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Nebruk�I'Ttuateer.),�A�ntl ths Bewf{cixy, � <br /> _��j�{ uRnugaT, an��TUne � Tnn.. �g�q�zn�rrn ;,, t;`aar►xx�tbn orpan��d <br /> •nd�xbtlnp ur�r th�I�vw of 1�iRADA�KE who��addraaa Is,��;�„�9QSLT8 r�v�rT$T �'�`Q�•f+'►'�,:_ � ---...----. <br /> ,�n�Tar.awr► �g,�Aaxa 6ngp��_i o�o _ _l'L�►'1. <br /> CqNVEY�NCE;Fa vWw nceft�eA,Ba'rowK In�vaCaWy 9r�nt�and convaye to iruatee,in;tr.ust,wiii�pow�r o9�aMr,th�.rarl prop:�iy,�C w�lv�� <br /> &xraw�Is lawfuly a��d, descrll»d b�{nw and�11 bulldinQi, flut;uu, a;xi axieiirq.qnu!fu►urs lmprowm�ntM tMran�nd �N�IpMs�af•way, <br />�nu...nnti. Iwuu, orofiU. incom�,t�cwrrn�n, h+r�diamaMa, {NiV11ppN �lnd Arn! �P�xxt�n�nce�th�rwnto b�bn�inQ (�II auNeb tt� <br /> ��O�rtY,) _ <br /> �.ewc��r.�nn�psaR� ^ _ . . ._.._ . __ .Nebr�ska -_........ --- <br /> LEOAlOEYCRtf�710N: isanoy �c��ys �LOCon,� . <br /> . . I�O'P ONT� (ZI r HLOC`K S�VEN'PEEN (17I, IN LAMBER':"�S ADDTT�ON TO THE CZTY <br /> � . OF f3RJ1I7D IsLAND, HALL COUNTY, NBBR��fCA, AND ALSO, FRACTIONAL LOT <br /> ° T�10 (2? , IN PRACTYANAL �I+OCK SSVEN�'r�T (�7), IN LAM6�RT'S A�]UITION <br /> At:A T«« EPWTEP.L!! 26.4�FBA'S' AQ 5'RAC�'ICTN7►L LOT TIII2SE (3). AND A1L1L OF <br /> � ftRAC'x10NAL IAT TWO {21.• 3�'L.L IN FR3I�TZO�IAL aLOCK TEN (�0) . IN EVAN'S <br /> AIJDI'1�'�ONr ALL AUDITZOI+7y BE:I�N(3 'Td,TFlA C2TY dF pRAND I9E•AHD. HALL COUNTY <br /> � � IT��RA9ICA. <br /> loc�t�d in uar.T. �_ County,Mebrssk�. _. <br /> TITLE:Borro�v�r cownant��nd wxnnt�titl�ta Me prop�rty,excapt for <br /> �EClNIED OEiT:TM� dNd o}Vutt��cur��to�r npaym�nt of th� secured debt�nd tha perlamanc�ot ch�cov�n�nt��nd aprNm�nt� �' <br /> cont�k�d in this dNd of tru�t�nd!n my oth�r dacam�nt Incapor�t�d herNn. Secund d�bt,as us�d In tiwe d�sd of trust,Inchid��my amount� — <br /> BcrrowK owe�to Lend�r unMr thl�d�od of trust or under�ny imtniment�ecured 6y ttils dsed of tru�t,�nd�II modltic�tion�,extension��nd <br /> r�wN�therwf. -� <br /> The arcw�d d�bt u ovld�nc�d by Illit dl Inevum�nt��nd apreemento�ecured by thf�deed of trust�nd ths deto�tMreof.l: .- <br /> ��_.,...,....,�...,o .7A��x"„ eointo*rnv rr�nv�.+MCmm nnman .nnaF ry� �qqG f��=. <br /> l;� <br /> �Futun Adwnac The nbove emount la aecurod evan though all or part of it m�y not yet bo edwnced. Future edvancee ero �-= <br /> cont�mplatad and wili bs secured to tM e�ms extent ea if made on the dats thia deed of t�ust I�oxecutsd. , <br /> ❑Rwohrinp Iine of crodit epreament detad ,with Initfal ennual Interost reto of 96. ___ <br /> AU�mounu ow�d under this epraement are securod even thouQh ell emaunte may not yat ba advanced. Futute edvances undor ___ <br /> ttN apreement we contemptsted end wlll be secured to the same extent ea if mode on tM date thfi de�d ot trua:le exacuted. _ <br /> TM above obifp�ttan tt Auo end peyable on �tru�S„ 2on� If not pald eerlier. - <br /> The totet unpeid batance secured by thia deed of truat et nny one timo ehell not exceed a maximum principal emount of <br />' ar��+; Txen�sa� rtrntrr tnn,maxn AL'VSN sNn �/+en Dollara(4�� ,an�_oe 1,plua Intorest, <br />_ pius�ny emounte disbursad under the torms ol this deed af truat to proteot the security of thle deed of uuat or to perform any of the <br />= coven�nts conteined in thie deed of truat,with Interoat on such dlebursemente. <br /> ❑Vai�AN R�t�:Tho Intereat rete on the oblipation secured by thle deed of trust mey vary accordinp to the terms of that obllgetion. <br /> ❑ A copy of the loan egraemont contetnfng the terms under which the Interoat rete may vory Is ettachod to this daed ot trust and <br />- made e part hereof. <br />- RiDEHBc ❑Comm�rcid �,_A&Sldu*�'N`i' nA RF'�rt'G ❑ - <br /> - - DES{ONATION OF 190RAESTEIO <br /> Pursumt to the Farm Hometteed Protectlan Act,deaipnation of homestead ❑ le ettnched ta thla deed of trust end made e pan hereaf <br /> ❑hes b�en disct�imed;the disclefmcr la att�ched to thia deed o}Vuat and mede a part hereof. <br /> SIONATUREB:By�lprdity b�low.Bortow�r ayrN to tli�torm��nd cowmnts contWn�d In tMs O�d of W�t,tnciudfn�ttw��on pep�Z,and In <br /> any ri dncriMd�bow�I9nad�y Borrowr�r <br /> �s►'�' � / /� . e i i � _ - <br /> ���� dG`�-�'� _�.(�lll-t��fi� .0�, . rt�c�..r��� <br />° �ATRICK D LANOk'.R CAF30LYN It _�3BR <br />_ ACKNOWLEDt9MEHT:STATE OF NEBRASKA, HAT,t, rnirnrrY County es: r <br /> Tho forepoinp inatrumont vras ackrtowledpod betore mo on thls 5TH_ duy of���9Q� � <br /> by aA�rarcK n tnunua tirm — <br /> (Ticletill <br />= c«por�t�a o} NY�_� ntm�olCaporuuonmv�nn�rowpl � .. <br />- PMnvM'0 <br /> �c�uww�dpmM� e ��,Exp.Oet �� on bahatt of tho corporation or pertnorship. <br /> My co exp ree: ' <br /> ISeNI INOterv�eucl I <br /> TAis Instrument wao proparud by r.r�,nn i(RA7.RR � ---- • <br />' p1886��NKF.q9 SYSTEM9.INC..ST.Cl(4UD,y11f�70t U$�-397•'t9N1 GOflM OCP�MT6NE0/18181 p�pPL#k 00007934 lpey� f ot 2/ NEBR�ISKA <br /> �` ccnt# oiooaai9ia � <br />