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<br /> 5. Hpr.arA ar 1'ro�trty hrst�runcc. Iiormwcr shnll kecp Qto improvements now cxisting an c�rcaRc7 crc6tccl ��ii tl�o
<br /> �'ropeny insurcd ugalnst lu�w lry firc. ha•r,�rds includcd�vitliin dic tcrm "cutcndcd c+�vcrugc" und cm)� ��th�r ha�.ards. incluQing
<br /> n��uti,►r n���Ku„�, f��r�vhi�h l.endcr rcquircs lnsunn:c. 'fhis Intiur��ncc shnll tx mniutctincd i��thc umaunts nixA far thc�xrfaie
<br /> thut t.ender tcquitcs. '1'he imuruncc c:ui+t�pr��v(din�tii� fu�,u�aace shal[ hc cl�os:cn by �nrm�e�er c�dtijr�ct eci I,cnder's approvnl
<br /> which shull oint 6e uurcasonubly wl[hheld. if Rurmwer fiiils �u maintafn cover�ge describcd ub�vc, L.eixier inuy, at l.e�xier's
<br /> opUi►n,��bt�dn covero�e to protect l.ender's righte�in tUe Pn�perty in acc�rdance with pan�raph 7.
<br /> All Insurnnce pQlicics nnd rene�vnls shall bo acccptnblc to Lendes und shall include a stnndard mortgabe clausc. Lender
<br /> shal! hnvc�hc right to hold thc pnlicics nnd rcncwals. If l.cndcr rcquires, eorrowcr shull promptly givc tu l.cndcr all rcceipts of
<br /> pnld prcmiums und renewal nuticcs.In Ihe event of lass,$orrowcr shall givc prampt notice to the insurance carrier and L..cnder.
<br /> L.cndcr tnay ntakc prnof of loss if not mUCle pronZpt{y by�orrowcr.
<br /> Unlcss Lcncler nnd Borro�v�r othcrwisc agrce in�vriting,ir�surnncc proceed�shall be applial to restoratinn ar rcpair of the
<br /> Praperty damabal, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not irssened. If the rt:storation or
<br /> rcpair is not ec.�namically fcasible or Lender's security wauld be lessened, tlie insurunce procceds shall b�;applial to d�e sums
<br /> secueed by this Security [nstrument. whether or noi then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abai�dons the
<br /> Property, or does not answcr wittiin 30 days a noticc fsom L.cndcr that the insurance ca�vier has of�ered ta�ctcle n cfaim,Rhzn
<br /> Lender may collcct the insurance proccxds. I.endcr may use the procecds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> sccured by tl�is Security Instrument,whether ar not then due.The 3U-day period will begin whe.n the notice is given.
<br /> Unless I.cndc�and Borrowcr othenvise ngree in writ�ng, any application of proceed5 to principal shal! not cxtend oj•
<br /> pust�,ui�c U�e du�.iwte of tt�4 monthiy paymcn�s rferrc� to in par.�Er.�phs t a�td 2 or c4�snge the emnunt of the p?ymenrc if
<br /> und�r pamgraph 21 the Property is acquired by i..enrler, Borro�ver's right ta ar►y insurance policies and proceeds resulting from'
<br /> damage to the Propzny prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to thc eatent of the sums secured by this Security instrumcnt
<br /> immcdintely prior tu thc acquisition.
<br /> G.Occupancy,Preservallon,Mainten�nce and Pcotectton of the Property;Borro�ver's I.opn Application; I.easeholds.
<br /> Eor.awc�sha!!acrapy,establisl�,and !+s?the Property at Bonower's qrincipal residenee within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> thls Security Instrument and shali continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one ye:u after
<br /> the date of occupancy, unless Lender othenvise agrees in writing,which cansent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless
<br /> extenuating circumstnnccs exist which are beyond Borro�ver's rnntrol. Borrower slr.dl not destroy, daroage or impair the
<br /> Propcny, ullow the Acoperty to deteriorate, or wnunit �vaste on the Proper[y. Horrower shati or in Jcisuit iP uu� fO�citilCc
<br /> ucti�n or proceedina, �vhether civil or criminal. is begun that in Lender's gaoci faith judgm�nt i;ould result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Property or othenvise materially impair thc lien created by this Security Instrutnent or I.ender's securiey interest.Bo�rrower muy
<br /> cure sucl►s default and reinstate,as provided in parc�graph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> that. in Lcnder's good faith detennination, precludes forfciture of the Bornower's interest in the Property or other mnterial
<br /> impaicment of the Ilen crcated by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interes�. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> Borrower,during the loan application process,gave materially fatse or inaccurate infarmation or statemcnts to Lender{or f tiled
<br /> to provide Lender with any material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including.but not limited
<br /> to,repn:sentaticns concerning Bonower's occupancy of the Propeny as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> leasehold, Borrower Shall comply witb all the provisious of' th� lease. If Borrower acquires fce title to the Property, the _
<br /> te��sehold:uid the fee title shall not merge unless Lcnder agrces to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7.Frot�ct3on of Lender's R(ghts in the Property.If Borrower fnils to perform the covenants and agreements cor.t:.ined in
<br /> this Security Instrnament, or there is a legal procceding that may significandy affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as n
<br /> proceaiing i��bankruptcy.probate, for cundemnation or furfeiture or to enfurce laws or regulations), then Lender may do und
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect tlie value of the �'roperiy and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> include paying uny sums sec��vcA by a lien which has priority over this Security instrument. appearing in court, paying
<br /> = re��sonablc uttorncys' fees and cntcring on the Property to make repairs. Although L.ender may tuke actiun under this paragraph
<br /> 7,L.cndcr docs not have to do so. -
<br />�' Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additiunal debt of Borrower sccured by this
<br /> Sauriry Instrument. Unless Bonower and Lcnder agrce to othcr temis of payment, these umounts shall bear interest from thc _
<br />;,„ dats of disbursement at the Noie rate and shall be payable, with intcrest, upon notice from Lendcr to Borrower requesting
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