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<br /> t�f)A?-l?!�'f�ORM C'f)�/F*JAM1t'fS Rorrr�wr.r encll.enJer furtF+�r covrnaeM vnd nRt�a�folf4�: . ._
<br /> 17. !'nserMxw�t'C f'i('rla�edtare. �i�1.rnd¢C rcyu�rr.in��r�at�aa: E;uyi�wu: N� eu�l uiu3t� N+u�iapii `i,i;�v1�:i �itay iii..�l.c ti��
<br /> , �,: , � �.i. ;`i�i�"f'. , "U''1.����nn.��i i�F ��j. �.ir i.iu, i�'�1i: ni�.iii i-.t.�ni�N..i i.J i:iiu�:dii�'iy,,:. ...�n,..�:::� _, '-_
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<br /> i(t1�e p�wtir ar e�l�e ff f,ordced.',Fr+�N�e ei��Ot,trecot+d a naioe cfl dd�uE►10 �xirc1� .v,�l,y M wta�awy pN�t oi'th�
<br /> �r�ir in wwsii.'.iw���.+.�. �:r�Op�t C�'W :�kr-1�.�I.��.wwnf�(,�.��►►��w��t to�fv»taT all��s ,
<br /> t�e aWcr�rersw�s praayrlbed by�pptje�bAe l�w. Af1er t�e dme raq�tred b;•appMnbbc hw,Trv�lee.+�11�e Pe�iic
<br /> ■elk�a d M�M f�ti�Mesooe iri br tb��awr�n�erlb�d b7�iP�+'�Yw: 'I'rw�w�wMMo�t d��id o�/art�rr. .
<br /> alti�af!1l�e k�o�ertf�t prblt w�ctbn ts Ihe hi�lwst bldiar st tAe ti�q�wd pMic+t a�/ t+�er t�e oer�s d�lp�d U
<br /> . . _ . ,. „...r...-A.,..'1Pr�..a....r��a.++++D.�..a T!�..�,r.w..�r�r�ww..�w4�.1 rq nr r�y ..
<br /> ..�AC pMNq}'L� 1➢�L f�i i�wc bi ns�i�a�w�v� r'1.�.w.�..!c,.'�_ "_""_""".r."' " . . . . . . ..
<br /> p.r�od.t t8.�rev«Kr br���t �t tbe u.�..od p�.oe ot..�pn.io�Wy�eM.i.rw..la. L..iee er!a ..
<br /> �C neuy iw�^chau thc P�operq'�I�'s�le'
<br /> �p� �''���Prymeet o��hae M'iee 1Ad. Truatet �16 ddlver to the pu:dutsa� 1frwtee'�deed c�c►�dey6�tb4
<br /> Qrope�. Ttte reclt:�,!n the�Tnntr.e's deed�bc p�a twcie eridenoe of the lrwb ot tl�e st�lane�s�nueds tka�rel�.
<br /> Tceatce �II apply 16t praaredi of We �le Ir� the toYbwiu� or�iew (a)to�ll ebsta�ed eupnacs ei er.e�tfie
<br /> powetr of sde,�nd the�rle,�nchrdL�tYa t�sya�wt af the Tnrt�'s ta�s aclu�i�Iacw�d.wt to s:�,ed e'� 9b
<br /> u[tl�e pr[}�tip�l ataount of ti�r nofR�t tln:tixne ut tiie��iraii+a� :�t�faui°., s:ud �aaable sslarssey^s�.f� �
<br /> perwtitted 'p� I��r; (b)tt►d! aum�siti�uned b�tt�i�Ssruiity I�trrmeat;aad(c)��excwe to tlie Qer�o�or pasows .
<br /> Ir=�lly eatltle�i to i�
<br /> 18. lteoun,veyana. Upan pay�rent of all sums secuaal by this Security Instrument, Ixnder shalt rcq�rest'frust� to
<br /> recanvey the Pr�periy a��d shall suaender this Security Instrument and all notes cvidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> Instrumcnt to Tiuua:. Trustu aha11 r�convoy the Proporty withuut warranty and without charge tv thc pe�in or�iersone .
<br /> Irgally endUed to it. Such person or prrsons�hall pay ar:y re�:ordation costs. '
<br /> �o, �►�1�ttu1�Tn�ctee_ Lcndcr,at its op;ion,muy from time to ti�removc Trustee:u�d appoint a successor tru.ctoe:'to
<br /> nny Trust�e appeinted hereunder. Without conveyence olf tfie Property, tka su�:es: �r tKUSU. ShaU su•ce�� to all rhe ritir,
<br /> �cvwer anA dptirc rnnf��re�l v�+nn Trustix heteill anti bv aopliCetsle law.
<br /> i0. ktea�ues4 for ilutii�.�. Barroti�cr r:.�a�sts Utiat copi^5 of the nodce,s of defa�!t nn�sClc be scnt to B�*raw�r'�adrlrese
<br /> 'd:uIC1115 u��.i i8jrv�ij r�iuvi:.a"o. -
<br /> Riders N this Secur�ty InstrumfnE. !f one or morc ridcrs nrc executed by Borcowcr and returded tog�ther with this
<br /> S�curity Inswment, the covenants of ench sucb rider shall tse incorpo►•ated into and shall mnend and suE�ple►r�ent the
<br /> cc•v?�zt�.�,t� e�id n�rcemen�s of this 5ccuriry (nstmment ati if the riderSs?were in a�a�t of this Sr•curity (nstrumenG fChtxk
<br /> applicable box(cs)).
<br /> �Cando�ttinium Rider �Graduatul Fayment Ridcr �Grmving Fquiry Rider , '�
<br /> L1Plmmcd Unit�evelopment Ridcr �Othcr[Specify] � . �.
<br /> BY Sl��itNG BELQW,Fiorrowec accepts and agrees to d�e terms containes9 in pages 1 through 4 of this Sec►�r:i.�
<br /> Insuvment and in uny rider(s)executCd by Horrower nnd recorded with it.
<br /> Wimesses: � �
<br /> � _ (Scal)
<br /> �R I C D RADFM4G'!ER Borruwcr
<br /> ��,1�...#� �1`�t,�� cs��>
<br /> � CHR I S71 S WFIEELER �urrowcr
<br /> (Seal)
<br /> Borrawcr
<br /> (SCII�) _
<br /> Bormwcr
<br /> STA1'E OF NEBRASKA. Hp�� Catrnry ss: -
<br /> (1n this ��th d�y of June, 1995 ,bcforc mc,thc undenigncd,a Notary =
<br /> Public duly commissionccl and qualificd for xaid county,personulfy came =
<br /> ,to inc known ta bc thc `
<br /> idcntical person(s)whose narnc(s) c�re subscribcd to the foregoEng instrtemcnt and acknowledgcd thc cxccution thcreof to be ,kc-.
<br /> their voluntaryactanddc�d.
<br /> Wiuiess m hand and notaria!scal at in said count ,thc �-`
<br /> y GRAND ISLAND Y �
<br /> date aforesaid.
<br /> My �pLML�IM,iNIf C�='S��'�= � —
<br /> � ��MI�fi1M Nutary Pu�lic
<br /> � !l1A111�tLR
<br /> l� �►aa�e�►ae.i�,� �
<br /> 'CO TRUSTEF:
<br /> Thc midenigncci is thc holdcr of thc notc or notcs securcd by this Decd af Trust Said note cr notes,together with all
<br /> oth�r indebtedness secured by�his Qecd of Trusi, havc becn paid in full. You ur.,hLreby directed to canccl said note or notes
<br />� and tBis Deed of Trust,which are dcli�•cred hereby,i�nd to reconvey.�vithout warcanry, all the estate uow held by you under
<br /> this Dced c�P Trust to the pcnan or per:;ons Icg:dly entiticd:ncreto.
<br />� Datc, — —
<br /> �r���;�a�,fa�,�,x�..,i
<br /> ,
<br /> _. _ ..---__. . . . . ........-- -_.��_.-- .._____.., ...�_..... --•-�--.. ---�---.- _ ----- ----- .----._--. . __-.-,.--==1c- .�-T===�--�-- -,
<br />