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<br /> ..3I�_�XTLxs�tir. sr�vzrxss c,_Ilv?�t_�ABQCT�T'i� � -- .scorpaPador,ap�+i�nd
<br /> �nd�xi�tNq urxMr the I�vw of lIES�HI�a whoN addr�sr 1�_.22L5�'-'''!' rnt�rR�r axyr„�*„____.� —
<br /> rsQ�,,�n Tat�, ►r.ewo�ax� 6Aep�-ieoo _.r.... _.1'I.enda9.
<br /> �MVEYAMCE:Fw vNw ncdwid�Sorrow�r Irnvoo�4�V Qr+r��nd eonwy�to Teuat�,in trwt,�vith P�w�of saM,t�nM pro�tY�of w14eh
<br /> aorcowK M f�vrfiily Niz«i,o.�caa::i t::;:a;:.::.,"�....�,�"�r_. e�!e�!�d M►v��M�P��+�%+���su�to b�i«+pirw(���1�
<br /> �rNr:tf, raryt�. IrwM, Profks,kN�. tx�nwnte. Mndit�n. P�iviMpa
<br /> •�'�•�•ti� y ss HKSre:icu�uia�a -
<br /> MAO��'IITY AA011f.fat �nQe w�I1l�'9�b'!1 �_i�IL2��.��181U_.-------- ' (natoe�l
<br /> LIE�iAt.uss�ewinwi: N,,•�n
<br /> tocat�d tn a•�11�m 2ar.t►NYf. srnr.r. County,Nsbratka. �
<br /> 'iiTtE�Bor�avwr covxianta�nd wu►aMa titU ta ths prop�rty,except fa ---
<br /> �ECUIIf�DEI�T:7hic cloed of Vutt acur��to Lsnder repayment o!tM secursd dobt md the pertormanc�af the��ovemnu md p�ro�mmt�
<br /> �rrow�ir nwa to LontlM u snder thls dead of truat or�under�n�nttrunieMtsscur6d by thbi�daed of truit�ind�all�rtwdif�icatfor�ia,i+xt�iMlorn e J
<br /> rsn�wal�tTxraof.
<br /> TM�curad d�bt la w{d�ncrd bY(l.iat�iS IrutrumsM�and apreements sscura+f by thla deed of trutt�nd tM d�t��tt�ersof.►:
<br /> � A��a�o�*, E�,n r�_y TTY �RiCRM['sN _AATFyTI MAY �z_ �40�
<br /> �Futan Adw�as:TM�bovs amount ie aecured even thouph ell or part of it mey not yst bs edvanced. Future advan�f ars
<br /> cont�mpt�t�d�nd wiil be secursd to the eamo extent�R if enade on the d�ts this deed of tru�t I�axauted.
<br /> ❑Nsvoivkip Itne of aedit a�reement deted ,with 8nitlal annuel InteraK�ate of % .
<br /> Atl�rnount�owed under thi�eQreemant ers secursd evon thouph�11 emounts mry not ye!be�dv�nced.Future�dvancss unda
<br /> the e{xaert+ent ere contemptat�d entl witl bs secured to the eeme extant as IP mede on tha date thia deed of uu�t iy ex�cut�d.
<br /> TM ebove oWigetion lo due end payabio on_ MnY 15, 2neo _� ._(t not pald eHNer.
<br /> Tt�e total unp�W bal�nee securmd by thla deed of uuat�t�ny one time�h�ll not excaed s maximum pdncipal emount o!___ •
<br /> erY •rNe_rai�+m_•tyo unrmwern nue uo/+nn Dollars(0.�,,.�^^---^-� — 1.Plw Intuest,
<br /> plva eny amounta disbursed under the tarma of thim deed of Uust to protoct the security of thin desd of trust or to perform eny af the _
<br /> covsn�nt�caMeined in thb deed of wst,with fntsrest on tuch di�bursemenia. _
<br /> ❑V�ri�bt�Rets:7he interest uts on the obilgation secured by thla deed ot uust mey vary accordtng ta the terma of that obllyation. -�
<br /> ❑ A copy of the loan eqreement conteining the terme undei which the interest rete may vary Is etteched to thls deed of trust end
<br /> - mada�part hereof. ,
<br />__ RWEAS: 0 Commetofsl t�] AqBJ[�t]R�cnrn nsr nr.umR � --
<br /> - — — DE81�3HATi0H OP HIDME&'iEAO -
<br />-- Putw�nt to tha�arm Homes��d Proteation Aet,deai9netlon of homestaad ❑ Is ett�ched to tht�deod of iruat ond made e part hereof
<br /> � h�s tMen diicltkned;tM QitdNmer is att�ched to this deed oi truat end m�d�n part horsof.
<br /> S[Gllle'iUAE8:By�tanlcq bMow�Rortow�e pra�to dw 4rrma�nd�av�n�nt�cont�i�»d In this dond of ftruit,tnciudinp thoi�on pap�2. �nd tn
<br /> - �tty rtd�r�dacHb�d�tLow�+ad by Borro�c�r.
<br />� � �Md/Q���
<br /> - ROBE�RTA J a7N�t6gY!
<br />=� AGKtWWLEOGAAi�IYY:STAT[OF NEBRASKA, c�»nt�m ISLAt1D ,j�At T __County ss:
<br />= TM iprepoinp tmuur►Nnt wu acknowiedped beforo me on this 23F2n-_ day of MAY.�9G —.-
<br /> i by
<br /> rtm�ca�
<br /> Corpor�te a ot tNrn�of Cupa�twn a►rv�rtupl i
<br />' ►atowsNO
<br />;� �cw,owi.aom.n� s 11�1 .on behaif of the corporetion or partnorchip.
<br />�i �
<br /> `!' y comm�� n�xQirw: 19/99/96 - o 1
<br />.— � r�.=tic r. KaaKiQ W`!l' 1►� � I�a3.. INOtKV Muct
<br />— Y"hi�instrum�nt wa�rxepK�d bY.s}i87_3_L_1L119XIE """
<br /> � piBD6��11tER56V9�FIAu.I�C..ST.CLOUD.lAN6�90111�lWJ97-29�11i0AMOCPdATQNEe110191 �ppL# p�67�59 IpagR101YI N�BOi�SKI#
<br /> �� CCD# 0�00000000
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