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<br /> N(�;+t 1 iNIFl�R1t['I�VF.N:4�. R��rmwct and 1 rndcr fi�rthti�mvemtrtt u�d y[rc�'es i'oiklws��. �°'�'�+'r'�
<br /> 17. Eme+r+��•�r*i'tmrd�sre. )t I�n�kr,.cryuirr.�inrr�dialc�r.iyrncn,ii� �uil a;iio�:r j:.u.tgi.�{,�h`f,L.��.f�� ��„i� �r••.:�kc Y'�r
<br /> ,--
<br /> j . ' tif�. � :Z: i,l y1F�..,,j..,..,.��t`•.'fr1'•mll.•.� Y���.1(,.Jf�;.�{lG��.�.K. �.i'1'i�i�i��IJ:�1k�l:iil�ll'�lC�C�1!il't'f 8C C��Ut�y� :��<<�i:�. [+ .
<br /> :�..__..._�i..t..�t--- ' : ,• ' �i i.- s , {i i. . � . . . �_. - t .1 a �� � '. . � . , , ), . , . _
<br /> - CVIC�ttIC�. . �� . .
<br /> [t tloe pnner oC�r0e Is I��a3�ed.'I'rwNae shaH rea�q���wlkr e►C defroit I�x ewch cwrnty in xh6�h�sny}isrt at t!�
<br /> !'h�oper�i�btat���s�l maii no�e�uf e�cb t�olloe fhr e+�ar pra.wcribcd by ap�al�e Eaw to dt�rrow�r'�to
<br /> • ���P«�P�dbcd by �pgilicabbe fww. I�Rer.li�e dmie reytallr�el by sppW��Dlt hw,Trvst�e,ila��ivr{wil�ic
<br /> rWk,�d�b tl��so�sad h t�t o�r praer�lb�!�by YpVYcx6�!a►w. 'i'rostee.wNhout deaward w�orro�er� .
<br /> ehtl!xi tbe�'r�opc�ri�st publk'aortk�a W tl�bl�eat Aiddar�t►he tline rued Plr�ce�1 uwler tbe t�daipnbd i� .
<br /> .�r.�,...... .r.��1'r.wlon�t�Iwsw�L�urr 7'Rp�lr► �!IY MH1iAA/f�1i�I!QI�!�I O�'�Ilr
<br /> ii+�u�wi��u:wi.:.:..s:.K�:...�,.� �....,.,:;...:......_..,c---- -� �,y�py pnriarely ecl�e�driei sda�Iwsdtr or Ns
<br /> parcal of tMs�eap�lr by p�b�e�wwo�wt tbe Wme u�d p�loce
<br /> . aa+��a�r pm�sec��sy.��y a�.
<br /> Upun�eal�M ot P'�YtadN nt ihe prkx t►id,Tru�la ahaRl ddlvec to the purcf�ssrs�T►vstec's deed cenveyin�U�e
<br /> �rc�!;. 'S'L�e•wrN.1c M t1..Tr.�k'�dend sluu be orim�tack lvidennt Of the laldl�c►f tlrt at�fanenl�l mt►de tllet+e6�.
<br /> Trnsiee sh�l! apgi,r the pc+oceeds uf tht srlc i� the tolbwin�ord�r: (a) tu�ll n�sls and �xpeners o[ ex ++�
<br /> power o[adt,�nd ihe a+k.i�tbe Mrmtat ry!it+e Trustea's fe�e actuu�t�y iacurre��,uot to excecd � 9e
<br /> o[the prMdprl pmount of tix note wt the iGne of tt� d�c{aratinn ut'dafau!!, zu�� mi.4c►nab!? etMrn!v9' f� we ��
<br /> ° perneitted by Mw; (b) �o sd!Ruma se��t►rr.d by thbs Securilp In�trument;and(c?s►ny exoe9e to the perawn or pena�s..
<br /> {r{�dty entlNed W it.
<br /> 16. fteea�reyance. Upon �aymcnt of all sunu sccured by this Security Instrument,li.ender sha�l request Tnistte to
<br /> reconvey the Property und shall tiurrender this Security Instrument and All notes evidencing debt secured by this Sec:urity
<br /> Imwnxnt to Trustee. 'Civstee shall re�:onvey thc 1'roperty without warranty and without charge to the Fersun or persons
<br /> legally cntitled to it. Such persou or persons sha�ll pay any recordation cosGS.
<br /> tq, ��h�,1t��cte Tnxtee. I.ender,at its option, ma}�from dme to time c�emo��e Trustee and u�ppoint a succ�.ssor trustce to
<br /> any Trustee appointed hen:under. Without co»veyunee of the Property.Ihe succestnr trustee shull succec�! to ull the tidc,
<br /> ��,rPr ancl rl��rirc�rsr�frmd tm�n TruvPr.herein�nd by anplicable Inw.
<br /> 24. Beo��;:foE Maic:KS. 8 orowec r�ueaG;ti�at copiea of the no¢ic�s af dcfai3lt r.aiQ salc b��srait tc Borro�ver`s a�!dress
<br /> which is the I=ropeny Ac�dre�s. -
<br /> Wders tu this Security instrurt�ent. If uuc or mor:.ridcr�are execut�d by I�n►ro�ver and recordcd togcthcr with this
<br /> Stcurity Ins�rument, thc covenants of each such rider s'�n11 be incorporated into nnA shall aroend a.nd supplement the
<br /> euveaants nnci ngreements of this Securi►y Instniment us i��die rider(s} were in a pari ui zhis Security Tnsuvment. [Che;ck _
<br /> i�pplicable box(es)j.
<br /> �Conduminium Rider �Grnduated Paymcnt Rider � Growing Equity itider
<br /> �Planned Unit Devclopment Rider �Qthcr�Specifyj �
<br /> BY SIGNING BELaW,Bo►rower�tecep�5 und agre�.ti to the terms contained in pages 1 throubh� of this Sccurity
<br /> • Instrument and in any rider(s)executCd by Borro�ver anc!recordcd with it.
<br /> Witnesses: � /1 � �
<br /> v%� ���(Scal)
<br /> MARK A MCN I SH Rorrowcr
<br /> (Scal)
<br /> ^---^— — Borrowcr
<br /> _ (SBUI)
<br /> Oorrowcr
<br /> , (Scal)
<br /> Borrowcr
<br /> STA'f8 OF[�I8$RASKA, �'��-L County ss:
<br /> On thfK 16th dny of June, 1995 ,beforc►ne,d�c sndcrsigncd,a Notmy
<br /> Public duly commissioned eind qualificd for said county,pcnonally cumc
<br /> ,to mc known to bc thc
<br /> identicah Srson(s)whose n�ne(s?are subscribed to the foregoing insvument and ucknowledged the exccution then:of to be
<br /> voluntary act nnd dced.
<br /> Witness iuy hand nnd notnrial scal nt C�A�� I SL.AND in ti:tid county,thc
<br /> datc aforesaid.
<br /> � "
<br />