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<br /> Tha undenigned'('ni�roro hercby acknowlcAaa�nd underot�nd th�t(�)tlu�aecurtty dacnment below to be enceculed I��Ttwt Decd 4-
<br /> M;;�,�,_;� �d�yo��nwr,gayo,(b)thc pae.et oY::J=provi�!ed far in tha 7'NSt ikcd pcovldei Qub�tmtlelly JitTerent dphts end o611g�dfln�eo tho Trwtoro .
<br /> -��=- __= then�mo�t�o in the�vent ot�defnule or Drc�ch of abllptlon.'fho Ttu�lon ILrlher rcprcssnt end tgree thdt�hb cert�ficLtlon hw�ix:n c�:d ; `.-. ��
<br /> a and oxecutcd In connccilon wiW,6ut pdor�o,tho Trustoro'exccutlon ottho fu�lowlnd Tnut Dced. -� • .
<br />-—L-°-- -_ — DATED JUNE 12 .1951$5 ` .•
<br /> `�•�'� , � . . ........�,
<br />_`:�;t{';�r.t4' ,� Statcof NEBRASKA 1 .e<<�� •,':�
<br /> _ j ,i.;��5r�iia��-
<br /> ,�i� � ��.�,
<br /> ';�.<�;, � Countyo( �L _.�---� .'���';
<br /> .'.`' . , R _,_
<br /> "�..`•' . .. ,: :.,;
<br /> .�.�y�o ,`��.
<br /> `-`•��`��.� Tlk Corcgoing Instrument wss�cknowledged,aubscribed�nd swom to bcforo ma tld� 12 day of JUNE , ;j�; ,y.._--
<br /> ,„�!�,y,r��L.s
<br /> . „��.�, ,�,_�h _
<br /> � .- "'"���; 19 95 .by_ BSuF1�i,E R� 0{,LA at(3reud Islrrd,Nebras GENfRAI MCT •S �1 � �`";��1'�'_
<br /> -':t'r,•`;`:�;,: � +".� � N r�'�._;•j''_-
<br /> - ._b.;r..... /� �� �:i�!;..a.-_
<br /> � l'��� ��� 1�'[.ZS'G.�Y� Not:,ryt`s .C� .
<br /> - :.Y' _�. i�� ^�._-�.
<br />_ _�'l� � -' _
<br />. _. ;v=-�Ya..� 'fkUS'DFBD r:� .... --
<br /> a� � `��i��-s-,..^
<br /> '� ,�; ,:�.P THtS DEED OF TRU5T is mede on_ JUNE 12TH_�1995.The Tn►stors nro_BRUC� M BAOWN. A _ :�;,,.:.�
<br /> � SINGLL� PERSON ('Bormwer").'IT�e Tnutec Is Eat D.Mlseh►red0.A�o�y u .,..��gp�_
<br /> Law,('"frustee"). Tt�e beneflciary is tho Ur+nd Islund Arsa Kousing Corporotlon, 309 W.2nd Stree4 Qmd lsl�nd,Nebrnsfu,65801. •�;1,;;..,�_;;
<br /> . (•Lendtt'). Dorrmve�s owo l.ender tho pdncipal sum of
<br /> .n.TM:=,—
<br /> . . , •, $24.500 00 .'Y7ds debt is evidenoed by Botrowcro' f :.f�-o,,,�`'
<br /> : :::..
<br /> ,. %i�,��,�ti:�;;.� noto dated tl�o same dato u th�Secudty Inswment(°Hoto),which provtdes Cor a iixcd payment fivo yeers tirom iho date hereof.71ro SecudtY �r�y-,___`
<br /> '�:",i;t� • [nsrn,ment eecurea to Lenden: (a�the rcpaymeat of tha debt evtdenced by Uie Nato, with intercst, nnd nll renewds, �xtens�uns und � �_�'�
<br /> •; T �,; mouiii�ntl���s;it};!ti p-';:n�:�f¢!QLh's`!'ma,with inurest ndvenced under paragraph 7 W prouct cl�o sccurity of�hb 5ecurity InsWmenk ' , �:__
<br /> � �.., end(c)tha perfomiance otBortowero'wvennnb rnd egreemenls.�or thle purposa,BoROwus Itnvoc�D7y gtant ond oomey io'i'nrsicd.�+��'�4 r��J�
<br /> e wlth po�ver of sate,�he fallowing dcseribed propetty: '"_y__
<br /> ` �,,._,-_-
<br /> � ,��.: �,. _�--
<br /> ;,, , ,�;tF.—.
<br />_ :.��:,,'�i�� ',�,.....
<br /> � NE 688U1 � �• �.-
<br /> .-,".''sa,�j,:c'1�'. . ?� Tho mniUng�ddres�of lho bortowcro is 1305 NORTEi BEAL STREET - 6RAND ISLAND s :r: •S;l.�r_
<br /> ;.�.-..' . .., ,`�`' �kn_�
<br />:.�,.,�„,,,,._..,;, r TO�E'f1iBR W17H aU tlio improvemen�notiv or hercnlicr crcctcd on Uu propariy,end eil euemenls,rights,npP►uteeenas.rcnU
<br /> ond Itxturcs herteRer a part of tho property.Ail repinccmenta ond additions shall aisu bo covered by this Secudty laswrt�n�All of the ;-
<br />. `„� � fongofng is refcaed to in this Security tnswmrnt ag the"PropcAy". � ,
<br /> _,;�ji.:�: �
<br /> �''+"'•�''�' I30RROWHRS COVHNANT thst Danower�arc lewfutly scizcd of Uu estnle hercby conveyed nnd havo the right W grant md �
<br /> __.,�;�'"r��` �� convey Iho Property and Ihat Ihe Property is unencumberc0,exccpt for encumbrnnces of rcco r d.Borto�vero warten t ui d w f U d e f e n d g a nerell y
<br /> 3 �� tAe lfUo to lhe Property egnEnst ali clalms and dcmands,subject to eny encumbranxs of rccord. .
<br />_ .�..h,,..��t _
<br /> `�•:`r,t,{��r COVENANTS. Borrowers enA Lenders coven�nt md nIIrco as follows: '
<br /> •; ;,,, • i';�.,�;
<br /> • �':�.;r, y
<br /> I. Pnyment o[Pdncipai nnd Intensti Prcp�yment and Lato Cherges.Borrower�shdl promptly pay a•hen dua tho pdncipnl of Iho �.��;�,.- �
<br /> .'� debt evidcnad by the Note end any prepayment end latc charges due under 1hc Nota. -
<br />� 1 2. Fur.ds CotTnxa nnd Insurance.Atl real estatc toxes and Insurnnce shnll be pa[d by Burtowcrs whcn duc. �
<br />_=��=.,,-:�• �� ; f ,
<br /> •'.`,;:`=..��1`:.. ',X �
<br /> 3. Charger,Lieru.Bortowen shall pay all taxe.•,essessments,ehargcs,iincs and tmposiUona�thibutable to the Propedy which may
<br />-- �''�• attain pdority over dile Security InsWmen4 and Icaschold peyments or ground rents,if eny.Bonoarus shdl pay tl�eso oblig�ttom In lhe
<br /> . .;;,; . .
<br />� ' manner provided in pu��+reph 2,or if not pnfd in that mmmer.Borrowers shall pay Ihem on tim�directty ta tha peraon owed paymen�
<br /> •• � �r Uotrotivers shnll pcompUy fLmish to Lcndere ell notius of emounts W bc patd under thie prragreph.if Borrowero mctko thcso paymcnv dirccdy. I
<br /> �� ' Uortotver.�slinU promplly ti�mtsh to Lendcn rcccipev evtdenotng the peyments. f
<br /> 'l_ �
<br /> � '� �" Borrovrera ehtll promptiy dischsrgo eny Ilen which h�pdodty over this Sccurity Insuismrnt(excluding my tUst deed o[trust) I .
<br />�;.�; •� untes+Borrowtt�:(e)egrce In wtiQng to the peyment of thc obligation secuted by the Ilen in a manner acuptablo to Lendcr,(b)contett in good � ,.�� ,
<br /> fnith Ne Ilne by,or deknd egalnst enforcement oP thc Itcn In,legal pmcecdings which In the Lenders'opinton openrto to Qmvent thc � �.�,.:;r ..
<br /> enforcemenl oP the Ifen or for:eiture of my port of tho Ptoperty:or(c)sccure itom tho holder of tho lien an�greemcnt snU�fictory ro I.cndero i';';`,•��'
<br /> subordinating thc lien to thls Secudty Inswmcn�IE Lenden detcmitne thet any pnR of the Property is subject to n Iicn whlch mey acWn f ;. ,..
<br />_ .� pdoriry over this Seeudty Instnuncn4 Lenders may givc Bortowrn n notico idcntlfying thc Ilen.Borto�rers shdl satufy the Ilcn or tnke onc or � ..
<br /> t marc of Uu ncttora set foRh ebovo w{thin 10 deys of tho giving of notice.
<br /> 4. 1[msrd lnsurancc. Bortowen shall keep thc Improvemcnts no�v eaistinB or hercaricr ercc�ed on�hc Property insurcd egnlnst loss � `
<br />'- _.t��'� by fire,haxards includtd within tho tcnn"cxtcnded covernge"and eny otLsr hvaMs for whlch Lcnder�requi�e insurmce.'Iliis insurenoe shn11 i
<br />- ° � � be melnteined in thc amaunis end Cor dic pertods thnt Lenders rcquho.the insuranco cartter provtding tho Insurana shell be ci�osen by
<br /> _ �� tt�umuers su6lcct to l.enden'enDroval whtch shafl not bo unnasonably tivithheld. I
<br /> � AI!insureax pollclra ond renc�val�shall be ncceptabla to Lenders ond xhnit{nctude e stendnrd mo�a�o slnuse.Lcnde�s shnll havo
<br /> • iha rl�lit to I�old Uio poliaia and rcne�vels.If Lcnders requirc,Bonowen ni�nll prompUy givc to Icndcrs nll n.celpu of paid prcmtum�e�id
<br />-.- ..� � rcnewal notices.in the evrnt oF toss,E3ortowen shel!g!ve prompt noticc ro the insurence cartier end Lcndera.Lcndem may meko proof of loss ,
<br /> � If not mnda promptly by
<br /> Fiotrotivcn.
<br /> Unless I.endtrs ond Dorcowers othenvisc oQrce In�v�iting,{nsurwzce procccds shnil be epplted to restnmtion or reQatr of iho PropeAy �
<br /> dmm�gcd. If the t�stontlon or rcpalr Is cconomially feat{ble and l.cndcn'sccurity fs nat I�ucned. it�tin restorntion or repeir is eot
<br /> ' cconomtcolly I�mibie or Lendero'sccurity�►•outd be Icssencd,th+;{nsurnnce proceed�shalt be applied to tho sums secuRd by thi�Security
<br /> InswmcnL�vhcihcr or not then duc,with any cxcess p�id ta Dertowcn.if Uono�ven nbandon Uio property,or dn not aumcr wtthin 30 J�ys n
<br /> � noUca from Lenden UutlAo Insurance cattler hn�ofTa�cd to settle a cinlm,then Lcndero mny wllect Uic Insurance proceed�.Lenden mey uso
<br /> �.
<br /> ' ����i
<br /> , c �.: ;
<br /> ��
<br />