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<br /> .. :d1WWM .f r.jl':' '
<br /> � / _ — .ti`-:... - . . _. _. . ''(1.•_
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<br /> __—"' .. �. . _ . . . . .- ._... • . ��
<br /> ♦..._.._...�Le1":�I�il , � \ `1l�i��Y' �Y______
<br /> .. .
<br /> -____.�� k ww
<br /> .,_ _'.'-_-`�I ^ � �- .
<br /> � ili!��IItS ii� 1 llil, �'��... -
<br /> .__,._,__ .,._ s . �i...q,,�..�wiu•u dnc U�.;Uuu�'ip:�l u►� L,s...�:;:
<br /> !. l�uy�i��rt uf!Prindpal.dnterest a��c!Yrais b�t���:�;e� n�����,-,s;....--. ,., y �� ,iti°��t, —
<br /> � . ..
<br /> ------- thc dtht��I�cnced by dic Notc nnd latc ch,u�acs siac ui��cr�I�c not�.
<br /> .
<br /> 2. Monlhly psYme 1�n�,a n�tc�rc�t an�u�'F►furth nn th Na�c a�d any�l;U�x,charg hall���it�y nllmcnt af�ut y��(a? t x�:ti and .�-
<br /> tugct«cr wtth th�� r
<br /> spcc�ni ussessments levied or tn at�iP ng`�h�'=P'�°P�'�y'�b� `�sc,1�ld p��y�»"��f hcrnn `'al tNnount�e P"rC�n b y
<br /> (c)prcmiu►nti f r insurance rcquirY y � s�11�� � � ���c•twclf�h
<br />-'- ' - - �c� i:uuci� i��u�'�ly installment tor itcros a1, (�) itnd (c) , � ,G
<br /> �--
<br /> !1 Al;rieD tstimuted by l.c p in�onc munui U:tw��a�
<br /> r•nunl�nu�nt far eaei��i nm�hall�be nccu+n lated b Lendcr w ihin �eriad °n bsix�t�c�f the csurn�rc
<br /> l�fore.thc
<br /> ����:�SION umoun45. The fu nn
<br /> item would lx:coi dclinqucnt, Lender shn hald the amounts collec�'s ���'t(�)�n„�(;,��ogether•(ith the titure mouthly
<br /> bccomc tlelinyucnt.
<br /> If ct any time e t�tal of�he paymcnts eld by Lender fo. titen 1 ���� Lender
<br /> Uaymen4s Por such ite s pay�ablc o�ndsuch�it o�hwt e1d�°���°rid if p °Cn��O°�b�,�Nt,t�ar �currcnt��h`�cstirnate�l
<br /> -- -°° umcunt of paymcnt� yuued p Y ,i�udc b Boz'mwrr ____
<br /> shall cithcr rcfund the cess ovc�r�onc�-o�to eC�a euop�ian af Borrower. thehotal of thevpflymc �Exth of Q�cs�imateJ
<br /> _ payments to subsequcnt ymenG Y thc ite when�luc, then Bon�owG hall pay to L.cndcr an mount necessury to
<br /> for►tc (a),(b),or(c)is sufficicnt to pny
<br /> m�,, thc dcficiency on beforc thc datc che item omcs due.
<br /> p, sed in this Securit Instnnnent,"Secrctary" cans the Secretary of H sing and Urban Devcl me;;cnt sl alirulso
<br /> designce In uny yea�'�n wh ��►����F��1CS�nder r 11 Icld the Securiry Ins n n�ea h inonthly �y y�r�n WhiGh
<br /> such qkre u�n would havc bc �q Euch inon[hiy
<br /> . .• �n instalLne of the unnuul mortg iurc� �thi nSe cur«ty�lnsuuner� ti�he d by the Secn.c rctary,or(fi)_�
<br /> II1ClitOC Cll .. {l� �
<br /> monthly ch c instcnd of a mo age msurancc p .
<br /> -_°=�++� mstaliment thc mortgs;e in� ce premiunor�o� th�G°th�fulttann Al�m�n �e in.sur•ance p emiu s���rt° �e .
<br /> e shall be ir, ur. nm�uut i:a�ual :o
<br /> - __ -_-; iri;��nc� p;�,ium with I.ender e month P . ;�tic S •retar� ench monthly ch'�g �__
<br /> --_-_-_ - Secretary, or t�his Security Ins �nent is he►u r�� �• __
<br /> one-twelfth of e-hulf percent of th ouGstanding pnncipal b, nce due an uie No►�• mort � insurance
<br /> - If Borraw tendcrs w Lendcr �e full P�o�r nl! rostall nGti sfor iten y(�ty(b)c `y(��Sa d �u►Y ��g�o T s ��ount
<br /> shall be cre dit c d i t h t h e b a l a n c e r a i n i n g f _
<br /> � or its c uisition by 1-tnder. onowcr's
<br /> _--_-:__: - premium installm t�uer. inu�edi t:.:).PT CfO u tto rcg.clo u re, lc nf he P operty� a n q d�r s haU prom ptl y efund any
<br /> excess funds to Borco p
<br /> __�_;� accaunt shall��Qi n�of Pt►yments.aAll payments under Para�rap►i5 l�and"1�ahall bc a plied by q.ender as follo�vs: --
<br /> 3. App or tn[he monthly chlr�c by
<br />