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<br /> ��,``',�'��� whosanu�ilinQaddras�la 1323 Hs e Ave. Grand Island NE 68 8 0 1 . �., �
<br /> •.�-,,; ,� ae7lruiwr�, S�await T3t�A Guarantv �nmpAn•• ,-�. , y 7_, -
<br /> , { ,;. w������ P.O. Box 7_029 Houeton TX 77252 . r+�K��_
<br />�'�`}' ';'' �Tnut�,�ad Noewe�o Financi�l Nebruka,Inc.,�rho�s maWnB eddreu i� 2319 N. Webb Rd. _
<br />:=-�-,�•�.3�`, P 0. Box 1373 Grand Is].and. N� _68802 .uB�wAdary, �``�`�'g"`'
<br /> '� WiTNE99�'rH�4h�ston h�reby irrovocablY,�raaL bar�in�rell,and coavey to ZFusta in trust,with Puxer of�a➢s.th0 follo�viny da�eri0oa h �.j``�..
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<br /> , �� NoYtheast { Nurthwest } and n parC o£ NorthweAt } Northeast � of Section �����°---
<br /> 28, Townahip 11 North� Range 9 West 6th P.�4.. Hrsll County. Nebraeka. �`�`�`-
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<br /> � �� �b�kherwiLh temmsnU,haroditameaU,aad appurtenanx�thereunW belongtn�or ia enywioe aPPert�fnin8 �.'•'�;",,.;�-
<br /> ,.15� y„�
<br /> .�. r;;" . . ..," profitathsr�o� °-
<br /> • ' Z1aL ounveyanoe L iatended[or the purpo�e of�ecurine the payment to BeaeSclary o[Tiwtor�'pmmtssory note of eYen date!n the amount ;;��':�:
<br /> :�`•:.,�. ,.�+��R ef= 10800I1.UU ('ibta]of Paymen4�).8�id ZbW of Paymeata ie repayable nc;cordina to t6e terms of eeld note. Pqyment may be mado ca
<br /> ndvaace in�qy�mouni at any time. De fa u lt i n m�k i n 8�3'WYment ehaU.at the Beneflclary�e optton and without not{ce or demacd.rouder � �
<br /> ' tha entlre unpaid balu�ce of eafd loan at onoe due and payable,leee any required rebate of chergee.
<br /> w Rb pro4act tl�e�ecurity of this De�ed of R1n�st,ltiwWr covenenta and e�eee:
<br /> - "� 1, 7y keep t6e psoperty in good conditlon nnd repalr;to permit ao weate thereof;to complete nay building,strur.ture or impmvement being �•
<br /> � �� � �� built or aboue to be built therswn;to roetore pmmptly any buildtng,etsuciure or imprnvement thereon wLieh msy be damngecl or dntroyed;
<br /> � . . ._� f- and b�comply with ell laa�,oidinoacee.regulntlonn.covenants,condittor�ead restrictions afl'ecting thn propesty. ,. ,
<br /> � � . 2. 7b ptly befora deliaqueat all lawtW tanes and aa�eesnnenta upoa the property,to keep the property Gee and clesr of nll other charge�.
<br /> . . "r�. H�ne or encumbrincee impdrLnB the eecusity of this Deed of'Itust
<br /> „ �,;;, 8. ib icecp all buildiugv now or kersaRor orected on the pmperty descrEbed hereia cant[nuouely inaured egai.unt loee by 9re os other ha�ards
<br /> -- in en amaunt not leei than tho totai debt eecured by this Deed of 1Yus� All polldea ehall be held by tho Beacfidnry,aad be in such compeaiee '�,:i.,4
<br /> es the BeneBdary may appmve end have lose payable firet to the Nong�t�as itsi�taqst m4y eppeer aad then to the Zlvator. Zho rmount ,�.;,;;:
<br /> . `�;= collected under eny ineurance poUcy mny be applled q� �e+t�dp�M'b1�by�ecuscd fu sucl�order u�Le Senedeiary eLa11 determine.
<br /> . Such appliut{on by the Bene&dary ehnll not couee•d �uyn� ��►y pmcce�in�tu forecloee tLia Dcod of'lYwt or cute or waive any
<br /> " defanit os notice of default or invalfdato nny nct doae p�i+a'�►�.to e .nqticq.1n'the ovent of foredoaum,all righta of tho'llwtor in inauraaca
<br /> • '� poHcfd theu ia force ehall pass ta the purchaeer nt the foreclaure ia�e.
<br /> 4. 'lb o6faln tha writton conaant o4Benoflcinry before eelling,conveying or othorwiee tsaae[orring tho property or nny pert theseof end any � '
<br /> ,. such e�le�wnveyaace or tranafer without tho Henofidary�e wr[tten wneeat ehell wnaHiuta a default underthm Wrme hereof. � ',
<br /> . 6. '!b de&ad en,y actlon or proceeding purportiug to aflect the eecarity hereof or tho rights or powe�otBeneficinry or Tivstee.
<br /> "' 8. Bhould ZYuator fafl w pay when duo any t�ce,neaeaemonta,faauraace premiume,l[ena,eaaumbrences or othcT chargos egainst ttte I
<br /> ptuperiy hercina6ove deac�ibed,IIeneflcinry mqy pay tho eame,nnd tho nmount 6o paid,with intoreat at the rute eot forth in tho aote secured
<br />• ` ' berobyt ehall be sdded to aad becon¢e a part of tho debt secured ia thie Daed of'I4vst ee permitted by law E
<br /> 1. ln¢he eveat aqy portioa of tho property fo dnkon os dnmeged Ia an omiuent domeln proceed[ng,the entin3 nmount oF tho uwerd or auch �
<br /> � portion thettof es may bc�necaseory w fiil�y entiafy tho obligntfon aecured hamby,ehnll be pafd to HenoHrlory to bo npplied W enid oDligution.
<br /> • 2. By naePting Pnyment of onyr eum secured haraby niter ita duo dnto,8onefictary doca not��nive ita right to requiro prompt pnymont whea i
<br /> , � du�of all uthar eume eo eeciu�ed or to declare dofuult for[nUuro tn so pqy. �
<br /> �
<br /> .., �
<br /> 3. '19iu�Yua4co shali rewavay all or ns�y pnrt of tho proporty covored by thfe Deed of'hvat to tha pernon entitled thereW,on writtaa rcqueet �
<br /> ____ ____-____ of the 7lvstoe cwd tho BeneQcinry,or upon antiafnction of the obligaUoa eecurcd nnd writtea requeet For tcrnavoyanco mndo by tho Henoficiary �
<br /> - -- _— or th�pereon outiCled thomW. _
<br /> �—�_
<br /> ,� B91 1WA4(�� .
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