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L _,.. <br />_-_ -n��;aiT::{C• ( � � ----_-- <br /> �. i:�il:...�_.�L='�._� ' ��/��� �� �—— <br /> _•__._ __" • R .Mra �� —�. <br /> _--.Y��;;l�y i6.Bwrower's CopY. �o�wer shall ba Siven one confom�eopY of thc Note and bf this Socudty InsmunenG <br /> 17.Trsasfer at lae Pti'operi�!o�w�eaetl�iw�x��erest in Rorrower. If all or any part qf the Pmp�xty or eny intc�cesl in it i� <br /> �,:�,,..,�,�v��,,,r„ sold or transferred�or if a beneFiciat intereat in Hartowa is eotd oc iransfared xttd Hott�owu ie not a tatur�l pa�on)without <br />-- ==,...=,.,, � � <br /> ---- -- ------- � Lcr.d;s,prtQr t�eit cn consent,I.endea may,nt itg opxinn,reciulre Immed9ate payment in full of all aums oeeur�dc�ry thtj Sx iy � <br /> — Instruma►G Howavu.Qiis optiou ehall not ba cact�lsai by Lentfct�f'caercise�s�,�ii�iic:cD i��f:,;:.:al 1;:�a.^.of th^ ,,,��f�i� �-: <br /> Security Lnstwnu►� <br /> �,_:.� If Lendec exercises rhis option,Lender shalY qive Borrowu noqce of accekr�tion.Tho notica shal!pmvIde aperbd of not kss <br /> _— -= than 30 d9ys tram the date the norice is dellvend or maUed wittmt whlch Rorrowu must p�y all�ums sxurut by this Security <br /> --°y`�;%W Ynstsumen�If Sorrower faila ta a�eg th�c!cnms'.�fficQiration of this period,Lendu.may invnke any runaiies pamiKe+t1 .._ ._ <br />.��,� �.A..; '�`u�� •. • '"d on Borrowtx. <br /> - ,,,,.,�..��,��'� by ohis Sa;urity Instrumcnt without t�tII�Q"'�{�;�c�d�►u�n <br />'`'=`;��''" :+�:"��T`' 18.Borrnwer's Rlpb,t to R�� ,i.Tl,.Somower meets certain condldons. Hormwea shall have the right 4s� ha�e _ <br /> �C�:zY;��.'s enforcement af this Security Insinl��r�'dtscontinual at any time �riar w the earlicr of:(sr)S d�ys (or such oth�per3oc!as �-- <br /> ,;,� .,� r�';'''�'; epplicnbte Inrt:��ay specifp for rc3nstaumen�)Uefore salc of the Pmperc�►pursuant to eny powcr of sale contai�.,d itt this Sccurrty <br />.:::,:;;;;,,-�,��,�,'4°��R�;_ Inst�ument;or(b)enL�ry of a jadgment enforcing this Scxurdty Insttumcn�Those condltions ara thai Boac�nwer.(a) ays l..�nder ay <br /> ,�.r a•,;,�.,. G<::— <br />�.;,;•�t��.j.:;•', :, sums which then would be due under this Security Inswenent a�id 1ha Nou as 'sf no acseleradon had�or,��re • N)c��Y <br /> �y : � �ti' default of ar�y othu a�venants or agmements;(c)pays alI expens�s incurred In en�'orcing this Security Instiuumc�i,lnclud�g,but „ <br /> ��rK��+� ,�r�,`'��`�'.;4� not limirced 40,reasonable aUnct�eys'fer.s:and(d)takes such action aa Landr.r may reasonably require to assure�t►at the lien af th�s <br /> y;�f,±,���''ti �.. S�urlty, Insu�uncnt, I.ender's nghts in the Propc,�ty and �onower's oblIgafion w pay the sums secured by thls Sec�arl�tY <br /> ` "�' -� ` �`� '` Iasuum�nt sha�l contiu►ue unchanged. Upon r�instate�nent by Borrower.this Securit Instn�m�nt a��d the abli ations secured <br /> r <br />,:�,�,.. :�f-.i•.;. ,��:��, _— <br /> hercby shall remnin fully cffective as if ao acccicradon had occurred.Hawevee,�ris rig t La r�s�tc sh�ll rtct app y In t�o eA�s of <br />;V.��;,• �•'„''= `,�'":` acceleration undet paraB�Ph 17. °°` <br /> __;i:'_._ �9.g�e e*14nt•;rhange of Loar�ServQrer. 'Iho Note ar a pastital lnterest in tha Noue (to8e�1►u,with this Security <br /> ` .. ���:_. Instntment)may bts sold ona or noie timcs without prior nuuus io iiorrower.A sale mny msult u�a change m the entity (�cnown �-.�., <br /> •�, w as tho"I.oan Scrvicci')that collCCts monv�Iy payneente duo u�uer ti��?:�a cu�u this 3tcutF:y L�St�ume.nt-'Y't�c.�c elso rttay UC onC or ►+_°� <br /> �� '~"•;�` moro chan gcs of the Lotui Servicer unreiated to a srle of tho Notv.If thcro is a Ghango ot tho l.oan Sceviccr,Aarmwu will bo � _ <br /> ' , k h 14 etwvc an�up l i c a b lo l aw.T ho n o d c c w i l l s t a E O the namo snd �_.-- <br /> givcn writuen nodce of Uu changc in uccordanco with P��P p <br /> � � � ` , address of thc ncw I.a�n Scrvicu and tho address to which puymcnts should ba mado. 'fhc notico will nlso c.�ntain anY�+ s�.n,�� <br /> . information tcquirca by ePP�iu�ula iaw. 4 ,'4;, <br /> �,;� 20.HYZardo��s Subsi,���cr.�. Horrowcr shall not causc or perrt►lt thc prescncc, usc,clis{►osal, storagc, ar rolcasa af any � .fw,, <br /> Ha•rardaus Substanccs on or in�ha Property.Borrowcr ehall nnt do,nor allow anyone clso lo do.anything affocUng thc Prop�tty F ��_ <br /> ' ' � that ls in violatEon of any Environmentel Luw.7hG pneceding two sentences shall not epply to the presenco,USO,Of BI076$C OI1 lh0 . <br /> . Pmr,+crcy of small vus�nuflcs of Hezardous Substances �hai erc gerternlly r�ognfxcd to bc appropriato eo norms�l residcntial asc� � *�_� <br /> 1 <br /> - . _ . . _. �._ . . �_";.-F <br /> - � end to malnttnanve of thc Propc�ty. � � <br /> Borrower shsili prompdy gtve Lender wriucn notice of eny invesdgation,clelm.demand. lawsuit or other ecdon b any ,�, <br /> i <br /> gover!mmental or regulatory ngency or private party invutving the Property and eny Hazasdous Substance or Environmcn Law ,�t-. <br /> of which Burrowcx tias acwel knowledge.If Borrower learns,or is notiffied by eny govemmental or re�ulatory authorlty.that an :� <br /> i <br /> � �� removal or other remedixdon af any Ha7ardous Substance affecdng the Prapeccy is necessary,Soaower shall promptly tske __ <br /> ' nccessary remedial.s�cdons in accordance with Environmental Law. :�.;',- <br /> � , pg used in th�s paragraph Z0. "Hvardous Substances"are those subst�nces defined es wxic or hazardous substances by ?, <br /> �� Environmental Law end the foUowing substances: gasoline. kerosene, ather flammable or toxic petroleum Fraducts, toaic <br /> � �� pesdcides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or fomnaldehyde,and radioacdve matenaLs.As used in --, <br /> ' ;; this aragraph Z0."Environmental Law"means federal laws and la�vs of the jutisdicdon where the 1'roperty is located that relate . <br /> . � to hepalth,safety er environmental protection. <br /> ,, .,n NON-UNIFORM COVENANT'S•Borrower and L.ender further covenant and agee as follows: <br /> '� • ',' �'•�• 21.Acceleration;Remedies.Lender shall give notice to Sorrower prtnr to aecelerotion tollovring Borr�wer's bre�c6 ot <br /> " ' ��:`�:���;�' any covenant or s�greement in this Secur[ty Instrument (bmt not prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 unkss <br /> �•� applicabk law provWes otherwise).T�e noike sball specUy:(a➢Q�e deteulh,(b)the action required to cure ihe defaul3;(c) , <br /> ' '�'� a date,nat less than 30 clays from the date the uotke is gfven to Borrower, by whQch the detault musi be cured;and(d) <br /> � � }�'= th�t tailure tu cure the defnult on or before th�date specif ied 6n the notice may result in acceler�tion of the sums seeured _ <br /> ''� by tNis Sesarity Iu�strument and sale ot the Property.'�he noiice shall further inform Borrawer of ttic rig6E to reinetate <br />' � after acceleratlon �ad the rlght to bring a court actlon to assert the non�existence of a deFault or any other defense of <br /> � ` 13orrower to ascelerotfon and sale.If the default is not cured on or Before the date specitied in the notice,Ixnder,at its <br /> optton�may require immediate payment[n fuE�of all swns secured by t6t� Security Instrument without further demund <br /> ' ' and may invoke the Rower of sal�and any other remedles permitted by Applicable law.Lender s6a11 De entitled to wllect <br />� •� �� aU expenses incurred In pursuing tt�e remed[es provided tn thLv paragraph 21� Includrng, but not Ilmited to�reasonabk <br /> -- attor�eys'�ees and costs of tttle evideuce. <br /> � If the power of sate ts [nvoked� Trustee s6aU record a notice of detault in each wunty in whica any part of the <br /> , property is located and sl�all mail ropies of suc6 notiQe in t6e manaer preacribed by applfcable law to Borrowee and to the <br /> ' ' ather persons Vrescrjbed by applicable law.Atter the time required by epplicable law,Trustee shaU giv�publlc notice of <br /> salc to the persons and in the maaner prestribed by sppllcabQc law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shalf sell the <br /> ,`�"„ property at publlc auction tn the 6tghest bidder et t6e tLme and gtace and under the terms designated in the nottce of sak i <br /> �; :. <br /> � Form 30�8 9100 <br /> , � � -.> (r1,T�•eR(NE)cas�2� Pep�6018 imtiai�:_. -- i <br /> .■.� <br /> _ - ,. ° j <br /> - <br /> . <br /> - ---f� _..--- - ,• -_. .._ <br /> � -- . _._.r..__.�.____r_-_ ---- .. <br /> --.�___..- -----• ------ <br /> --„--__--_ ._.---•--.. .. , <br /> .. . .. . � . �. . . S . . <br /> - _ .. . . - � �� .. <br />.. ; - . - - . - .) . . '. .. �—__ ,- . _.... ._ ..__ <br /> . <br /> �� : <br /> t <br />