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<br /> a�aF rRUSZ �
<br /> ------- �AlrTte�:TM�Doed af Trust U m�an.�.fi7A�Y 24� ��45 �,amonp the Qnntor.��Dtll�x.n T nfllaLlkA.!�!�_ ---
<br /> ' r�tpr.vtt .t..ERl11,L, ti�lAti111Y1 �,�� I�BOfroWlM'1.r'"� _
<br /> DRAT[) Zt A�A,CE, ��T"lY]RAiftY �
<br /> whoN ra�asWrwu i� on nn,c 7yn.._ii� ,•�� ••�••,n,�.�i County,N�bnsk�("Tru�tee'1,�nd tM BuwRclary, `
<br /> utvaR mmRU�. ss�ttunS d t17iAli.�aEtnCiB�o�r _ �.�corporctionorpani:sd �
<br /> �nd�xktk�p und�r th�I�ws oi t�aao�ga _�who�s�ddras�I��ZLqflI*+^n *'!^►*°^' c�fm�?RT}
<br /> �3�.a� xaavA„a,i�a_fi�p2_�nnq 1"Lend�r•!.
<br /> CONYEYAMCE:F�x vakM r�c�iv�d,Borrow�r IrnvocaWy qra�t��nd convayi to T�utx�s,In tru�t,with powsr of zeN,the reai prnp�ty,of which
<br /> Bortower is I�wfuly s��d, d�scrib�d b�bw and ell buYdi��, fixturo�, and afstinfl �nd tuUUr�imptovemsnta thar�on�nd sll ri�htt�•of•w�y,
<br /> - ��wmNtts. t�nts, Itsw�, profit�. (ncoms, tenemanU. t»r�ditartNrth,privil�pes �rxl eny �ppex4�nances t�b�Blli�iO beio�t�.� (stt ca?.:� i�s.: -
<br /> ----- �ProPWtll��.
<br /> - PWOlEATY ADDRESi: �¢n� n►arfn gT , aRnTro rgr.�Nn ,Nebranka_�8g�3,
<br />-- -=-``°�'� LE�ti/!L DESCRWTIOfi: csaeeu tGavf Crv C�,.•,i ;�: -
<br /> � IAT Ui7S (1} . 1oLOCF: L�IVIi (5)� i�AY i:{3P, uUUDIVI.9I0UI, MP.LL CQUIdTY, � _°.
<br /> I7SHRASKA.
<br /> .,�:�� E_:__
<br /> ��R� �a_
<br /> ��r_-
<br />:'���`�� R.:.-=
<br /> �::j:�
<br />:�t,!,` � i;_'-
<br />:T�°(..rl J ��•_-.
<br />- ��.Y"vS
<br /> `'�'a�� , located in t�xtnnm Ysi�nNn� r7R County,Nebraske. .
<br />--•a�:: rc�;; -
<br />_���_��,,;^, YfiLE:Bonower�ovenants and warrenu tttie to the property,except for _
<br /> �u;rt:i,, . ,
<br /> _��=,�b`f:`� •
<br />---�,�;��,e� 8ECUIIEO DEST:TMs deM o}trwt�scurei to Lender rapayment of tha �ecurod debt and the perform�nce of the covennnu and agroemente
<br /> contatn�d fn thb dNd of tru�t s�d in any other document incorporetec9 hnrein.Securod debt,ea u:ed In thl�deed of truat,includet eny amount� ��.
<br />"�`�'�� BoRnwx ow��to Lendu und�r thfs dead of tru�t or under any inivumont secured by thts deed o}uust, end all modlHcatfona,extenaions and : ,�_
<br /> =��;p*.�%l:+! rone+�ds thN�of.
<br />_,���_�� The�ecured debt U evWmced by(Ust�ll tnatrumenU end epreements�oGUrod by this deed of tnist and the d�tea thereot.l: '
<br /> _..��,,=,c•
<br />_��,,;avi;� � [�,DR�MiRQORV N[STF AAiT1 CF.[RTIiTTY AA$F.T,NII''NT flATF.T] MAY �.4� 1995 _
<br /> Y�""���� �Wtun Adv�n�w: Ths �bove emount Is secured evsn thouph ell or psrt of it may reot yei be advanced. Future edva�ces ere •
<br /> �`'-�-� cunt�mpl�tsd artd wtll M secured ta the ams sxtent ae if msd�on the date thie dead oi truat la executed.
<br /> -.R°.�,r,�
<br />-=°^ro� U Rwoiving IirM ot credit�yreemer9t d�ted ,wlth Initial ennus!Intareot rate ot 96. �
<br />�`�c� ��� All smount�owM undsr this i roement aro secured even though atl emounts msy not yet be�dvanced.Future edve�cea under
<br />=:-.3:��,,... p
<br />' ,;;.,, . the apnemmt�ro contemplatad nnd will he secured to the oame extent es If made on the dste thls deed of trust fe executod.
<br /> ;iw�..�;; The abovo obll9ation ic dus end payabts on t�tnv �n_ �nn 2 _ tf not patd eariler.
<br />'�'��� The totd unpild b�l�nce securod by this deed ot trwt at sny one time sheil not exceed a meximum principal emount of_
<br /> y�''� � Twxti:. r����n:nnaA►.:, rztrn„ �.:na�aicn �ea�.;._�Ar.:. �s:�nn Dallaro(0 Z,A70 �� 1.p�u6 intereet,
<br /> . .�.:,o
<br /> ��;;r plus eny emounta disbursed under the torma of thla deed ot truat to protect the security of this deed o�f trust or to portorm ony of the
<br />.�:rt��yja�r�-�rr. covenants conteined in thla deed of truat,witn tntereat on such disburnemente.
<br />����r�rc��'j: �
<br /> -- ❑Vwi�bi�RMS:The Interest rate on tho oblifletlon necured by�thla deed of trust may vdry er.cording to the term9 of that obligetion.
<br /> �'�T�!y
<br /> �,�.t.,:;;..•. ❑ A copy of the loan epreement containinp tho terme under which the Interedt rato may vary Is atteched to thia dood of truat and
<br /> � � m�dw a part h�r�of.
<br /> ... -,'.C.f�
<br />- `♦�. 44�' ' RIDERS: ❑Comm�rcl�l ��b',qT[;�?A1T AA AF.NT_C ❑
<br /> .:;:5��:.:�.�:�,�� _.._
<br /> • t�'•'�� DES1flNATION OF kOMESTFAn
<br /> �,�,.._.
<br /> �:�;�° Pureuant to the Farm Home�tead P�otectlon Aot,deai�nction of homestead ❑ la ettached to thia deed of trust and mnde a part hernof
<br /> _ �'��-� �h�r been di�cl�fined;tha dlzclaimer le atteched to thla deed o}truat end mede e part horeof.
<br /> _,-; ',`:
<br /> - -�:;.=°• SIONATU ES:By Wpnlrq bNow.Borrowsr�Dr��to th�t�rma�nd co�maMt aonWr»d(n this dwd ot tru�t,inctudtrtd thote orv pefl�x.end in
<br /> ,.;":;' ridon d��e tHd abo �Iym�d by Bouaw�r. I
<br /> -�;c�'.�• ��, lfi �_�--��- �— �!1 J ,_ i,
<br /> i'�+�"' nnvar.n .n nnnnvc naent.vnt .v 1nn rz�
<br /> - :,- r-� --^— - —°-- — --�------ -� r---r- i
<br />_ �;:yrl.�;�. v I
<br /> . ,7�'
<br /> �:;•,� ACKNOWlEO�MEHT:STAT�OFNEBRASKA,_ a t�m iAt.at�m, NF Countyas:
<br /> • Tho forepofng Inatr�ment wea ncknowledped before me on thta 74TH doy of�., 1 99S
<br /> -•..,"��-'', by i
<br />. �i'.. .�,- hRiuf►11 i �
<br /> ..,�J.. r�� �f- IName af CuPOntlon u VennutNp) I
<br /> � �� A`k"°'"ii0pnint e �K� on bahalf of tho corporetfon or parmorship.
<br /> yy�'� �f� Myco onaxpro�: 2/1�/9B , � • � /� I
<br />-:,e,;,1�,.��, ' IS�YI ttF Yt. HOQMS KT �����,��7 i72��K.�O!6ry PUOI�eI '
<br /> '"4„`��'��� Thie Instrumant wa�prepered by �up�vr KACML xi �
<br /> .. 018���1RER96Y81F.M8,INC..ST.CLOUD.MN66101It-E00•�97•29�11FORMOCP•MYQKE8119101 �PL#1 000Q7975 �oi�eJoI21 FNEE3RASKA
<br /> . � , �
<br /> CCD# 0000000000 �� '
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