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<br /> y'*,,^' Y. "• s��..`"'^7"!m 1v``�;r , ��•�l -ir""I
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<br /> A�. � . Z:a. . �.ra��E:�ubi'.4i:i X.{'�t�:'zi .}�':�__f�.iC�-5?ES��a�. - ' � �
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<br /> 17.Transfer of the l'ropxrty or A I�enenclal lntere.4t in Bor�'awcr.If all os any part c�f the Peopeny or any intcrest in tt
<br /> --- _=A---' , is so!d oe trnnsferred(ar if n benciicfal intcrest in Darsower is�c�ld ar transfcrrcd nnA porrawet is�ot n nntural person)without
<br /> ---_' Lcndcr'ti prior written consent, Lcnder may, nt its ontion, rcquira immcciiatc pcsymcnt in full of i►11 sums sccurcd by ti�is ___
<br /> ~ Security Instrument.However,this option sl3nll not Ue exercised by L.ender if cxercise is prahibited by fcdera!!aw as af th:dutc
<br /> - _-�"_h�s� af tlii�Sccurity lnstrument.
<br /> . --_=_
<br /> If I..ender exercises this optiun,1�;nJcr shall give IIorrow�r nui i��of acceleration. T'he nc�tice sh�ill ptovide a pericxl o not _
<br /> - _y_ Iess than 30 dayh from thc date the natice is delivcred or muilcd witl�in which Borrower rnust pay ,�� �u���ti�ccurul Uy this
<br /> _; Sccurity Instrument. If Bdrrowcr fulls to pay these sums prior ro the cxpiration of this period. I.cndcr muy invoke any rcmedies
<br /> � �� pcnnitted by this Sccuriry Instnunent without furlhcr noticc.�r demand an B�rrower. --
<br /> ,,,,,,�..,�„�,;,,«� 18. Borrower's RiRht to Relnstnte. if Borrower nicets cennin conditions, Borrowcr shall huve thc righ¢ to have
<br /> �- -=�'"��;,?': � enforeement of this 5eeurity insrrumc;ut di�continuec! ae any time prior to the earlier of; (u) 5 days (or such other periacl as
<br /> _-_�:.� ,- applicable law may spccify for reinstatcmcnt) before sale of the Prupeny pursuant to any power of sale containcd in Uii�
<br /> =- -=�;� Security(nstrument;or(b)entry of u jud�ment enforcing this Secnrit�y Instrument. Those conditiuns nre that BoFrower:(a)pays _
<br /> _ _ _---- Lender all sums which then �voald be due under this Securiry�nstau x�nses�Iincurreci in�enforc'ng this Secu ty Instrument�
<br /> - ~�"''� cutes any default af any other covenants or agre:ements; (c)p'y p
<br />_`�`����.:; including, but not limited to,reasonablc attarneys' fccs; and(d)takcs such ar:tion as Ia:nder may rcasonably requt�e to assure
<br /> ��y,;,,�;�;. thut the lien of this Securiry Instcumeut. Lender's rights in the Property und Borrower's obligution to pay the sums secured by
<br /> __--- this 5ecurity Instrument shull continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secunty Instrument znd the
<br /> _—_— obli�ations secured hereby sP�all remuin fully effective as�f no acccleration hud occurred.Ho�vever,this right to reinstnte shatl _
<br /> ��:,�:��-'� not apply in the rase of acceleration under parngraph 17.
<br /> �'"'''r="-`�"� ` 19. Sale of Note; Chnnge of I.oan 3ervicer. The Noto or a partial interest in the Note (toge[her with this Security
<br />- -�-::�_�.:,�,��,
<br /> i "- "' Instrument)may be sold one or more timcs withaut prior notice to Borrowcr. A sale may result in a change in the entiry( novin L;u
<br />-""'°�"'"""`°"``°''- as thc"L.oan Sen�ice►"? thn•�nllp.cts►nonthly puyments due under the Not�and this Security Instrument.There ulso may be one �,
<br />�"-?�`-�`-'�=-�� ot•more changes af the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale ot the Note.If chere is a cnsuig.:at�it�e Laa�S�n':cer,�nowcr wiU be ___
<br /> ��.
<br />_`;;��,:�j.�=-�� given�vritten notiee af the c{iange in accordance r:i�h p��++���p�} ;�abaz•c and applicsble I?w. The notice will state the name and ----
<br />;';,�;� ...-. '�. address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to w hic h paymen ts s h o u l d b e m a de.Th� notice will also contain any other
<br /> -";`�i�' information required by applicable law. -�
<br /> :;�:��,; � .� 20. Huzacdous S�bstances. Borrowcr shall not causc or permit the presence, use, disposal, st�rage, or rciease of any -
<br />-� `�� '�" Hazardous Substancec �n or in thc Prope»y. Bono+vcr shall not do, nor aUow anyone else to do, anything affecting the u�:__
<br /> } �_.
<br /> ���,? ;�; Pro ert that is in violation of an� Enviromnental Law. The precedmg two sentence� .hall not a ply ro the e_ence. uc�. �r __
<br /> _ r �
<br />�".i'..•� . �
<br /> �x��,.�. P Y
<br /> �---•.::• _,.
<br /> , �. ,. stcrage on the Property af small quantities of Ha7ardous Substances thai;ere generally recogni�x:d to be appropriatc to normal -
<br /> :�= :';'� '` residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br />`'�"�`��•.�. ;.s.•�'• , Borrower shnl[promptly give [.ender written notice of uny investigation,claim, demund, lawsuit or other action by any =
<br />��-�,'.'�`'�;. ""` gavernmental or regulatory agency or pnvate pany invuiving tiia Fr;,E,:.��and an;4i�'�r�1�us Substance or Environmental i,a�v `
<br /> ' ` , �'`,'I af which BoiTower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any �ovemnuntal or regutatory authority. that -
<br /> �� �N���' � �� any removal ar other remediution of any Hazardous Substance affectin�;the Property�s necessary.Dorraver shall promptly take
<br />'.i`.'�`�:°'�+�•��. • �•�,;:.`I all necessnry remedial actions in uccordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> __�;K,�;" As used in this parngraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" ure those sub�tances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br />''�}=�'�'"�" '? Environmenwl l..ew and the tollowing substances: gASOline, kerosene, ather flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic �..
<br /> .r����;' r.; r�?....-
<br />,�:h:_�,.�,�,.;��;,:,,t,f pesticides and herbicidcs,volatile solvents, matcrials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactivc materials. As used in
<br />:;,,._,�•�.�.- thts paragraph 2U, "Environmental Law" meuns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is locatecl that �_��
<br />' .t�:.: .� _—
<br /> r.;ab ' • '�f1M�� relate ta health,safery orenvironmental protection.
<br />—_ •-�;:',�,,h.� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as foll��ws:
<br />"-�`"'`�"" Zl. Acceleration;Remedies. I.endgr shuil give natice to 13orro�ver prior to uccelerutton follu�ving Barrower's breach �-,�-
<br /> `"=����"��t`-��� ,� of any covenunt or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not priur to ucceleratton under paragruph 17 unless �r
<br /> --�.�'�`';��--� upplicable law provfdes other�vise).The notice shall spec[fy: (A)the default;(b) the act[on required to cure the d�fault; �.
<br />:���:t..._......
<br /> -•.. s�=-- "-'g"' . �-
<br /> � � � (c) �dute� not less than 30 days from the dute t he notice is g iven to Borrower, by whtch thc default must be cured;and
<br />• :i���__a,�._._.
<br /> . ..�,�,� .r n (d) that PaiWre to cure the defauit on or before the dnte specifled in tha nuttce muy result in acceleration of t e sums �-,
<br />.,�-;�;� :f � I secured by th3s Security Instrument and sule of the Property. The nottce shall furtl�er inform Borrower of'the rigl�t to
<br /> ;���,�� � � reinstcite after secelerntion und the right to bring a court action to assert tN:e non-existence of a default or any o2Mer ��;__
<br />-; „
<br /> � � � - � defense of Borrower to accele►ntion �n d sa le. l f t he de fau l t i s n o t c u r e d o n or before the date speciCed in the not�ce, �,
<br /> '""`�����`'`� ` Lender, at tts optton,may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security LuStrument without �w
<br /> =- ' further demand and muy tnvoke the power of salc und nny other remed[cs perr�uitted by applicuble la�v. Lendcr shull be
<br /> r•.�+c:�+� enthled ro collect all exp�ns�s Incurred in porsuing the remedies pruvided in this paru�raph 21, includin�;,but not limited �
<br />--- 1 s:
<br /> -� V to,restsonuble attorneys' fees aud cos�s of title evidence. "�.•�
<br />�;;;�;-�r��.� .� ,. If the power of sale Is invoked, Trustee shall record u notice of default in e:ich c���n�t"ci.�w'h�o��orro er and to
<br />_ �°-�r�• • property is located und shall mail copies of sucl�notice in the manner pmscribed by app
<br /> ,,_,�,�, .', `� Trustec shall give public notice
<br /> �.,���,,;. .., . _ the uther persons prescribed by applicuble law. After the time reyuired by applicable law,
<br /> �•F�':: of sale to the persais mid In the manner prescribed by appl[cable law. Trustee, �vithout demun@ on Dorrawer, shall sell
<br /> ,..:,,;:,.-. .,� �. .,,
<br />• -;;t�:••,,, ; �•,�,' the Property at public nuction to the hi��est bidder ut the time and pluce nnd under the terms desi�n�ted in the iiotice of
<br /> �, f. -. sule[n one or more parcels nnd in iiny order Trustee detcrmines.Trus4ee may post{wnc sule�f all or any purcel of the
<br />_ •--• �:.��• Pruperty by publ�c amtouncement at 4he time and place of nny previously schedulecl sule. Lender or its desi�nee muy
<br /> : . rx:i�i ..
<br /> purchasQ the Properiy nt any sule• ,
<br />�.. . ... . . ;�.;
<br /> 3""•' r`�,?' ' Form 3028 9190
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