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<br /> 7'()(l�G'�'{jj?u ul�"�I]QII II1C Itlirl'QY�i11CDi9 Il(31V Oi'IttYtaRCi l'YCCIC�011 fllC pf6i}�:Cl}I, It[Id[llt CISCIIICn�n��}rjlui�aus�R'c�, 0.1M
<br /> tixturss nuw ur hereaR�r u pi►rt of the protrerty. All repiacer.xnts und uJditians shall,ats� bc ce�vc�e.cl by this Sa:urlty
<br /> lnstruiucnt.All s�f tiic fa►rc�oing is rcferrcd ta i��dais Sccuri�y 1ns�ru►ncnQ»v:the"['roperty." -
<br /> 130RAOWP.R COVL�idAN7'S that flurrower in luwfuliy seiseci of the estate h�ereby conveyt�i ansl has ti�c right to�rerct wxi
<br /> ____ ° �;nuvey thL Pmpert_y a�ul tiiut tiic Pru{�crty is unencumbcrcQ, cxccpt for cncumbrances of ra:.ord. Bonower warrants arRi wi{1 -
<br /> dr.fcn�i ge��erully the tillc tu the Propc:rty against all clwinis mxl dcmaruls.SU�JCY:[tll:Illy Cl1CUf�1'vi'i'u:t�::•i%f r�::ocd•
<br /> THIS SECURiTY IN�TRUMLNT combines uniforcz�covenunts fur natinnal use ar�d non-unifonn cavenants with limited
<br /> "'�' variutions by j�rixlictivn ta c�nstilute n unifomi securi►y insirun�ent covering real property.
<br /> UrJIFURM COVGfVANT5. 8arrowcr and Lender covcnani aad n�rcc as follows:
<br /> _= 1. �*nyment o[P�luctpal and Inter�st; Prrg�yt�t�•nt and LAw Charges. Borrowcr shal[proniptty pay whe►y cluc the
<br /> _ _-._..� hrincipal of and interest on tl�e debt evidenccd by dte Notr and any prc��:�yment and late charges due ander the hote.
<br /> x.Funds for Taxcs and Insura�tce. Subject to applicable!aw Ar to n�vrittcn waiver by Lcndcr,Sorr��ver shall p�y to
<br /> I.ender on the day mauhly payrnznts:►re due under tiie Notc,until t;ie Note is paid in full,n sum("Fuads")Far:(a)yea..-[y taxes
<br /> - and assessmcnts which may attai�i priority ovcr this Security Inst�umcnt as a lien on the PruneRy;(b)ycarly leasehold pa�ments ,
<br /> � or grounc!rcnts on the Praperty, if any;(c)yeariy haznrd or property insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurance prcmiums,
<br /> - if any;(e)yearly mortga�e insurnnae premiums, if any; and (�nny sums puyable by liorrower to[.ender,in accordance with
<br /> the provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the paymcnt of mort�age insurance premiums. Thesc items are called "Escrow ltcros."
<br /> - -- I..�nder may, at any tinte, collect and hold Fun�ls in an amount not to excccd tfte m�ucimum amounE a lender for a fcdcrafly
<br />-- --`--=-'-' related mortgafie loan may reyuire for Borrower's escrow accounc under the Cederal Re.�l Estace Setilement Procalures Act of
<br /> --`�`=°'!! 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 26D1 et seq. ("RSSPA"),unless:uiother law that apniles to the Funds
<br /> -----
<br />--- ""'``�-'� sets a lesser amount. If so. Lender may, at nny timc, callect und hold F::n:is in un uu�uu�it n�t to �xeee:!t e esser emnu�, _ __ _,
<br /> ��f� Lender may estimatc thc amount af Funds due on the btisis oi current da�u und reawuuLk c.,tii�iatcs o;czpcnditure� of fub�er -_-.
<br /> Escru�v Items or othenvise in accordance�vith applicable 1aw. i
<br /> •��:�� '�he Funds shali be held in an institution whose deposits are insure d by a fe dern l agen c y, i n s t r u m e n t a l i t y, a r e n t i t y ��;'
<br /> '"`'� (inclr�,:in�Lender. if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home I.oan Bank. Lcnder shall rapply the Funds to pay ths __
<br /> ����•� Escrow ltems. Lender may not chur�e Borrowcr far hold:ng and applying the Funds,unnually analyzing the escrow uaeount,or ---
<br /> ,---_--- verifying the Escro�v Itcros,wifess Lcndcr pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits I.ender to make such _
<br /> � ' � a char e Ho�vevcr. Lendcr may require Borrowcr to pay n one-timc charge for an independcnt n;al estnte tux re{x,rtiu�sesvicc
<br />.�'';'a��'�• b - -
<br /> __-�-�-•_ s�� vJ �n.�f !;2 �np,m_r(inn wirh this loan. miless applicnble law providcs othenvise. Unlcss an a�rcement is made or
<br /> ==8"'�`��'� applicable luw requires interest to be paid, Lender shall not�c required to puy Borrower any interest or carnmgs on ei:e runos.
<br /> �-s��`v ' Borro�ver und Lender may agrcc in writing, however,that interest shull bc;paid on the Fwids. Lcndcr shall givc to Sorrower,
<br /> =���sc►���.. -
<br /> __�--�,�• , without chargc, an annual a.counting c�f thc Funds, sho�ving credit. and debits to thc F�unds and ti�c purpose P�r which cac
<br /> �r;'� dcbit to thc Funds was muJc.Tl�c Funds arc plulgc�l us�idditional sccuriry ti�r id{ tiums sccurcd by�his Sccurily Inswmcnt.
<br /> �-�• _u If thc Funds hcld by I.cndcr cxcccd tlm am�iunts permi�tcd tu hc hcld by upplicablc law, l.cndcr shall uc�ount to I3orrnwcr
<br />- - ���� f�r thc cxccss F'ands in accordancc �vith thc royuircmcuts uf upplicablc law, Yf thc.miuunt uf thc I'unds hcld by l.cndcr at any �
<br /> -_.�;c� � timc is not sufficicnt Ni�ry Iltc tiscruw Itcros whcn dua l.cndcr may su nuiify 13urr�nvcr in�vritiiig,:►nJ. in,ucl�c��.+c Borrawcr �.'
<br />----=�na�` � s h a l l pa y to I.c��dcr thc iunount ncccti.rary ti� iu�ikc up thc deficic��cy- flurr�nvcr shull nu�kc up Ihc u�rficicnc:y in nu mnrc than
<br /> ='=°'"°"�„-�. twclvc ntundily paymcnts. at Lcndcr's sulc Jiscrction. ��-
<br /> __---�;�:=•i Upon payment in full uf aU sum� sccurcd by thiti Sccurity Instrumcnt. Lcudcr sliall pn�mptly rcfund tu Harra�vcr any ,���i
<br />--°_�-�:. Funds hcld by L.ci�dcr. If, undcr paragraph 21. Lendcr shall acquirc ur scll thc Proprrty,I.cndcr,priur to thc acquisition ar salc `_`R
<br /> - ' of the Property,shall apply any Funds hcld by Lr,nder ut the time of acquisirion ur sulc as a crcdit a�ainst the sums sccured by L�_
<br />-_---=�"`�` �� this Securi[y Instrument. �_',��
<br />___ _- 3.Applicistion of Payments. Unless:�pplicublc law provides othcnvise,ail payments reccivcd by Lender under par�graphs �___
<br /> =-° 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepayment charges duc under the Note; sccond, to mnounts payable under paragraph 2: �.V`
<br /> ��w'�u third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late chargcs due uudcr the Note. �"�
<br /> �:_v..
<br /> `�`�`� 4. CBarges; Lfcns. Botrower shall pay :dl taxcs,usscssments, charges. fincs und impositions attributable to the Property ��-=.-.�
<br /> ;,���` �{� T�
<br />" �� which may attain prioriry over this Sccuriry [nstrumcnt,and leaschold payments ur ground rents, if sny. Borrower shall pay F�{�s•,.
<br /> f•:'jy•
<br /> ����'t�:- these obligations in the munner providui in paragrnph 2, ur if not pxid in.thut manncr, Borro�ver shull psy them on time directly
<br />'-- :;�;?��. �,�,'.
<br /> .,,.�_^�--��: ro the person aweci paymcnt. Borco�ver shull promptly fumi�h to Lcnder all noticcs uf amounts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> '� ""' If Borrower makes thesc payments dircctly.Borrowcr shall promptly furnish to L.ender rcccipts cvidencin�the payments.
<br /> -""�'��� Borrower shall prompdy discharge any licn which has priority ovcr this Scc�rity instrumcnt unless Borrower: (a)agrees in
<br />_;;:,,
<br /> ��:�`''�s�` writing to the payment of the obligation securcd by the lien in a manner acceptablr.to L.ender;(b)conrests in good faith the lien
<br /> '� ���"�y by, or defends against cnforcement of the licn in, Icgal procecdinbs which in the l..cndcf's opinion operute to prcvent the
<br />°` ��_.:.a�''.
<br /> = �� � enforcemcnt of thc lien;or(c1 sccures from thc holdcr o(thc licn an agrermcnt satisfactory to Lcndcr subordinating thc lien to
<br />:-�;:".•..
<br />``�':.:`-'"��ti� this Security Inst�ument. If L.ender determine.that any pare of the Property is subject to a licn which may attain priority over
<br /> .'.:�'• 4
<br /> • •�: �i,;• this Security Inntrutnent, Lender may�ive Bvr�r�wcr a notice iJentifying thc lien. Bnrrower shall satisty the lien or take one or
<br />` ���.:;;{9�c;;;: more of the actions set forth ubove within ll)d�iys of the giv ing uf notice.
<br /> �%t�' p: ' Form 3028 9180 "
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