 6orro�ver must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> — Sccurity Instriement. lf Bnrrawcr fiiils to p�y thcse sums priar to Qie expimtion of this period, I.c�ider may invoke a�tiy rcmedies
<br />--�—�-:..:� permineci by this Sec�irity Instrumcnt without funher notice or dcm�md on Borrower.
<br /> 18. Qurrow•ec g R9�ht to Reinstate. If 8orrowcr mcets ccrtaen conditians, f�orrowcr shull huvc thc rigiu ►o hnve
<br /> "�—=`-';� cnforccnlcnt of this Securiry Instrumcnt dfaontinued at nny timc pnar ta thc enrlicr of: (a) 5 duys (u� �uch .�thc; perlwi as =- -
<br /> �:t,."„�!�,, upplicablc Inw may specify for rcinstnteuient) 6efQre salc oF thc Property pursuant to nny po�ver af salc contnined �n this
<br /> --""�_� Sccurrty Insintmcnt;or(b)entry of u jud�mei�t cnfoniny tl�is Secu�ity Instrumcnt.Those conditions ure A�at Borruwer:(.�.)pays �.
<br /> �-° "'T""1�?� Lender nll sums which then wauld be due under this Security Instrument und the Note as if no ucccleration had occurrcd; (b)
<br />--�-=�?!.�`.:�ft+� cures any defauh �f uny ather covenants or n�re�meuts; f�) pays all expensra incurral in enforcing this Secu�ity Instrumcnt.
<br /> =="�':-�'�'�fr`i�:J
<br /> __,r,y_,�-� includin�,but no! limited to. ��.lsonablc attomcys' fces; und i:d)takes such action as Lcnder mny rcasonably require to atisure
<br /> ..�:q;►i'';,���� that thc licn of this Security Instrumcnt, Lcnder's rights in the Property and Borrowcr's obligutian to pay the sums sccured by ___�
<br /> —='=�=�� tiiis Security Instrument shull continue unchangai. Upon reinstatemcnt by Borm�vcr, this Security Instrumcnt and the
<br /> �;,,:,.��`"�° obligations secured herebg�shall remain fully effective as�f tiio acreleration had occurred. However,this right to reinsmte shall
<br /> _ �- •"•" not apply in thc casc uf acccicrutian under paragraph 17.
<br /> =••;�"°'t;"' ` 19. tialc af Note; Change of I.oan Servicer. Thc Notc or a pnnial intcrest in thc Nut� (tugether �vith this S�curity _
<br /> ==t�+���i�"; InstrumenU may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known �__
<br /> ---a:r�t�a�7L� __.
<br /> _ - � ss thc"l�c�sn Sen�iter"?thnt rn!lcct�monthly p:iymr.nts due under tbe Notc and this Secuntv Insnvment.There also maY e one —
<br /> " �------ or morr rh�nees of the Loan Scrviccr wtrelatcd to a salc of thc Note.If there is a char�ge of thc Lc�au Serviccr. Qorrowcr will be �__'�--_
<br /> � •t•� -.'� '�. given written notice of the chunge in accordunce with paeagraph 14 above anii appIicuoie i�w. 'i'iir uuiicc wili,tatc thc na��ic and �_-��-�_-
<br /> :.,�_�
<br /> address of the new l.oan 5ervicer and the uJdress to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other �t-,
<br /> " informaiion required by upplicable la�v. ���_�
<br /> �• ' � .`� 20. Hacardous Su6stances. Borrowcr shaU not cause or permit thc prescncc, use, disposal, storage, or rdc:ase of any �''�R,a,,:
<br /> - �__ _ ':t""' iiaicsnl�•us Sub�l:tttc�� un ui in thc Property. E��or:�r r;hall n�t do. nor alluw anYnne else t� do. anvthine affectin� the �-:':-.�_
<br /> a�.;
<br /> • {.., Prapeny that is in violation of any Environmental law. The prcceding two scntcnres shall not apply w thc presenc�,use, or � ��.:_
<br /> , � .� storagc on thc Property of small yuantitics uf Ha•r,irdous Substanccs that arc gcncrally reco�nilxd to bc appropriatc to nonnul .,;;�
<br /> residential uses and to maiutenance of thc Property. `�`'�1'�''�
<br /> � -°' Rnrm.vrr chall�romntly eive Lender written notice of any investi�ation, claim, demand, lawsuit or othcr action by any ��'
<br /> ':I.�.
<br /> . ' governmental ur regulatory agency or private party involvina the Pmperty and any Hnzartious�uostancc ur Euviroun�c�itui L'u:ry �,.�--^_
<br /> of which Bnrrower has uctual knowled�c. If Borrower lcarns, or is notified by any gavernmental or regulatory authoriry. that .r,
<br /> �, sny removal or other remediation of any Huzardous Substance affectii�g the Property is necessary. Borrower shaU promptly take _���
<br /> " all necessary remedial actions in accordance�vith Enviromnental La�v. =��
<br /> . As used in this paragr�sph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defincd as [oxic or ha-r.;irdous substanccs by �.�._.
<br /> . Environmental Law and thc follawing substanres: gasoline. kerosene, other Ilammuble or toxic petroleum products, toxie ��*�
<br /> pesticides and herbi:ides,volatile solvents, materials containin�asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As used in } i��
<br />�� •• - t h i s p a r a g r a p h Z0, "Environmental Law" means federal la�vs and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that ���
<br /> • , relate ro hcalth,safery or environmental protection. �-�-
<br /> �� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender furcher covenant and aarce as follows: _
<br /> ' 21.Accelerntion; Remedtes. Lender shall give natice to Borro�ver prior to uccelerntfon tollowing Borro�ti•er's breach _.
<br /> . �, of any covenunt or u�reement in this Secw•Ity Instrument (but not prior to ncceterutiuti under pare��ph 17 unless .
<br /> • +� upplicuble law provides othen+�ise).The notice shall spec(fy: (a)the defuult; (b) the sction reyuired to cure the defnult;
<br /> ' � �� �'" (c) u date,not less than 30 days from the datr the notEce ts given to Borrower. by�r•hlch tlie d�fnult must be cured�IIRd
<br /> � ' ' (d) thnt fuHure to cure tlie default on or before the date specified in the nnttce mAy result in ucceleration of tl�e sums � `.
<br /> : ". '""`i secured by thls Seturity Instrument and sule of the Property. The notice shull further inform Borrower of thc right to _
<br /> ' t�., �• re�nstate aiter ecceleration and the ri�ht to bring a court nction to u.�.�ert the nou-existence of a default or any other
<br /> '�:';�� ? . defense of Borro�ver to ucceleration and sale. If the defnaalt is not cured on or before the date specitied in the nottce,
<br /> � :; � I.ender, at its option, mny require immedtate puyment in full of all sums secured by th(s Security Instrmnent without
<br /> fu��ther deinsuid and may invoke Ohe ��a•er off sale und uny other remedies permitted by applic:�ble In�r•. Lender shall be
<br /> �_ entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuin};the remedfes provided in this puraRruph 21,including� but not limited
<br /> . - to,rca�awble uttorneys'fees and custs of tftle evidence.
<br /> '� • If tlte power oP sale is Invoked. TrusKee shnl! record u notice of default in cuch county in which any part of the
<br /> . „ " Property fs laated und shall mail copies of such notice in the m�nner prescribed bv upplicuble luw to 13orro��•er und to
<br /> tlie otlier persons prescribed by Applicable lu�v.After the tirne reyuired hv upplicable law,Trustee shull�ive public notice
<br /> ' of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by apNlfcable law.Trustee. �sithout dcmund m�Bnrroti►•er,shall sell
<br /> „ the Property at pub9lc auction to the hi�;hest bidder�t the Nme and plalcc and under the terms d�;i�;nuted in thc not[ce of
<br /> � sale In one or more parcels nnd in uny order Trustee determines. Trustee muy postpone sule of all or uny parcel of the
<br /> �� � Property by public unnouncement �t the time and pince ��f:�ny prevtously scheduled si�le. Lender nr its devignee may
<br /> � purchase the Property�t any sule. . ,.
<br /> ., . Form 3028 9/90 I
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