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<br /> � Jeanne H. F�ntanez, r►ow known ae Jearine Fontan.ez Crumly, and Ron �, _
<br /> ___�__;�; Cxumly, wife and hueband� GRANTOR, in coneiderat3on of Fighty-four
<br /> - Thaueand Five Hundred Dollare ($94,500.00) received fxom GRANTEES,
<br /> � -°—� Bill Sohultz and Loie J. Katt, conve�re to (�RANTEES as tenanta in �_
<br /> ---=_-__= common, the following deecribec� real eeta�e (ag defined in Neb.
<br /> __-���"�� Rev. Stat. 76-201) : __ _
<br />-��ia%r#�.'�T�
<br /> ,�—Sw:y.�: - Lat I2 and �drt o� Lot 11, Black 10, Par.khill 3'hird L __
<br />_:-...:-�,..:r:..�� gubdivieion, an addition to the City of rrand Island, __ __
<br /> �-__- _�;�•: Hall County, Nebra�ka, and nlore particularly deac�^ibed as �
<br />"��s'""'�'�" ' followe: Commencing at the Nor.thweet corner of Lot 11, _
<br />._..�..uK',;��
<br />��;;��• ��. B1ock l0, Parkhill Third Subdivieion; runniny then�e -
<br />`�k�i�''��.+ `�'_ sou*_herly a�ong and upon the weeterly boundary line of °`�-_
<br /> ��`=����� eaid Lot 11, a dietance of 9U.65 feet to iche �auf:i�west -=-
<br />.._,�_�,, .
<br />--���,�-• '3:� coxner of eaid Lot ].1; running thence easterly along and
<br />'-��:''�'l:, ,; �� upon the sou�h boundary lirie af said �,ot 11, 33.9 geet;
<br /> -`���!`:���i•;`,�,�..:� running thence northerly to a point on ths north boundary
<br /> `������+ � line of said Lot 11 t� a point whicn io 2o ieei. i�o«< t�e
<br />�,,;:,�r• .��
<br />_ {,�.,, } h ..,, nortlzeaet corner of eaid Lot 11; running *hence weoterly
<br />'`':s+�'��`� "�;� alon� and upan the north boundary line o£ said Lot 11 to
<br /> �°"��""'°�`' �:�; the northwest corner of eaid Lot 11 to the point of _
<br />,=��"i.1>�"' �.;. beginning. _.
<br />:::�;,:�;"�-„a 1, .
<br /> Y-��.�;b .� -��
<br /> �,,3-�.��� GRANTOR covenants (jointly and severally, if more than one) with
<br />-__ :,���.°� GRANTEF that C3RANTOR: `°
<br /> [,�-.
<br /> �'�'��'�. 1� �- (1) is lawfully aeiaed of auch real estate and that it ie " �`
<br /> '�'`-'�"-'��� free trom encumbrances except for covenants, restrictione �d�k'.
<br />---_ �.����.�
<br />-����=�P`�` and easements of record; �'��
<br /> �� .�-�{�d'� �'�,n
<br /> .`�.'��'n iwi':i..� .
<br />',_'i'�,�..":3 � I..';"
<br /> _ u;;;:�:�, ;. (2) has legal power and lawful authority ta convey the same; :L�
<br />--- ��::. .
<br /> ,�,_�2 _ 's�,.
<br /> _:=�., r,,., .
<br />�.,� ;i�.tt �,. (3) warraiits and will defer�d title tio the real estate again�t ��,
<br /> ,�.�.. '' ,
<br />=.s,;'�•�,�,i the lg�w ul claime of all pereons.
<br /> -�-?�^��;�� Executed C C ��
<br />-'�:;�rr.�'
<br /> _.�nr.,: V ��t..P.[
<br />-`�'�'�,�<f. . _ t
<br />''�:��1`,.{���„ �� � Jeanne F� ez Crum � ,�
<br /> ':.;,r�• �s� � ��
<br /> ..:Y ' �,.,�, :�.
<br />_i�`•°`e_rr•jy'T�'
<br /> - ��k��.��: Ron Crumly
<br /> �.
<br /> .'±���^��•.4 :
<br />- '��,� STATE OF NEBRA�KA
<br /> �-..,".,.-.�,��. COUNTY OF HALL SS: �.:
<br /> '';. „� � �"�:>
<br />;;��_�i� � The for going instrument wae acknowledged before me on i .
<br /> ;.,. �
<br />_-��_:�;,�_;;,,��, �„. f� _ , 1995, b y Jeanne H. Fontanez, now known
<br />'�-:ti-���.�"�'����. ae Jeanne Fontanez Crumly, and Ron Crumiy, w� - and 'nueband. �
<br /> •:��.s
<br /> i
<br /> . -��
<br /> _ - `��r ��
<br /> --.;;;,.;,:;?•.;;?;, :, Notary Public �
<br /> _ - :_ '�. My commioeion expires: �
<br /> � ���y II�lMOT1AY�Y�tBeDnsk� �
<br /> _ ,�,.�.. .� ; � II!lt�Al�� aEPUC '
<br /> �1,�; �."�; Oer�l,E�.l�pl.M f09d I
<br /> �;:� .VL: I.
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