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<br /> _ �_:�.,,,:.Y.: hc��u;z�ca�aaJ�agr..:,tc��ttrnd. :Yur�t:,�. f��t�a+��.ar mn&c c�ns oihe3'i!CCOiIiillflCII31IU11S�vitlt reg�rd tu thc tcrms of this �_�y-_-y_
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<br /> � r' lk:cd mf'd'►us4 eai�4Str,Noic,�vithorit¢tiat Mit�urm:cr's cos��.ent au�!vrlti�c�nt n:1c:15111�;<<lttf I30I1'U'd'CY nr ti�a�iify����thi,M�:cA ` —
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<br /> " " � . j�. I�OL9C�a EXCZPY fOP(fi1V AOtiCi:CC�i11Ci33 lli�(iCi A}ts iica+aic iati�iu'u;:givc�i iii uin�nii�_i uwure:�Qiii�;:�::^::��:::: -
<br />-`-'--�'°`=� Aa�rxowcr pruvide�!tbr in thls lked�f Truyt shatl be gtr•�n by deliveriug it ar by a�afling sueh r�otfca Gy ceril�ied fn�il !�=,-:_�=�-�---
<br /> --°-- -�� addressttl to Eiotxower at the Pro�rty Addres�or�t auch othcr address es P�arrower m�y designate by nottee t�I�:nd�r
<br /> _°��`'Y'�^��"''� as pKOVIde�!herein,and(b)any no9lce to I.cnder shall br,givcn by cerUti�d mxil to[.cndee's nddte�s etsted hcrein�r to ,�,n,,...__._
<br /> --- such other�ddKes:�a Lender may designste by noti�b to 8orrower u provided harcln. Any natice providcd fur ln thlt � Y
<br /> _.__
<br /> `""�`x`'°'�'�.� T)eeA of'Crust shall bs�eemed ta havc been given to Borrowcr ar Lcn�lcr when given in tho m anncr Ge�lgnated hKre n. F
<br /> �� ----
<br /> -,,a
<br /> 13. Co�Knln�I,�r�t���h'•The state�nd locat laws applicabte ta thts�hed of'i'russ sha�l t�the iRws nti the
<br /> _ ��;`" jurisAiction i��whlch t?►e Property ls Aocs►ted.7I'he foregoing sentence shail nat Ilmit the�ppiic#bility of�cder�l law to _,_ - -
<br /> _�; this Detd of 1'rust. In the evtnt 4hat �+ny proviston or�lAUSe cf this Iked qf Trust or the Nota c�nflicts wlQh agpllctble �;y��,�„�
<br /> � law,such confltct shatl not at�'ect other�tovisions of this Iked of Trust or the Note which can be given ef�'ect without tha _-----
<br /> �� �,•�. �,�� .-.
<br /> ;...+� contlicting provision,and to this end the provislons of this DeGd of Ttust and the Mote are decfara!ta 6e severable.As ,�� �,
<br />=-�?`�-��`���;' uscd hercin,"costs","eapenses"and "st�torneys'fees"include all sums tm the extent not proMbited by appllcable Isw or -"��,�.�.��4�:�•:
<br />-
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