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<br /> ------- 'I'0(iB'THaR W1TH wil tha improvemer�ts now or hue.afcer erected on the yrup�rty�and ell easenunts� a+pp�rte�nce�.end
<br /> -- --�L�,�;:a-•;;-,�'.�;� fiawrea naw or hr„rafter a part cf the pmnerty.Ail rtpIaGCrncnts and additions ehnki�so be,covaed by thi�Se�urity inxtcum�a►t
<br /> - --- - �' AII 0�tii6 E�fiTZ�Uli'ig�9 i�Fc�:ai w Ic�t{ii:�;cusity Instrum;.n2��:�"Pra�w�j.�� �
<br /> � � SORR�WHR COVBNAN'PS tl►ac Bomowu is lawfulty eeiaed of tua eslata hair,by conveyod and t�a�the right to grant and
<br /> —��r� convey tha Pmpecty and that�t►e Pcoperty !s enencumbered,eacePt for enc�unbranees of rocurd.Bomowa wa�te�►ta and wlil
<br /> -:y defead generally tho titto to the Property agutnst al1 claim9 and demands.subject to eny ea�cumbranr,�s of record.
<br /> ;��:;:*i'.`:�7j .' TniS S�GUP.I1'Y INSTI',LJI��R'T cembines onifoam wve!?�ta fnr national use and non-uniform covGnents with limital ___-_
<br /> ���,��'� x varladons by Jurisdicdon t�►consdtute a uniform seGUdry instrumentcovering resl propercy. ___
<br /> _.'`i:�t�,.':�.�`;� UNIF��M C�JVL�LVANTS.Borsowu c,r►d I,endcr covenantnndagreo es follows: -`-- -
<br /> —�•:.�i:m��._.�flc �,.�_
<br /> °�` �' � 1.Payiment of Princfpal�nd Interesti Prepayment Rnd LAte Charges. Borrowcr sha11 prompdy pay wlun due the --
<br /> '"_•��m��=J.�.�„�✓�I,r•- .}.
<br /> �_-=��"�".� ^4 pr}ncipal of and intcrest on tha debt evldenced by the Nots and sny pr�puyment and late chuges due under the Note.
<br /> �:�n ��3f' •. .
<br /> :.`?�:., �;; , 2.I�nds for Taaces wnd Insurance Subject W applirablc !nw or to a written waiver by Lcnder. Borrower shall pay to -_-
<br /> ��=s�?°,a;,��;� � Lender on the duy monthly payments are due under the Notc,undl th�Notc is pafd in full,a sum('ruads)for.(a)ycarly taxes .o--
<br /> �,..�� �_.
<br /> _,,;�y��,� und assessments which may auain priority over Uils Scc�uity Instrument as a lien on the Pcoperty;(b)yearly leaschald payments �cd=A
<br /> -•--� • or ground rents an the Property.if any;(c)yearly harard or properry insurance premiums;(d)yeacly flood insurance premiums,if �=°--
<br /> ,��•_ t�',�.�.._
<br /> - : ' ,t$' , any:(e)Y�rly mortgage insurance pr�miums,if any;and(�tu►y su3na payablc by Borrower to Leudee,I�acca�'denc�wi'�4�� ��.�-�
<br /> =-'Sh; r'•: ��t pmvisions of parugra�i�8. in Ueu of the payment of ma:tgage i�surance premiums. These iRems are called"Escrow Itcros." �{�'%y�y��?�=
<br />— - -..S�ar.t: -�
<br /> ,::r.--_ .�.�TI;7, ifRlfn.'.
<br />;:;:U:`_;.1:;f;ti; rK;�:.� Lender mny.AL 2fly pIRZE,collect and hold 1Funds in nre�unount nat to easceed the mts.�cimum a,uui�r�i a iand�ta.i+i f�:3ual;�r.,ta:r.� `�,..,.��,.,
<br /> �� �' �� RlOIIg�C iQBil ff43y IP.[jU1tC POP BRII(11VC3''3 C.CCtOW ACCOUR3 Ufitl�[IiC fKLCiAI RpI�.Ylil1C S�i3.�uulZil2 i'fi'nn"n'�iT7u5.k::,t Qa 19.4� �
<br /> '-f�.,. : �:`:5'ii�� ' n f� T���.
<br />�;,��,� " .:,�;,,�r'� funendetl Ssom t3ma to time. 12 U.S.C.Sect�on 2fi'Ul et seq. ("RESPA ),unless Annlher law LhAt Applles to tQ�e llwrl9 aG1S a lesseT ��,+{�,,,
<br />:r:•�t, - �. '���': arnnunl. d�f so. Lender may,at any time, collect and holA FUnc7s in an amount nat to exceed the lesscs u�nounl.Lencler may '
<br /> u3
<br /> . '��f. ��=�-��-•-
<br /> ��,� , esdmate ahe:unount of Funds dus on the b�s�s of current data anz�reasonable esdmates of expendidues of fi,turc fiscrow Items or ��r�
<br /> ,, •• r.th�ti:�isc€n u�co:d�R����ria�eppLcabl_e iaw. �"::�
<br />'��',;� � :;.�,� 'il�e Funds shall be held In an inst+tuuon whase deposit9 aze insured by a feAeral agency,instcumentelity,or endty(including
<br /> , ..,�•,.
<br /> �:•.• `�• Lender.if Lender i9 such an insdtution)or in eny Federai Home Loan Bank.I.endu shall apply the Funds ro pay the Escrow � "
<br /> '� Items.Lender mny not charge Boaower for holding end epplying the Funds,annually analyzing the es�xaw accou*►t,or vt7ifying
<br /> . ,� . . , Ihe Escrow Items.unless Lender pays i�orcower int��es[on ine Funa�anu appliiaiolc Liw����iL;L'u.d�.t��ancts a cl�argc. �,�y;;�.,�
<br /> � Howevcr.Lendcr may rcquire Borrower to pay a onc-time chargc for an independent real estate ta�c rcpordr+g scrvicc used by �:�.:`.�
<br /> ' .� Lender in connecdon with thi.9 loan. unless applicable �aw provides otherwise.Unless an agreement is muda or sspplirable law `"�'''"
<br /> � � requIros intcrest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower ony int�rest or eamings on tho Funds. Borrowu a�id �:�.�
<br /> ,. Lcndcr may ngcce In wdting,howcver,that intcrest shall be paid nn thc Funds.I.endcr shall givc to aorrower.without chargo,an ,�`;_
<br /> - annunl accounting of tho Funds,showing crcdlts and dcblts ro tho Funds and tho purposo for which cach dcbit l0 1ho Funds wav •
<br /> � meda'Rio Funds arc plrAgcd a9 addldonel sccudty for Nl sums sccured by this Sccuriry InswmenG � "
<br /> " • If tho Funds htld by L,�nder exceed tho umnunts permiucd to be heid by appllcnble Inw,Lender shnll accbunt lo Bnrrower far :
<br /> • • • �•- Iho eacess Funds in eccardancc witi�thc rcquircmenis of applicabla Iaw.If the amount of the Funds hcld by Lendcr ot any dmc!s
<br /> ' not sufficient to pay the Sscrow Items when duo,Lcndcr may so norify Borrower in wddng,and,in such cese Borrower shall pay
<br /> � to Lender thc amount necessary w makc up the dcficiency. Sorrower shall make up thc dcficiency in no more than ewclvc
<br /> � _ ".,`� ' monthly payments,at Lender's solo discretion.
<br /> - . Upon payment in full of all sums scc�ued by thls Secnsiry Inswment,Lender shall prompdy reFUnd to Bortowcr any Funds
<br />_ •�+� •: held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquirc or sell the Property.Lender.pdor to the acquisidon or sale of the
<br />. , Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender nt the time of ucquisidon or sale es a credit against the sums secured by this
<br /> �:�' Security InstrumenG
<br /> � ';�d y 3.Applle�don ot Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by L.ender under paragraphs °
<br /> � �n�� 1 and 2 shall Q�e applied: first,w any prepayment charges duc under�he Note;second,to a►nounts payable under paragraph 2: � ..
<br /> ��� third,to interest duF fourth.w principal due;and last,to any late charges duo under 1he Note.
<br /> 4.Charges;Lfens. Bonower shall pay all taxes. a5sessments, charges, Cmes and imposidons attributable to the Property
<br /> , which may attain pt'soriry over this Security Instrument,anr3leasehold payments or ground rents,if any.Baaower shall pay these
<br /> •• oUligations in tha manner providcd in paragi�ph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on time direcdy w the
<br /> � .. � - person owed paymcn�Bonower shall prompdy furnisl�to Lender all nodces of amounts to be paid under this pars�uph. If
<br /> .� Borrower mak�s these paymentv direcdy,Barrower shnll prompdy furnish to Lender receIpts evidencing tho payments.
<br /> ' Borrawer shall prompdy discharge any lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower:(a) agrees in
<br /> writing to the payment of U�e obligation secured by the Gen in a manncr acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good ituth the lien
<br /> '„ by, or defends ageinst enforcement of the lien in, legal procecdings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> ' , enforccment of the lien;or(c)secures frnm the holder of the licn an egceement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to I
<br /> , thLs Sccurity Insuument If Lender detennines that any part of tho Pcoperty is subject to a lien which may attain priority over this
<br /> ; Security Instrument,L.ender may givc Borrowcr n notice i�dentifying the lien.Burrower shall satisfy the lien or raka one or more �
<br /> of dte acdons sct fonh abovc within 10 days of thc giving of nodcc.
<br /> • ; Form 3028 BI80 �
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