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<br /> _ — Ral�itsto Mort�age or Deod of Tnut datad June 9. 1994 oaecut�l by G�►ry R,Erdbrugcr wd Tar�sa A. Erdbzuger to K-Desigaera uid
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<br /> Fin�acid Accept�nce Corp� tha tuedersigned,whosa principal placa of O�usiness is 16901 Dalloa PArkway�Suite 20(1,Llall�s, Texns 75248,
<br />_�-��� whic6 Mortg�ge w�.s recorded in Volume 94 . PagN 106326�I;�1��ty Official lteconi.s.St�ta of Nebraslcn. �ad encum_herintt ----
<br />-���� tl�e roal estata comnionly known sa 610 W.John Street-GrAnd Islwd,IVebraska 68801 es mora piuticulnrly doscribed in E?�hibit A,attecl�ed `
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<br />.� �+��.-�� TOOETHBR with tha note(s)or reteil innt�llment sales coattect(s)or oWer contract(e) therein describecl or referenc�d. the monay ''
<br /> ����� dvo and to bacoma due tbareon(including principal,interest,lata fees aad all other charges and amounte)�and ap righta nccrued or to eccrue �--:-
<br /> �u�dar eaid Ral Y'stato Mortgaga or Deed of Trust.
<br />:,� ��i.a^'
<br /> m � IN WITNBSS WHBRBOF,tha uadersigaed has exeeuted this Assignn�eat ss of the 23rd day of Jttae. 1994. ` , ,
<br />_ _=� Signed and Acknowledged SFA:STATB FINANCIAL ACCEPTANCS CURP. i�
<br />_��.:,,T�� In tho P�ca of: dba STATE FINANCIAL ACCBPTANCE -
<br /> ;�;�� aka STATE F'INANCIAL CORP. .�i
<br />..��-'.� ska STATB ANCIAL
<br />--�""'�'� aka STA FIN CI ACC C -
<br /> .-R:���� ' / .
<br />�/_W J�.� .
<br /> �.,�� By: I t� '
<br />�:�� am V�lenciw►o Its:Prrsident Daniel .Phi ps
<br /> i4i.� � .
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<br /> �t�.�. �..+�.,.�..,4_ ..
<br /> _= Liss Hollinshead
<br /> 'r�'';��
<br /> �=:�� STATB O�'i'EXAS, COUNTY OF DALLAS) ss:
<br />�;�.���
<br /> Yg_.
<br />_�""''•`�' BBFORE M6, n�oWry publie in and for said couuty and stata,pecsonally upprare+d the above named Stato Finaneial Acceptance
<br /> ;r_,..
<br /> ��''�:r�: Cotp..by Uaniel T.P6illips,ite�residcnt,who acknowledged thathe did sign tha forgoing instrument for and on behalf of such Corporation,
<br /> _,�,.. .,
<br />.=",�:.s-= by outhority of its lioard of Directore,and thet tha same is the free act and deed of said Corporarion aad the free ucc aad daad o6 him �
<br /> .;__��•_ personally and as such u!'ficer. °
<br /> ��� `��� W WITIVLSS WHBRB�F. I hava hcreunto set my hand and affix my official s t Uallas.Taxas,.tlr,�23rdlla3�.o�.ivaor.199,�..�. .
<br />�;•`4.5.��.`.,., � �'��pv n�"., NONryPuUl�c r
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<br /> •��� Karen Anstoy, Notury Public ��., .: KAREN ANSTEY � (
<br /> ..,x: . ` ;,y,� a��,c !dy Appc�mmem Eapnea
<br /> • Thi�inshument wxs prepared by State Finaneial Ar,ceptence Corp. � . �• Jur.o 1B.1997 1 � -
<br /> � :���'; 1690I'Dallas Pnrkway,Suite 20Q. Dallas.Teaas 751.48 "•••.".".•., ."
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