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<br /> condsmnutia�or att�crtaking of any psiK of the Property,or for cnnveyunce in 8eu af condemnution,are hereby n.4oigned and
<br /> �h�ll tt-p_+.�d l�I tnti�r, - -
<br /> In the ovent af a total taking of �he Propeny, the procceds shall be upplied to the sums securtid by this Sccurhy
<br /> Instrwnent,whct�er or not then duo,with uny cxcess paid to Battowcr. ln the event of n partiul talch�g of ths Property tn
<br /> which the fair merkct v�lue of 1l�e P�ropeny immedintely bc:fore thc tnking is equal to or gnn¢er thun tl�e amoant af the e,ums
<br /> se.�ured by Ihis Security instrumcnt immr.diately befare th�taking,unless 8onower wid Lereder otherwise agree in writing,
<br /> the sums secured by this Sccuriry Insrrument shall be reducsd bv the amoant o1f the pr�ceeds multiplier3 by the following
<br /> fr�►c:tion: (a)thc total am�ont of the sums secun:d immedictely bef'ore the taking,divided by (b)the fair markct vulue of the
<br /> Pro�rty iinmediately before the taking. Any balance shnll be paid to Bortawer. In tlic evcr�t of� parri�l taking of thc _____
<br /> PropeRy ih whech thc fair market value of thc Property immedintcly before the tal:ing is lcss than the amount of Ihc sums
<br /> secured immediately beFore the taking.unless �orruwer and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable luw _
<br /> othcrwisc provides.the prceceds shall bc applicd to the sums secui�:d by this Sccurity Instnun$nt whether or not the sums are
<br /> then due.
<br /> If th�Property is abandoned by Borrower.or if,after notice by Lcnder to 8orrower ihat the condcmnor affers to make _
<br /> an award or settle a�claim for damages,Borrower fails to resQond to Lendcr within 30 days aftcr the date the notice is given,
<br /> Lender is autharized to collect and upply the proceeds,at i�s option,eithsr to restoration or repair of tlie f'roperty or ta the
<br /> sums secured by this Secnrity Instniment,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless I.ender and Bamower othenvise e�ree in writing, iu�y application of procee�s to principal shal!nat ex[e�d or —
<br /> postpone the due date of the mantfxly payments rc;ferreci io ii�parnbraptis t and 2 ar changc th�vnount af such pay�anU. _-.--
<br /> A1. aaorfo�ver i�oe Retruse�f; �urbrarauce .F''.y I.entfe: 1�'nt n V�Y11�Vff. Extcnsion of the time for puyrnent or =
<br /> modification of nmortiaation of the sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to nny suceessor in interest
<br /> of Borro�ver shall not operate to releuse the linbility of the original Borrower or 1Dorrower's successors in intc:rest. Lender
<br /> shnl!not be required to commence proceedings against nny suceessor in interest or refuse to extend time for paymr,nt or
<br /> othenvise modify amortization of the sums secu�ed by this Security Instrumens by reason of any demand made by the original
<br /> Fforrower ur B�urrower��ucccssors in interest. Any furbearnnce by Lender in exercisinb any right or remedy shall not be a °-
<br />� waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Successors ond Assigns Bound;Joint and Severnl Liabiltty,Co-sfgners. The covenants and n�eements of this `
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind nnd bene�t the saccessors and assigns of Lender and Barrower,subject to the provisions of
<br /> Qara�a�aph 17. Borrower's covenants und aFreements shall be joint und several. Any Bonower who co-signs this Security
<br /> Instr.ument but daes not execute the Note: (a)is casi�ning this Securiry Ynstrument only ta mortgage,grant and convey that
<br /> $orrower!s interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrumcnr (b)is not personally oblisated to�ay the sums
<br /> secured by this Securiry IInstrament;and(c)agrees that I,ender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear
<br /> or muke�y accommoctAtions with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that F3orrowerS
<br /> consent.
<br />, 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instroment is subject to a law whIch sets maximum loan �
<br /> charges,and that!aw is Fnally interpreted sa that the interest or othe�lonn charges collected or to be collected in connection ___
<br /> with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)nny such loan charge shall be�educed by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> the charge to the permitt�d limit;and(b)uny sums almady callected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be '----
<br /> refunded to Borrower.Lender mny choose to make this mfund by reducing the principal owed un�ier the Note or by making u �`--
<br /> direct paymen¢to Bortower. If a refund reduces prinr.ipal,the reduction will be treuted as a partiol prcpayment withuut nny �"
<br /> ti!=-
<br /> prepayment ch�e under the Nate. ;'.,
<br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by '=
<br /> muiling it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.'i'he nntice shull be directed to the Property �'
<br /> C ;,::
<br /> Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lendcr. Any notice ro l.ender shall be given by first clnss ;.,v
<br /> muil to[.ender's address stuted herein or nny other address Lender designates by notice to Borrowr,r. Any notice provided for �,�
<br /> in this Securiry [nshument shall be decmcd to have been given to Borrower or Lender when �iven as provided in this f `-
<br /> P�S�Fh• . .s=
<br /> 15. Governing Law; 5everabtlity. 7'liis Security Instrument shall be govemed by fcdernl law and the law of the r:�;;"-
<br />- jurisdiction in which the �roperty is located. In the event that nny provision or clause af this Security[nstrument ar the Note -
<br /> conflicts with applicnble law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instniment or the Note whicn can
<br /> be given effci:t without the conflicting provision. '[b thi�end tl�e provisions of this Se�curity Instrument 1nd the Note are
<br /> declared to be severable. '.
<br /> 16. Bor�•ower'eCopy. Borrower shuU be given one confom�ed copy of the Note:uidof this Security Instrument. ,
<br /> 17. ilransfer of the Property or n seneiicinl[nterest tn Borro�ver. If all or any part of the Propert�or any intcrest in
<br /> it is sold or a�ansferrcd(or if a beneficial intcrest in Borrower is sold or tr3nsfcrred and Boirower is not a n;+tural person) „
<br /> without Lender's prior�vritten consent.Lender may,at its aption,nequire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by ;,
<br /> this Security Instrument. Howevcr,this option shall not be exercised by Lendcr if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of
<br /> the date of this Security[nstrument. ..
<br /> If Lender excrcises this option,Lender shull give Borrower notice of accelcrntien. 'Ilie notice shall providc n pr:riad of �
<br /> not icss tl�un 30 days ftorn the date the notice is delivered or mailed witfiin which Bon•ower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument. If Horrowcr fitils to pay thcse sums prior to the expirntion of this period, Lender may invoke any ��
<br /> remcdicspertnitted bythisSecurity Instniment witl�out funhcr notice ordemandon Borrower.
<br />- 18. Borrower's Ri�ht tn Reinstnte. If Borcower meets certain conditions, Borrovier shall have the right to huve
<br />_ enforcement of this Secudry Instrument discontinuecl at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days(or such other period as
<br /> Singlo F�nily--[lann(e Hfar/FYedclle Mac UN1FOItM11 INSTRUMGNT•-Unifocm Covcnants 9190 (,nage 4 nj6 pogesl
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