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<br /> DUItR8Lf3 DOWI&R 08 R°ITI�RW&'Y t�9 5"` '�Q��� �-
<br /> Z, Anna C. Hacker, o� c3raind Isl+astd, Nsbre4ka, make, conetituto and eppaianC mY `
<br /> son, I�r4d J. Hmcker, of (3rand Teland, Nebraekt�, my true and l�s+ful �ttarney in fa�ti _
<br /> !or ms aad in� my name, plaae easi eteed, on my behall, auad PAr my use and beneEit: _
<br /> 1. Ta depnffiit in my name and !or m�r accouat with aay bank or other Piaaacial
<br /> i�etiCUtion all moneya paytsblo or belonging to me, iacluding checks and a11 cther
<br /> corm�ercial in�CruMan�s, aud to sign iny nama niad �asdorso all documonts for depasit or ___
<br /> coll.ectioa or an.y other purpose.
<br /> 2. T'o aithdraw all inoneye depoeited with any bnnk or othar Einaaciel inatitutione �
<br /> and to draw checks, sign wiehdrawal eli�s aad execute any other i.astruments aeceseaYy _
<br /> for xfthdrae�i.ng mo�eya belongfug �o me.
<br /> 3. To aell, treuiofer, exahP►nge, mor,tgage, encut►fber by securi�y ag�eement, or eny
<br /> other E��ca o� er.�nbrancc m.y real eatnte ran.d pes�sene��. property, and to exscute and _
<br /> dsliver deecie� including tleeds vf warranty, contracL•s, bills Af eale. ►nortgaqe9,
<br /> �s�curity agreements and othor doaumentd ►iec�assary to �,ct ia CS]CYy�L:,n� ot+*_ theae ___„�_
<br />_ �sv�texe. %�::�
<br /> 4. To collect, eue, compromise or otherwise di�pose of any claim or deb� due or __
<br /> payable to me, and �o pay, compromiae or otherwi9e discharge rind secure releases from � -_
<br /> any obligations owed to me.
<br />