: �
<br /> .. . .. . . .
<br /> � ��..".
<br /> . .�.. _�_�_
<br /> `"'"-"-''-'�=---—-�' 'r" ._ .. _ . _--- °°
<br /> �.: -=- — __ ..
<br /> �� . . — — --- �-- --
<br /> ;..� -- -
<br /> -�;�' .�;� � � :�'����� �.�i�y�� . „ .......
<br /> -. -�=�==� c�.e�:a��;�r. ' .-- _;.
<br /> .. .{, s c_ ..� ..:::1 r:_.��� m�: :_� c'3 �� _:�:� e:� �;:� �_ -- f--'.: c;�� _a c:���. i s�i:- � (:. - ��';9 I� .t c �... ....� ,,
<br /> —'- psyr»ntb lbrrd�r Pac�lw�-fran &xrower or Tor�xroWw'R bwnetit a�iM b�rppn�d ixn cv mry timriri'n'n�,w..�v.:.::.:�:..:': .:..:�^"..,:•••i�;� -
<br /> " � eKClwlvs o4 fr�txwt al prinabrl,Nuand IDo Inbrwt iu�d M�sn t�Ixincipr+.tP{dwi�ai prap�ymmt of ttw securfd d*bt,accura fa�rry r�aaori,It wiN
<br /> not tMluc�G�xcuM M►'f�k��1�WMrl�wd1 t���xx1�d d�6t is prid in fuN.
<br /> 2.Cl�fnw Ayrin�t 1NN.brrow�t'r11M'bir it t+i�.�s�Nrmnt�.�nd oth�t chape�attrflwt�b{s to ttMp��Y��dw md wiN dMs�xl titl�
<br /> to tM pr Y t ay,aMMa�MhNh Ma�hi M+M���of thta d�dl of Vwt.Lvndw m�y nquk�Bocrowtir to��dyn�ny rlphto,cisims w .
<br /> v doNnu�whioh��+�1r►w�w`�e�}wW�ww��pPN I�bo►cK mrtwi�M to kr�prow a m�inuin th�r propwtY.
<br /> --- �.���=-^-. P^rror,�-r���!!! f�r�thy rro!�r.ity lne�Mecl��tKm� �cc�ptWle t�e I.�ndu xt Borrowsr'��xperts��nd for l�nd�r's bsn�fit. Aq
<br /> (r�x�►w DoMei�s�h�M k►ck�do��w�d�rd cia��k�fovor at L«s�.Lwrclu�wMi bY nimwl w�ioaa p:Ya w• •�:ti�G�....::c.:>c..;ts:w� �_
<br /> � s�t�ild�.�rrsd�r nquN'M�mort9p���o�MK'�qna M muirillAn sueh int��M to��LNwlsr t�pr�Y
<br /> '� 4.Pre�ety.9arrowK wiN kwp tM prop�+ty In�ood candlriore�nd mak�NI n�ka nran�blY r�u�a�1r.
<br /> B,E��.RorrowM'+prN�to pny N!Und�r'�ex�ns�•,inck�dN�p ne�onsbl��ttarnYS'iwr,I}Borrowe brerk�sny cown�nt�M thit de�d
<br /> of tru�t a In MY oblijlatlon��txx+d by thlt ds�d n1 truat.Borc4w�r wi11 peY th��emounts to L�nd+r at provid�d In Cownmt 9 of thb de�d of
<br /> - uwt.
<br /> - ._ ,
<br /> �,►�{er�q�y Y�Mn.UnNu Borcovw►fk�t abt�kn LMtdK'�wrftton conwnt,Bonow�r wiN not mak�a pumit my chs�qw to�ny --
<br /> -- s�a�riH IntK� h.�omow�r wiN 1»►torm W oU Bortaww'� oMipnion�urW�r�ny P►lor morto�. ds�d o1 trust a athsr��curitY r9� t.
<br /> InckMk+O Bwrow�r'�cown�ns to mak�p�ymonts wtwn dw.
<br /> 7.��t of M�Mt�end hollq.Bortow�r a�ulgns to 6�nd�►ths rem,�and protfta of t}w prop�rty.Un(ru BerrowN�nd L�r�r havr p�Nd
<br /> othK In writinp, &xrow�r msy colbet�nd ntein th��sMR ts lony at 8txrowor le not in dHwit.If BarrowK d�favtt�, I.�nd�r,UndK'� __
<br /> -- �p�m,w�cart�ppcJnt�d ncNwr may uka pouas�bn�nd m�nsy�ths props�sY�nd adNct tM nnt�.Any rant�L�odsr eoN�ctt�h�N M
<br /> �ppihd tkat to tM corU ot m tiw prapKtY.I�q caKt cott��nd marn�ys' fNS.wmm4sbn�to ront�l�Wn tY,�nd My ottwr
<br /> rwu�R+wV rMet+d�xpsn�N.Th�r��i ninp�mmmt of nnts fp tMn apply 4o p�ym�ntr on tM wcured d�bt�n providxl in Cown�M 1.
<br /> S.L�wFaMls•CoMbniNik�:Pfrwwd UNt LY�vMopn�t�.BoROwe►� �ss to com�'.y W�ih iiia�7dti�-a�a�l:0}srty kr-.�ff th!e c.+e•.d of ws4!s on --
<br /> uedr�tth»�co�vwtui�itsa b lawc or i�pul�NaiN of tha con�d�omfMum a pl���anh de���efoa��tnt.Rorrawer wfll pxform all of Borrowar's dut�e� �
<br /> -="'—'-=:.=, 8.Autl�ity of lacda to PMfam t�BorrowK. Ii Borrowar fuila tuperfam env o!BoROwer's dut!e�undar thfs dNd ot trur'i, Land�r may `__
<br /> p�rtorm th�duUst nt c�ut�th�m to hs p�tformed.Lender rnay c��n 6orcowsYs�am�or psy er.,r,nt:unt ff neces�ery ter performoncs.ff any `_
<br />_ -- sec�wiry i [n�ereit In he pro�pertyaThls ma�y I�ncude compted g the con�u�ct�lanm����'Lender m�V do whstewr ii necusrry tu protect Lende►'�
<br /> Lender'�hflur�to ps�iam wlll�ot pnclude L�nder from exmrclmfrp any of ft�other r(ghte ursder tha faw or thls deed of trust, �
<br />___- - a�� witl biar Intsnit iram t?i�d�ie o}tt�ieLpeyment u til p(dtln full st t e f�ter etr te In mife�ct on the secured deDt una w!11 be due on demarM _
<br /> ---° abOtq�t�bn�asc���d b���de�dt oatr et a iny�la anortpipepn�diendt q?Vuatu4ander�m y�ecceterate t�M ma u�Ity of t s�eecur�debt and
<br /> -�a dsm�nd tmm�dl�N paymnnt end may Invok�tM power of�ate and any other remsdles permitted by eppllcable law. _
<br /> V���- t 7,p�quMt for l�loHc�of WfrWt.(t la hueby requeated th�t copter of tne notice� oi defauh and eaie iw aei�i iv oa����r�n�:a isoY'�
<br /> _,�z=�� hereto,at the�ddress of esch such peaon,as�et forth hereln.
<br />'�"��"`"�� ' 12.Pow�r of S�M.14 tM Lender Invokes tM powar of ale,the Truatee shetl tirst rocord in the office of the replster of deede uf eacb counry�
<br /> �. �4•��� wMr�in ths tru:t propKty or soms pKt a parcel thereof Ia eftueted a notice of detault cont�lninp the Intormation requirsd by i�w.The Truatao -
<br /> ---�=�" shs8 tl�n mall copNs of tho noUcs of detault to the Borrower,to each peraon wha Ia a pany horoto,and to other persons�tpr s�crlbad 6y _
<br /> �"�°� eppltr,abb law.Nat ks�thm one month efter the Trustee rocads the notice of deteutt, or two monthe If 4M uwt propsrty is not In any ._
<br /> '�y� incorporatsd c�ry or vfllape and Is us�A In farenlnp operatlons carrled on by tho truator,tM Trustoe shall give publlo nodero ot sel�to the peraom
<br /> -=� anr7!n tM msnner prescr{bad by�pppllaibte I�w.Tastee,wlthout demmd on Borrower,ahal{aall the propsrty at publ�a auction to th�hbhee� �� .=
<br /> -°'� bldd�r.if requk�d by tM Farm Home�tsad F�rot�ctlon Act,Trustee shatl ofter the propertv In twa separate sdea es requfred by applicabN I�w. �.�
<br /> Y� Trua�s m�y�oostpons����of all a any parcel of the propsrty by publlo ennouncsmont a4 the tlme and pl�ce of�ny pravlously sciiedulsd ea1a.
<br /> -`�"� LerM�r or It�doclynse m�y purchne the property at�ny eele. �:'
<br /> --�,;.�wr,u,A
<br />--::�.z�ss�� Upon recelpt of peYm ent of tha prlce hld,Truetes�hall deliver to the purchaeer Truatae's dead conveylnp Rlw.D�oPe�'N•T�b rocltlals contatned In ��°
<br /> �,.;�� Trciateb's deed eh�ll be prims faele evldlencs of the wuth of the etatemente�contatned therein.Truatee sholl appty tho proceodu ot tfie sate In the r.rc•°*
<br /> �,d� foilowlny ordar: (�1 to ell enpmte� of the �da, Includlnp, but not Ifmlted to, reaaonable Trustee's feea, ratscnab'.o a�orney'e feea and
<br /> �„-�"'�9 ►elnstatement feaa;(b)to all suma cecurnJ by thts doed of uust,end(c)tho balence. II eny,to the persons leflelly enYltled to roaelve It. �;�r;
<br />_ �n�s�
<br /> .,::�:
<br />_�y,`� -""'`�-�� 73.Fondoauw.At Lender'e optlon,th}s deed of trust may be torectased In the mflnner provlde by appllcable law for tareclosuro of mortyapes f�?;
<br /> - ,T:,�_�.,� o�real property -
<br /> ::�-i�:..�,,:s:i f,l
<br /> =a,mn�cs�a 14,Insp�atla�.Lendor mey enter the property to Inspect It If Le:��ar glveu Borrower notice beforehand. The notic9 must etate tha roasonable
<br /> -"""�""' C011Stl fot LErldE�'!If18p86t100.
<br /> �� 16.Co�xJe►x�atlon•Borrower asslgna to Lender the proceeda of eny ewerd or cleim for damages connectad wlth e condemnatfon or other taking �,�,'.�1'J
<br /> 1�--i-:`�•.':, .
<br /> r of dl or eny pert ot the property.Such proceeds wlll be eppllad as provlded(n Covenunt 1.Thta essignment le subJect to the terma ot nny prlor
<br /> ,. , ` „�;�;� securitv ettroement. .
<br /> •`�;,,7=: 78.►1l�dvw.By exorclsing any remedy nvallable to Lender, londar does not glvo up any rights to tater uce eny other remedy.By nut exerclsing
<br /> ��- • any remedy upon Borrower a deteult,Lender doss not walve eny rlght to later consldor the event e defeult ff It happene apaln.
<br />_�'.•.'�."'"7-_�- ,,i
<br /> �:�-`� ::'. 17.Jd�rt �nd Sw�rN Ll�blit�y Co•�fgn�n; Succusora �nd Aulgn� Baund.All dutlea undor thls deed o} truat ere Jolnt and soveral. Any
<br />- -�`-s..;��.s• Borrower who co•slgna thle deed of truet but does not co-slgn tho undorlyln dobt Instrumentls) doea so only to grent and convay that
<br />.�,;��.,�-_,,:, %r Borrower's Intareat in the properry to tho Trusteo under the terme of thls deed o�truat.In addltton,such a Borrowe�agreos that tho Lender and
<br /> � � any other Borrower under thle deed of trust moy extand, modliv or mako any other chanqes in tha terms of thls dead of truat or the socurod
<br /> _;�:'���._� .�•, debt wlthout tAet BorroweYe consent and without releasfng thet Donower fram the terma of thle deed of truat.
<br /> =�;` �� 7he dutlea and beneflte of thls deed of truat ehall bind end benetlt tfie successors end essigns of Londer and Bo�rower.
<br /> . `.a..:. �
<br /> 7$.Notk�.Unle��otherwiae requfred by low,eny notico to Borrower ehnit be plven by detiverinfl It or by mailing It by corttflod mail eddressod to
<br /> "^ �`=i-,�� 8orrower et tM property addreaa or enV other uddresa thet Borrowor hee piven to Lender.Borrower wIU glve any notico ro Londer by certlfled
<br />':,„•.• .�, mall to Lendor'e eddraae on pnpe t ot thle deod of truat,or to eny other eddrose whlch Lender has doslgnated. Any other notEco to Lender chall
<br /> r,��� be eent to Lander's addrosa aa stated on page 1 of thle deed of trust.
<br /> : ,. r.�::��
<br />-::�'"���`.�' Any notico shtll be deemed to heve been piven to 8orrower or Lender when glven In tho menner eteted ebova.
<br /> -�+'�*'�" 18.Tranihr ot tM ikop�rty w�Bwwflelal Mt�rat in tho Bonowar.I}ell or eny part�f the property or eny Intere�t In it Is sold or tranaferred
<br /> �• without Londer's pr(or written consent, lender msy damtnd Immadfato pnymcsnt ot thn secured debt. Londor may olao demend Immediete ,
<br /> paymont If tt�e Dorrower le nat n neturel pareon end o beneficfal Intereat fn tho Borrowor Is sold or tranatortod. Howevor, Londor moy not
<br /> , • �,•�.� demend paymont In the ebovo altuetlona if It Ia proh�btted by foderel law aa of the date of thla daod of trust. j
<br /> - ' ` ��" 20.R�convayinoe. Whon tho oblipatton sncured by thle deed of trust hes been pald and Londer hoa no turthor obllgatlon to mako odvancos �
<br /> '�°'' undar the Instrumerits or o9reemAnte securod by thls d¢ed of trust,tho Truatao shalf,upan writton roquoet bV the Lender, recon4ay the Vust i
<br /> •••�'��'°�•=•'e, � „�an.nv.Tha I.endar shall dellver to 4he 6nrrawer,or to Barrovuer's succesaor In tnterest,the trust dood and tho note or othar evldence of tho �
<br /> ='�"';; � �b�fg�tiun so eatlatlnd.Borrower shall pny eny rocordatlon costs. i-,
<br />- ti.�,�.:,-_ • i
<br /> 2!. Succusor Truates. Lvndot, ot Londer's option, mey rqmove Trustao end eppolnt a successor trueteo by flret, mefling o copy of tha �
<br /> � sueaUTutlon o}trusteo es requlrad hy eppllcable lew,end then,by flllng the substitutian ot trusteo tor rocotd In the uffice of tho registnr ot doods
<br /> ot e�Ch county In whlch the truat property,or 6ome part theroof, fa sltuated.Tho succosoor truatoo,wlthout convoYence of the property, ehell I
<br /> oucceed to etl the Qowor,dutlea,authorlty end tltla of tha Trustoe named In the deed of truet nnd of nny succossor trustoo.
<br /> i v.'� . . p' I
<br /> .
<br />- - 4.
<br /> I
<br /> ...� , j
<br /> � fP�gs 2 0/21
<br /> �,.
<br />___t.�'F1�>:,� bANKE1196Y8TEM9,INC..BT.ClOUD,MN6630717�800•397•IISNIFONMOCP�lATO•l7E8/10/91 •
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