rl:'i`:t { �� .Jt�� ci::�Y_{.��,�,��{y ��r+� ��cY"*rq�� �i: r �1i��_ji� . . .
<br /> � !7�.t "re ?�*1 � '�� '1`.Y,"_^.�7 `idR`''v�w �d;�1�1���•i'.�f 1�i n _ __._ .__ ._�h ._
<br /> „+�Y��-�f il •.f,4� InF�.h�Fe J�!{{�t��,�, .7 .���1.,���� .,�� ;i` _ _ � - _��
<br /> . A�j,11�(��yh �(
<br /> -� ,t�;d�l Y "j.�� �*" -- — _—
<br /> -.'%s� , ��,��a+�?�i —
<br /> 1 ;+�kt�s,�� - �( -l' r.i t ^ - - - - _ " _ _- - -- --- —- -----
<br /> ._.�_...._.rs -n�ns,�-""".�lfM�'tt7' t/J1��� '\j�.o `t�'-. � __
<br /> .__�,�_�nw-- m�..,���.,.�..,�=.ytitilvr �__ +.C��'1__ , .
<br /> ---- -_ . . � �,������� =
<br /> �� F•,=•��•�^��� The Funds s7�all he held in an institution whose �eposits are insure,cl by o fcderal n�;e��rcy,,intileuiitcnt�fity a•r�'»�14y �-���-
<br /> finchcdin�= Icn�lrr, if I.ri�der is suc{i�n ir:.�ritution)�r in any Fedcral Hnme�ian t�a�ik.l.��zdcr yh:dl annly�hc I�u�iil:�to p:►y Il�c _
<br /> � . � ��cro�v Items. l.endcr mny nnt char�;�ti�;n•otiv�r for liolcii��a nFid,:pplyln�;ihc 6��md�„ wmuully un:dprim;tim���,c�m•��:cE•��i�u, ui --
<br /> _._T __ ��_ , . _. ,�: ... . �. �.,... ;-N.:���c;:,.�,�,,. ,,.ra� .n �N��.�,1�nml���mlirai�lr(aw n:•i�uf1�,I�tnl:►'tu ULI,;c:.:lclt !_----
<br />--%Ij n� •^rs g vcitlyd�g au� .,a�ivw tcul.i�Jil�w�7.Gtit{x. J..... ll.t....�..�L..lI:L'�--- --
<br /> _==---A���-..;,I, tt chvrgc, However, Lendcr may reyuire Rorrawcr to pgy nmio-timc char6e for an inacpcn�lcnt �'tal cstatc tax rc�x�rlfng h:'ivl�e -
<br /> =an_� used by Lendcr in conne�:tion +vith thls loan, nnless upplic:�ble !nw �mvides oUtertvise:. Unlcss im c�grcemcnt is ma�lu u��
<br /> __:;,-�;;;.�~•� applicable law requlr�v inc�rest to be paid, Lender shall nat b� required to�ay porro�vet imy istterest or earnlugs un the i�ui�ds,
<br /> '-`-�"="� Hurcower and I.ender may ngree in wriung,however,that interest shull �e }�nid rni thc l�undy. L.en�lcr nhall give t�i Il��rrawct, _
<br />_;��;�,���y� �vitliaut charge:,an annual accounting of the Funds. showing credits nnJ debits ta tlte Funds iuxl the p�o'�x�se f��r a�t�irh d:wli
<br /> de6it to the Fu�ds �vns mnde.The Punds are pledged ns udditionnl securiry for ull sums securcd i.ry tl�is Sccurfty In�,liumeul.
<br /> If the Funds�eld by L.ender exceed the'amounts permitted to be held iay npplicable li�w,Lender shc�l!uce��u��l ai liorrower
<br /> - far the excess Funds in nccordance with the requirements of applicable In�v. If tlie amount��f tb�e F�unils I�eld hy l.�ndcr e►t►eny —
<br /> -=.:._����`• timc is not sufficient tu pay the Escraw ftems whcn due, Lender may s�i notify Borro�vet•ih writing, nnd, in hi�ch c,�se Borr��wcr
<br /> �--'-.'1 shall pay �a L.ender the amount ncce:sa to make up the de�ciency, Barrawer shall nuike up the defirieucy in no more tluin
<br /> -���„��,��,x,.
<br /> : �,,,,�•�,.,,-,�.,, .: , twelve monthly payments,at Lender's so e discretion.
<br /> -,:__�,,;,�;,�;�. r� Upon payment in tull uf ull sums secuccd L•5r tit:,-, Sric�sis_r Instrument. L.�ndcr shull prumptly rcAind to Rurruwrr uny
<br /> " �` Funds held by Lcndcr. if, undcr puti•abraph 21, I.encPcc..F.�._�r✓_;:::_c ar scll thc Property, L�:ndcr,prior tn thc:icyuisitii�n or snlc �
<br /> ,.-:ri.�%'�•.ac`,. , c+-'i- .
<br /> -��T�;�`s;`.���. '' � of the Property,shnl]apply any Funds'heid by l�er�der::t c5e�:-e of ncquisitian or+�Ic tis a r.rcdit abainst tlic sums sccurcd b�•
<br />.-�`�����;�'�� this�ecuritylnstrument.
<br /> - 3,Application of Payments.Unless npplicnble luw prov:�'r.,othcnviso,all p:►yments rcceivcd by l.ender undcr pariigriiplis
<br />'`a�"` '�• '"�'"• "� I and 2 shall bc appliui: first, to any prepnyment chazges due c-r�er thc Note; sccond,u� cmu�unts puyublc undcr parugr,iph 2; -
<br />�,;�,�, ;, �.
<br />•%�....:,�y���: ;� tiiird.to interestdue;founh,to principul duc; and last, to nny i4te charges duc undcr thc Nntc. ___
<br /> "�;;:+rerjyF' •�• q.Charges; Y.fens. Borrower shull pay all taucs, assessments, charges, �nes und impositiuns attribut,iblc t��thc !'ropctiy
<br /> ,. �':..,,• r Y P Y Y P Y B Y� �'y
<br /> '�. ,,.: ... which ma attain rinrit over this Secunt Instrumerct, and leasct►old a ments or round rents, if un f3e�rrn�ver :+ia i
<br />_: � �.� i• these obligations in the manncr provided in purugraph 2, or if not paid in that manner, R�irro+vc�shull puy them on timc Jircctly __
<br />-�:�� • to the person oweci puyment.Borrower shall promptly furnish to I._nder uU notice5 of amounts ti�bc paid under this parngr.iph. �r_„_
<br /> :.�'�.__ ....':`__�.�..� [f B�rrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall prar.:�.:lp furnish to L.ender receipt.r•evidencin�the pi►yments.
<br /> � Borrower�hall pramptly disehtvge any lier�whieh has pr.eri?y civer this Securify 1utiU uuic�ti6 uiile�s{�orrocrc:r: t.i)agiCc:,ln �
<br /> • � 7 writin�tn the payrnent nr the obligation secured'uy the iiCn n� ��::.�,n�r acccptablc u� L.cndcr,tb)amtests in};isod fnitle th�_lie�i �'-�"
<br /> � n`' by, c�r defends against enforeement of the lien in, Iegal proceeding� �vhich in the Lender's opinion o�xrate tu pr�vent Ihe W•�
<br /> cnfarccment of ihe lien;ar(c)secures from[he holder of the lien:n agrecmeut satisfactory to Lendcr su4�ordinating Qic lien lo �:�_
<br /> ��'f'� this Security Iustrument. If Lender determines tha[ any part of�he Propeny is subjec[to u licn which muy uunin prii�rity uver __
<br /> ...---
<br /> zd�'. � this Security Instrumcnt, Lender mny give Borrower a nouce idee.uu'�ying the licn. Borrower shall satisfy the licu ur tukc une or ��n,r=
<br /> • - more of the nctions set fonh above within 10 day�uf the giviu�,o�uuti�e. �;,--
<br /> � ` " 5. Hnzard or Property Tnsurxnce. Bortower shall keep thc improvcmcnts now existing or hercaftcr crcctcJ nn thc __
<br /> " � Yropcny insured 3gainst lass by firc, hazards included within the term "cxtendcJ covcrabc" und c�ny nthcn c�rr.�rds, induding �_ -
<br /> flonds nr ticx�ding,for which L.ender requires insurance. This insurance shall br maintuined in the amounts und For the peruxls __._
<br /> - � ii�ai Lc�iuci��yaires.ThC IrSllfBrCC ;:a:vicr pracidinb Lh�!^3L'.'"'.«`=:'S�lB�! hn rF2nc�r� h� �tn�nwrr�nM�cct tn I.CI1lIl`T 5:1QpiOVUI —...
<br /> which shall not be unrcasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to raaintain coverage described above, L.cndcr nriy, cit l.cndes's �_
<br /> � option,nbtnin coveroge to protect LenJer's rights in the Property in accordance with puragraph 7. ��-`
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to [.ender and shall include a standurd mortguge cliiusc. l.cnder ;..-,N•-
<br /> " slvzll h�vc thc right ta hold the policies and renewals.If Lender rcyuires,Fsorrowcr shall promptly givc to I.endcr ull reccipts of �-=_' '
<br /> pai�i premiums and renewul notices. In the event of loss, Bormwcr shall givc prampt noticc ro thc insuruncc rarricr and L.cndcr.
<br /> � Lcndcr muy make proof of loss if not mnde promptly by Borrower.
<br /> " Unl�ss Lender and Bonnwer otherwise ugree in writing, ins4rance proceeds shull be applied to resturution i�r rcpair uf thc
<br /> � Propcny dannugcd,if the restoration or repair is economicalty fcas:ble and Lender's scrurity ix not IcsseneJ. If die restor�tiim�tir --.�;r
<br /> repair is nin economically feusible or Lender's security would be lessened, the insuranrc procecds shull be upplieJ tu the �ums
<br /> � �ccurcd by ihis Securiry Instrumcnt, whether or not then due. with any excess paid [o Borniwcr. If Borrower abimdonti thc
<br /> Property. or ci�xs not nnswer within 30 dnys u notice from Lender that the intiurance carricr h:�s offercd t��srtde a rlaim, then
<br /> , Lcnder nu�y callcct thc insura�ue procecds. I.ender may use che procecd.r• tn repair or mstore thc Property or to pay +ums
<br /> ` sccurcJ by ihis Securiry Instrumcnt, whether or not then due. The 3�0-day period will bcgin whcn the noticc is givcn.
<br /> � Unlcs� Lcndcr unJ Borrowcr othcrwisc agrcc in writing, any application ��f' prcxccds to princip:d +hall not extcnJ or
<br /> postponc thc duc date of thc ntonthly puyments refcrred ro in paragraphs I and ? ��r�hange the anwunt i�f thc payments. If ,
<br /> �� w�der par.igruph 2 I the Pruperty is acyuired by Lender, Borrower's right to any insurance polir.ies anJ prorreds re�ulting 1'rum
<br /> � .� damagc to ihc I'roperty prior tc�thc ucquisition shall patis to L.ender to thc extent c�f thc swns scrurcd by this Sccuriry Instrumcnt
<br /> .�: immcdintcly prior ta thc acyuisition. ,
<br /> 6,nccup:mcy,PnxervuNon,hiuintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's l.oun Ap�icutton; Leaseholds.
<br /> ' Bnrrower�6af I nrcupy.establish,and use the Property tts Borrower's p�incipal residencr within ,irty day.aRrr rlic erecutiun i�t'
<br /> ' this Securily Instrument and shull continue to occupy the Property as Borrowcr's principal residence tirr at Ic,ut une ye.tr uf�ter
<br /> � thc�Inic uf i�cup.�ncy, unlc+s Lender othcrwisc agrccs in writing, which cnnsent shall not hc unmaxunably �vithhcld, ur unlcs+
<br /> cxlenuating rircu�mlances exist which are beynnd Bon�awer's control. Boirower �hull not Jestroy, damaEe ur impair the �
<br /> 1'rorcry, alli�w tl�r Properry to dctcrioratc, or comroit wustc on thc Propcny. Borrowcr shall bc in dcfault if any tbrt'citurc
<br /> ;icti<m ur prnc�tiding, whcthcr�ivil c�r rriminal,is hegun tliat in i�endcr's good taith judgmrnt a�u1J result in ti�rfcituro of tho
<br /> Prurerty ur otherwix nwterially impair the lien creuted by thix Sccurity[nstrument or[.ender's securiry interest. I3ittrawrr m:ry
<br /> curc +uch ii d��uul t und reinstatc,ax providcd in parugrttph 18, by causing the action or proccuiing to br dismis,cd with n rulin�
<br /> that, in Ixn�ler'ti guud faith dctcrmination, precludes forfeitun�. of the Borrower's interest in thc Property c�r uthcr matcrial
<br /> ' imp:�irmcnt nf ihe lien crcat�d by this Security Instrument rir L.�nder's sccurity interest. Borrawer shall ulso hc in Jefuult if ,
<br /> Il�tirrowcr,durin� thc loan.Ir(lI1CJllOtl�ICAL'CSti,gavc materially fxlse or inaccurate mf�rmation or stacemcntti to l.rndcr(or t:iilcd
<br /> to provi�ic I,cndcr with any matcrial inforniacion)in conncction with the loan cvidenccd by iho Nutc, iiirluding, but nut limilcd
<br /> ' tu, repreticnu�tion�roncernuiN Burro�s�er'ti ocrupancy of'the PropeRy as a principal residence. If this Security Instrununt is un a •
<br /> �� I�a��hultl, 11��rrnwer �hu{I ramply with all thc provisions of the leuse. If Borrower acquire� f'ce tidc tu the Pr��pcny, tNc
<br /> Iraschuld und thc tcc titic shnll not mergc unlcxs Lcnder agrees to thc merger in writing. I
<br /> 1.1'rnt�tiUou oP l.cnder's Ri{�hts in tl�e Property. If Borrowcr fails tu perform dic rovcnsnts anJ agrecmcnts rontaincd in �
<br /> � thiti ticcuriiy lu�U-umrnl, ur titcrc is a Icual pr�needing that may significantly affect L,ender's righty in the F'r<�peny esuch a+a
<br /> pr��ccedin�in h;mkruptry, prcibatr, ti�r�ondemnation or Wrfciturc or to cnforcc laws or regulations), then LrnJcr nr.�y du und
<br /> � 4�ay Ga wha�cv�r i.necr�tiary tu protect tlie ��alue of the Property and Lender's rights in thc Prc�perty. Lender', artion. may i
<br /> �ncluJc ��ayi�t�u��y ,um+ �ccurcd hy u licn which has pri�nq- ovcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt. uppcuring in cuurt. paying
<br /> _- -- - rea�unablc nttarn�yti' ICCS and rntcrin�!un tne rropeny� co m,thr repa�r.r•. .�itec�ugn�cnuer may I'SKl'scuon unucr inia pa�c��n�pn -
<br /> '' 7,1_endor dn4s ni�l havc lu du tiu. �
<br /> :, � Any ;uttuunt� di,bw:uit h}' l.�ndcr undcr this par.�graph 7 >hall bcrc�mc additional Jcb� uf Ac�rrowcr �crun� hy thiti ;
<br /> ' , ticrunty lu�l�•umcnt. 1 Inlc..lii�rrowcr and LcnJer agrce to othcr terms of payment, these xm.wnts shall hrur intcrr�t I'rron thc
<br /> . . �I,nc uf ali,hu�u���cm nl tli.� N�,tr ratc ,uiJ .h�dl l�c puyablc, with intcrest. upon noticc from Lrndcr ta Burrowcr rcyu��tin� �
<br /> , ' paytncnt. ;
<br /> H, Mnrt�{n};e:Intiurusue. 11 I.rndcr rcyuircd mortgagc in.urancc ax a condition u(making thc I��an ucurcd hy thi,Srcunt}•
<br /> � lu�t�um�nl. 11��ri•��acr �hidl pay ihc prctniumti rcyuired �o muintain the mc,ngugc insurancc in rt'frrt. If. ti�r any rcawn, thc I
<br /> , mnrt�:u�tv mtiuran�•c ruvrri�!e rrquired hy Lcnder lapses ur cr.ises to hc in effi:ct. Be�rrower shall pay the prrmiunn rryuired tu i
<br />_ � • ubt:�m r���•civa;c�uh�t;uinally rquiv�+lcnt tn th� mortgagc insurancr prcviautily in clfcct, at a rost sub+tantially cyui�•.dent t��thr
<br />-, . :mt in liun��ucr ul �hr mrn�M�:i��r in�ur�tncr pnviuusly in cffect. from an ultcrnatc mortZtagr insurcr appr�n�cd hy Lrndrr. If
<br /> , .. i
<br /> .. ' Pnqo 1 0�A Form 3028 9190
<br /> �. i
<br /> I) ...""....._..__-.,..-.,�-._ ..-_:..--�-.,_--.-.—_. ._...-.-.__—'-_-_.__ —_--- __ ---"_�..... _.
<br /> I
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