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<br /> „ � „ , 7F11�DEEt7 OF T�;U�uT,lu mado ca o1 fi�o��fi�!d�y of_....- �u��. -,1p `):i by ond arnong -
<br /> _�>_sm�_..v;tk,� # � _
<br /> ^°^'r'='",�'?•' the True2or,�...11�'y�Y� ����4.' - einaln,(i@7feon ,.� . -
<br /> ---=-=•�«.,a�.;;• --
<br /> =�.�°����'`r� 3111 i!. Colxege St., Apt, 20 Grand Ieland tt� �8I�0� " . � .�: " _
<br /> -�."'�=`•' - whnsa meflinp addreaa ia (horeln"Trus or, w e �r one or mare), .,A
<br /> - . ,�
<br /> �-�::n;y�:�':''� e P�inte Bank. � Heb*Ap�w r�rnnrati�n . _�-
<br /> the Truetoe, __..__.��Y -
<br /> � �y� whose mnllinp addreaa Is P.0. Box Y587 Grand Ielartd, NE 68882 (herein"TYUbt@8'�,end �
<br /> ° ��R..� Five Point� Ban{� , • �
<br /> _— -= the Beneflclary, —
<br />^-;'-- ��`' 2015 H. B�oadrell Grand Ielend, HE. 688�2-1507 ..
<br /> 'a:`�;. :�:, , whose malling address is - - (herein"Lander"y. "
<br /> ..�;:�.:,ta;:� .� .
<br /> ..:x��i•_: :.•�n
<br />'���•�=�'' � FOA VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,including Lender's extension of credit iden4ified heraln to
<br /> -����� °`�' ltar Fa e Fa�ti .
<br />-�_�;wc��, •;,.� Y Y 9 (herein"Borrower",wtiether one or more)and the trust hereln craated,
<br /> `'���»: �'i" :�,. the recelpt o}whlch Is hereb ecknowled ed,Trustor hereby Irrevocabl ranta, tranafers, conve s and assl ns to Trustee,IN •
<br />:._.:,.,..._,,�"� Y 9 Y 9 Y 8 .
<br />'��=: %. ac ` TFIUST,WITIi POWER OF SALE,for the benoflt and securlty of Lender,under and aubject ta�the terms end condltiona heretnafter set
<br /> - �''��, ` ;` foRh,the real property described as follows: ,,. ;: ;,,,,, ,__
<br /> "►�-- Lot Four t4), �harp Aares Subdivielon, in the City ot Grand Yeland, Hall „ .
<br /> +�'�''`�� Coun�y. Nebraeke. , . -+ :, "
<br /> -,k`-3 l'.� . ..
<br /> -��5������v�� f�_ - _ �
<br /> ��,"..°�1'.;i.";�u�/.�d- � � o
<br /> ��..�., .�.�i,a_ _• __ _
<br /> ' •., ti., I `� . ..�-� .
<br /> :•�,_ ��;�^:�.,: Together wfth all buildings,improvementa,tixtures, streets,eNays, pussageways,easements,rfghts,privlleges and appurte- }
<br />_,•A.f�.�:�F,��.:; na��cea located ihereon ar In anywise pertaining thereto,nnd th�rents,fseues and proifts,roversions and remainslens thereaf,end
<br /> . . �,, auch personal property that ia sttached Yo tho improvements so ae to constitute a tixture, inctuding,but not Ilmitecl to,heating and �:•`.•�3�� �
<br /> ;-y+�•x:,,�.� cooling equipmenx and together with the homestead or marltal Intereats,M any,which Interests are hereby relesaed a�d welved;�II ��...
<br /> ' of which,Including replacement�and additions thereto,�s hereby declared to be a part of the real estate secured by the Ilen o117�ua .
<br />�'�'•���� ` '��� Deed of Truat and all of the toiegoing being reterred to herein ae the"Property". �; ''�
<br /> ., ,�
<br />. , 'E 47G ' —_ -
<br /> •����'' �� •'�� Thls Deed of Truat shall secure(a)the payment of the princlpai sum and intoreat evidenced by a promfasory note or credit •�'-�•��
<br /> . •'4'.�. .
<br /> ' �� �� Jurte 12th 1995 Dece�ber 9th 1995
<br />�• egre�ment dated _,having a maturity date of . : ,
<br /> _ '�4:a:y�� 6,750.00
<br /> • In the original princfpal amount of$ ,and eny and ell modlflcations,extenalona and renewals ' �`
<br /> ��r thereof or thereto and any and all future advances and readvances to Bo►rower (or any of them if more than one)hereunder
<br /> - pursuant to one or more promlasory notes or credit egroements(hereln called"Note");(b)the paym�,nt of other aums advanced by •����
<br /> •;;; �,.: lsnder tv protect the security ot the Note;(c)tha perlormence of all covenants and agreements ot Truator set forth hereln;and{d)all � �1'�"
<br /> .. .�- present and future Indebtedness and obligatlons ol8orrower(or any of them If more than one)to Lender whether dlrect,indirecR '� '��
<br /> - '.���� � • ; absolute or conUngont and whether arlsing by note,guaranty,overdreft or othervvise.7he Note,this Deed of Trust end any and all .. " ,� , ,,•,
<br /> � • �" Y`�' other docuents that secure the Note or otherwlse exacuted In connection tharewHh,f ncluding without Ilmitstion guarantees,aecurity � �,r�,j• �
<br /> ��'"',��'"w� '�� egreements and assignments of leeses and rents,shall be reterred to herein as the"Loan Oocuments". � ��" . •
<br /> � "�= ����*�c� Trustor covenants and agrees with Lendor as follows: :��t�
<br /> ;- :-- �-�•.u�n'} 1. Paym�nt o1 Ind�bt�dn�.All indebt�dness aecured hereby shall be pald when due.
<br />" � �", "'i � 2. Tlti�.7rustov Is tho ownor oi the Property,has the right and authority to convey the Properly,and w9rrants that ti�e lien - '��'�;.1 �
<br /> ;�. ., created hereby Is a first and prior Ilen on the Property,except for Ilena and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in writing and '• ;'�,;•• -'
<br />-_��,�,,,,,.�, deflvered to Lender betqre execution af thie Doed of Trust,and the exeoution and delivory of thls qeed of Truat does not vlolate any f��:;f-• _
<br />:°'=����j.��::�'' contract or other obligatlon to whlch Trustor le aubject � �'�` •
<br /> • Y�=�==•��r?� 3. Tax�s,As�s�m�nb.To pay bafore delinquency all taxea,apecial sssesemente and all other charges agafnst the Property
<br />:;=.-�=�t•;;-�;h;;� now or hereafter levled. . ,
<br /> ,,:c� . r.�• • 4. (ntunnc�.To keep the Proparty Insured agalnst damage by ilre,hazards included within the term"axtended coverage",and
<br />�''�;,� l such other hazards as Lender may require,fn amounts and with companlea acceptable to Lender,naming Lender as an additlonel
<br /> aamed insured,with loss payable to the Lender.in cesa of loss under such pollcies,the Lender Ia authorized to a�Ju3t,collect end
<br /> compromtse,all claims thereunder and shall have the optlon of epplying all or part of the Insurance proceeds(q to any indebtedne�s '� "
<br /> '��`' secured hereby and in such order as Lendor may determine,(il)to the Trustor to be uaed forthe re airor restoratlon ot tha Property ��
<br /> !"3"' or(Ilq(pr eny other purpose or obJect sutisfactory to Londar without aHecting the Ilen of th{s Deed ot Trust tor the full amount secured !�' ��
<br /> `���`'• hereby before such payment ever took ptace.Any applicatton of proceads to indebtedness shall not extend or postpone thv due
<br />'��y� `.'-��'• ��. date of any payments under the Note,or cure any default theraunder or hereunder. �
<br />- • . , b. Etcrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Truator ehell pey to Lender,{n such manner es Lender may deaignato,ouHicient "`
<br /> , }� , 8ums to eneble Londer!o pay as they become due one or more of the following:(I)al I texes,aesesoments and other charges agatnst
<br /> .._, the Property,(il)tho premlums on the properry Insurance requlred hereunder,and(fil)the premluma on any mortgQge Insurance
<br /> ' requlred by Lender. I
<br /> �' � �x: 6. Mdnt�nanc�,R�paln and Compltanc�w(th Laws.Truetor ahall keep the Properly in good conditlon and repalr,shall
<br /> � � promptly repalr,or replace any Improvement which may be damaged or destroyed; ahall not cammlt or pormit any w&ste or �
<br />= . • � .;. detedorotion of the Property;shall not remove,demollah or substantlally alter any nf the Improvemente on the Property;aNall not �
<br /> ,, commli,suffer or permit eny ect to be dane in or upon thv Properly in vfolation of any law,ordinance,or regulation;and shall pay and �
<br />;t,:;„ � � promptty dfeaharga at Trustor's coat and expenoe all Iiens,encumbrances and cher4es levisd,Imposed or assessed agalnst the �
<br /> ::.,;' � : Property or any part theroot. ;
<br /> .`�r�� + � 7. Emi�snt Dom�in.Lender la hereby aesigned ell compensatlon,awards,damagea end other payments or reilef(herelnafter
<br /> ' • >:�;�� "Praceeds")ln connectlon wlth condemnatfon or other taking of the Property or parY thereof,or for conveyence In Ileu of condemna• �
<br /> ' •�_;i;�,� tlon.Ler�dvr ahall be entitled at Its option to commonce,appaar In and proseoute fn Its own nome any actlon or proceedinge,and �
<br />� �� • shali elso be entitl�d to make eny compromise or settlement In connectlon with auch taking or damage.In the event any portlon of I
<br /> '`"�' the Property Is so teken or demaged,Lender sholl have th�optlan,In ite sole and ebsolute dlscretlon,to apply ell sucN Proceeds, •
<br />�. • �.°� , � ofter deduoting therefrom all cos4s and axpenaes incurred by it In connectlon wlth such Proceade,upon any Indebtedness secured
<br /> ------ -------- . . . . . . .�__ �..-----�- �-.,•--"___ .�.�.__��.�a.._....a._ ! ..
<br /> � '-'- -..-'_.._., �..'——'—
<br /> - - nereDy ana in sucn orQer as�enaar may acrinrrtnno,oi i�npjtir aii ouC.n r�wvwa�ono� OY4I�40YY4UVtt0�tV x�o.vo•v.o..v....�...o
<br /> Property upon euch condltions as Lender mey determine.AnN epplicatlon of Procoadsto indebtedness shall notextond or postpona
<br /> IhA due dnte ot eny peyment�undor the Noto,or curo any dofault thereundor or hereunder.Any unapplled funds ahall be pefd to
<br /> � Tru3tor. •
<br />- .. 9. PMortn�nc�by L��d�r.Upon tho oCCUrrence af en Event ot Dofault horeunder,or if any act is taY.en or Iegei proceeding
<br /> commenced whlch matorlally oftocts Londur's Intorost In the Properly,Lender mey In Its own dlscretton,but wfthout obligatlon to do
<br /> so.and without notice to or demend upon Trustor and without releaeing Truator lrom any obifgatlon,do any act which Truator has ,
<br /> ag�eed but taHa to do ond moy also do any othor act It deeme necessary to protect tho security hereof.Trustor ahall,Immedlately , •
<br /> ,f upon demand there7or by l.ender,pay to Lender ail coats end expenaes Incurrod end aums expended by Londer in connoctlon with
<br /> , � �. ths oxerclse by l.endor of lhe for9going rlghts,togethor with interost thereon et the defau�t rato provldod In the Note,whlch shell bo ;
<br /> , edde� to the Indebtednesa secured hereby. Londer shail not Incur eny Ifablllty becauae oi anything It may do or omit to do
<br /> , ° horeurtder. i
<br /> ., �
<br /> • . . . � . �
<br /> - �
<br /> :
<br /> 1_�_ _-
<br />