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<br /> -----,--;};� THIS L)E�D Or TRUST is m�dc thi�s..g��_silly�R�odcfard���,,,,�...................... . ...........�9......... �
<br /> ------� among thcTruscor,..���...D� Hoa;t,O�;E 'o ..................
<br /> — -- (herein "eor.►uwer'). �1!�!!'X :��� •�•�;...............................
<br /> ------a"� Ihrrein'"fn�stcc").undthcBene�ciary ..dJDI�O.. ..... . .............................................. `
<br /> :��R3�a� a�.�e��4 ��nizedandexistir��under[hcla�vsof �'^?±:..r„"�"""r„"............................................... �-
<br /> -- -= = u•hose:::ldres:i�..P.,+�....�l. ��.��..��t.�.d0229,..................................(hen:in"L,ender'). �
<br />-__���s� :�� � .
<br /> �.r:n,�:.t.�..r_ f�
<br /> " w�`�!'- BORRO�VER.in consideration��f the�ndebtedness li�rein recitcd And rhe trust herein�re�it�d, irrzvocably�rants; �a�:
<br /> :=n.,�.._�—•y•t':
<br />`,.���F T� •�nd con�•eys to 7Yustee. in trus[, with power of sale, the following descnbed properry located in the Caunty of ��
<br /> �:�. � ....................................... ..... Stute of Nebrasku: ��_
<br /> i.n��: ............... ----�
<br /> 1.�i�' i� �'�'=_
<br /> i�l"
<br />��:��i � �/.
<br />;..�'�','. ;� 1111 of tA� p�+o�s�tt loaated at X�19 M Si.s4h �rt , 9,u tbe F:�4-�
<br />:=�:r: ..:. A� °_-
<br />-�-;'' . ',,. CitY/�►illa�a of cirand Ialand , �tt a� 1�1S�L � �_
<br /> - �'' t Bt.�te of � , �t Mh,1.ali t]� Bors^aw�sr/OMO�r haw aa o�r�h�.9. 1�'id or oth�r ---
<br /> '�. �,.Y,M,.� ..r...�a1�..� n.s the aa�Alt7.e titlod =--.-
<br />"-;.,.:pb1�1'.�1•- 1�1 �pt.lZ"Nt.. '171� �''L� le ll�s P�swa+a�aw��� — -- —--
<br /> "a ��.:, '�� . � "�litioo�tl Px'o��tY As�a�t��►' ��► is attaabsd bRrat.a� a� Eat�ib�it �, ---_r.
<br /> ��ss_='
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<br /> Z!� 3ors�oMSS/O�er do�a yxr�rabr aout�orisa ths 1to�t+�a�e/�f
<br /> , �' ' ar itat�sNigeis to obtalu a ao�+e det�ilad pr�r dwarip�tiaa afLue the
<br /> �i';�� .� �;, a��th*th�/ �srautr/Owa�r bas si9nod t.bt�rtga�pe/Y1s�d o ?�ust�tt.�ch �it l�
<br />_:_�.�,�;� �-
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<br />_ ::����;� .�: .......... �3��._
<br /> :v� a„
<br /> _ � .�.� �
<br />' .,��•�•�r,.�. which has the ncldress of...�,4?.9.1�..8.�7G�ba.&'�'�t�. ............................... .�+F�#�}.. f�+(N�,....... . .f...,�
<br /> -�_�'}'� L�, (sueoij� (C��y� . .
<br /> r��%�� . NebmSka. .bi�80�. ..................lhcrein"Yroper[y Addrrsti..�; �`�,
<br />•�'.+;.,;,��,i�;� ................ �t�pCodej� -•:,�
<br /> TC1GE'THER with ull the imprrnements nuw on c�reafter erccted on the property,an�all easements, rights,appurtc- �
<br /> -..� ,•,, nances�nd tents(subject hoti�ever tn dic ri�,hts and ,iuthorities given hrrein to Lender to collect and apply such rent,),
<br />- :•'��.:�:',' all of o•hirh shall hr deemed to be ancl r�main a part ��f the proper�y cu��ered by this Deed of 7YusC anJ all of the ,
<br /> •'.`..;.i';�.�;�� 1
<br /> �-..;:;,..�� foreg�ing. togethcr�vith said pmperry (��r the leasehuld estate if this Dc�:d of 1Yust is on a I��a,�hold) aiz hereinaftcr
<br /> �-_,. ....� '•
<br />` ...i ° `�" referredtc� as thc"I'roperty..: � y��
<br />.;,,... ..._,.
<br /> =...,�°.�..,,•.�•- T05ECURE to Lender the repu��mrut nF the i nJebteditc5s evidcncc�i by Barrower's ito[e dated....`.'.`:..........�..........
<br /> � _�,
<br /> • • andextensionsandrenewulsthereoflherrin"Nc�tc"I. intheprincipaltiumofU.S.S.........�5.OQ..O�..........................
<br /> , with interetit thereon,providing f�r monthly insca�lmcnts uf principal and intcrr.t, witl�the balunce of thc indebtedncss,
<br /> . ,� .Y
<br /> , i.-;:�• if not sonncrpaid.due and p:�yable on.I1�pi'OSi1�te],Y..a.20.71911t.N..�1Gw.�.L.S�A9'.at................:
<br /> ' the p.eyment of all o[her sums. �vith interest theROn, iidvanced in accordunc� herewith to protect thc security of this
<br /> . � � �'• �, Deed ofTi•usr, and die perfornum�:e of the cov�nants and aL.reements of Bormwcr hercin conta;ned.
<br /> �z� F3ormwer covenants that Borro�ver is lawfully� seiseJ of'thc estiue hrrcby com�cycJ and has the right a� gr.utt and
<br /> � "` ' �" eonvey Ihe Pmperty, and that tlie Pmperty is unencumbcred, except f'or encuntbrances of t�:cord. Borro�ti�er cu�•enantti
<br /> ' - ...,`` � that Borrower warr,mts and will defend gener.tlly the title tu lhe Properry cigainst all clai►ns and demunda. subject to
<br /> �r� encuinbranccs nFrecord.
<br /> ' ^+ UNIFUIt!�1 GOVENANTS. Dormwcc and LrnJcr�o��cnant a�id ngree as fnllows:
<br /> " ,�,'�` . 1. I'��ymrnt of Prinrfp�il �utid huerest.Bcttro�v�r tihall prrnttptly p.�y when dur thr principal cmd interetit iudcbtcd-
<br /> . �
<br />�..�..,•� . uctis r�•idenCeJ bv the Ni�IC.utd la[e ch.u��e+ati pm��ide� in thr Notc.
<br /> -- • .. .. . ••• -- .:. ._�.. � .....,.... u..............•.�,,,n �,:,. �_
<br /> ,�_.__ _,,
<br />- ,Z. �'lUl(�ti �IIP 71�xcs �i�u! Insuruncc. SUl1�CCl�17 Qr[�Ill'.IOII'ta�r u� :� a•imc�i .ru�.�� ... ......,... ..........__ ...._.. �_,
<br /> - � to I.ondcr on thc day nwntlily paymrnt,01'printipal.uid inten`yt ar�payablc un��r tltr Nutc. unul thv Nutr i�paid in
<br /> . ,L . t'ull. a sum lhcrcin "Funds"1 cyual to i,nL•t�vclfth uf thc yearly taxcti anJ asscssmcntti linclucling crniduminium and
<br /> . " plan�.cd ueiit dc��clopmr.nt nssrssnicnts, if any I�vhich muy aaain pric�rity mcr this Dccd of 7Yus[. and rmund rent, ai
<br /> � ,, . . ; i tllo Ptrop�rly, if,u�y, plus onc-t�v�lftti of ycarly premiu�n installmcnt� F��r hatard insurancc, plus unc-t�vclfth of ycarly .
<br /> pitimium instullmcnts for mortguNc iiztiurance. if uny. all as rcusonably c,titnat�d initiully� .uid from tinzc tu timc by I..
<br /> " ' Lend�rnn thc basis of c►sscssnunts.md bills und iti.isonablc cstiinut�s thennf. Borrower shall not b���bliE:�trd w makc
<br />' tiurh paytncnt�ot'C'unds tu Lcndcr to thc extent that Borco����r makc:s,uch p:►ymcnts tv dtc holder oF ci prior murtNcigc
<br /> � , or Jecd uf trust if such hold�r iy un institutional Icndcr.
<br /> '�. •� NG1iRAgKA
<br /> " GT-15�28•05018/90) �
<br /> � �enkoro 5Y6IVmf.Inc.St CIOUJ.MN SG302(�•OW397•2341� L90 oi�id�rvE CUSTOMI2ED CJ
<br /> ••: .,.. ...._.---o.or�--,..r=.-_.'- ._... .
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