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<br />.`�'::.Y��x.'x�' THI9 IND�;IV791AE, aiade ch�,� 9th �d.y ot_ June __�, 19 9�. by �nd betwnen
<br /> ""r�`��^��'��•'�� fiichasd L. Stueven end Sherry L. Stueven� Husband and Wa.fe �:--
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<br /> ,.'�'�;�«�.�," of Hall Counry,Nabraeke,u mortg�got s ,and Home Pecltral S�vin�and Loan Ansociulon of Orand ld�nd,�corporation � ` �;
<br /> - ;t organfud s�nd ealsdng under tha lawa of the IJNted State�ot Amedca with Ita pdndpal otlia and pl�a of busina.�at Orand latind,Nebruk..u '.tir';
<br /> . . monayee: ''"�":�
<br />' �'' .,.,,�.�„s. � WITNESS$TH: Thute�idmorta�yar S ,for�ndlnconslderaHonoftheaumof Forty Four Thousand, �-,,�;j,��
<br /> °.:.;, � ''=�-
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<br /> Eiqht Hundred Seventy Se�en and 03/100-------------- ;:`"::',
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<br /> the recdpt ot which i�hereby�cknowledgcd,do eS by thae preunts mortgage and wanant unto said mon�ee,tu nuooesson und usians, "_=:�•
<br />_ �' ' �,�.:
<br /> __ �. �•�: Hall .:.e't:.r,.�
<br /> forevtt,oll the fopowing dacd6ed real atate,s[tuated in the County of .;:�±?!v�_
<br /> �• and Stnte ot Nebruka,to-wir. `� s�=�
<br /> ��'�.4.-.
<br /> ,.' H.
<br />��"''��-- �•--••�- Lot 7wenty-Two (22) Block Qne (,1), 5othman's Subdivision ta the City of ��r.�.,;_n:
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<br /> Togather vrith ell heating,alr condttioning,Ilghting, and plumbing equipment and fiutures,including screens,nwninge,etorm windowe nnd •
<br /> • • doora,and window ehade�or blinda,uaed on or in connoctlon with eeid property,whether the seme am now located on eaid propc�.rty or hereafter
<br /> pinced themon. "
<br /> • 7'O HAV E AND TO HOLD THE SAME,togethcr with ell and eingular the tenements,heieditaments and appurtenaaces thereunto be• ��r
<br />-_ ' " long6ig, or in nnywie}e� eppertalntag. torover, end wnaei►t the titlo w tha eeme. Satd morgegor�—hemby covennn�.—with said
<br /> ` '� mortgagoe thnt.___ 'ho y__ are a�the delivery hereot,the lawful owner S of the pmmise�a6ove conveyed end described, „
<br /> . _ 1.
<br />,_ " �.� end a�?seized of a good and[ndete�siblo est.ato of lnhedtanco therein,frce and clear of nll encumbrancea, und thnt t he.�will
<br /> .r,-:,,�5. wurut6 end defend the eitle tharow torover agefnst thn clnUae snd domands of all pensone whomeoover.
<br /> PBOVIDED ALWAYS,aad thle In�tnuaent is oYecuted ead dellve ca aecure tho poyment ot the eum of_ FOTty FouT
<br /> .. ' Thousand, Eight Hundred Sever.ty Seven_and 03�00 �11e��a 44,877. �
<br /> �� with interoet thereon,Wgether with such chvges and advanxa ee mey be duo and peyeble w eald morigagee under the terma end condittons
<br /> ' ot tho promiesory note of even daut herewith and eecured hereby,oxecutcd hy eaid mortgogor 5--to ea[d mortgugeo,payable as expressed
<br /> ' "j� in edd aote,aa1 W eecun the pertoemaaw a(all tho terma end cond{tions contefnod theroin.Tho terme of eaid noto aro horaby Incorporeted
<br /> ;� herefn by thi�mfereace.
<br /> It te fhe intention nnd agreement o!thu partioa hereto that thia moreqage ehell elsa securo nny future advences mado to eaid mortgagor S
<br />_ by sdd murtg�gm,nnd eny and ell indebtednesa in eddition to tho nmount abuvo etated which enid mortgagore,nr any ot them,may owe to
<br /> ' s�id mortgageu.howover ovidenced,whether by note. 6aok accounr.or otherwise. This mortgflgo ehnll remuin in(ull force nnd eftect between � �'.�;
<br /> eho putiea hereto end their haire,pereonel repreaentutives,successore and nssigus.undl¢ll anounte aecuced horeunder, ineluding future i '�`�"
<br /> �dvnnoes.u+o patd in fuU with intereet. I .
<br /> � ' The rnorigogor S horeby e�si�►5 to said mongagvo ell renta end[ncome erietng nt aqy and all times from eaid pru�x�rty und '
<br /> r here6y authorizo eatd mortgagee or iu agent, et ite optfon.upon dofauit,to tako cherge of eald property end collect+ill rente nnd income �
<br /> thenhom and epply tho esmo to tho pqyment ot interest, principal, insurenco pmmfume, taxea, easessmente, repatre or improvements I
<br /> nc�c�eeeary W Qeep eeld property fn tvnantabl000nditlor+,or ta other charges or paymente prov1ded tor herefn or in tho note hereby secured.Thia
<br /> ront essignment ehall continuo in force unttl tho unpafd belanco ot enid noto ia fully paid.Tho Wking of poascasion hereundor ehnll in no mnnncr i
<br /> prevent or rctard eald cr.ortggqee in the oollection ot enid euma by fomclosure or otherwiso. I
<br /> � Tho Inlluro of tho mortgegee W esaert nny ot iGv riqhts hcreundur et any timo ehell not bo wnntrucd oe o walvcr ot ita r[ght to asaeru the
<br /> '" aema at any later tirao,and to inslat upon nnd ontorcn etdct campltnnco with�ll tho termn und pmviatann ot anid now nud of this mortaage.
<br /> .. If satd mottg�gors ehnil cauae to bo pai�l to eald mortgegoo tho ontira emount duo[t hcrounder,ond under thc tertns md provislons ;
<br /> „ ' ' of snld noto 6oreby eccured,Including fuwco advances,and any exWnetone or ronowele thetuof in a000rdnnce with che terms end provu+iona
<br /> ' -_ - - - .. '
<br /> —_----._ - - ° - .° - :_
<br /> thero0f,anti iI s�ld martgagor—etutt comp�y w�cn eu cne p�ovi�iona oi eeid noi.o nnu oi tn;o mvr;,xa�.:.inen inwa prcari�w anau w:viu.
<br />- " othonriDnto romajn in tull torce�nd eHect,aod ea[d mortgegeo ehell bo entitled W 65v poaseasion ot all of snid pmperty,ond mny,nt its option,
<br />- ' declare the whale of aa{d aoto aad�Il indebtodaes�mpmsontcd t6emby w bo immedintcly duo and paynble,and mny foreclosa thL9 mort�age
<br /> or t�ke ac�y other legd action to pmtect ite right.Appnisemont�vnived.
<br /> •� „ This mnrtgago ehnll bo binding upon and ehnll enuro to tho bonofit ot tho heirn.exocutore,ndminlstrotnre,euca:ssore nnd ossigns of the
<br /> rospectivo'pnrNes hemto.
<br /> ' ' IN WI'CNE WHIsR' F, eeld Mortgagors �Ve_hcreunto bet theiT _ hands t o day nnd year Hrst nbov�
<br /> .,, ^ ?�c�� *-�-�-L_ ��������W!�" � .-�
<br /> , .. R chard L. 5tueven SFierry C ueven—
<br /> • • .�^�^^^....M,.
<br />