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<br /> Q��w{b d}Iorded by applle�ble Itw,��il rtr�t t�R wl►ivlr�f ar prr�ciudo th�AX�fClfii G�;itly sueh rigtti4 e�rerw�iyR,iiw
<br /> pracurMr+tnt of In�unn�o or thr peyrrwnt v11ax+�a Rx ott��4�no ar ct��ry�a by lmnder st►all ncN bs a walv�r af l.e�x�r'�rfplst ia
<br /> aCcM�t�b 9ho mHurily of ttr�Indrbadn�ar rsc�nsd by Ihiti D�d d Trua�
<br /> (d) �iwws�r��d Awia��a�0;Joini a�d�M I.Ia1�II1QYt Gaptla�w.TM covor+�nb�nd�tm�nbt h�r�in can- .
<br /> qdn�d�hsli b1nd,�nd ths rFphb huiund�r�It Inuw b�tl�rw��ctivs ruCC�ew+r��d aNtpn�ot i.�n�f�r and 1"rwlw.All
<br /> cown�nt��nd�pc�r�nb o1 rsruNor�Aall b�l�nc•nd w+�►s1.Th�a�ptlons�nd hMdir►p�ol tM p�r�pnph�a tl�is D«d of
<br /> T�u:i c:�!�:C4A._:?�_1S_�C!th�tR�-ro n++!►�h�e.��l tn In!drrxH�cW++�e Me�r�iel�ne hE,reet.
<br /> (� II�MwM#K IMfMN.Tht puths hw�bY rWuMt Ihat�cop�►M�ny notka d dehuk hK�und�r and�copy d�►qr nuWsr
<br /> aP�la h�r�wndN bs maIIW to�wch p�rtjr to thl�O�rod of Trust�t t�e addrsa Nt torth abovs In iM inann�r pnscrlbrd I:y
<br /> �pplicablf law.ExceptSbr�ny oth�r nodc�ragulr�d und�r app�fc�bN la�w to b��ivet�in�notha meum�,any notlo�a�avfd�d
<br /> ior Irt thls Dr�d ol T�wt�hall be pivM by rr►�Ilinp euch notic�by c�rtitNd rr�ll uWrse�d t�Ihe otMr p+utlK.�t:h�Kidr�Nt
<br /> �;,;:�1 piwro.k�'iy tw�iCO pzovitkd for In thle Dw�af Trutt ah�i!bs efNc:Qv�upon mallirr�In tfw manner cie�IpnaMd h�N�.!P
<br /> Tn»tor ie rnqab U►�n on'paaon,natice s�r►t to H►er eddresr�et forth�bovs�hal!be noticr to s!!such parrons.
<br /> (f} �ra�efie�,Un�i�r may maki or cauo�to be m�d�qa�qnaWe snreb�upatr a�d In�tlonn of!hd Prop�r.ty.prov�dnc!
<br /> that LentMr�F►all 4iw 7ru�tor nodG�prl�r to any�uch IrtspscUOn apecitylnp rsasanabls cauee therefor retaled W LsndlK'�
<br /> InEsrat in tfK I'roperfr.
<br /> (Q� p�y��,ll�ttp�yment of sli wms sscursd by thl�Deed of Trust 1.endsr shall rsquett TiwLer to recanvay tl�a
<br /> Properiy e�rrd+tiwli aurre�rrdrr Mi��d of 7ru�t and�II e►oter evidencinp indebtednse�sscureci by v�tp ONd of 7ruato Trwlos.
<br /> TrusNs sh�t�tt rACam�y the PropeRy wl�out warrAnt�end without Charpe to the peraon or pareans lep�liy entltl�d iheroin.
<br /> Trustor shalt pay ul coab ot recordation.1�any.
<br /> (h) p�nonal�r+op�ly;�curlt�r A�1./1a wdditlonal eACUrity for the paymant oi the Nat�,TruNor here�y pnnb
<br /> L���:,r ur�-r ttsa N�o�.�Un(tesm GQmmerclel C�a4e e��urtdy lnMree+�In e11 t�xt�ar�,eq�ii,r►munt,end ot!►er peraonnl�rap�rty
<br /> l;�ed In conneclion w(th ths reaf attate or Improvernents located thereon,anA not othervulao declared or ds��d fo be a p�rt M
<br /> the red esLb s�cu►ed her6by.This inetrument ehal{t�e conihued�e s�ecurity Apreement undar�aid Codq 4nd 1he L�ndK
<br /> ahalt I�ave ati the rt�ht�[�rd remedloa ot e eec�lred paRy under aaid�Codo in edditfon to the ripht�end vemadiee create.d.wund�r
<br />� Ot1CjYCCO(OODAt1YLefK7Y({7UfiiU(ii1St\7UUOa:;LtiVi=iln`y�ii'vi%iu'�tliaiL'vi�vo:uif�,i�aiiv.vni r�iCi'r':1w�:«:��y��Y••aWi =�_
<br /> be ccmulaitiw�wHh,and in np way�Ilmitstlon on,Lender's►Iphte end rorrsedles under eny other�scurlty pr�un��t sipned�y
<br /> t9orrower or Tru�tor.
<br /> (f) LJ,�and Eocuit�bnncs�,Trus+Ar hereb�w�rrants end�epresenb that thers la no detault under fho nrovillonf o1�r�y
<br /> moctgags,�ieed ot trust,tASae or purchaae contract dgacr(bin�all or any part o}Mo Property,or other coMract,Inatrunwnt u:
<br /> agraement canatitutinp a Ilen or encumbrance egeinat efl or any part of the Property(collacHvely,"Lien�'�,exisUn�ar of tNe
<br /> date of this Doed of Truat,end thet any end all exlsdnp Lians remsin unmodlfied except aa discloaed to Lender In Truato�s
<br /> w�(tten dl�cloaure of Ilana a�d encumbrancea provided for herein.Truator ehall timeiy pe�torm atl o}Truatov'e obtigations,
<br /> covennnta,�eqresantatlona and wnrrantiea undor any and all exlaitlng end future Llena,shail prompHy forward to Lender coples
<br /> of nll noUces o4 detavlt sant In connectlon with any end all exlsUng or future Llen�,and shall not w(thaut Lendar's{xlor writter�
<br /> conaent In eny menner modity the provisions of or allow eny future advancea under eny extatlnp or future Uena.
<br /> (J) Ap�'�nico:lon ot PaYm�nt�.Untess otherwtae requfred by law,aums pald to Lender hereunder,inciuding wNhout Ilmlfalkn
<br /> paymar�ts of prinoipal and Intereat,inaurance proceeds,condomn�tton proceeda end rents end proflb,ehatl be appliad by
<br /> Lender to Qhe amounts dub end owing trom Truatar end Borrower in such order ea Lender in fta eole dlacretlon deem�deelreblm.
<br /> (k) SwKabMit�►.If any provialon o1 thte Qeed ot Truat confliots with applicable lew or is declarad InvAiid or ot�erwise
<br /> unentorceablo,euch co�Silat or invalidiry shall not attect the other proviaana o9 thls Deed of Trust or tha Nota which can be
<br /> plven eftact without the contllcting provlslon,end to tAis end the proviaiona o}thfa�eed of Trust and th0 Note are declared to be
<br /> severable.
<br /> (Ij T�.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"ehall Includs both singular end plural,and when the Trustor and Borrower ..
<br /> ere the same person(�), those tetms as used In this Deed of Truat shall be inierchangeable.
<br /> (m) Qav�nNtO Uw.This Deed ut Trust sheli be governed by the laws of tfia State at Nebra�ka
<br /> Trustor haa ex�uted thiaDeed of Trust as of the date written gbov .
<br /> r stor
<br /> '' Trustor �—
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