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<br /> 16.Dortowers'Rl�ht ro RelnsuNe.If[l�xrowe�mat,arWn condillonx,i;oeowen r1wJl Mvo tho riiht w hsve enfurcea�x+i of NI� ��_
<br /> Seaxity Instr►n�nt AisoaMl�vsied��ny tlmo�rlarb��kr oP(�)S diyo(or ouch o�t�er petiud u�pp�lubla i�w m�y qiecity Ibt .r u=-.
<br /> �ceixuRcmcnl)beta�e s�le of the PropertY Our+wnt wu uf e�Ne�In Ihh Sautity ln�wmeM:or�b)entty af�Jwt�ma+t �: ��
<br /> �nfaclna this Security Irowr.xrt4 71aso conditbm�thel Eiorcowcn:f�)p�Y l.endcn�il�wns vrfilch then would 6o dw w�der Mb Secwky
<br /> ironuenait�nd tho Nota haA no�calauFon occ�ueeG;('�)cwa•::y G:.f:;,1:af��J c�f�-r rnvrr.•�t�or cwmmenbc(�)P�Y��exprm�a Inc�utcJ �"`�
<br /> in enforsini thb Sec�uRY�mtnrne+M�in�ludtn�.bu1 not 1(mikd to,«a�on�6k M1aneYs'feea:n�d(d)lake such�ttton y I�tnda�m�Y
<br /> c�u
<br /> n�anaMy aquire a Qssuro tfut the Ikn otlht�5ecwity IiuuWnenb l.endeo'rt�ht�In the PropertY�nA Barohcn'obll��tba io R�y w�r �_
<br /> aeared Ey thb Secu�ity InstiirncM.shWl ca+dnue untha�n�ed.Upon rcinsutemeet by Dorrowe�x.ti:4 Security tnstnwneM ind dro U firWon� � -
<br /> seared hmby�I�`n Wity efCccciva r If no uoeluMlon h�d acwad.Ibwsva.th4 dsht W relnstNa�h�tl nol�pgiY
<br /> �acierxlon underpwK��P�l5 or 17. �;�-
<br /> 17. Aealzsa�ton:RaneAks. Lenders ehdi�Ire noAx to[ionowen prior w kakrrlon�otl��,�{cst1�i��Rro e'.d� -
<br /> coren�M or yrc��t fn thb Securitr Inwunxnt(but nol9rior to�ccekrMion under�n�npia
<br /> a1�er�.'Ihe��otice�ha11 spcctty:(�)lhe defYull;(b)the�Uion aquired to cixo tho dttwil;(o)a dMe,not tcs�than 30 d�yi 8an U►e dMe the
<br /> nake h�ivon to Borroxen.bY'�'hich W°det�'ft nwt 6e cuc�d;rnd(�th�t[�fluro to curo Ihe defwlt on or�f����f t �
<br /> noliFC n�t asult in�caler�Non of Uie awns KwrcA by this 5ec�uity InsuumeM�nd Kto of the I'ropM3'• -
<br /> eortawas of the ddhi to rclnstate atlu�cateroNon nd the riahl W b�inp�court�cUon W�uat Ihe non�ealsECnca of t detwit or wy WIKr __ _
<br /> d�farae of Bartowas a�cazle�atiun r►d�+le.It t2ie def.�ul!b mt curtd on or 6efore the d�te specitied In the notloe.I.aMus k their vpAon =—
<br /> mry'requfre Immedl�te paym��nt M fWl otsli aums necwM by IFIs Sec+uity[ropwnait without firtl�er demrW�nd ms�'inveko the power oi _
<br /> :!�!M!!rny ouw remedks pem�ltted bY+�Pplfofble law.Lcnda�sh+ll be tnlltkd w coilect dt expen�es Inc�wred In puesvinL Ma�wnedka
<br /> prov[ded tn�h prr�nph Includins.but not Ijmited w.eea�aubla�ttort►eya'fer.�e�1 us,L'oftW:evl�. ----
<br /> � -
<br /> di tRe�nwerof.�la�inraked.Trustee ahal reoad�notia of def��ilt in erch ww�ty in whlcYe�ny paR af the Property b loc�ted _�
<br /> ond shdl m�H copks otsucli noNca 1n tha nionner pccseribcd bY�pPlicabio Irn►o�SOrtowas Wid tn ttw utt::t F�e»Frc'='!�'!by°."'�iu�ta ----_
<br /> i,:-_..:
<br /> Uw. Attet ihe daA reqtiiteA by upyllcaElo Inw.Tnntee ehtll 6tva pu31lo notica of taio to lha petsons �nd In the m�er��cesctlbid by ___
<br /> �ppitc�Dlr.tew.Tnstee,without dcmnd on Berrowcro,sh�11 aell the Propeny�t pub!!o wctlon W the hibh�st 6lddcr�t tiw Hmo rssd el�'�n4tr ___
<br /> �lie tamn tiwianatcd in Iiw notiu of nle In aa or moro pYCeie�rtd In eny otder Tnuteo det�rmina.Tnuteo maq�osspono ___
<br />_ prcel of tha Propr.tY bY Publla�ouiwemcnt k Iho dmo�nd pl�otu►y previaniy aheduted ule.Lendrn or their dcsl�ow euY D+�� -
<br /> Uro Propee�Y R�ny idr,. -
<br />= �`i�a reciWy `�" -
<br /> vpon rcccipt af 9nyment ot tho prico 61Q T�ustu shdl dellrer W Ihe pucchaser Trusieo's cked can,ey`ihnog 1he�of�tho sale In tho �-N
<br /> Inihe Tmsta'�dced shill Ee:prim�fkk evldenco of Ihe wth ofU�e:utemenb mwde Uxrc1n.Trusleo ah�ll app y pcoua _
<br />- [ollowin�order.(�)W�I expense,�of the sdo,Includln�,but not Iimitcd W,Tnuteo'�&w�u permiticd bY�pplicabta IYw�nd mason�ble ;`
<br />= M;,�r:��.��.)r��t aums securcd by lhis Securiry Insnutn:nt;�nd(e)uiy exccse to tha petscm or person�le�ily entflled W(t �„_
<br /> IA. Lenden in Possession.Upan uceia�tlon under p�n�nph i7 or+�D�r►donment of tho Property,l�cndert(In peraa�,by�genc or u..•-_-_
<br />_ bp judlcidiy�ppoinud ceatver)ah�l bo rndUed w entcr upoci,ake possesston of u�d mmxge ihe Property�nd to collect the rcnU ot the
<br /> Propeny Inciudtns tho�c p�st duo•AnY K�b co��eucd by Lendcro or Iha rcceiver shall b:�ppliad first lo psyment of tho cos�of inent�ement
<br />, Nd reu�o�pa te�etwmey�'fa�imd tlxn to iho tu�im eecured by thi�Sauriry InstrumenL tum�on ceeolvera Ca�,psemtums on realve��bond� -�`
<br /> a ment o[�11 sum�securcd by thb Secudty Instrument,Lender�ah�l rcquat Trustaa ta tcconvey tho �
<br />.° 19. Reco+►veyance. Upon P y `:•.:.,
<br />- property�nd shsil wcrendcr this Secwity[rswment�nd tll notH evideneins debt aecurc0 by thb Sec�ylty[rotn:ment W Tnutee.Tnutoe�hall -n•..
<br />° reasnrey t}w Peoperty without w�rrnty and wislwut ehuae to the penon or percons ltadty rnttl;¢d to ft.Such per�on or petsum ih�ll p�ty mY ,:,,�,.,,
<br /> - rcstorubncosts. '"°
<br /> . ..4-
<br /> .�
<br />- 20. SubltiNto Trustea.Lrnders�at tt:eir optlon,may from pme lo dmo cemove Wstee md�ppoint a succeuor tnutee W�ny Tnisteo :'
<br /> ppotMed htteunder by�n Insteummt rccaded In the eounty In xfitch tht�Secudry instrumrnt i�rccardeQ.Without conveyneo 01 tho '.�;
<br />- propnty.the sucassor t�wtea shatl�ucceed a dl tha tiUe,puwa�nd dutke canferrcd upon Tcustco herein md by�ppUuble I�w.
<br /> � 2L Request for Notica.Bortowero rcquest thu coplee of Ihe nodca o€default md sdo bo sent w Bortowan'�ddc�ss which!�the ���
<br /> Property Addres�.
<br />�� 8Y SIONR�I�HEIAW.Borrowon�ccept�nd�greo to Ux term+aed coverunt�contained in thl�Security Uuwment
<br /> a
<br />�.� �,L� ���r .
<br />-.� BRUCE M BROWN
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<br /> l� The foregoM6(nstrument wu aeknowiedged,subscrfbed�nd sµ•om to txforo mo thi� 12�H dey of JUNE
<br />:`:�
<br />•.� 19 95 .6r.. $�UCE M BROWN. A SINGLE P�RSON nt Gruid isimd.
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<br />`::� � MAFIGARET M.Q{LL�N � • �)
<br /> My�m.ExP.Juty 3�1996 // X.�fl�..r I
<br />• NoWyPuDilo }� .
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