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<br /> THiS D�D OF 7Rt13T�s rnMd�d�fs _ 8Ch � _•—^ d�Y of_.��.:'=�—._._ —
<br /> 19�.�._--,amtMQ the Trusl�� _.—navid W. Mundt +�nd_}i�lea J,._t�v�t,_
<br /> .hue�nsi_.�►��t �"�.�,..--�.- .._...� (h�ry"�rowrr"1.Fir�'�k,MaA�oaal Aasaciatlon,
<br /> Omahe.Nebreaka.(herei�"T�ustea"1.end Neneliclsry.Figsli«'E�nk.Naliorla!/lssoci�Nnn,Ortw1M,Mab�a�ka,a
<br /> co�poraUon organfza�i and existin9 undar the laws af Thi Unitsd Statsu af Americ�� whosu�dd��s�7�D0
<br /> F��r�ai�i St�ee�4s�ah�,NE�b�Pi:k+�.66102-21A,'�(horein"l.entler"). --
<br /> BQRRt7WFp.�n consld�'at�un af the Indebtedneaa b�Mn recited end the truat heredn c�1md�irrnwx'.�Wy
<br /> granta and canveysto Trustee,in t�ru�t,with power af sale,the foliowing de�cribsd prope�rty Ic�caMd in th�CouMy
<br /> of :iaii . .State of Neb►aska:
<br /> Lot Ten (10) , glock Sixteen (16), in Packer and barr'e Addit�.an to the Cfty
<br /> of �ranu 3s�.and, iial.a Caunty, f:�bras�a.
<br /> ..y � n � �
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<br /> 1822 W North i'��nt Sr�ri$. T"'�"� `'
<br /> - which has the address oi ,S„�,,, ,c�h� �=.
<br /> - i '
<br /> �- Nebraska 688d3 (herein"P�upefty Address"); �
<br /> ' �Suw Ma Lv Code�
<br /> TOt3ETHER with all the improvements now or h�reafter ereoted on the proporly.and all easementa,rights, .
<br /> appurtenaa�es,rents!subiect however to the righ4s and authoritfas given herefn to Lender to cnllect and appty .
<br /> � s�uch rents),royafties,rnineral, oil a�d gas rights and profits.water,water�ighte,and weter stock,and all tixtures
<br /> ' now or h�reafter attached to the praperty,alf of which,including replacements and additlons thereto,shall be
<br /> = w th s d p operty(om he leasehold ostate N h�s Deed of TrustDis on 8 Iea9h01d)sre hefeiP�orB 8of8d�to as he :
<br />:-:v "Praperry„�
<br /> t0�ECURE to LENDER(a) the r�p�yment of the indebtodness evidonced by Borrower's note ac�zed
<br /> �� June �, 199 (herefn"NOt9"�,in ths principal sum of S�Y—f'v thoLSand an no/100-
<br />^+� Dollads,with interest thereon,providing for monthly fnstallments
<br /> --_G$�`�.�OD.-L?,4}---------�--------
<br /> - ot�rinclpal and ir�teresL with th9 balance of the fndebtetlness,it not sooner pafd,due and payaale on
<br />�- 7anunry 8,�19g� ;the payment of all other eums,wit!► interest ther�an,advanced
<br /> in accordance herewith to protect 1he socu�ity ot thfs Qsecl of Trust;and the performancn of the covenants and
<br /> r gr�rr�ent ot any tut r/e ad ances.with i teres tn t'hereon,medetto Bor ower by Lenider pursuani o pa egreph 21
<br />.:�„ �Y
<br /> -° hereot(herefn"Future Advences").
<br /> -= BONROWER covenanta that Borrower is lawtully seized af tile estate hereby conveyed and has the right to
<br /> -- flrant and conve�the ProperRy,that the Property is unencumbored,and the�t Borrower will wnrrent and datend
<br />.��e ganerally the titie ta the Property against ail claima and demands,sub�ect to eny declarations,easements or
<br /> °� restticttons Ilsted In a$chedule o!exceptfons to covera�e in any title fnsurance policy Insuring Lendar's intorflst
<br />,.
<br /> � In the�roperiy.
<br />