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<br />- i�:;�:iiic":.•��1�►A.vrruuar rll�Ah AII}fC.tA.�!t,p�n�anv nttiar cc�v�nnr�t�s ci ayreKm�nt�c,f�iarrawer cohln n¢►d I t,���14i'ti .
<br /> E ���... �� .:�'. .. ;�`. . . „ .�. , ... �:� .�....�f;�7�'....i.�f .. 'r t�el�:;:i?l.l i..f��,�ur•Si�� �,��c !c:�t. , � •�t
<br /> . . . . . .._ . . . . ...
<br /> .......�=--=rn�.�........�+.+�..i.nlntt+t•l'�wrir,flturf �rui.in..rsfnrr.htniatxiwr'xa�ntl�Gri�x'Rrnr,n�riNw�tqraVidld - `_..-
<br /> ..II._....�...d_.�_....._.__..�....._.._....---__. .. _ „ . ..
<br /> fn�u�apr�ph 17 6send�Includirp,!wt nW limitod to�r�asnnabb�Rttwr►eyb'feta;��.hd(d)pt�rrowa►�taksi such�tian _
<br /> �l�ncl�r may r�a�an�bly nqulr��o+�wsu�ro th�t tha lirn af thi��eec!ot'itu�t,Le�'a int�reri in ttw Pr�i�fy�nd
<br /> Qa�ro�rsr'�obliy�tian b{�y 4teo wms l�cured by thls CJmed of Yfu�t shali contlnue uniEt�palrosi,U�wn such payme�if
<br /> �nnd cur�by Harc.we�.this U�r�d ot ltutt and tfa abiigations securod�►�rr.t;�eh�l!rem�in In fuN fnra and rMrc.°t�s if
<br /> , R�T_!'^.!`.*.i!^'1 h�r`C!"�fsr'!. ' ' �
<br /> '1�, �ifQ11ir1MY�0�F�11L*y A�10111111Mf1Z Ot F1�CNWf��.lBdYf If9 POM�lf�OR./Id Ht3dfl�Pf��l$tlClifl�i hdf@UfKI@f.
<br /> 8cxrov�er hsr�eby�tt�jna to[.a��dsr the�m►tKn af tha Property�Pr�id�d thM Borrih�rRr ehall�Prbo�W�Rtbn eerx�r
<br /> p�npnptti 47 MroW ar ah�ndonmeM ot the Property,hava the rfgM to cultuct er�d retaln such ronte sa they tx+come
<br /> due u�d paynbb.
<br /> Up�n acc�Mration undor para�ra�ah 17 tw►FSOt or abandonment ottne Nropercy,i.�naier.in parsun.ayag�ni ur iry —
<br /> J��UyAn�int�freo�ivt�rst��llkx�rtntitla�dtoenterupon,takepossRSSlanofandmanagethePrbpertyendtoeollect _--
<br /> the rer�tR ui the Prcrperty incirading those paat due.Ail rents collected by Lender or the recehrpr shaN by a�plisd flrat
<br /> Du paymentafttw c�ata of inenagement of the Propertyr and coiloc4ior►of rents,ficiuding,but not Ifmfted tn,rece(ver'y
<br /> lee�,prer�iuma on receiwx'ebonda ancl raseonable attomeys'tees,and then ta tha sums secur�d by this!'�edo1'hust.
<br /> Lande�and the receiver�hnll ba Ilable to acaount onty tor those rents actually re�ceiv�d.
<br /> 30. R��. Uport paymsM oi all aums so..���ed b�thEg[Ieed of Trust,I.sndar shaU request Truatee to
<br /> reconvey tha�+Prop�rty arfd shaii aurrender thla Oeed ot 7it�st and ail noios:nridencing Indebtedness eecured b�r this
<br /> t:w.�c�T�u�.�Tt'tia�,a�Yr��ss shsf3 raca��t tha F'top:.rty L:J1Fi3172 L'T.;Jf3My fl[It1 t:iitr�;.•i c!�args to th�M��n ar —
<br /> pst�or�a legaity entitted theretn.Such per�an or parsnns shal!pay ell costs ui recordatian,if any.
<br /> �, Q�•5•±..�,�,,.s�r.,�r,.�����o�r�g��,maytnxtttlrr�tntimerAmnve'IFustaeand�nnointasuRn::�G+r
<br /> f���tm?�wt?�Ti��tm g�►r►n���tae��orowmr/nr h�er.!n�!,s�rn+.s�t ree•xt+�C!�ihe c�!�nt�!n whi�t�thi�[]ead ad 7i�ust Is
<br /> reconiocl.Without canveysnce of xhe�roperty,the successor trustee shaft suc�eed to all the tftie.po�wer and dutfes
<br /> conferred upon the Trustee heretn and by applicable!aw
<br /> �2. Rfqu�st tor Notices.Sorrower req��st�that capfes of the�otice of do?�ult�and notfce of sale be sent ta
<br /> Bnarower's address wh4ch is the Fropert�/1Wdress. , ' ,
<br /> una�r.ercc na nFFnc nF Tpusr
<br /> Barrower and Lender request the hotder of any mortgage,de�d of trust or other encumbrance with a Ilen whlch
<br /> has p;iority over this Deed of Ttust to gfvg Notico to Ldnder,at Lender's address set forth on page one of this Oeed
<br /> of Trust,of any detault under the superior encumbrance and of any sale or other toreclosure action.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower has executed this Qeed of Tr . �
<br /> . , —
<br /> ,E1�R�,1 �7. r[[I� �.�1' •Bortauer
<br /> �Y��i��.�°i���,,D.�-�-� -.
<br /> Vic;cf L. Obermiller 'eoroxir �
<br /> STATE OF tVEBRASKA, H�Y County ss: '
<br /> �,::_`
<br /> On this 12�day of J��@ , 19�., before me,the undorsigned.a Notary Public duly
<br /> commissloned ancl qualifled!or said county,personally came �? �T. ��+�?er r�r3 vi _ki r._ �:=�,
<br /> Qberauiller� husband and wf�p me known to be the Identical person(s�whose name(s)are subsoribed to the ��.-
<br /> faregoing instrument and acknowledged the executton tharoof to be �heir vol�ntary act and deed. �_-•-
<br /> WiTNESS my hand and notorfal seal at Grand Tsland, t�tE ,in said coursry,the =:
<br /> d�ta aforesafd.
<br /> My Gommisslon expires: M3rch 1Q, 1998 -
<br /> _,�,`
<br /> e CERERAI MOi�Ar�tAe ei Nshr��ki NOtflry Publlc =
<br /> �L CONNIE 05iERMAN
<br /> °-9�A Mp Cene►E�p�Al�rch 10.I99L
<br /> 'f�'TRUSTFE: �
<br /> The undersigned istho hoidor ofthe noto or notos secured bythls Qeed of Trust.Said note ornotos,togothsrw(th
<br /> all other indehtedn�ss securer3 by this Deed of Trust,have been pafd in fuil.Yo�o are hereby dfrected to cancel safd
<br /> note or notes and th(s�eed of Trust,whtch are dolivered haroby,and to reconvey,wiihout w�rranry.all tho estate now �
<br />' heid by you under thfa Deed of Trust to the petson or pA�sons legally entitlod thor�to.
<br /> Data: I,:
<br /> (Space Below Thls line Reserved For Londer and Recorder)
<br /> . . � '�-.� }
<br /> I
<br /> I 1
<br /> I '
<br />