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<br /> . ., � PART1E8:Thls Qeed o}Trutt le msde on nn� Z, i9Q5� ,among the Orantor, �Trzver� nanesr.nA�arca&� :r { "T�rj�;.';
<br /> �.::�., ; .e� _l'Borrower"1"` .' :�.,.. �,;;r..�.
<br /> . .'_ , �� � . �t
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<br /> s:,�'•`.•;�. ��•x whoa�rosidence eddross ia �n nox �4n_ are.,.i *.1..nA- u•>> _—Gounty,Nebreske l'Truatae'I,end the BeneHclery, `v�• t�j1�i�• `�;r��,;
<br /> ���.. •+��: .�t < ��gg FRi]S."^"� RAVSN03 j�LOA• wec�nntem7AT7 , a corporatlan orpanized � ;y,ix �
<br /> ' �� � md exi�tlny under the law�ut �'ATPA9KA whore addrose le 2a� Qotrrr� Loc�14T STRFRT , tit��°`.� t�r
<br /> �,, �,,.�.t:�,_ -� sRnrm Ta .aNn, t�aunaxn Faa�?�:�^_^Q ^ � 1"Lender`I. ^'�''�:�: .
<br /> ti_ t s�y,�r.�n: -
<br /> � � COl11VEYAHCE:For valus reaeived,Borrower Irrevoc�bty gr�nts and conveyp to Trustee,in uuat,with power of eele,tho real properry,of which ..�.,,��c.,,�^-
<br /> �+� � ' Bor►awsr It I�wtuly eelred, detcribed below end eIi bufidlnpa, fix¢ursa, and cxisiing and futuro improvemente tharean and ell rights�of•way, . ����:
<br /> �*� eassm�rrt�, rentb istue�, profits, Income, tenemeMs, heredi3emonts, pdvilegea snd any eppurtenencea theroun2o beloneing (aU called the p �=-r�=v
<br /> __ Ik •�c•y�Vt 4,•!*�
<br /> -..._��.t'��. 'MOptrty"1, n ,Nohraake �HBD3 — r� ,�z,i_,,,_ .
<br /> • PROPEH'fYADQAC•88: 450kf Gv �=z��r�rar.�i� ,��13ZL= r�r*a !=-�„-` - .
<br /> - is:r:w,� ic�ai mvcoai ��--��;�.•:v-_;:zt._„
<br />� ,::� "�,!'--���^ lErsAl OcSC�iiPT7�Li'i: � .. , -._,.....:.a.�-::-
<br /> . y, LOT 02JE (1) NORTIi FORK 9UBDIVIBTQN, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. f"`�';.:.-`°`,`.�•_;
<br /> . k�: : .H�"=f �.-�..
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<br /> tocated in C3RAN[1 TA7.ANDf HAi.T. _COUnty,N8bt88k8. 'r��" �
<br /> ,,..,•�d`
<br /> �•�`r � YiTLFt Borrower covenanta end wartent�tkle to the properry,oxcopt for — � i• � �
<br /> SECURED DEST:Thia deed ef truet secures to Lender repeyment of the secured debt end the parformance ot the covenante and epreemente ��t'�!
<br /> , •�',�,'1t'�'�� conUined In this deed of truet and(n�ny other doaument Incorporeted hereln. Secuted debt,as usod In this deed of trust,Includes any amounts '" �`-'`
<br /> � Borrower owai tu Lender under this deed of trust or under any Inatrument seeured by ihle deed of trust,end ell modifieetfonr,extenalons end . -�.!t� �
<br /> renewals therso4. „ ,• '�'�M, �
<br /> • The iecurod debt le evidenced Dy(Uat all insuuments and egreements socured by thle doed of trust end tho datea thereot.l: ^�=�P �.�1D�
<br />- � 7 1'7 �r�nm� �11�TDT �trnro Z`� 1 Q Q�. �
<br /> , ., ..,�, 00[ A 11ROMTCSOR� NATR Ni] 4F.C1iRTTV AC3RRE!
<br /> .�.%�!'3..
<br /> • � --+w • �Putun AEYMC�t: The above �mount ie Becured even thouph ell or part of It may not yet be edvanced. Future edvences ero � ::: '�
<br /> contempleted end wiii be secured to the eeme extent na if inede on the date this deed of truat ta executed.
<br /> !"h. �� � ❑ Revolvinp Iine of crodft epreement dated _,with initial annual interest rate of °15� �
<br /> ''`' � AH nmounts owad under thla egroement are eecured even though ell amounts may not yet be ndvanced.Future advances undor �• „ - •
<br /> T . the tGreemant are contempleted and will be secuted to the eame oxtent as ff inedo on the data thie deed of truat Is executed.
<br /> ��� ' � The ebove abligatlon la due and payal�te on 'nn v 5.., �n�� --if not pald earlier. �'�,�"�"
<br />- � The total unpaid balance secured by this deed of trust et eny one time shall not ex�eed a meximum principei amount of '"•;'
<br /> . srxmv ^ vn/�nn Dollers(4 fiS,_D.�n �n I,pius interest,
<br /> � � plus eny emounts diebursod under tho terma of thie doed of trust to pro;ect the security of this doed of truat or to perform any of the I
<br /> covenants contetned In this deed of bust,with Interoat on such dishursements.
<br /> ❑V�ri�bla RKr.The Intereet rete on the obligation secured by thls dood of trust moy vary accordinp to the torme of that oblfgetion. �
<br /> ' ,A ❑ A capy of the loan aprooment cantalning tho termo under which tho Intorest rato mny very is ettached to this deed ot truet ond I �
<br /> „ mede a pen heteof.
<br /> RIDERS: ❑ Commerciai IYl( A4RT(�NMRN'P n8 Rretamc ❑ �
<br /> � ' Pureuant to the Ferm Homesteed Protectlon Act, designedon of homesteed ❑ la ettached to thfa doed of truat end medo a port horeof �
<br /> � " � � ❑ hts been dlactalmed;the diaclaimer ie ertached to 4hie deed of trust end mede e pert hereof. _ _ j
<br /> • S�flNATUflES:By aipninp bNaw,Borrowa�prN to th�t�rms�nd cov�nent�contdn d In thii d��d of tnut,includtn t a�on pep�?.�nd in � -
<br /> �n�acdb d above dgn�d by Borr w�r. — .
<br /> .� � ��� n ��r
<br /> __��_-_ -"--- STPsVRN DOUC4LAS KiJG�RA � '�&RHSA MAItIE KUCERF, / _ -_-___._
<br /> „ i
<br /> ACKNOYYLEDfiMEHT:STATE OF NEBRASKA,__�n� rc .A^m. .Hpr.. County sa:
<br /> � The foregofng Instrume�t vva�ecknowledped before me on thfa 7mu day of .Trmtr:, %A�S�. _.
<br /> by_aTSn� nntt�t ea k__°rsan ny,,_T�nRaa NnRrR 1([I�T�n MiRAAN1] n*m •••Rit —_
<br /> ITiUeltll
<br /> . .. VapN�t��y O} ��� _��_INYMOf CorpaWOnpPNinu6tJp) . —
<br /> ,. v,m+.nn�n
<br /> �cu+ow��ap++.m e �_ ,_.V� on bohelf o}tho corporotfon or partnorshlp.
<br /> �, My comm at on exp rns: 12/29/96 /
<br /> Is��l ruaia r. ►Il_�� , �'Cct2�3,r�.�„�_- �NOnrrvud�ci
<br /> Thla Instrumont wea ptoparod by ruara r. xncKrrs __. - - - --•-- --a------ — '
<br />-�� �18ENZ�IKEA99V6TEM9,INC.,6LClOUD.MN0030111�600•707�2]NIiQM10CP�MT6NC0A0ID1 APPLS 0OOO7G�7 �p��elol2l� N�BRASKA
<br /> , CCDt! 0000000000
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