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.. <br /> , <br /> , <br /> ., a,a� . ' .-- -.. �� 'r" �.:--. <br /> ?'R^" � . .. _ _. - <br /> . '' _g�}�:..... ' . . -- -_.. _.___ -...._ .._._.. <br /> — �;T'---�- —__ -- _-- _ _ _'__ _ <br /> ,�.°.�7S.N7�•2'V�LSt!lir�fl'Y'*2�YE[7y�'P717".':�hE�"3",m!lC�.�,Y,...*."_" _ -- , -';�?e�i,'.��i'�c'r''F..l-o?sa-T�-'"�/c r".'��1�'.�:7.r�.,ci�:117�3R.•-�ws?��4.S7211!1'5�.�n+ff��:,.� .. -�' __. <br /> �avlwi�l�aiilk..�wrt'�r��,Orini! - '—° GilStarr .(r�.._..,..s,r,:iw��...�,►...-_��� t �dyi .�riltii'_—�i.n,-aa _ ___._ ., .-: .._: ._. . . -_ _. <br /> x.C,4NY�iCih- :—si�.�3�f.J'��t�$�4r,Ty'�7"'r"��.��T"�^ �'v..- �^�,i T'.._ —mp�p�no�oex�•nrY..o.��.��+-----'rt---•_ _ .. <br /> �_.. r4.... s...s.�is�.:cv.+.+o�maVC:++:r.:Y�..d�::i..�.arnw6:�n'�`I� . . <br /> .. . ' .., � .. .. • � l ..'' ' <br /> "___"_ _-- .�11..� QI���n��1{�►�.11w� �....""'_ <br /> .I 7'O(1E7H6R WI'1'H:+II thc impravcn�;,nts na.v on c�reAfter e'rectod on tl�c pmpeny,U:►d a1l casc:ntcnt>.u;�purceiiui�ccs,u+x1 -- <br /> � fixtures naw nr heecaRer a► {sari of the praperty. ��� repl[�cements ancl udditio.�s sha41 u9so�be r.uvercYl by tBis 3ecurity <br /> instrurncm. Atl of�h�forcgaing�s reFcrred to in this S�:curity Instrument u.g dic"Proncrty." <br /> BOREtOW�R COVisNAN7'S ti�ut F3orrower is Inwfully�scisod of�hc cstatc hereby cunv�yed u�xf I�ns the right ta grant and <br /> � convey the 1'ropeny u+xi tNat the Nrnperry is u�ie��cu��}lx%�.:+1. �"�`'(�t fo�cttc!�inhrroues of'r�cord. Borrowcr warnmts und wlll r= _ <br /> defe�d generally the tiile to the Pro�xrty against nll clnims a►td denwnds, subJect tu•r.!ry encumbrunces of'recard. <br /> y� THIS S6CliRlTY INSTRUM�NT combines uniform cuvenants fur nat.ionai use imcl �inn-uniform covenants witb limlted <br /> variations by Juresclictioa w constitute a uniforni sccurity instruine�lt covering��eal property. <br /> -- UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Barrowcr and L.cndcr covenani and agree:►s follows: <br /> 1. Paymeiet of Principal end Inter�h, Prepay�nent nnd Late �har�es. Borrower shall promptly paY whcn dae the �- - <br /> � principal ot'and interes¢on the debt evidenccil by tl�e Note und nny prepayment nnd inte charges due undcr the Note. � <br /> 2. �unds f�r'Paxes and Insuxance. Subject t�applicable law or to a writtcn wniver by [,Ender,Sarrowcr s��lp'p�te <br /> Lender on thc day manthly paymenis are due und�r the Notc,until thc I�Iote is paid in full, a sum("Funds")for: (a)y y <br /> nnd assess���ents wl�ich may auain prioriry ovcr this Suurity Ynstrument as a li:n an the Propertyc(b)ycarly Ieaschold paymenu _ <br /> or ground rents on the Prapcny,if any;(c)yearly hazntd or property insurance pcemiums; (d)yearly flood insurance premiums. <br /> if any: (c)yelrly mortgage iiasurance premiunu. if any; and(�anY sums payIIble by Borrow�r to Lender, ia�ccordance wfth <br /> tlte provisions cif para�ra�h S, in lieu of thc payment of mortgagc insuc�noe premiwns.Thesc items arc culled"Escrow Items." <br /> �----.��� Lender may,at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount nst to exceed the u►uxiraum amaunc a lendcr for n fed�rally _� <br /> _____-!�1�31 relatcd moctgage lonn may require fur&►rrower's escrow account under the federal Rcal Estate SettlemEnt Proccdures Act of <br />-- =,`�'�-��•::,.�� I37A as amended from tim�to time, iZ u.S.C. Su:ttan 2E01 cr::rq. ("RESPA"?, unlccs anncher law that npplies to the Funds _ <br /> - - -� -�"' sets a lesser ni+iount. ➢f sa, L.ender may, at uny timc, u�ilect ar,3 ho:�Fu.^.ds in an amnunt not to exceed the Iesser amount. _ _ <br /> —_=-�'_—���� Lender may estimntc 1hr, amount of Funds due on the basis cf current dut�� and reasonafilc estimates af expenditures of fumre <br /> - Escmw Items or othenvise in accardance with applicable fuw. <br /> =�w�' Thc Funds shall be held in an institutcan �vhose deposits are insured by a fcdcral agency, instrumentnlity, or entity <br />_ --•-:�.��;��� -- <br />"Y°�.....-+6'y.�,...,�j� (i:,cluding Lcnder,if Lender is such an institutiat)or in any Federal Hume Laan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the _ - _ <br /> .F';i�1!l�R��F- I <br /> .,r._.__.'�:. Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analy�iug i8e cscrow accou�t,or <br /> .1�4���� verifying the Escrow ltems,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Fundn xnd applicablc la�:pern�its Lender tn make such _ <br /> �`.. {�;'` a charee. Hawevcr. C.ender may requirc Borrower to pay a one•timc char�e for an independent rcal estate tax reportiug service __ <br /> ?r. "*"� ''�? � used by Lsnder in connection with this loan, unless appllcab'le iaw proviScs :�ti-�er,�i�:.• L'�'.�.� a."• aos''Ps'?rnt is made or �t�:�-- <br /> r;. r•:t . --- <br />' t , . l A��•�.�,�� <br />-`�',�,�. ;,,;;' : applicabtc law requires intcrest to be paid, Lender shall not be sequired ta pay Horrower any interest or�:arnings on the Fur.ds. <br /> yIJY:N. <br /> �t��� �; Borcower and Lcnder may abrce in writin�,however, that intcrest shall be paid on the Funds. Lendcr shall givc to Horrawer, -- <br />`:,�`r;w� ,.. • <br />.;-�_;�,��u„,,. ��,i without charge, an anmt�l accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each Y�f <br />;�,'_�i�,y'�..` ; debit to the Funds was mAde. The Funds are pledged as additional securiry for all sums secured by this Security bnstrument. _-- <br /> :�;;u�',��, ��.Y� If the Eunds held by I..ender excced the amounts permitted to be held by applic.3ble law. Lender shall account to Borrower �- <br /> -•-?u�_� .,��v. <br />_��F,z<<.�,��p - i. fur the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the:unount of thc Funds held�y L.ender at flny <br />=-;.�.:�-.-�,,+, `,�;, �- <br /> T:,,:, ;., time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and, in such case Bnrrawer <br />-- �5�..�..... �-�� <br />..�:��,�• ";,, shall pay to Lender thc amount nccessary to makc up the deficiency. Borr ower shall tnake up the deticicncy in no more than �1R^� <br />,;.;;;,:;,,,�; r. ' . twelve monthly payments,nt Lendcr's sole discretion. <br />..���:�r:� ��' �� ' Upor►payment in full of ull sum� secured by this Security Iiistrunient, Lender shnll prompdy refund to Borrower nny :�i <br />"�'�"��-`'``�''�y'� Funds held by L.ender.If,under puagraph 21, Lender shaU acquire or scll the Property. Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale �,, <br /> —:_-��i`'�;1)i`�2i,�1 <br /> =_`";°�;f,j�i4ti of the Properry, shall apply any Funds held by Lender ut the Yime af acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by ;���_ <br /> ='_��`:_r°?�t��° this Security Instrumcnt. ^ <br />,w;�;,. 3,Applieatton of Paymentn.Unless upplicable law provides othenvise.;ill puyments receiveci by Lender under paragrnpl-�s ���t <br /> "V^��"'Y 1 nnd 2 shall be applieci: first,to any prepayment charoes due under thc Note; second, to amounts payablc under paragraph 2; <br /> ' third,to interest due;founh, to principal due; and last, to any late charges due undcr the Note. <br /> ` . ,� 4. Chur(�es; Liens. Borrower shall�uy all taxes, assessments, charges, �nes and impositions attributable ro tlie Property <br /> '':;+,�;�,; <br /> '"" "'':�s��: - which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold payments c�r grounJ rents, if any. Borrower shall pay <br /> _.�.._,.. . <br />=':��y..5' �,;�' these obligations in thc manner pruvidcd in paragraph 2,or if nc►t paid in.that manner,Borrower shall puy them on time din:ctly <br />- �" �+x°�`�-� •• to the p�:rson owed payment. Borruwer shall protnptly furnish to Lcndcr all notices of amowits to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> ;:;_�:� ::, �;�•,.. <br /> �.�jr�,,;;�;:,;��:.� If Banower makes thesc paymcnts dircctly.Bonowcr shall promptly furnish to Lcnder receipts evidencing tlie payments. <br />:._,..,,,_ ., <br />'_t f.��'�-;l;�I�';r. Borrower shall promptly discharge.�ny lien which hus priority over this Securiry Instrumem unless Borrower: (a)agrees in <br /> --•� writing to the payment of the obligntion secured by tlie lien in a munner ucceptable to Lcnder:(b)contests in�oad faith the lien <br /> �� ' by, or defcnds against enforcement of thc licn in. Iegal procecdings which in thc L.endcr's opinion operatc to prevent thc <br /> ' , .,'•��...+^*�•. enforccment of the lien; or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory w Lender subordinating the lien to <br /> . . ..:;�t,, <br /> • � this Security lnsttument. lf I.ender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien whicti may attain priority over <br /> ""<>''` this Sccurity Instrument, LenJer may give Borrower u notice identifying thc lien. Borcower shall sati�Fy the licn or take one or <br />- ,,.:s�.,, <br />°-.,�,�_ ','�,; .,,�: mure of the as;tions set forth above�vithin 10 duys of thc giving of notice. <br /> • . ,, Form 3028 9/�JO <br /> ;� . <br />-- ..-_. .. 'r,y Pap02016 <br /> � . .•n <br />-. . . . „��.... <br /> '•.ii.��'' • . <br /> _ - .-_.__.. <br /> �_..,��-- --�__ ... <br /> ....:. � <br /> � � � � <br /> ...4�. . ____-----�-----.__._.__�_ . <br />_.., . .. ;.i ' � - � ' ,� .. , � . .. - . . . .. <br /> . � � ,. � - .. � - . ..t � �. . <br /> ',� � � ' _y '_ , .. . , ' li ., .., . ... . .l .. �' , . <br /> f <br /> , .. •� , <br />. .. ' •• ., ---- <br /> . .. ,• <br /> � . - ., .. .� - <br />�.. .. . _ o u . -, <br />