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' ., <br /> .. . � . .. , . . - <br /> . <br /> .� �..a�.c .�. .. . .. . ' .� . . . . . , _ <br /> . • <br /> . <br /> . ., .. .... ... . :.... . . <br /> .-.. ,� <br /> .. � . ._ ..- .... �... .._... . ../� . ' i.a... �, . ._ w a... i� . ♦� x .rh..nw�MNWR�r.. .. <br /> f.. -71P.�IG'^ <br /> —� .. ... � .. ..v. .tv._ . - - I <br /> _.-��� ���� • � �5'° �r���� ' � _ <br /> -_.����_��,��; �.�_ -_ <br /> --- ---� <br /> _ �;g;,��.t��.'� , applicablc Inw may specify far rcinsintcment) bcfore snlc nf thc Propr.rty pursunnt to uny power of snlc contnined in this <br /> � - Security Instcutrtcnt: or(b)entry af n judgment cnforcing this Security Instrumc�tt. Those cunditions are tt�nt 13onawer. (a) <br /> ,;,�,J�.-3�:�;-� pnys Lcnder r►II sums whieh tl�cn would be due under this Security Instrurrient nnd the Note as If no ucceleratian had "— <br /> --___-�_�__, occurr�d;(�)cures any dcfault of:.u�y ailtcr wvcnanls or a�;�-�ements;(c)pays ali expeuae.r incu�n;d in enfurcing thiy Security <br /> — insuumcnt, incl��ding,but not limited to, rc�sonublc nt;omc:ys'fecs; und (d)tukes such action as Lcndcr may n;�sanabiy _ <br /> ''�--�� —"� rcquire to assurf:that thc licn of this Sec.uriry(nstrument,Lcndcr's righrs in the Property nnd Qorrawcr is abHgation to pay d�e � <br /> � sums secured by this Securiry Insttument shall continuo unchw�ged. Upon reinstatement by fiorcower, this Seeurity <br /> �=-�---�`�=°:� instrument and[he oblig�tions Fecured hereby shall remuin fully effcctive;►s if no accelerutfon hud occurred. Huwever,this �'m" <br />-===:�,��=�ti i�;i�: right�a reinstate shall not apply in the cusc of accelerution under paragraph 17. -__--_ <br />_+�;�����::•� 19. Sule of Note;Change of I.onn Servicer. The Nute or a partinl interest iu the Note(tagethar with this Security �=�T <br />_ '".;:ti�;, I�strument)may be solJ oue or morc times withaut prior noticc to Borrowcr. A salc may result in a r,hange in thc entlt ��:::�. <br />��.`jii"l. t �. ` Y rf,r.�rrw � <br /> , v-?�3��!r• r:r (known as the"Loan Servtcer")thnt collectr,monthly paymen�s due under the Note nnd this Securiry Instrument. There also -° <br /> .,-,`�.���i;,,�?;•.,.;,,�1� muy be one ar more changes of�lte Loan Serviccr unrelated to a snlc of the Note. If thcre is a change of the Loar►Scrvicer, �,:,�-, <br /> �r:r,r.. ;�, - Bonower wip be given�vritten notice o7'the change in accordunce with parugraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice ;;� <br /> 1��'��� • •,� �ut r will state tl��na►eie a�d ac3dress of tC�e n�w Lonn Se�vicer und the address to which payments should be made. 'The nolice�viU •,•��, <br /> ��,•.• � `' also comai�any othee informapon reyui�ed by applicable law. •�Y':�•= <br />-+:y:, Y"i ; �� „ ,�,b-�::: <br /> •;,.�.�{ ! 20. I$azardous Stsmstances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of any -;,�+f',;:^ <br /> _ � �� Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borro�ver shall not do, nor allow anyone else t� do, anything affecting the <br /> _": . � • Property Ihut is in viola4on of any Environmental Law. The preceding nvo sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or f '� <br /> `''�'� stornge on thc Propccty of small quuntides of Hazardous that are�encrally recoRniaed to he n rn riate to netmal °� 'Y'�"'-'`` <br />:�:�;,`__ :4`%::�.; PP P �,�r�,�..,-, <br /> ' ��•`r`'�•:•�. r�sidenuxl uses and ta>niaintenancc o!the Property. ���;,,_ .;,�. <br /> . �.:�,�u.� <br /> .•� �' � ,,;;�;<, Aorrowcr snall prompdy give Lender written notite of:u�y investi�apon,rla�m,demund,lutivswt or othcr action by any '�1�� �''' <br /> . ;1 i`,� . , 1:}�I�. € .t",!�'{;�-, <br /> �..,.t ;.; ;.;;;,•; gu�•emmenta!or regulutary agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance ar Environmental 1`��° <br /> ::';:.�' `' " '"'`° Law of which 'Borrower has actuul knowledge. lf Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory <br /> ;�,;;,,,,u�,,;.;�:s.:•;� <br />,,"..,.`�l;.,,j;:,,;�r�;�:ti;y�'; authoriry,thut uny removal or o[her remediation of any Haaard�us Substance affecting the Propecty is necessary,Bonower <br /> �`' a;.: s h a l l pmmpt ty ta ke n l l n�r.essary remedisl actions in accordance with Environmental La«�. <br /> • � �,r�,'`, A s u s e d i n t his paragrap h 2 Q, "Hazar dous Su bstunces"are those substanees defined as toxic or hazardous substances by [ <br /> '� � . . '',: Environmentnl Law and thc following substances: easoline, kerosenc,other flammable or tnxic pctrnleum pmducts, tnxi� t�.-.....=• ; <br /> •:;Y:,;� pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvenG,, mriterials wntainin�asbestos or formttldehyde, and radioact�ve materiuls. As . <br /> > tl <br /> used in this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law"menns federal luw�and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propeny is located <br /> ..._ . ..-. . ' f�1S11�C�fl1P fA�(�:1]t�l�c:j}'M�nrn22Y»TQS:S::�S2G3��:O�C:::Gii. ,.. ' . <br />- : NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and L.ender furthcr covennnt und agree as follows: <br /> ;, �l. Acceleration; Remedlcs. Gender shull gtve notice M Borrower prior to Acceleratton following Borrower's f �� �';,�_�, <br /> brench of nny cowenant or u�Greemene In thfs Security[nstrument(but nat prfor to accelerntfon under pnrugraph 17 <br /> unless oppllcnble Inw provtdes otherwise). The notice tihall spcci6'y: (u)the default:(b)the uction requlred to cure the �'-���•� <br /> .; , defuulh(c>o datc,not Icss thnn 30 doye from thc dAtc thc noticc fs�iven tu Borco�ver,by whlch the dcfault m�st be h�•-.: <br /> � cured;nnd(d)that fs�flure to eure the defoult on or before the dute apecil7ed In the notice may result in ucceleraUon of '��'` <br /> • . the�sums secured by thts Secortty Instrument and sule of the Property. The notice shall tLrther Inform Borrower of <br /> , � the riAlit to relnstate atter acceleration and the rl�ht to brin�a caurt uction to assert the non-existence of a defnult or <br /> ' nny other defense of 13orrower to acceleratfon and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specitied in � <br /> `�� the nottce,I.ender nt Its optton mt►y requtre Immediate paymer►t In full of all sums secured by thfs Secur[ty Instrument . <br /> . . - without turther demand nnd may Invoke the power of sule and Any other remedtes permitted by applicuble la�x <br /> • Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred tn pursuln� the remedles provided In this ps�rngraph Zl, <br /> includfng,but not I[mited to,rc�onable attorncys'fees and costs of titic evidence. <br /> ' i IP the power of sale ts invaked,Tlrustee shall record A notice of defuult in cach county in whtch any part of the <br /> � Property Is loceted and shall mail coplev of such notice in the mnnner prescrlbed by applicuble law to Borrower and to <br />_ •� , '�" :: the other persons prescribed by applicabLe law Atlter thc Ume required by appUcable law,'Iti•ustee shall�ive publtc <br /> � tiottce of sc►le to the persans und In the manner prescribed by uppUcuble law 11�ustee, without demand un Barrower, <br /> .h,s�' shnll sell the Property at publlc uuctlon to the highest btdder at the time and place and und�r the terms designated tn ' <br /> • i�.�: the notice of sale In one or more parcels and in any order'I}�ustee determines. 'll�ustee may pc►stpone s�le of all or any <br /> ';•':; parcel of the Property b y public announcement at the time u n d p l u c e o f a n y p r e v f o u s l y s c h e d u l e d s a l e. L e n d e r o r i t s ����'� <br /> � •:`�: des ignee may purchese the Property at nny sale. <br /> • Upon recetpt of puyment of the prlce bid,'It�ustee shall dellver to the purchaser'IY�ustee's deed conveying the <br /> Property. Tl�e recltals In the 7Yustee's deed shall be prfma fnc[e evidence uf the truth of Yhe statements made theretn. <br /> . 'Irustee sliull apply the praceeds of the sale in the following order: (a)to all costs nnd expenses of exercising the Power <br /> � <br /> ' � <br /> � <br /> �� � <br /> � I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> . i <br /> :. ---- <br /> • ---- <br /> - --- -_- , <br /> - -_- � � <br /> .. __ ..._---.--•_--__._.-______.,..-„--._---°--- <br /> , _...--- .... . . _. _.. <br /> ., � ' �� <br /> . ;... , . :. <br /> � � , <br /> � ' , �� � . <br /> __s.--- - - .. <br />