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<br /> f;�3V..!i!!Wllq r__R�_...
<br /> .: � • •
<br /> - - � -�-- ° � e��,.�..�n AnrrnwH 10lH4 LO fY9MkB Q1) G17iiitY Gtl 4iiJ CCC'lf::t1 f'C!:3 C:.::::2 dP^.. FIR�':C'1 ��CSi0:�:7 C:1� l.ci:»:t t':.fC'1 ���i�:::7C::_"L ����;/ I .- --
<br /> -- � - - � ---,
<br /> . � F ...�si� a�1 M. M••�scv irii� iv��y�muui�c� twrruwrr urY�M v��i��a�:w::�.�5:;�'L t�_.:,__..
<br /> - -- , �y...._. ... �..
<br /> �""",-"°"'°a°,� piym�i�t� l.indir r�caiw�trom tiorrows,�� �.� .��•���� -�._..�..°��' t ot tha recurod dakt occura 4ur any rea�on,ii w�;1 ----.-.
<br />__...—�_: ��
<br /> exclusiw af ira�rat or princ�PN.�scond to Inteenat,and tMn to prk+c�qai• p���Y��+�
<br /> not r�fuc�or�xuui any scMdul�d paym�i►t untN t�M e�ur�1 d�Dt N peld in.fui.
<br /> � --- 2'.G!�M�.A�t Yi1N.Borrow�r wfA WY�U Ux��. �Iwslm��iiw dir�o of�rur.��i�K�+w miy�equ� pptlnl►5!h��.ry i���d��Nx�tlt{� .-
<br /> �� cl�im�wMcW vVawld Impak ths�Mqn. iJu . .
<br /> °°' diti sii w�Mch Barrowa�i m�y nsw w�ln�t D�tN�wta�uppW�iba or m�Mrf�to krqrore a malrttNn tho�ropirtv.
<br /> ___ -
<br /> _,,,
<br /> --' 9.kiax�na�.Boaow�r will kNp tM A►oPMY �rwuuNd u.lYw{rI:��O�LyJ�11��rwNl bitn�m+d N,loa�p,�jns ar a ttM pi,�u►�d on�ai�y wch ,
<br /> trnurana PoWci��tfuiH Inciud���t�nd+rA matoW�c �
<br /> -- - cr io�tM Rieixid deht�1�14i�iquk i�martp� rwuroinc�.�8orraw�ir•WrtM to miro�ta�n uch niu i�ta�i brq ii��r�i��
<br /> _...��aot�e --
<br /> .4,hep�rty,Borrower will k�ep tM proz++rty In 9ood conditbn and m�k�dl t�p�k�n��or►�bly n�cee��ry.
<br /> -�-"1° S.Exp�x��.E;orrower sproe�to pa•r ell Lsnder'a sx�nce� includinp ro�eon�bta ott�rrt�yi'fen,H Borvow�r bruk��ny cownants In thU dNd _
<br /> _ _-_-�,,,�.;� ot Vuat a in�ny obtig�tbn e�euu�d by thlt d�ad ot tru�:'.�arrowsr wCl pay thea��mou�to to Lend�r a�provlo�d In Covenmt 9r o1 thi�deec9 ot _ -
<br /> --_-_�_ truni.
<br /> Y� a,p�s�e�ty�riton�.Unle�s 8orrowor tlr�t obt�ns Under't wrltt�n r.ontent,Borrower w111 not m�ke or permlt�ny cher►Lu to eny prlor _
<br /> -� '�-2°�"' s�curity IMereste. Borrower wfll perform ell af Botrower'a obllp�tkns under eny prlor mortp�ye, deod of trust or other aecudry �greem�nt,
<br /> b"-��• lncludfng Bo��rowar's covsnant�to make�p+nt:nont�when duo. __
<br /> _-=_�.�:��
<br /> _�,�:��n1•,� �,�����!p,��m�q�f,��.��ramwrer ae�lpm to lender the rents end protito 03 tbr propertV.Unle�c Borrower snd LenMr have agreed _
<br /> ���� _:5; otMrw�ss in wrritinp, BaTrmwev rnay coliact m;�rotatn AYra vmntc at lanp as Borrowor E�a��2 in detault.If Borrower defautte,Lender,Lender'� ____
<br /> r` L�►� sp�nt,w a coun�ppointec!rec�iva m�y t+re posseasv�n and monepe tya p��R�nV a��c�+llact the rents.Any rer►ts�os�der callect9 sha��bs
<br /> --�--�� ayplied first to the costa o!mansyfn0 the property,In�iudS�ceun costs mnd attorneys' 4ees, xommSsai�ns r",�raTt�l aLents,tnd�ny otlser
<br /> -_•-���n?�µ`_'�"!��.� naoess�tt�Polated expanaes•The remalning emount of rerete w+I tt►en apply to pAyments on t?�9 anCUred de�2 es prov3ded n�Covenent 1,
<br /> :.,S:�x�,�, ' '' ----
<br /> _-,,;, ;i�,;,,•; 8�����d9,��a,�a.y,�y���pj��Unit p�y�lppmKtt�.E3orrowar eBraes Yo compty�vltb tho provlslann o4 any lerso iT this daed u4 ir��;1 a�n � _.
<br /> 1{:. , , �,.
<br /> ,,r � a bssehotd.11 @�h»�eed of tru4t is on a unit in s conciominium or s plannazl unit dnvolopment,Borrown�r +vill irer7oTm ml1 of Borrowar'a duitc� r„Y
<br /> ,�,k pf��,1�,�+•, ur,�at the covOn�,nto,byfa�,�o,mr roguletiona of the condominlum or planned unit development.
<br /> ��. ___
<br />,:`i:��,��`���(�.,>;S�t�i',� d,�1�tlrpriiy og L�nx"�ao Peifwm ta @orrowu.If Burrowur �a11s to pertoran any of E3oiROwnr'n Jutlos und�r thfia dead ot Vv�t, Le.^.:�er mny ��y�,
<br /> �, !.T}LF l:i�:1P�Se.. Qcr�c!m th�A�rHae o*�nueo thom t�be pedoimed. Lereder may aiyn Boraouver'�aama c�r;pey any umourrt M rtacesa�n�'tn�pa►t�orm�nca. If any
<br />�.';i+��h;��q;l,ji.•'t��:?u���i�? LOOSt[UCLSOt10A Vh0�p70p8r1}�18 dI8C0ntIO1lOd AJ I�OY C8tti8d Ol��O D S�p8Q7a0�U mi:u��u4 Ln��dOi m�ri w�t:Yt8Y9Y@!�p nAf:NR:i�7�f t0 pIOT�Ct L�D71�P1�0 � �._
<br /> "'��'��d��• r � a�curiry in�t9ruvi in iha proFartY•7�s ma�lnclude camplatln��he aanstrar.�lon. f�t�i,,
<br />:�;:��,;,���';�;'.,�1,:�,lc.a;,�+. . . ���,
<br /> .n� � l.;�.,,�
<br />,:�'y�1< <...:�;•;f,,�:�::..��y
<br /> ",t�.Y f.t�r.,r;.;,;('S' �ender's fal�ure to pertorm wIU noi prmnludn Lorader horr��xarclaing eny ot Ite othor rlphta under fie law or thfa deed of trust. F�'
<br /> �%�1.,t„4�+;�f�t�/ ._.
<br /> , � AnY amounts pald by Lender ta proteat Lender'a securRy intereet will ba RACUred by tNfa doed ot Vust. Such amounte wlll be dua on demend
<br /> � ••��:�`�t� 4 end will bnar Interest trom the dste of thd payment unNl peld in full et the Intereat reta In effeat on tho eecured debt. �i„i
<br />:-w�:,:. . �,.y�e �:„ --
<br /> �� �..�,ti1�'� ,. 10. D�t�ut!�nd AccN�ntlan. If Borrowor falle to make any peyment when due or breake eny covennnts under this deed of trus4 ar eny
<br /> ' r .,,.: o W lpa Yo n e e c u r e d b y t h l s d e e d o f uust or an y prior monpepe or deed of uust, Lendet ma y accelerate the maturity of the secured dabt and k�:�
<br /> --�'- '- =i �.-•� � demand tmmadl�te payment and mey Invoke tho power of sale and any ot fier reme d lee p e r m l t t e d b y e p p l l c e b l e l a w.
<br />:`;���a�.:'h�ti,._ _ ��—�
<br /> �-��� ' 11. R�qus�t fa Hotic�of Dofwtt.It Ia hereby reque�ted that coplas ot the noticse of default a�d sale be�ent to e�ch person who ie s p�riv
<br /> Mreta,�t tho addros�of each such porson,es set torth hereln. Y`4�t r
<br /> ? 1Z. Pow«o}SW.If th�Lender Inobke�the pawar of e�le,the Truetee�hafl flrst recorU fn the oHlce of tho�eplster of deeds of e�ch county `����
<br /> , `�� � art or ercet theroot In�Itu�ted e notice of deteult contelnln the Informetlon requlred by lew.Th�Truste� b_','.�
<br /> + whoreln the tru�t proparty or Rome p D
<br /> ,,,,, „ ;� �htll Nw m�Il copfe�oi the notice of det�ult to the Borrower,to eech penon who la a party eroto, end to oti�er pnrwnt ar preecrlbed by ��t�
<br /> + eppllcobl� t�w. Not Itsr th�n one mdnth �Eter the Truetee record�the notice of defautt, or two monih�If the truat property 1�not In eny •;'"-
<br /> •�•a�•. � . '� Incorpor�ted Qlty or vl0�ys snd Is ussd In fuminp oWrattonr curiad on by th�trustor,the Tro�tea ehell atve publla notlee of e�le to the psrson� ,.,�
<br /> ,,,_�� .�. and In the m��ner preacrfbed bY�eppplfcable law.Trwtee,wlthout demend on Borrower,shall soll the property et public auction to the hlphe�t
<br /> ,:s•. ,' �g bWd�r.If nqulnd by the Funt Fiomest��d P�oteatfon Act,7ru�tee shall offer the property In two eeparete seles ss requlred by eppllcabls lew. ",�
<br /> .1,,,,;_•,:•:�. � Tmst�r m�Y Po�tPo�rala of sll or eny{carcel of the property by publlc ennouncement at the tlme end place of eny prevbuity schadutad uU. :
<br /> __ :. ��, . Lender or It�dafynes may purcha�e the properN et eny ate.
<br /> - ;�,u•4• � Upon recelpt of paYmsnt of the prlce btd,Trustee shell dellver to the purchasor Truatea's deed conveying the property.The recitlets contalned In ��..
<br /> �; . Trustee's deed ahall ba prime tecle evldience of the vuth of the stetomsnta conteined therefn.Trustae ehatl epply the proceeds of tha sats In the
<br />-_.���•Y ,,•kV,�� retns c�te�ne t fs sa1lbl to�all aumsssacured by thle�deed of�tiust uend lcl�thet balance elfsany,bto t o porsons logalty entitted�torecolvo it,feea end
<br /> �-- :•�,f�• � .�
<br /> ,,, ..,;��,.�,-.,,�.. 19. For�ctoiun.At Lender'e optlon,thfa deod ot trust may be forectosed in tho menner provide by eppliceble law for foroclosuro of mort�egas
<br />_, '- ,,�, on real praperty.
<br />*�' �'^�4'�`-.� 1q, Inip�ctlon.Londor may enter tho property to fnspect ft If Londer givoa Borrower notice beforehend. The notice muat state the reasonablQ
<br /> _?`���:'-'�,� cause for Lender's Inepect(on.
<br />,=,s,���.;�,•��_���
<br /> 16.Cond�nx�adon.Borrowor assl0�ns to Lender the roceeda of any award or clalm for demag es connocted wlth a condemnatfon or other teking
<br /> of e11 or eny part ot tha property 5uch proaeeds wiP ba appltad ea p�ovlded In Covenant 1.Thls easipnment is aubJoct to the terms of any prlor
<br /> eecurlty apreement.
<br /> ` ''`•,,-��,' 1g.W�iwr,By exercistng any romedY evallabte to Lendet, Lender does not glve up any righte to lator uso nny oth�r remedy. By not exorclsing
<br /> • ���• eny remedy upon Borrower a default,Lander does not welve any rlght to lator conafdor tho ovont e dofault If it heppena egaln.
<br /> .. ., . ''_;;; ,
<br /> '�• '• 17. Joint�nd Sawnl Llabilitv; Co-�ipr►�rr, Suac�uon and Aalant Bound• AII dutles undor thls deed of trust are Jofnt and severat. Any
<br /> ' " ' Borrower who co•slgna thfs doed of trust but doea not co•sfgn the underlying debt Instrument(sl does so only to grent ond convoy that
<br /> Borrower'e Interost In the property to tho Trustee under the terma of thia deod of trust.In additton,such a Borrowor eptoes that the Lender end
<br /> � " any other BDrrower ur.der thla deed of trust may extend, modlfv or make any other changos in the terma ot thia deod of truot or tho socurod
<br /> • debt without thet Borrower'e cov�sent end without roleasing that Bonower from the torms of thls doed of trust.
<br /> The duttos and beneflts of thfs deed of truat shall bind and benoflt tho succaasore and asslgns of Londar and Borrowor.
<br /> � 18.Hot1c�.Unles9 othorwlse requlred by lew,any notico to Borrower sNell bo g(ven by dellvering It or by mniling It by cortifiod mait addressod to
<br /> Borrower et the propeny addresn ot any other nddress that Borrower hes plven to Lander.Borrower will plva any nottco to Londer by conffled I
<br /> , T bB�sent to Lendees eddrose na et tedf on�pege�l of thts dood of trustther eddress whlch Londor has dos(gnatod.Any othor notico to Lendor sha/l
<br /> Any nottca chall ho deemed to have besn glven to Borrower or Lander when flfven In tho manner etnted nbovo. I
<br /> 19.Yrantf�►of th�P�op�xty or o B�tldY Int�rs�t fn tb�Botrower.If ell or eny pert of the prope►tV or any Interest in It Is sold o►tronsforred �
<br /> psyment�lf t e•Borrowar�la not a�naturel person endde �enuftc,al Intsreal In the Borrowor�lsusolddob trensferrod H wovere Landormmay not �
<br /> ' V den�and peYment In the a�bove attuetlon�If It Is prohfbitod by federel lew es of the deto of thia deed of truat.
<br /> 20.R�conv�yance.Whnn the obllgatlon secured by thle dend of truat hae baan pald,end Lander hae no turther oblfgatlon to mako advancces
<br /> •�� � ur�du the InsVUments or epreoment�secure9 by thla doed of crust,tho Tr�^to,o�6htial�QQpo hwt�tt tn�ooq�uo�db�ron�oto oaoot„o�Q��donco of�tl�o
<br /> -- - - - -
<br /> _�_ ___ .,,..,........•_
<br /> proporty.The Lo�aer enan ae�rver m mo ovnvwe.,�� --------• �- -- --�•
<br /> � , o6i�getfon eo aetlsfled.Borrowor 6ha11 pey ony rocordotlon costa. �
<br /> 27.Succusor Tru�tN. Londer, at Londor's optlon, mey removo Trustoo nnd oppolnt o ouccussor truetoo by tirst, moflfnp n copy of t�.a I
<br /> subetitutlon of trustoe as roqufrod by oppllcable lew,and thon,by illlnq tho substltutlan of trustuo for rocord In tho offico of tho realstor ot doods '
<br /> i
<br /> " succe d toUO I tho power tdutlese outho rt�ond titlo otP o Trust e namad in tho dnod of truet°nd of any�succo sorvtruatoo,of tho proporty,shall I
<br /> � I
<br /> _ Y '
<br /> . IPDge 2 0/ 21 i
<br /> i�' . � BAtiI(ERCa SY6TEA19.INC..3T.CLOUD,MN 60301 11•A00•397-43N1 FORM OCP�NIT6t7E 0/18/81 _ _ �
<br />